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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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maybe we can trend YONGSEO on twitter today and tomorrow?































































  a simple gesture for their upcoming 200th day :wub:































































I want to do that ^^... but I´m a fool about twitter so how exactly should I do that? sorry for my ignorancy...
































Few hours to go!!! I wanna try streaming today (3 am for me) hahaha all for our yongSeo :)
































Edit: just 3 members??? OMG it feels weird :blink:

















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Guest YongSeo
















































Crystal_Malfroy: Thanks for sharing the wonderful fanmade videos by ladyahee!! I love them alot especially the second video : YongHwa and SeoHyun - Geu De Ji Gum. Towards the end of the video, there is this scene in epi 8 that yonghwa was looking lovingly at Seohyun. Could feel that his love was emitting from his eyes!! There was so many nice scenes in epi 8. Yonghwa feeling apologetic and vv sorry to see Seohyun going through the pain of blood donation.
































come to think of it.. it always leaves an enjoyable memory when CN BLue other members join in the filming e.g. epi 7 when the brothers-in-law arranged such a sweet surprise for them!! I fell in love with the song that they sang " Can I Love you- by Yurisanja".
















If you are interested, could take a look at this video with this song : http://www.youtube.c...feature=related.
















I believe this video has been posted long ago but just want to recap their first meeting etc... =)
















So I'm really looking forward to their second session with CNBlue other members!!! yay!!!! 5 more hrs to go~~~

















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Guest Crystal392
















































YongSeo: kubih and MsAthena uploaded the episodes on mediafire and megaupload. Does anyone have the linkS? Also you can watch the videos on SeoHwa facebook account ^_^
















_d3seohyun: fengz is also tempting me to do another bet... xD xD so anyone wants to bet? fengz, what if he kissed her forehead? *faints* hehehe :lol: I think trending would be a good idea. what should we trend? YongSeo? #gogumalove? :o
















scatterbrain: Don't worry ^^ Actually, YongHwa wanted SeoHyun to use banmal because that would mean she is close with him... because he is older she should speak formal with him but he asked her not to because they are married. He just didn't know it would be hard for her because she isn't used to :) Thanks to YongSeo I get to learn more about Korean culture.... there was an article that explained more this, I think c1ockz shared it but I don't have the links, I think it was posted on dramabeans.. hmmm
















panGG: aww thanks blush.gif hehehe I guess it's because Jungshin is 4D xD Jungshin chingoo from Avatar world. Yeap, their perf will be aired on Sept 4.
















my.yonghwa.baby: I just read your article!! *thumbs up* Let's spread Goguma love!























YongSeo Couple To Perform As A Band








By: my.yonghwa.baby































fabregas: What pics? Actually based on his latest pics @ Singapore and HongKong showcases I think he has lost some weight :P I PMed you.
















goldflower: Welcome to Goguma Planet!!! *throws confetti* :)
















magdal: I think soompi is acting weird again. It froze and I closed the window and opened it again and the page never loaded. Luckily this time it worked :)
















YongSeo: You are welcome ^_^ Yes I loved that scene, he just looked at her lovingly and then he looked at the camera and shooked a bit his head, probably remembering they were filming. :wub:

















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I suddenly have this wish to see Yonghwa kissed Seohyun's fingers so that the wound can heal faster or at least blow it. Maybe he will be like the episode when they both went for the blood donation. Refused to let her do anything, become her "furniture" or feed her!

I am also going crazy here.

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Guest t.sarahsarah






i can't wait for today episode to air..how will yonghwa react to seohyun injury and how he take






care of his wife we'll find out later today..






during the couple performance i hope that they can wear that sailor costume together..






it will be really cute :wub:






anyway please love and support this adorable couple..don't bash them in anyway !! hehe



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Guest YongSeo
































YongSeo: kubih and MsAthena uploaded the episodes on mediafire and megaupload. Does anyone have the linkS? Also you can watch the videos on SeoHwa facebook account ^_^
















_d3seohyun: fengz is also tempting me to do another bet... xD xD so anyone wants to bet? fengz, what if he kissed her forehead? *faints* hehehe :lol: I think trending would be a good idea. what should we trend? YongSeo? #gogumalove? :o
















scatterbrain: Don't worry ^^ Actually, YongHwa wanted SeoHyun to use banmal because that would mean she is close with him... because he is older she should speak formal with him but he asked her not to because they are married. He just didn't know it would be hard for her because she isn't used to :) Thanks to YongSeo I get to learn more about Korean culture.... there was an article that explained more this, I think c1ockz shared it but I don't have the links, I think it was posted on dramabeans.. hmmm
















panGG: aww thanks blush.gif hehehe I guess it's because Jungshin is 4D xD Jungshin chingoo from Avatar world. Yeap, their perf will be aired on Sept 4.
















my.yonghwa.baby: I just read your article!! *thumbs up* Let's spread Goguma love!























YongSeo Couple To Perform As A Band








By: my.yonghwa.baby































fabregas: What pics? Actually based on his latest pics @ Singapore and HongKong showcases I think he has lost some weight :P I PMed you.
















goldflower: Welcome to Goguma Planet!!! *throws confetti* :)
















magdal: I think soompi is acting weird again. It froze and I closed the window and opened it again and the page never loaded. Luckily this time it worked :)
















YongSeo: You are welcome ^_^ Yes I loved that scene, he just looked at her lovingly and then he looked at the camera and shooked a bit his head, probably remembering they were filming. :wub:































Thanks Crystal_Malfoy: I remb that kubih and MsAthena uploaded the episodes on mediafire and megaupload but everytime when i tried to dl, it was v slow and got cut off some time after. So i nvr got to dl it in all. Btw, the Seo Hwa Fans Account only has epi 8 onwards which are done by rundevilrun subs team.

















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d3 & crystal: BETTING!!ya I'm up to it..Crystal I wanted to put in the kiss on the forehead but I take it out coz I'm pretty sure they will not do it..but if they did then it's a jackpot for us..knowing how unpredictable they can be supeising us with all their actions..LOL..and what shall we trend on Twitter??any ideas?
















































































lenovo:I've been daydreaming for the past few days & yes conference is on..hehehe

















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Guest Yukilovesyou

Annyeong potatoes!! Thank you all for all of the news!

I've got class later on so I can't watch the streaming gahhhh. 

Anyway are we trending Yongseo on Twitter? When? I must join in the fun! Kekeke!

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maybe we can trend YONGSEO on twitter today and tomorrow?































































































































































































































































































a simple gesture for their upcoming 200th day :wub:














































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ d3seohyun @magdal @lenovo @yuki : I love the twitter idea and what time should we start tweeting? And what should we write? Should we also tweet at CNBlue's account? * I am in SF and need to work on the time diff. * :sweatingbullets:
















































































































































I have always wanted to retweet messages / vid back to CN Blue's official twitter account so as to show them our support of YongSeo Couple, just not sure if that is appropriate ...
















































































































































@ Crystal and @ lenovo: Hee ... I am only a crazy ajumma fan (nothing queen / king) just happen to have a day off today, so I have started to dig up more Goguma news and rewatching ep 1 to fill my weekend with loads of Goguma Love! :lol:









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Guest Crystal392






Sadly I won't watch WGM with all of you today. I am really tired and can't focus on anything.


Have lots of fun and spazz about the latest news.


We have to decide when are we going to trend YongSeo. :D


Goguma hwaiting!



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Guest Angel27391






I wanted to comment on my post since there's another fanmade MV released.. and this time G.Na's part of the song..




kyaaaaaaaaaaaah you guys should watch these videos :)




What I want to do when i have a lover - YongHwa




What I want to do when I have a lover - SEOHYUN






It's really sweet!!! I love every "Baby Baby Baby " & "Boo Boo Boo" parts and I would repeat the videos over and over!!


The lyrics matches the YongSeo moments!! It's like a song made for them!!!










[Hyun~ version-What I want to do when I have a boyfriend]


If I have a boyfriend, there will be so many things I want to do.

I've dreamt I have a boy friend like that.

The first, kissing him in the street.

The second, catching the early train for Chooncheon with him.

The third, going on a picnic with him.

The fourth, the piggy back ride.

The fifth, couple-ring is basic to our love.

boo boo boo



It'll be really sweet.




The thought of it makes my heart flutter.


I'll try to do every one a day with you.


I'm so happy to be with you.


I'm so happy we both are together.


You're a real treasure to me.




Baby baby baby baby baby boo~






[Yong~ version-What I want to do when I have a girlfriend]


If I have a girlfriend, there'll be so many things I also want to do.

I've always envied others with a girl friend.

The sixth, I'll go to late night movies with you.

The seventh, I'll go to amusement parks with you.

The eighth, I'll hold a surprise event for you.

boo boo boo I'll be really happy because of you.


The thought of it makes my heart flutter.


I'll try to do every one a day with you.


I'm so happy to be with you.


I'm so happy we both are together.


You're a real treasure to me.




Baby baby baby baby baby boo~







The second, catching the early train

The third, picnic with him.

The fourth,piggy back ride.

The fifth, couple-ring

The sixth, movies

The seventh,amusement parks

The eighth,surprise event


All done, so the one and only left is...Hehehe!!! The first!! :w00t:



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so.. are we tweeting YONGSEO?






also i just wanted to say or i guess wonder if they celebrated their birthdays together? i know this might be posted before or something, but i really dont think i can go find the right dates. but i remember that their birthdays were close, then confirmed it to june 22nd and 28th. then the recording for this coming episode today was before their MCing on Music Core (I think, not too sure) which someone had posted pictures of seohyun with a bandage. so maybe in the next episode (next weeks, or week after) we might get to see a birthday celebration or something. that would be really great. but again... just making a statement because i'm so lost about their timeline with recordings and stuff.


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Guest lenovo






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just got back from lunch, and I had some thoughts while I was daydreaming earlier -waiting for my food... hehehe. Was pondering pondering - when suddenly i was reminded of LUCKY - the song they were listening to in the train on the way to be beach. It's a DUET.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Omo, Omo, Omo!!! Could they be singing that? It's easy to play also. so I was just thinking.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Whew!!! So glad i let it out...
































































































































































































































































































































































































ppsf Yah, ajuma? ur more like an Unnie... hehehe.
































































































































































































































































































































































































TWITTER? cool! decide on it. so that we can super Tweet - esp with my twitter bffs fengz, clumsy, naz. hahaha!
































































































































































































































































































































































































fengz --- yay! i'm so excited for the conf. bezbezbez asked me to TEXT her the WGM details coz she'll be missing the episode for her exam.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, Yuki too??? wow, every student is really busy with school ei? Thank God I'm over and done with it. hehe.
































































































































































































































































































































































































TO THOSE WHO HAVE THEIR TWITTER and wants to share it. Can you POST your twitter accounts here so that we can add you???? --- Love lots everyone!!!!

































































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Guest haeanna








I am so so anticipating this week's episode that I decided to streaming later..








But the problem is, I'm using my sister's lappy and I don't have the link..








Any kind soul can give me the link to streaming??








Cyber hugs and kisses in advance ~~ :wub::D:)B):lol:^_^












EDIT: @ lenovo








I also wanna join in the tweets galore..








here is my acc tweet me








Hope to trend #yongseo or #gogumalove or #yongseokiss or whatever that all of you have decided.





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Guest miel_1301

Before I continue with my backtracking and reading of posts from where I left off let me just follow through this particular post of ppsf...

Thanks, ppsf for providing the link to the HK Q/A segment and thanks for pointing out such keen observation.

edit @ hearbreak_warefare22: At the beginning I thought we were sharing the same NEW link from HK showcase fancam, which Yong had also showed his ring AGAIN in addition to his interview in Singapore showcase ... Sorry that i made a big mistake ... :sweatingbullets:

OK, Credit 柯南公公 from Baidu Sweet Potato Thread This is the link from Hong Kong showcase when Yong was showing his ring TWICE to fans when they boys are being interviewed

This is the best I can cap, please forgive the quality, this is the best I can do and here is the video from Tudou:

FIRST ATTEMPT (low profile) @ 0:02 (for fans in front of him):




SECOND ATTEMPT (much more obvious!) @ 0:05 (for fans to his left) :




OMGGGG ... he is SO BOLDLY declaring his "marriage" status!!!!! Deep down my wild assumption is their relationship is much more stable and solid, that's why Yong is more bold lately?!

Hyunnie ar ... please do something too even we know you are shy ~~~~~ :wub: ... we all are waiting for this Sat's performance!!!!!

Edit: Followed by Yong's hand gesture, this video clip include MC interviewing the boys about their ideal type:

Jungshin - a girl that understand & tolerate him, and a girl wears baseball cap

Jonghyun - a girl that understand and tolerate him, and always be happy when being with him

Yonghwa - a girl that is feminine, well mannered, and honest

*erm ... we already know who she is*

Minhyuk - a girl that a like a friend, a very very good friend that you can comfortably so everything with

I was able to see another vid clip of this part of the Q/A portion but was not able to make such observation because the clip was in such LQ. It was only after you pointed out what you've observed that I re-watched it.

YongHwa was definitely showing off his ring TWICE.

The question about the "I" girl is being asked in Cantonese(?) language so either:

1. YongHwa understands a bit of the said language.


2. He was reacting, responding to the cheers of the audience who, according to fan accounts, were shouting SNSD and SeoHyun's name.

Hence, he made that "bold" move again to show off the ring.

From the clip it was very evident that he loves the "teasing" coming from the audience because boy, of the CN Blue boys he was the only one smiling and laughing like a fool. Out of his excitement, after the question was translated to Hangul, he even attempted to answer the question first until, I do not know why, they gave the turn first to Jungshin. It was obvious that he was liking and loving those moments when he was being teased by the fans about SNSD and SeoHyun.

_d3seohyun, I was wondering why you suddenly stopped from making and giving the thread our daily dose of screen caps of the aired episode. I just told myself, well probably she's still busy saving all Seobaby's photos from the SM Town concert.hahaha! [i am a regular lurker of Seobaby's own thread. hehehe!]

I agree with calei's observation about that elevator scene when Seobaby voluntarily said this time that she's in all blue. It was a contrast to her usual "defensive" mode every time Yonghwa notices the color of her attire. This time she's somewhat saying that I wore all blue purposely for this day because I am visiting the boys.

And let me borrow this specific captures _d3:


cr: _d3seohyun

Now, I know why YongHwa suddenly was feeling all shy and even stuttered in this particular scene inside the elevator--- when he said to SeoHyun that "You are the First"... "You are the first to visit CN Blue's dorm" and even went further stuttering in asking "Have you ever gone to a house with only males?"

He might have suddenly felt the awkwardness in saying and asking those in front of a third party---the camera man. Notice the reflection of the crew on the mirror?

YongHwa could have probably gone an extra length in line with this conversation of SeoHyun being "THE FIRST" had there been no other person with them inside the lift.

Gee, you can really sense that both suddenly became conscious of the presence of the crew with them.

It is in the said "awkwardness" (which this couple has been long criticized for) that renders their emotions the raw and natural feel.

Okay! Now, I have to backtrack a few pages more to read other posts before WGM starts.

Happy viewing of Episode 21 to all Gogumas.

Ah! Here's SNSD's schedule for the remaining days in August.

August Schedule


> [Recording/Performance] 8:00PM Y-Star Live Power Music @ Seoul Jamsil Stadium


> [Performance] 07:00PM 2010 Incheon Korean Music Wave @ Munhak(?) Stadium


> "Super Bad" Press Conference

credit: momonews + 9medz + sosiz


lenovo, I feel good too chancing upon you in the thread. Miss you, too!

Oh! I forgot to thank you for the PM you sent alerting me of clumsy's update. I hope I'm never late to say my gratitude.

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Guest lenovo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































haeanna I sent a request to your account already. mine is Lenovo's Twitter
































































































































































































































































































































































































here's what i'm using.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Miel Unnie good bumping into you again! Missed you much!

































































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Guest oceanprince




hey guys! my exams are partially over! so im here to spazz spazz spazz! im so happy! one of my guy friends, who was really diehard seobaby fans, LOVE OUR COUPLE RIGHT NOW. he said he thought they were boring at first. but bcos of the pool episode, he loves them and he thought they should just date already. hehehe




i literally went mad when i heard cnblue + seobaby is having a duet! i guess seohyun really plays a big part in cnblue's entertainment life. they must have enjoyed each other presence!




i love idea of the upcoming band called CNBLUES. so innovative! thanks for coming up with that name! i can't find who was the one that posted the idea of CNBLUES, it's waaaay back in page 870+? im not sure. im so sorry! but I LOVE YOU. so innovative~ hehehe


CN BLUES = Code Name, Burning Lovely Untouchable Emotional Sweet? i think seobaby would not like to be called sexy (jealous yong too). bcos of her sweet and caring image, S can stand for SWEET as well :D




CNBLUES's debut performance on 29th august! hehe i really can't wait. hehe.


reposting crystal_malfoy's picture and panGG's picture






she fits so well with them! seobaby should be both in SNSD and CNBLUES! hehe. thts my wishful thinking though. yongseobang would probably kill me cos that would tire his hyun buin.






@andalasa: for some reason, i love this gif you posted!






credit: as labelled.


they're playing with their own couple ring! it gives me the warm fuzzy feeling




and reposting sally7's gif




credit origianl gif : on pic + I.said.hi@snsdthread + miel_1301@seohwathread


SHE IS SO PRETTY! I LOVE HER HAIR. oh my gosh. jung yonghwa, you are a lucky man. SERIOUSLY!






Yong answered he liked a girl who was feminine, kind at heart and did not want someone who told lies.






Well, though Hyun seems to be comfortable with these 2 guys, I don't think that it equals to her closeness with them to a greater extent. Actually, I believe that Yong is certainly on top of them, who are just simple male friends, like Minho




thanks for translating the Ideal girl portion of yonghwa's answer.


hmm.. a girl who is feminine, kind at heart and not a liar? sounds so familliar! ISN'T IT OBVIOUS! you are indirectly telling us tht you love her, yonghwa! HAHAHA. oh just ASK HER ALREADY, TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND.






lol. yonghwa is really flashing his ring at every showcase eh! i can't wait for the next one. although hyun didnt wear her ring during the japanese showcase, i'm sure it was bcos of work. she would probably put it on after the showcase. like what yonghwa did when they had their first concert in korea! its for work! its okay! :D




i really love jossa's fanfics. its so real! i mean, i can totally picture that scenario is going on in real life. jossa's latest fic mentioned about singapore fans! i really hope seohyun did received the gifts from yonghwa personally. -prays-


are there any HK yongseo fans that gave them gifts as well? if yes, then seohyun is really loved by CNBlue fans. this is so heart-warming.




for that few more hours awaiting for the new episode to come out, i shall rewatch episode 1 again! i love their awkwardness :D



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Guest miel_1301

Oceanprince...oceanprince...it's good to chance upon you in the thread. I have something specifically for you. hahaha!!!

Remember the vid clip of the Q/A portion of the Fan Meet in SG after their Showcase where you made that epic scream of "SonYoshidae" [sNSD]? I have watched and re-watched it dozens of times.

Here's the very first, initial reaction of YongHwa and Minhyuk after they heard your shout of "Sonyoshidae".

Both YongHwa and Minhyuk turned to your direction with these looks on their faces. hahaha!

From the vid, Minhyuk can be lip-read saying, "Huh?"


cr: on pic

And this is YongHwa when the audience went wild screaming. He made that idiosyncrasy of biting his lip.


cr: on pic

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This week is awesome(how many times have i mentioned this??)..A lot of things has been going on my mind & i've been imagining lots of scene that I want YongSeo to do tomorrow.I'm actually looking forward & more excited for the Hallyu's concert than todays episode..LOL































































































































































Sorry for cutting your post
















































































It's really sweet!!! I love every "Baby Baby Baby " & "Boo Boo Boo" parts and I would repeat the videos over and over!!
















































































The lyrics matches the YongSeo moments!! It's like a song made for them!!!
































































































































































[Hyun~ version-What I want to do when I have a boyfriend]
















































































If I have a boyfriend, there will be so many things I want to do.































































































































































I've dreamt I have a boy friend like that.































































































































































The first, kissing him in the street.































































































































































The second, catching the early train for Chooncheon with him.































































































































































The third, going on a picnic with him.































































































































































The fourth, the piggy back ride.































































































































































The fifth, couple-ring is basic to our love.































































































































































boo boo boo















































































































































































It'll be really sweet.
















































































The thought of it makes my heart flutter.
















































































I'll try to do every one a day with you.
















































































I'm so happy to be with you.
















































































I'm so happy we both are together.
















































































You're a real treasure to me.
















































































Baby baby baby baby baby boo~
















































































[Yong~ version-What I want to do when I have a girlfriend]
















































































If I have a girlfriend, there'll be so many things I also want to do.































































































































































I've always envied others with a girl friend.































































































































































The sixth, I'll go to late night movies with you.































































































































































The seventh, I'll go to amusement parks with you.































































































































































The eighth, I'll hold a surprise event for you.































































































































































boo boo boo I'll be really happy because of you.
















































































The thought of it makes my heart flutter.
















































































I'll try to do every one a day with you.
















































































I'm so happy to be with you.
















































































I'm so happy we both are together.
















































































You're a real treasure to me.
















































































Baby baby baby baby baby boo~















































































































































































































































The second, catching the early train































































































































































The third, picnic with him.































































































































































The fourth,piggy back ride.































































































































































The fifth, couple-ring































































































































































The sixth, movies































































































































































The seventh,amusement parks































































































































































The eighth,surprise event
















































































All done, so the one and only left is...Hehehe!!! The first!! :w00t:































































































































































WOW is that really the lyrics..it does fits them perfectly..Thanks so much for sharing Angel27391..I wonder if the PD's give them the mission according to this song or is it just a coincidence?














































































































































































































































































































































just got back from lunch, and I had some thoughts while I was daydreaming earlier -waiting for my food... hehehe. Was pondering pondering - when suddenly i was reminded of LUCKY - the song they were listening to in the train on the way to be beach. It's a DUET.
















































































Omo, Omo, Omo!!! Could they be singing that? It's easy to play also. so I was just thinking.
















































































Whew!!! So glad i let it out...
















































































ppsf  Yah, ajuma? ur more like an Unnie... hehehe.
















































































TWITTER? cool! decide on it. so that we can super Tweet - esp with my twitter bffs fengz, clumsy, naz. hahaha!  
















































































fengz --- yay! i'm so excited for the conf. bezbezbez asked me to TEXT her the WGM details coz she'll be missing the episode for her exam.  
















































































Oh, Yuki too??? wow, every student is really busy with school ei? Thank God I'm over and done with it. hehe.
















































































TO THOSE WHO HAVE THEIR TWITTER and wants to share it. Can you POST your twitter accounts here so that we can add you???? --- Love lots everyone!!!!































































































































































So lenovo,what shall we trend on Twitter?Let's SUPER tweet YongSeo starting from now till Monday KST..






























































































































































































































































































































oceanprince: I love the CN BLUES photos..May i use it??

















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Guest haeanna
















@ lenovo
























thank you for the link~~ :wub:
















I've followed you also..








let's start the tweets galore..~~
















another couple of hrs to WGM!!! w00t.gifw00t.gif
















the CN BLUES is certainly DAEBAK!!

































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