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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest monie1909

crystal did i remove it allright??oopss..i deleted the whole image.. sweatingbullets.gif i'm such a hopeless case.. crazy.gif

dreamyboo hehe..i hope it is the last one too..The CONFESSION seem more interesting :lol: ..plus,yongseo shipper in me more likely love to believe that one.. :lol::wub:

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Guest Crystal392
















































monie: You did a good job ^_^
















mklavo2: RING ding dong RING ding dong.... :lol: hehehe
















I edited my previous post and post this here:
















*Reposting clumsy's post:















































Posted by Lyna4u on August 26, 2010















































CNBLUE Jung Yong Hwa and SNSD Seo Hyun who film in “we got married” MBC, will form a project band and perform on the stage. According to MBC on Aug 26, Jung Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun will perform as a band together in “Incheon Korean Music Wave” to be held in Incheon MunHwack Stadium on Aug 29.
















They will sing songs of both CNBLUE’s and SNSD’s in the way of how Yongseo couple feel. All the CNBLUE members are practicing hard with them to perform with Yongseo couple in this special stage.
















Source: starnews































Translated by CebunNuna@cnbluestorm































Posted by Lyna@cnbluestorm































News taken from CNBLUESTORM
































it seems like CNBlue boys will assist our couple... anyways, it wouldn't be a band if it's only them (as much as I also want it to be ONLY THEM :wub:)
















I also asked Bossa over at twitter a while back and he confirmed it, the infos that are coming out are true even the songs they will be doing (but no info about the particular songs)















































*Reposting Yukilovesyou post, she translated a messagge from a magazine (check SeoHwa thread page 871):
















Okay, I've translated husband's message to wife and wife's message to husband!
















Yonghwa: My wife, you're really awesome. You're pretty and even good at studying. Because you're very upright, I would set a good example as well~ You've influenced me to read enthusiastically, and thank you for the beneficial drinks you've made for me. Though your culinary skills are not superb, I'm very touched by your intentions and sincerity~ There are some things that I can't bring myself to tell you, so my wife, if you get too close with other men (including 2AM's Jinwoon), I will get jealous~ Do you know that?
















Seohyun: My husband, to me, you're so amazing. You always give in to me, and you give me a sense of security. You're also playful and humourous, never failing to make me laugh. When you're with me, I feel that time passes by very quickly. I love your music, and I admire your talents~ But you don't have to accommodate me about everything all the time, okay? I'll look foward to the day you would be frank and honest about your feelings with me! :)
















The other 2 couples wrote messages to their partners as well, and our Yongseo wrote the longest message for each other. Kekeke!
















Can goguma FBIs interpret when did they get interviewed about this?
















It feels recent to me, and I can totally sense their love for each other LOL:wub:
















Also, I just realised that there's a SNSD poster included in the magazine! Our Seobaby's so gorgeous. B)
































So, are we gonna hold another goguma meeting in Singapore again? Yay! :)































Btw, according to yongseo.exteen.com counter, Yong and Hyun have been married for 195 days. In 5 more days it will be their 200th day anniversary.
















Btw, Incheon concert will be this Sunday right? I wonder if Yong and Hyun will talk about WGM episode that will be aired on Saturday :P

















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Guest crinkle_twinkle
























Hong Kong Autograph Session
















lol he's showing off his ring... :wub:









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I am in office but I want to spazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz to. Been trying to reply since morning but soompi is not happy with me.

When I opened up soompi, I thought everybody was just excited over Yukilovesyou's translation of the messages and the Kpop concert in Singapore when I saw that it jumped 2 pages since i last checked. Then I went and read the thread from where I left it and came to hihi_hehe's posting that they will be performing together. So i thought ok, they will be performing together at the Kpop concert in Singapore, so the last band is CN blue right. Then I read the next 2 posting, then went back and reread hihi_hehe's posting a few times. Then, it hit me!!!! They are performing together as in TOGETHER.

I also want to sing along


3 Cheers for Yong Seo

3 Cheers for Goguma Power

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crystal~!!! ahahahah "jealous yong"... that's a good one! xD kekekeek but i think this performance has got something to do with their popularity too. i've a feeling MBC (issit MBC anyway??? sorry if i'm wrong -.-") is trying to make netizens/fans squeal when they hear seokyu perform, and squeal even more when they hear seohwa perform. i guess it's mostly part of MBC's gimmick. in short, pre-planned? but we all know yong's one wish is to perform with hyun on stage... and thanks to MBC, his wish is coming true!!!!! :w00t: i wonder how do they manage to squeeze in between their tight schedule their rehearsal... ohohohoh who knows hyun goes to cnblue's dorm or practice studio to rehearse when both parties have time? if it's in the dorm i wonder if hyun's used to yong's room by now? whooops! sorry for letting my wild imagination take over me! mianhe~! >.<


monie1909, on 2nd thought, i think they have confessed already? thru' their message to each other (according to yukilovesyou's trans)!!! wahahahaha well, i hope my wishful thinking is true! :wub:




crinkle_twinkle omo!!! cute yong looked so happy showing off his ring there kekekekeke


thanks for the pic~! ^_^


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Guest taemay

after watching minhyuk statement, i wonder... could it be, he want hyuun to be good wife??

like can cooking, or do something which good to be housewife???

hyuun....you must learn cooking with your mom... :unsure:

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Guest lenovo
































































































































































































































































Yey!!!! :wub::wub::wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































I love WEEKENDS!!!!!!!!! Saturday/Sunday






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Best news ever. We all wanted to see them perform together!!!
































































































































































































































































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Guest lollygirl

okay i'm sick of being a lurker on this forum and deciding to comment i'm sorry i haven't already hope you can forgive me :)

omg!! YongSeo duet!!! with the boys too but its like the family band :D hahah coming out and showing how much they care for each other ai this spazzing is going to my head.

and its okay mklavo2 i'm always trying to see the ring on both of them and when i do i smile like an idiot :)

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Guest andalasa































































































































































































































































CNBLUE and Seohyun form a band for Incheon Korean Music Wave Festival































































































































































































































































































































The “YongSeo couple” who are receiving a lot of love as a college student couple in reality show We Got Married will give fans a surprise as they create a temporary band together.On the 29th, the two will perform together as a band for the 2010 Incheon Korean Music Wave FestivalYonghwa and Seohyun will each choose a representative song from their respective idol groups and alter the songs to create a YongSeo couple feel in order to give fans a different fresh kind of enjoyable entertainment. For this special stage event, not only Yonghwa but the rest of CNBLUEmembers are also practicing hard to show fans something refreshing!
































































































This anticipated stage of Seohyun and the four CNBLUE members will be revealed at the 2010 Incheon Korean Music Wave taking place at Incheon’s Cultural Arts Center.
































































































Meanwhile, this event which includes top K-POP idol stars including BoA, Se7en, Taeyang, 2PM andKara can be viewed through Music Core on September 4th which is next week! 
































































































Sorce: allkpop 
































































































*hyperventilating mode*.... ;))..

































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Guest chikaaaaa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*after calming myself sometime by take a walk, do anything...
































































































































































































































































GOSH. i'm still fainting here!!!!
































































































































































































































































OMG i can't believe there will be the day when i finally will see them perform together!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i still want them to perform just the two of them. but hey!!! this has been the best NEWS ever!!!!
































































































































































































































































andalasa unnie!! yes, help me hunt yong down if he didn't do nothing to hyun during the perfomance!
































































































































































































































































crystal aaarrghh!! you're one of my trending friends!! should we trend #yongseokiss so it'll come true again????
































































































































































































































































D3_seohyunhi5yongseo style back!! i won't forgive yong if it's just hi5!! kekeke
































































































































































































































































lyra unnie!! thanks for the news...i'm still fainting!! like you said this is MAJOR!
































































































































































































































































and incheon korean music wave is kinda music festival right?? i demand fancam!! kekeke, am i ask too much??
































































































































































































































































it'll be great if the perfomance will air before wgm special, the one we've all been waiting for. keke
































































































































































































































































since i'm still in crazy mode, i made this notes for hyun, yong, and cnblue boys. i know they won't read it, but i know they can hear me..hahaha,
































































































































































































































































to HYUN: hyun-ah, make unnie proud ok?? make yourself prettier, don't forget to do facial mask the night before the perfomance. ask stylist unnie to pick the best outfit for you so yong oppa will like admire you more. don't be nervous, and if EVER yong oppa do something to you when perform, don't be panic or embarass, just take his hand or whatever, ok?? unnie is counting on you, ok?? HYUN FIGHTING!!!
































































































































































































































































to YONG: YA, don't make us, goguma shippers, who chase you to singapore running around everywhere DISSAPOINTED, OK??? DON'T BE AFRAID Yong, we'll take care of those who will . cold you. grab her hand, back hug her, whatever!!! we'll be watching here!!
































































































































































































































































to CNBLUE boys: help your hyung and hyungsoonim, ok? don't tease them or laugh at them if you guys see them doing SOMETHING suspicious. they might plan something for us, goguma shippers, so please help them make it happen, ok?? don't get jealous cause noona will be here..FIGHTING!!
































































































































































































































































kekeke, pardon my crazy mind, i'm just sooo ecstatic today. well,truthfully i don't care if they'll hold hands or not, as long as i can see these two perform and sing together!!

































































































































































































































































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:lol: all of us gogumas are at an all-time high now!




























1. obsessed with the ring ~PRRRRRRRECIOUSSSSS~! (does it ring a bell? :P )














2. obesssed with Yong~ & Hyun~ collaboration with CNBlue...




























On a side note: MBC should pay Yong~ more advertisement fees since he's showing off his ring at every opportunity... :w00t:












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Guest heartbreak_warfare22












the performace of YongSeo is great news!




at least they can perform together. and surely rehearse. and they would spend more time together. :)




As much as I want that only the 2 of them perform, since they are forming a band, what better people to work with a band than the brother-in-laws.




they will work better since they know each other quite well, thus the performance will be better.




as for yong showing of his ring. guys really do this, especially if their "woman" means a lot to them. we would show off items or stuff related to our woman whenever we can.




as for Hyun. she has her reasons not to wear the ring during performances because she might lose the ring whereas Yong has a lower chance of losing the ring since he grasps the guitar with his left hand most of the time plus doing hand gestures. the duet during SM town concert, she did not wear the ring since it is duet with another guy. also during their performances, all of the SNSD members are not wearing any ring or jewelry of some sort. so I think Yong has more freedom of wearing the ring thean Seohyun. but when she is not performing, she wears her ring.




EDIT: as for the songs, I hope they sing CNBlue's Love light (fans would go crazy if ever they sing this) and Sweet Holiday. for SNSD songs, Tell me your wish (with Yong dancing a little bit) and Gee, since Cnblue already performed this with Yuri and Tiffany.




*I'm already imagining Hyun singing Jonghyun's parts and Yong rapping "I'm genie for you girl" then they both sing at the chorus. I bet fans would go absolutely insane!!





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Guest station-T
















OMG! that's awesome! <3








I'm guessing they'll be singing Love Light








then They'll dance to Genie ROFL









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Guest Angel27391




Oh!!! It's like a dream come true!!! They are finally performing together.


I really hope that they would perform 'Love Light'(one from C.N.Blue) and "Tell me Your wish"(one from SNSD)


since these two songs are very meaningful.




Yong danced to "Tell me Your wish" so why not do an acoustic duet cover with Hyun or even dance and sing together to the original. Hehe!!! :wub:


"Love Light", well, Gogumas thought it was for Hyun but Yong denied it. Even so, we don't know if maybe it was secretly for her?? :lol:




Hyun mentioned that she love "Love Revolution" so it would be reeeeeally sweet if they sang this song.




But I would love it if they did one of SNSD's slow songs,"Complete" or "Day by Day" then they can look into each other's eyes and sing passionately. Sorry, getting kind of over. Just can't help it!! blush.gif




I've made a CF-like video of YongSeo showing the coolness and fierceness of Goguma couple which is totally different from their usual cute and lovely feel.Enjoy!! :D




[Fan made] YongSeo mobile phone CF



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Guest aoi_enma

woah!!! finally ... my dream comes true :)

Yongseo DUET!! It will be AWESOME :wub::wub:

eventough they perform with CN Blue boys it`s ok because the most important thing Yongseo is the main vocal ...

I really feel Hyun already a part of CN Blue family hahahaha :)

For the song , i will choose Love light >>the controversial Yongseo song kekekeke :P and day by day >> i have the feeling that this song will be good for yongseo duet :)

SNSD - Day by Day Lyrics (English Translation)

When I open my eyes, there's sweet sunshine

With the fresh aroma of fruits all around

With a full cup of mocha cafe, I sit on this small terrace

And when I open my ears

There's a sweet melody I hear

It reminds me of your smile

And unconsciously, all the feelings treasured inside me throughout the day

Come back to me again

Even if I chase away all the other dreams I have each day

Even if I try to make myself busy

Love comes floating to me on a melody

It pulls me in as if it's magic

Oh~ Day By Day, Day By Day

I will fill all those dreams with my love

Like a soft cream,

Can you embrace my heart

Please think only of the good things

During nights where the night broke day through my tears

Or days where I smiled all day

With its ever familiar expression that always welcomed me

Was my old violin

Although sometimes I forgot about it

And other times, I hated it

But now I could never lose this precious yearning

Share it together with me

Even if I chase away all the other dreams I have each day

Even if I try to make myself busy

Love comes floating to me on a melody

It pulls me in as if it's magic

Oh~ Day By Day, Day By Day

I will fill all those dreams with my love

Like a soft cream,

Can you embrace my heart

Please think only of the good things

Oh~ Day By Day, Day By Day

I will fill all those dreams with my love

Like a soft cream,

Can you embrace my heart

Please think only of the good things

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What ever is the song, I am ok with it. to quote Yonghwa's answer at the CN Blue press conference in Singapore

If each member has a girlfriend, which song from your albums will you dedicate?

Yong Hwa : Everything except I’m A Loner. Sweet Holiday, Love Light and Love Revolution.

and also

If a female were to join CN Blue as the fifth member, what will be the conditions and how will you make her feel welcomed?

Yong Hwa : We have yet to think about it but I hope she will mix well with us.

Of course, don't have to think about it cos there are only one choice.

Yonghwa and Seohyun will each choose a representative song from their respective idol groups and alter the songs to create a YongSeo couple feel in order to give fans a different fresh kind of enjoyable entertainment.

I wonder what surprise they are going to give us? Could it be that the songs will be combined together and they sing the relevant portion of each song rather than the whole of one SNSD song follow by one CN Blue song. If that is the case I will vote for "I am genie for your girl with I am genie for you boy"

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Guest mandyemily

hihi, always had trouble replying in soompi so this is the first time replying this thread.

so many good news. YongSeo will be performing, there will be the kpop concert in singapore. please let the

last group be cnblue. i wasnt able to attend the previous showcase cuz i have a dance performance.

will be catching this though. only have to figure out how to get hold of the tix. so many pple will be grabbing

them. :ph34r:

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Guest ilovesnowwhite
















































Oh yeah! i think yonghwa will not allow himself to be beaten by kyu when it comes to skinship. (MUHAHAHA,. dont take this seriously)so shall we expect a HOLDING HANDS BETWEEN THE TWO?? more intimate this time around? AHAHH. im so excited! skinship skinship! hoping for a skinship! and im excited to hear yong sing an snsd song.
































i hope it's BABY BABY. or what? and for hyun i know this might be weird but i want hyun to rap yong's part at love light. and the PUZZLE will be solved
































Im genie for you girl means im genie for you hyun. HAHAH









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Guest lovekim
















































































here i am!!
































































































I love you so muchie silis7noy and hihi_hehe!!! And everyone else for your info, photos and spazz!!
















































double love~~~ finally gogumas' wish coming through!! And there we were, praying so hard for them to collaborate on stage together!! (of course, we had foretaste during the music core hosting) but still...muaahhaha! CNBlue's gonna have a new "member"!! *winks to redtulip*
















































oh yes, i kinda forgot when was that music core hosting. which date was it? Coz gogumas in sweet potato baidu thread found a CSI moment. Since this week's epi shows Hyun hurting her finger, during hosting music core, Hyun was spotted having a bandage on her finger too! Left hand!!
















































Ok....i just saw Hong Kong goguma at work for the CNBlue fansign....check this out:
































































































Credit: cnblue baidu bar, ent.ifeng.com & tungstar
































































































No wonder he was beaming and showing off his ring. Muahahahaha!

As for the airport pics, i noticed more of his *ahem LV* passport cover more den his ring. LOL!
















































And regarding 23 Oct...hmm, yesh...i think we could do a Potatoes gathering before Hyun buin comes!! ahahaha! Who wants to? PM me okie!  Overseas potatoes can also let me know if you're flying in...Let's see what we could do for you in Singapore.
















































Purestupidity!!! I am so envious of u!!! sobs!!! Enjoy yourself okie!! Do come back to Singapore on Oct 23 to join us yar!!!
















































This time gogumas must try to sit together....den our shouts will be louder! haha! Though, i'm already banking on oceanprince to do that already. *snicker!*

















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[ENG] CNBlue's Jung YongHwa Star Chosun Interview

yong talks about hyun @2:21... kekekeekek ^_^

yong seobang is soooooooo :wub:


lovekim~!!! if cnblue is confirmed going to SG on the 23rd Oct...i wanna join u guys too!!!!! >.<

i hope the air tix ain't too expensive or else...T.T

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