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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest biiianx
















































































Sorry to cut your post guys, I just want to express my gratitude to you guys. I'm feeling okay now ^_^

Biiianx - Sorry to hear your pics/videos were deleted.... But I'm sure you have captured all the precious moments with your eyes and heart too!
































































star sapphire Yeah I do capture and will cherish every moment that I had with CNBlue :wub: Thanks for the comfort *hugs*

biiianx that's right...always look for the silver lining in the clouds... ^_^
































































wollylamb Many thanks for your words ^_^

biianx: Awww *hugs* I hope you are feeling better now, I really don't know what else to say because woollylamb said what I was thinking, at least you got to see CNBLUE and you will have those memories forever.
































































crystal_malfoy Thank you, thank you. You guys are trully of help *hugs*









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Guest lovekim
































































































































































































































































































































Hi Potatoes!
































































































































































































Think i'll do this by and by...Sorry that i'm taking sooo long. I have been drugged for the past few days. Down with a bad cold, no thanks to lack of sleep, anxiety and adrenaline rush. Hahaha! of course, that's thanks to the CNBlue boys too...*sniff sniff*
































































































































































































Erms, and those who are wondering whether Yong was wearing a new ring or not, my personal guess is the ring is still the same one. If my eyesight serves me right, his ring actually has a crackline and looked glued back. LOL! I have a photo of it, my unnie took for me at the showcase. Shall upload soon. EDIT: Got it!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Original photo:
































































































































































































































































































































































































Ok!! So, who is having withdrawal from CNBlue? haha! I am~~ LOLs! Darn those boys are charming....and Yong is so very very charismatic, and exactly how he is seen on tv. Very playful....kekeke!
































































































































































































And yes, i almost sworn i wont upload onto youtube my clips, but it seems the fastest way nowadays. And many other people have better vids than me anyways. So, here's my fave scene at the showcase, (besides oceanprince's "Sohnyoshidae!!") Please pay attention after 1:55. I reduced the quality of the video so that it's faster to upload. If you want the HD one, please PM me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































More to come...let me cough my lungs out first. LOL!
































































































































































































biianx...yesh, i feel your pain....urgh!
































































































































































































star sapphire, thanks for the omy online articles!! And your sms. lol!
































































































































































































oceanprince, the photo you posted of Yong, was taken after the press conference at Raffles Hotel. i think...hee!

































































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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































































































































































































































GeumJanDi: Destiny? xD hehehehe thanks for all those pics ^_^ Yong ♥ Hyun
































































































































baby_bo: Oh thanks for sharing those links! I think those were made by fans from dcmarried. Aww those videos are soo sweet. I still giggle when I see the piggyback ride part blush.gif:lol:
































































































































biianx: Aww dear *hugs* I am glad you are feeling better.
































































































































lovekim: lol soo it's the same ring? xD but from the screencaps posted before the shape seemed different... maybe it was the angle? :o I just hope the ring won't break soon *fingers crossed* Wasn't one of the things they had on their to-do list save money on their bank account and buy new rings or something like that? :o I hope you will feel better soon, hwaiting! Thanks for sharing that fancam! hehehehe when fans screamed 'We Got Married' he was about to answer his question but couldn't stop grinning hehehehehe :w00t: soo cute
































































































































EDIT: Btw, a week ago Trent posted a fanmade video but I was so busy and couldn't watch it but I read a lot of posts by you saying it was an awesome fanmade video. Does anyone have the link? :o

































































































































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GeumJanDi~! do u have any idea where i can watch ur 1st few pics??? so far, i can't seem to find the vid >.< oh, thanks for those past pics... it's really funny how fate brought such two different people together! omo! so romantic!!!!!!!!! >.<


baby_bo, luv those vids!!! thanks for sharing~ ^________^




biannx, so sorry i keep forgetting to give u some good words to lighten up >.< cheer up! at least u've been there to see & hear yong with ur own eyes & ears yah! ^________^ (sorry, that's all i could do -.-")


lovekim, i'm now very confused! but the ring he wore to SG doesn't look like the old ring, the one he wore in the 1st ep... alrighty, we'll wait for ur upload~! :D


hmmm... does anyone think that yong looks thinner these days???


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Guest Crystal392






lovekim: Thanks for uploading the pics :lol: Before I was almost sure they had gotten new rings but now I don't know... it kind of looks like the old ring but I am still not sure. I guess we will have to wait and like YongHwa said, keep watching WGM. ^_^


dreamyboo: Yeah I also think he looks thinner now.... his cheeks are still a bit chubby but his jaw is... like... hmmm... more defined. To all the ones who saw him at Singapore concert? Is he skinny or like normal? Because TV adds a few more pounds ;) hehehehe


I don't know if this has been shared before, but I haven't seen it before soo:


20 (PV)

~Preview to next ep with eng subs, by YukiandJudy~



And to the ones who still haven't seen this video by Trent, check it (thanks hihi_hehe for the link *hugs* )


Sweet Potato: The Movie

~AWESOME fanmade video, really amazing~




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Guest lovekim
































































































































































































































































































































Hey crystal and dreamyboo~
































































































































































































I'm not sure myself either. LOLs....it's just my personal guess. Yesh, we shall stay tuned to the future episodes of WGM. hahaha!
































































































































































































Well, Yong looks normal in person. As in, he looks just nice. Whereas his brothers look slimmer. eh, and of course, are taller too.
































































































































































































Thanks crystal, hihi_hehe and Trent!! for the video! And YukiandJudy too, for the preview!!
































































































































































































Yuki....i still wanna complain...hahaha!

































































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Guest Yukilovesyou

lovekim unnie! I'm sick too ): I believe other gogumas like hallyucraze and tripplemama are sick too.. must be the boys' fault. I haven't recovered from spazzing mode yet! Kekeke. Oh and what is it that you wanna complain? Is it about the group photo?

baby_bo, thank you for sharing those links!! Zomg I love how the lyrics match them so well hehehe~

And thank you all for the updates bout Yongseo! B)

Edit: I saw this fancam of Yonghwa in Singapore's airport.. he was being mobbed by fans yet he's still all smiles and waving. Kyaa Jungseobang is so nice! ^_^

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Guest tripplemama
















































Hi All
































I am sick & currently at home..hope to recover soon..
































This must be due to the post CN Blue Syndrome...hehehe
































Anyway I feel this episode is short...but our couple's skinship meter is moving up slowly & naturally every episode..
































Love their eye contact & their small gesture between them..
































Maybe after this WGM Seohyun should pick up some cooking lesson ...hehehe just kidding
































Ok guys continue spazzing.....
































Luv u all...Muaaaaahhhh









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yup you can call destiny or what,because thats a random thing seo hyun stand in back of yonghwa.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































because snsd girls just stand randomly/not in order when they just got questioned by MC and yeah yonghwa and seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































got 1 frame together side by side before they questioning the girls.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@dreamy boo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thats from SBS gayo dae jun 2009.seems video is removed from youtube.

































































































































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Destiny indeed, Thanks GeumJanDi for that, made me giggling all day haha...








Actually, I was watching Yonghwa's Strong Heart appearance a few days ago, and during his fail MC clips, you could also see Seohyun in the background while he was sweating and all nervous. The camera seemed to love to capture them together even if it was a coincidence.








I came back from Singapore, all happy after watching awesome perf by CNBLUE, meeting my fellow potatoes in person and also because after seeing Yonghwa showed the couple ring to audience and acknowledged us that he knows there are many who support him and Hyun being together even if it's only for WGM. And really, Yonghwa in person, the way he talks and his personality, it's really the same as he potrays on WGM, so I'm happy to know that too.








Lovekim thanks for that real close up photo of the ring, really sharp eyesight :P








About Yonghwa being mobbed, I felt sad too, but he was still able to smile and all, really, he has a great personality, same as Seohyun, even their personalities are very admirable.









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Guest lenovo
































































































































Commercial Break:































































































































































































A small treat to all avid readers of Clumsy's Fic














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































one is married














































































































































































































































































































one is engaged














































































































































































































































































































one is confused














































































































































































































































































































one is sure














































































































































































































































































































one is hoping














































































































































































































































































































one has to go away to find love














































































































































































































































































































one love isn't really meant














































































































































































































































































































one unlikely pair will find love














































































































































































































































































































one love will remain through the passing of years















































































































































































































































































































in cooperation with































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































five days just like their first














































































































































































































































































































five days to rediscover love














































































































































































































































































































five days to find the life they left behind














































































































































































































































































































five days after eight years














































































































































































































































































































is it all they need?














































































































































































































































































































or more...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This Midnight































































































































































































August 25, 2010
















































































































































































































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Guest lovekim
































































































































































































































































































































Aigoo...dear Yuki, tripplemama and my unnie hallyucraze...rest well ok. All of us have fallen sick. Sigh...
































































































































































































Hong Kong Potatoes and Boices, look out for the boys starting tomorrow okie! Have fun at the showcase!!
































































































































































































Alright, I finally can make my brain and fingers to work. Here's my account, and later my spazz on episode 20!! kekeke! Sorry everyone, I know this is a SeoHwa thread, but let me indulge in my fan account coz I feel a closer r/ship with you all and thus, my ramblings here. LOL!
































































































































































































19/08/2010 Changi Airport:
































































































































































































Grabbed a friend, who's a SONE, to go with me. In the end, she grabbed her sister along! hahaha!
































































































































































































Had dinner at the airport way before the flight arrived, and even managed to meet up with biiianx. Aigoo, didnt manage to see the other potatoes though.
































































































































































































Finally, the time came, the Korean Air flight landed. We all waited and waited and waited....for the 4 tall boys to appear....no sign of them!?
































































































































































































But almost an hour later....screams rang through the airport arrival hall space and from far, my friend spotted & shouted, "there!! JungShin chinggu!!" hahaha....i literally laughed till i almost fell off my chair...(yesh, i was standing on a chair, oops!)
































































































































































































Then, i tried to focus my camera in the direction she pointed. Indeed!! There walking towards the fans, was JungShin chinggu! And i searched around somemore, ah...MinHyukkie....and my JongHyun...where is Yong!!??
































































































































































































No time to smell the roses, i quickly focused on the 3 boys walking really fast....All smiles and waves and nodding heads, these 3 boys walked towards the exit amidst the screaming crowd. "JungShin!! MinHyuk!! JongHyun!! Avatar!!" shouted the crowd. And i went, WHERE IS YONG!!??
































































































































































































Finally as they past by my area, though much further away from where i was, I finally spotted Yong. In long sleeved white tee, maize-coloured vest and sunglasses. My first inpression was, why was he soooo covered up? Even a brown beanie!!?? Later did i realise, ah...it was his hair...hahahaha!!
































































































































































































But that was amazing....imagine you finally see these fellows, whom you've only seen on TV or online videos, walking in front of you. Surreal my dear gogumas...
































































































































































































And off they sped, towards their hotel.
































































































































































































20/08/2010 Fansign:
































































































































































































I was telling so many Potatoes that I cant make it to the fansign coz I had to once again make my way to the airport to pick up my hubby.
































































































































































































But in the end, his flight was coming in later, and knowing the fansign was designated to last 45mins from 8pm, i decided to take a gamble and see if i could spot the boys.
































































































































































































By the time i arrived, the fansign had started, i missed their introduction. I ran to the 2nd level of the mall, coz actually, the entire mall was packed where the stage was. I tried my luck on the 2nd level...no can do...fully occupied by fans and bystanders(argh!!!waves fist.)
































































































































































































So I ran up to the 3rd level. Found a spot, near a pillar and a visual of the boys from the side. Two fans beside me were really kind as they made space for me to take photos and videos. (thank you ladies!)
































































































































































































Wah....finally saw the boys. And the huge crowd below. Managed to grabbed few videos, and i was trying to seeing if there was any bling on Yong's left hand. keke!
































































































































































































Stood there, with feet and arms turning numb, till the fansign and photo-taking was over. They were so cute. And really loved singing to their songs whenever they have free time in between. And coz all 4 levels of the mall were filled with people watching them, they made a point to wave and acknowledge all of the people. Then, the boys said goodbyes and left the stage and I was rushing off to my car to get to the airport.
































































































































































































But when i reached the ground floor, i see a screaming crowd near the stage and other fans forming a line near an exit where several security personnel where standing. Then it dawned on me....ah...the boys are gonna use this exit....and since I can't squeeze my way through the crowd, i stood around, waiting to join the fans. Haha!
































































































































































































And soon, there was movement from where the crowd was, security shouting and gesturing people to make way. Eeps!! i quickly moved to a corner of the line, behind a security and held up my right hand and camera in my left hand.
































































































































































































OMG...here the boys come! Yong practically looked like he skipped his way through, nodding and shaking hands. And when he finally past by me, saw my out stretched hand, he gave me a firm hi-5!! Not that i was expecting him to do so, but wow!! he must be really hyped! Then his brothers came along and went off quickly. No hi-5s from them....
































































































































































































I spotted a friend who was standing opposite me and she went "wah!! YongHwa gave you a hi-5!!!"....i think i was beaming away...lols! Ah...his hand was really soft. (O'come on Yong!! Hold hands with Hyun already!!!! The gogumas are waiting till we are almost fainting...)
































































































































































































And then, I called hallyucraze, telling her "I hi-5 with Yong!!!" hahaha! She must have thought I was mad....So that was that, glad I went though...keke!
































































































































































































21/08/2010 Showcase:
































































































































































































Oh gosh....seriously one of the busiest day I ever had. Had to run errands, pick up friends and rush to the showcase venue. And throughout the whole time, my phone was working non-stop. hahaha! Text messages and calls kept coming in. Thus, Yuki's photo of me on my mobile....(yes, i wanna complain about that! hahaha!)
































































































































































































Managed to get everyone to gather, but sobs...biiianx was running late so she met us after the showcase.
































































































































































































Majority of the time, i was running around trying to get the Potatoes to meet at where the rest of us stood. I first found Norabella, (is it?haha!i can't quite remember) and then star sapphire and the rest came along. I guess we were the biggest group of fans there. haha! Plus my own friends who enjoy CNBlue's music were there too. Imagine the stares we got. LOL! Oh yes, many people watching us commented that our gifts were really cute and pretty!
































































































































































































Everybody were recognising each other from our nicks and spazzing from the last 2 days' activities i guess. LOL! Why did i guess? Coz i was too busy running around to join in any conversation....sobs!! sorry ladies!!
































































































































































































It's a pity that there were many YongSeo fans present that day but maybe were not soompiers. If not, our group meeting would have been bigger scale!
































































































































































































And so, we tried to gather our gift together, and launch into our polaroid taking for Yong & Hyun! Everyone were pretty excited too i think, judging from the laughters i heard while i had my ear glued to my mobile. Hahaha! alrite! snap snap snap went the digital cameras first, then the polaroid. With the marriage certs (thanks naz dear!) and gifts in hands of the gogumas, our photos taking session was finally over.
































































































































































































And rush rush rush, to pack the gifts into a box i stole from my hubby....hahaha! I tied it up and went off to the gift collection counter. But, not before writing on the box : CNBLUE & SEOHYUN, in big letters. haha! the gentleman at the collection counter asked me, "Is this for any specific member or for the band?" I said it was for the band, saying "Sir, you make sure they get this okie? Thank you!" The man nodded, took over the gift and momentarily stared at the box. Puzzled was his expression. hahaha! he must have spotted the name SEOHYUN on it. LOL!! must be wondering, where is that extra person from. Isn't CNBLUE just CNBLUE? That is, if he doesn't recognise the name SEOHYUN. muahahaha!
































































































































































































So, by the time i went back to the group, many have gone to queue to get in as the showcase was starting.
































































































































































































Showcase wise, i'm sure everyone knows what happened....*snicker* one of the best day of my life! to see Yong smirk and squirm (if that's ever possible) at the mention of SNSD, SeoHyun & We Got Married! hahahaha!
































































































































































































Actually, there was a request by the organisers to have fans send in their questions that they wanna ask CNBLUE.
































































































































































































And this is what I emailed: *To JongHyun, MinHyuk & JungShin, (YongHwa need not answer coz he's married), how do you 3 find Singapore girls and would you mind having a singaporean girlfriend?*
































































































































































































But sigh...organisers do not have a sense of fun...my question wasn't picked....kekeke! But something better happened. LOL!! *winks at oceanprince*
































































































































































































Oh...one thing that i noticed, but not cant be seen on my video. Maybe someone captured it on vid somewhere. The ending scene when the video by CNBLUESGFC was being shown, there was a part included where it was Yong was dancing Tell Me Your Wish from episode 18 (right?) and when Yong saw that, he bent to hide his face, laughing sheepishly, hahaha! Sooo cute!!!
































































































































































































Oh well, then of course, after the showcase, I caught up with the Potatoes. And after realising my dongseang missing, (she went to wait at the carpark for CNBLUE to board their van), i went over as well. Alas, didnt get to the see the boys. They were completely surrounded....and I'm....too short to see anything. Not even JungShin. lol!
































































































































































































So, as the van drove off, everyone dismissed, promising to see each other on soompi...My friends and I decided, ok, let's stalk the boys. Can't get enough of them. haha!
































































































































































































And there I was, behaving like a crazy woman, till I saw them off at the airport. (which was chaotic)
































































































































































































Phew! And here I end my loong, loooong post....kekeke! Next up! photos, vids and episode 20 spazz!!

































































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Guest biiianx
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































biannx, so sorry i keep forgetting to give u some good words to lighten up >.< cheer up! at least u've been there to see & hear yong with ur own eyes & ears yah! ^________^ (sorry, that's all i could do -.-")































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dreamyboo there's nothing to worry about, all you guys are of help for me, just reading updates and spazz from you gives me a reason to smile.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Again, "Thank you ALL GUYS *hugs*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































By the way, i'm not sure who post the link for this but I just find this cute :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit to DC

































































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Guest Crystal392






Woah thanks for that fanaccount lovekim and lenovo for sharing that info ^^ cant wait to read that fic.


^I shared the link to that post, hehehhe it's an interactive picture posted at dcmarried. Fans are awesome!!


The thread has been quite lately :( I hope all the Gogumas who are sick will get better soon :)


Gogumas and YongSeo hwaiting!!!! :lol:



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Guest ichigo_kawai

Hi everyone...

coz everyone talking about yonghwa and seohyun  at gayo daejun, so I made this wallpaper...

Seohyun and yonghwa  (gayo daejun)


And u can see that scenes from my new video...

I made video (Seohyun-yonghwa cut gayo daejun) :wub:  :wub:

Here is the link:

Seohyun-yonghwa cut gayo daejun

Thanks everyone for watching ^_^

I think it is destiny...ke..ke..ke what do u think????

Everyone..let's spazzzzzzzzzz....

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Guest Avelyn




Hello everyone,


1st at all, i wanted to said thank you to those that i meet at Listen To The CN BLUE Showcase in Singapore like Lovekim, hallyucraze, yukilovesyou, bamz from jakarta, star sapphire, tripplemama, (just remember a few name, i'm so sorry) i'm really happy and glad to see you guys coz you're really nice and welcome me eventho not know me and you all just only knew my sweet friend Nazweena but i'm still glad to meet you guy *hug*.


Frankly speaking,  in soompi especially with the Sweet potato couple thread, i'm still new and not much posted anything but the true is, i'm in love with the sweet potato couple and always visit this thread almost everyday eventho just only a silent reader.


I'm really enjoyed the short moment with you all, take a photo with you and with the sweet present to our yongsoe couple,  enjoy the CN BLUE performance and also enjoy the moment that yonghwa showed off his couple ring, i scream to loud ahaks! i'm really happy and almost dying with the moment.  fuh!!  i loike it 2x.


So, thanks a lot guy to be nice with me and welcome me.  To the sweet girl who the one willing to start the conversation with me when we're line up to get into the hall, thanks a lot to make me spoke  and not quiet at all. 


nice to meet you guy... *like i tried to give a speech hihihi.. aim sorry*


~Avelyn Malaysia~




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biiianx~! ahhh i'm glad we did help u feel better, girl! hopefully next time, all of us potatoes will get to see each other in any cnblue event. i really want this to happen lahhh. kekeke


ichigo!!!! thanks so much for that vid! it's been like finding a needle in a haystack! heh heh..:D *quickly saves it in seohwa folder* xD


haahaha lovekim, u're one funny goguma! xD it felt like as if i'm watching some kinda action movie lahhh while i was reading ur lil' adventure there kekekeke! it was nonetheless very interesting! LOL~! thanks for sharing yahhh :D


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lenovo thanks for posting the COMMERCIAL BREAK..Can't wait for clumsy's COMPLETE!! w00t.gif
















































































lovekim..wow you girls sure had lots of fun & precious memory there.Thanks for sharing your experience & the ring photos with us.. biggrin.gif
















































































Thanks GeumJanDI for the Gayo Daeyun photos, baby_bo for the fanmade MV (it was a sweet MV), crystal_malfoy for the link to Ep 21 previews & Trent's Sweet Potato movie, biianx for the cute pics, ichigo_kawai for the awesome cool walpaper & fanmade MV.. laugh.gif
















































































Hiya Naz's chingu Avelyn *waves*..Welcome to the thread & we're more than happy to have you here..I'm really happy that you had a great time at the showcase & that you're loving the SeoHwa couples.. wub.gif
















































































To lovekim, yukilovesyou, tripplemama & hallyucraze GET WELL SOON..smile.gif































































































































































































































































biiianx so sorry to hear that you lost all your files..I know it's not much help but here's a *BIGHUGZ* to comfort you..

















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Edit: I topped the page so here is the link for Running Man, hope the subs are out soon.

Running Man - Episode 7 Jung Yong Hwa

Some of my today's thoughts, sorry for the random posting.


@lovekim, I love reading your fan account, you really have a lot of love. Now I wonder how CN Blue reacted seeing the Seohyun name on the box too.

@biiianx, you may want to try sending your memory card to those professional data recovery centre for evaluation. I did that once before and they will quote you a price before they start the actual recovery process. May not be too different for them if it was just deleted.

I highly recommend to those who have not watch Running Man to watch it. Yonghwa was very quick witted in the show and clearly demonstrated his atheletic capability. He alone found 3 of the Haechi toys in the challenge and sracrific himeself for the last one. Why? Maybe because Seohyun together with SNSD sang the OST of the cartoon "My Friend Haechi" recently. Fate? (Thanks to blueshoes for posting the link earlier)

In episode 20, that was a scene of Seohyun turning to her left side, looking worried after Yonghwa's cough. She seem to be looking at the camera man and maybe the PD instead. Looking at her eyes, I have a feeling that she was asking the PD sliently, that maybe they should stop filming for a while to let Yonghwa rest. Sorry, can't do the caps for it.

Not sure whether this is posted before. Can't see it in the last few pages but Quarillina posted the Seohwa mini project in youtude. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=3BYjuUWUvdk

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Just want to share some of the clips:

Seohyun-related in SG Showcase

2:10 min - 2:43 min If they are not a member of CN blue, what other career path they will have taken--> SNSD (2:16 min)

3:40 min - 4:44 min Which artist they want to collaborate with, the audience kept on saying SNSD and Seohyun (4:23min)

5:35 min- 7:00 min What they like and dislike after getting famous, -->someone burst out "We got Married" (6:25 min)

Surprise by BOICE in SG

2:39- 2:42 WGM clip: Yong was dancing "Tell me your wish" + Hyun beat the egg against his head

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