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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest miel_1301






Thanks jnj, biiianx, Norabella, DeeOmfg for sharing your first-hand experience seeing the boys, specially YongHwa, in flesh and for all the goodies--- photos and vid clips.


@biiianx, thanks for the photos. Those are clear captures. At least in the first pic you shared, I can see our boy YongHwa.


Oh! They're looking good from the photos and the clips. I would like to make special mention of Minhyuk, as the boy is looking oh so hot in his beanie. Geez what am I saying? I sound like a pervy now. ha..ha...ha!!! Mianhe!


I saw around 4 fancams already. And boy! There's pandemonium at SG's Changi Airport. hahaha!!!


And I even read a fan account that when the boys were about to ride their van, some fanboys shouted "Avatar" so loudly that Jungshin Chingu heard it so he acknowledged the fans. It was so sweet of him.



EDIT: Oh! I topped the page.


biiianx, I hope you won't mind me re-posting your photos since we turned into a new page.






originally posted by: biiianx



@DeeOmfg, I just saw your vid. Ha..ha..ha!!!


The fanboys were really shouting "AVATAR" at the top of their lungs. Jungshin Chingu is famous in Singapore. Thanks to WGM. I guess he himself must have been surprised.



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@jnj: Wow..so envy!!! I cant imagine that they have stepped foot on our shore!!! It is a pity that I cant meet them personally. Hopefully, they will enjoy their trip here. Btw, you mentioned that Yong talks about hyun in KBS happy Together. What did he say?

not much.

when asked has any celebrities pursue him, yong answered no since he has no cell phone. but since doing he phone CF, he has one now which he keeps contact with parents, managers & and some ppl from the company.

when probed by MC Miseon, yong confirmed he has hyun's number.

and then nudged by Simon D, yong smile shyly. i bet there's something that

Simon D knows and we don't.

ooh! biianx! those are awesome clear pics! thank your friend for us.

all the boys look happy, smiling, waving...great fanservise CN Blue! hwaiting!

norabella - i too can't believe my eyes that CN Blue, especially Yong,

were there right before my eyes....

sorry for being so chatty tonite! i can't sleep after all these excitement!!

i am so proud of SG fanboys!!!

Avatar indeed. just like yong said, jungshin chingu is getting more popular

than him. if only i can have those fanboys chant 'jung seobang'!!

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Guest biiianx




















Yep, was at the airport for the boys' arrival. Uploaded it straight, didn't edit anything. (Details are in Video Description)








Boys looked so gooood.








I still can't get over how tall Jungshin is. Seriously.








Video is still processing, quality will gradually get better, hopefully.























DeeOmfg I have to agree, I was also mesmerized how tall the boys are specially Jungshin ^_^








I have my video uploaded but like what i've said before I only captured the back of Yong T.T








I got to have a good shot of him tomorrow *fighting!*








CNBlue's Arrival at Singapore





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Guest biiianx












Thanks jnj, biiianx, Norabella, DeeOmfg for sharing your first-hand experience seeing the boys specially YongHwa in flesh.








@biiianx, thanks for those photos. But at least in the first pic you shared I can see our boy YongHwa.Oh!








They're lookin good from the photos and the clips. I would like to make special mention of Minhyuk as the boy is looking oh so hot in his beanie. Oh, geez what am I saying? I sound like a pervy now. ha..ha...ha!!! Mianhe!








@DeeOmfg, thanks for the vid.I saw around 4 fancams already. And boy! There's pandemonium at SG's Changi Airport. hahaha!!!And I even read a fan account that when the boys were about to ride their van, some fanboys shouted "Avatar" so loudly that Jungshin Chingu heard it so he acknowledged the fans. It was so sweet of him.EDIT:








Oh! I topped the page.biiianx, I hope you won't mind me re-posting your photos since we turned into a new page.
























originally posted by: biiianx















Suresure miel_1301 :) I'm really thankful to my friend who took photos because mostly of us took video but since she has a good camera she can get better quality of picture.

not much. when asked has any celebrities pursue him, yong answered no since he has no cell phone. but since doing he phone CF, he has one now which he keeps contact with parents, managers & and some ppl from the company.when probed by MC Miseon, yong confirmed he has hyun's number.and then nudged by Simon D, yong smile shyly. i bet there's something thatSimon D knows and we don't.ooh! biianx! those are awesome clear pics! thank your friend for us.all the boys look happy, smiling, waving...great fanservise CN Blue! hwaiting!norabella - i too can't believe my eyes that CN Blue, especially Yong,were there right before my eyes....sorry for being so chatty tonite! i can't sleep after all these excitement!!heartbreak - are u one of the fanboys there just now?








jnj these two picture are her BEST shot ^^ I myself also can't believe that the boys are right before my very eyes. I hope Hyun was there so that the family would be complete. kekeke! (wishful thinking though)





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Guest reeneesie








hello and gud mornink,everyone...




i;m on my exam day right now,but can anyone




give me the link to download all the ep 4 goguma couple




at megaupload or anywhere else...




i'll usually download it straight away from the yt




and the quality is so bad..




hope anybody can help me,




i'll will appreacite it so much..



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
























I'm watching Making the Artist: CNBlue. just wanted to watch something related to YongSeo. JongHyun, Minhyuk, and Jungshin were talking about school life.
















funny how they called Yong the "fun maker". they were talking if they did good, just the 3 of them talking without their "fun maker" leader around. hahaha
















I also rewatched YongSeo from ep 9 until ep 19. I think ep 9 onwards is when they really started to become close. The part were they were talking about Johnny Depp and Jessica Alba, I noticed how they were talking. minimal eye contact. but after having fun in the train, playing games and singing, and upon arrival in their destination, they really seemed happy and there is noticeable change.
















although they lacked sleep, they were still happily chatting and laughing with eye contact, they truly became close.





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Guest hihi_hehe
























































is it just me ? But I think the fan boys were so hilarious?








































They were shouting/chanting AVATAR :w00t:








































really funny, just watching the fancam, but I'm amazed how tall Jungshin is !








































He is indeed avatar LOL









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Guest biiianx








































































i've just finished uploading the first episode of yongseo cut by nulsaranghae after encountering a number of errors before it fully completed. i've managed to join all the parts into a single avi file for your viewing pleasure. please do not post this link outside of this forum thread. thank you.
































































wgm yongseo cut episode 1
































































cr: nulsaranghaep/s: off to watch happy together at kbs world right now
































































hello and gud mornink,everyone...i;m on my exam day right now,but can anyone give me the link to download all the ep 4 goguma couple at megaupload or anywhere else...i'll usually download it straight away from the yt and the quality is so bad..hope anybody can help me,i'll will appreacite it so much..
































































reeneesie, kubih uploaded the first episode I think (subbed by nulsaranghe). Soshified subbed up to episode 8 I guess but you have to be a member and have 50 posts to access their download area. I hope that helps ^^









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Guest lovekim
































































































































































































































































































































ok...i'm finally here, 3am sg time...will someone please kill me....
































































































































































































soooo tired...and i'm still getting the gifts ready. sigh....for the boys as well. (why do i torture myself like this. haha!)
































































































































































































I got a video but it's mostly JungShin and MinHyuk coz they are really tall!!!! I standing some distance away on a chair actually, so i couldnt really capture much. Managed to get abit of my JongHyun and saw Yong with my eyes but unfortunately, he wasn't in my vid.
































































































































































































Security was blocking him from my view. Sigh...Hyun was right...not only JungShin blocks him, and as biiianx says, my JongHyun also blocked him. And now!!! Security blocked him....sobs!!
































































































































































































Sorry potatoes...didnt catch Yong on vid for ya all. But the other fancams are really good! *sheepish grin*
































































































































































































Aigoo...when i arrived at the airport and saw those fan boys....my first reaction was "erms...i dun think Hyun is coming. So why are they here?"
































































































































































































Boy was i soooo wrong!! Hahaha! They are Avatar's fans? kekeke! so cute~~~No doubt, thanks to WGM!!!
































































































































































































Please bear with us sg potatoes as we gush about the boys....sorry....haha! Everyone of them is so good looking. Even my friends whom I brought along, say they truly are like celebrities. So bright, so star-like. Kekeke! I know...i was blinded by handsome JongHyun. (can tell that I'm biased. LOL!)
































































































































































































*wave my tired hand to biiianx....we had a mini meet up at the airport. hahaha! Hallyucraze unnie and DeeOmfg...couldnt meet you both but hahaha! thanks for the fancam and i'll see ya on Sat!
































































































































































































Aigoo...jnj....why didnt you come look for me? hee! Maybe i should have something to identify myself...kekeke! Ok, saturday, i'll be waving my JongHyun fan and eating a goguma? Look out for me ok!
































































































































































































IMPORTANT: SG Potatoes who are going to the showcase, let's meet at the event venue at 2pm. How's that? Anything, please email me at ryota_92@yahoo.com. And if you have my mobile number, please call / sms me okie! Hee! We can take group photo and put into the YongSeo gift bag. LOL! I'll be in touch with nazweena as she comes in to sg...
































































































































































































I'm sorry I can't organise anything for the fansign tonight as I won't be able to make it. But have fun!! those who are attending the fansign. Shout Goguma to Yong if you can. haha! (please don't shout Hamburger...i'm afraid he might take it the wrong way. muahahahaha!)
































































































































































































Will upload vid and photos after the event I think. Sorry to keep ya all waiting. But i want everything to look nice before i upload. My vid at the airport was full of screams and shots of the ceiling. haha! Not nice.....Plus, i've pass a mission to my friend to take photos at the fansign tonight. Hope we have good pics from there. And then, the gifts and showcase will be last. But don't worry...i'll definitely try my best. Hee!
































































































































































































Ok....now back to preparing the gifts. Catch ya all later....must stop myself now before i ramble on too much.

































































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Guest lovekin




not much.

when asked has any celebrities pursue him, yong answered no since he has no cell phone. but since doing he phone CF, he has one now which he keeps contact with parents, managers & and some ppl from the company.

when probed by MC Miseon, yong confirmed he has hyun's number.

and then nudged by Simon D, yong smile shyly. i bet there's something that

Simon D knows and we don't.




o m g, i want to see this, assuming this was an on-screen interview, which would be great.  when you say simon d nudges yong, i see it in such a way where if i'm sitting with my girlfriends and we see someone one of us likes walk in, we start nudging each other playfully and all we can do is either laugh or refrain from smiling.  of course, it's really hard to tell because we all interpret things differently.  i like seeing things with my own eyes. tongue.gif




i think it would be interesting to see even more recent interviews of yong and hyun where they're questioned on their "virtual" relationship, one where they have people they know surrounding them.  i don't know about anyone else, but i never listen to what – for example – hyo has to say about the yongseo relationship; instead, i look for visual cues like sly smiles where they're not conscious of the cameras and such because i think that's so much more indicative of something more over than words, which can be construed as them promoting the couple rather than what's actually happening behind the scenes.  happy.gif


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Guest baby_bo






I see new posters :)


Hello everyone!


To all fans who's going to see CNBlue tomorrow.. (concert is saturday right?) have fun guys :)


YOnghwa looks so gorgeous with his airport look. I like how simple MY Jonghyun, Jungshin chingu and minhyuk are but i have to say, YOnghwa looked more like a celebrity bec of his airport attire..


And next week will be SNSD's big even in Japan, hoping for their success there, though it's already obvious they've already conquered Japan kekeke


WGM Tomorrow guys :)



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OK I'm confusing everyone...
































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm asking you guys to translate it in words itself and not characters (whether japanese, bahasa, korean, chinese)
































































































































































































































































































































































































all I need is the words itself or in wollylamb unnie's words phonetic pronuciation
































































































































































































































































































































































































e.g. annyong! and nt the korean character itself
































































































































































































































































































































































































I'll do the translation in tagalog since I'm pinoy,
































































































































































































































































































































































































"Mahal ko ang tambalang yongseo dahil..."
































































































































































































































































































































































































another example
































































































































































































































































































































































































if you're a chinese,
































































































































































































































































































































































































I wouldn't need the characters but instead...
































































































































































































































































































































































































"ni hao ma"
































































































































































































































































































































































































for how are you































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I got it! haha in spanish would be "Amo a la pareja del perdón porque..." (forgiviness couple) or "Amo a la pareja YongSeo porque..." (Yongseo couple).
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope it helps!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: About the pics. Do you want pics of Yongseo?, I willtry to help later from my laptop (this one is not mine).
































































































































































































































































































































































































AND thank U all guys for sharing the CNBlue´s arrival! Oh you are so lucky!!!Please scream SeoHyun´s name to Yonghwa for us hahaha (just kidding). Enjoy concert and take as many pictures as you can guys!!!!  Thank U for sharing your happy moment :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit 2: SeoHyun making a Heart? Oh My I´´m dying for that :wub: (crazy shipper here haha)

































































































































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Thanks to everyone for fan accounts of CN Blue in Singapore Changi airport esp. Lovekim, bless u daer, still preparing the gifts? The effort itself is heartwarming!
















































































Ohh.... all of the boys looked really good! But... mmm... didn't Yonghwa checked the weather report in Singapore before he went? Unfortunately Yonghwa, coats or macs are not required at a humid country like Singapore. He would have most likely taken his mac off when he hit the doors to outside. Jungshin had the most appropriate outfit- short sleeved T-shirt and jeans.
















































































Enjoy everyone! Will be reading all abt ur adventures tomorrow while I'm working. Take care xx

















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i've finished uploading yongseo cut episode 2 english hardsubbed. all the works should be credited to nulsaranghae. i just joined several parts into a single avi file.








please do not post the link out of this forum thread. thank you.








wgm yongseo cut ep. 2















wgm yongseo cut ep. 1





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Guest riaheaven
















hi! i would like to ask what's the next episode about?

















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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































here are some pictures of yongseobang at incheon airport...
































































































I can clearly see the spark on his left hand...
































































































though he's wearing to rings...
































































































I'm sure he was wearing the RING!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: DC married and seohwa @pantip.com
































































































then the school where they were rumored to have filmed few days back along with the other couples
































































































































































































































































































cr: DC married and seohwa @pantip.com
































































































BTW I still need the romanized translation of the phrase
































































































"I love yongseo couple because..."
































































































in vietnamese,cantonese,fookien,indonesian language, nihonggo, french, italian, indian language, russian, etc.
































































































and for the pinoy seohwa lovers... I believe we still have different ways of saying the phrase aside from tagalog such as visayan, ilocano, chavacano, etc. please translate the phrase on those dialects too...

































































































































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Guest monie1909

hi! i would like to ask what's the next episode about?


hi,there..hmm,i dont think mbc release the preview yet..maybe a bit later today.i came across with this news just now.Chiaki senpai and juri ueno drama nodame cantabile will be release in korea this sept(i hope i understand it correctly-based on google translate version).Funny thing is ppl still associated them with our couple..haha..

My link

Edit: The preview for next episode is out.

WGM ' jungyonghwa - Seohyun, Kimchi challenge, " Tastes like the sea ~ "- google translate

My link

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Guest baby_bo






Hello everyone!


Just wanted to share..


SNSD's Genie Japanese Version MV teaser is out!!


and it's totally daebaaaaaaaaaakkkkk!!!


少女時代 / GENIE (teaser)



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Guest chikaaaaa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































bezbezbezi can translate it to indonesian.."saya cinta yongseo couple karena..." hope that help! btw thanks for compile all the why i love yongseo!! ohh, i got teary just to read it...huhuhu. and that picture of yong seobang and he boys..woohoo!!!so hot!!
































































































































































































































































lovekim unni, unni, unni,....*hugstightlyshakeittotheleftshakeittotheright* wow the gifts were AMAZING!!!!! they're soooo cuuuteeeee....hihihi. thanks for helping the project happen. i can really sense the bear idea is from lenovo unnie..hahaha. do share what happen in spore, key?? have a nice meeting with fellow goguma there, naz unnie will join you on saturday, she still have tons work to do.
































































































































































































































































lovekin hello, welcome to the thread. just wanna share something. if you looking for interview and anything related yongseo couple you can visit www.sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com running by awesome genxv unnie. she compile all the interview, news, anything regarding yongseo couple. i hope it help. and also if you like to read fanfiction, you can visit shippingheart.blogspot.com lead by incredible writer jossa's unnie.
































































































































































































































































crsytal you know what to do if you saw me ol.. ;);)
































































































































































































































































so, who's excited for tomorrow's episode??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kekeke. let's make this place a HAPPY PLACE!!!

































































































































































































































































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