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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest _d3seohyun






Ahhh! The desire of our couple to get close to each other and the desperation of wanting to hold hands...resulting into surprising and even better moments..I AM LOVIN IT!









Did we really see everything that happened inside that poolroom? Because the moment these



two got out of it, the more it seems that they were longing to be closer to each other...physically! :P












Other couple hold hands while walking, Yongseo?



They touch, lean and bump :lol: in repeat! kekekkeke






























@lovekim and the rest of the SG potatoes. I hope you guys have a blast. be safe :D



search for those little hints that yong seobang might be dropping kekke. then we can compare



you guys' notes to fan accounts of seobaby from the sm town concert on saturday.






@GeumJandi. that macros had me ROTFL. they fit perfectly.



btw seobaby gave yonghwa 3 potatoes on their first meeting right?



i wish they would talk about those potato rating again.









@lenovo. seeing your name along with the gifts lovekim had posted made me curious of what kind



of gift you wanted to give to yonghwa LOL. pm me if it's not appropriate to post here hahahhaha












filming of the Genie Japanese mv






c: silis7noy2 @ snsd's thread






Teaser of the MV will be unveiled tomorrow! :w00t:









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lovekim - nice gitfs. u've put in soo much effort!

PM me, i want to chip in too.

i'm soo excited class will finish early today. so, see u guys at the airport!!!


i wish i've the time to make a placard of 'soompi goguma alien planet'.

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Guest oceanprince




singaporeans! enjoy the fanmeet/showcase. i'll be studying at home, examinations period now. :( ARGH! so please send my love to the boys! D






are those gifts for yongseo? :D let me guess, the red for hyun and the blue one for yonghwa.


oh i really do hope they'll receive it, and decorate their home with it. i'm so glad that we sg potatoes are giving them gifts. at least yongseo would know that they are receiving so much international love! :D




i'm really anticipating pototatoes' questions on hyun and yong during the fanmeet. I CNT WAIT TO SEE YONGHWA'S RESPONSE. i'll be in heaven if he were to say "I MISS HYUN" in front of us. <3 argh, once again.. too bad i wont be there!




2 more days to saturday! YONGSEO DAY! i cant wait for to see the cnblue boys' dorm. and also, GENIE JAPANESE TEASER! hyun looks good with brown hair. but bcos im too used to seeing with her black silky hair, im not getting used to her brown hair for now.


hey but look, our couple definitely has the couple look. notice the same shade of colour? AWESOME!







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Guest andalasa














































































































































































i wish i've the time to make a placard of 'soompi goguma alien planet'.






























































































































































I really love Ur idea!! :w00t: I think we could make one and send it to them :)...  Hm.. Like _d3 said, d'U have any info where Jung soebang and in laws might b dropping in? Or should we stroll along Orchard in the morning tomorrow just in case ?:D
















































_d3, Ur caps are always awesome.. I love that moments too.. About goguma, I just re-watching ep 1 too and had the same thought like you.. I was wondering, after that piggy hug, how many goguma will it be :rolleyes:..
















































yeah you're right wollylamb :(.. I think that's one of the reason that K artist usually starts in their teen days.. Teenager tends to have better shape.. But still.. it's an unpleasant sight :unsure:...*ahjumma in worry*...

















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how true redtulip same age buddy... :lol:

sorry i shortened your post...

*sigh*...cannot deny the fact that we're at ajumma age compared to our beloved goguma couple & all the young ones here...funny thing is i feel the same as when i was 21...aside from the creaking bones & joint pains from time-to-time... :P

i really wonder how the artistes cope with such schedules andalasa...no wonder we always see news of them fainting, being admitted to hospital, etc...*touch wood*...how i wish they had a union to take care of their basic human rights there...at least let them have adequate rest instead of surviving on 1-2 hours of sleep for a prolonged period of time...the same basic feature all the korean idols have are their massive dark eyebags/circles...my heart aches to see these young hardworking kids like that... :mellow:

Yes. You are right that they have very punishing lifestyle and some may not be able to take the stress physically and mentally. However, they are able experience a totally different life from an average person. I am guessing here that most of us dream of those dreams at some point in time. I believe that if you love your work and is working hard towards your goal, you actually don't mind a lot of things.

Especially for Seohyun, one reason I like the girl is because she did not lost herself in the neon lights and keep upgrading herself through books etc. A girl believing the goodness of the world and truely care for others. She wins fans not due to looks alone hence I think she has a good future in front of her.

For yonghwa, I guess he is learning the hard way, the voice and the hospital etc. It help to toughen up a person and will help him a lot for his own life. I already sense the different in the way he carry himself. He used to be confident because things was going very well for him since young now the confident is more of " I have experience failure" but I have climb back again. Like the failed MC first attempt, practising dancing behind the scenes based on his music teacher account. Hope you all understand what I am trying to say here.

Anyway, best thing that happened is they found each other. Right.

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
























@d3seohyun. nice pics. i was wondering how much was the pool scene edited. cause as they walk from the pool place, they were so happy and playful.
















also before the bumping while walking scene, you can see that they are walking so close to each other. shoulders touching, very close. you would not walk with a person that closely if you are not comfortable with the person.
















last episode was so good that i forgot that in 3 days a new episode will be up.
















korean idols have a very difficult life style. because they try to stay on top due to a lot of competition. there are many girl and boy groups already out there and still there are more and more groups making their debut. idols must go into a lot of variety shows, radio interviews, etc as part of their promotion to stay visible to the public, promote their music, and to stay on top. idols can't be involved in relationships because of some extreme fans [read this somewhere, I think it was Park Jin Young (JYP, CEO of JYP entertainment)].
















I am thankful to shows like WGM. although it is another show to be done, at least the filming conforms to the current schedule of the idol. it gives idols a chance to live a life of marriage and to go places where they can't normally go due to their schedules. they can express themselves while filming. they can say what is in their hearts and minds, no scripts, just missions to go places. it allows them to take a break from the hussle and bussle of the idol life plus the show is broadcasted on tv and the rest of the world, so it is also a type of promotion.





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Hi kj2va! RDRsubs won't be reuploading epi19 anymore coz IMBC apparently kept on blocking it whenever they try to upload, so i don't really know who has the subbed episode, probably yukiandy? But haven't seen them post their link so far...Anyone know? :unsure:


thanks for replying lhizbrit, too bad i didn't get to watch it, my bad i should have watched it two nights ago before imbc blocked it...huhuhu...i hope someone could repost it...im crossing my fingers,,,hehehe...episode 19 was one of the best episode so far...


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2 Gogumas :) it seem like many of u guys haven't seen all episodes of our goguma cp yet, maybe u should download them instead of finding hopeless in YT since they're unlisted or could be deleted fury.gif i've already have all of them (some ep recently have really good quality), unfortunately, i only have vietsub eps (im vietnamese :P ) so i cant upload them for u. but rdrsubs had download links for ep 8 to 19, so u can dl from their blog. As for older eps, u could create an soshified account and try to have enough postcount to get the links, that's actually not a good idea bcs u'll find it difficult to post there if u're not a Sone.
















P.S: Nice to meet all of u Gogumas fan :wub:





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22





thanks for replying lhizbrit, too bad i didn't get to watch it, my bad i should have watched it two nights ago before imbc blocked it...huhuhu...i hope someone could repost it...im crossing my fingers,,,hehehe...episode 19 was one of the best episode so far...
















go to rdrsubs site. there is a link to ep 19. it is reuploaded on facebook. a fanpage for seohyun reuploaded ep 19. i've downloaded ep 19. good quality than streaming in YT.
















you'll be able to watch it on the facebook link.
















the fanpage credited rdrsubs so its ok for them to reupload it. i think the fanpage name is SNSD seohyun forever.





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Hi potatoes....
















































































I can't catch up!! hahaha! You all are so fast with the news and photos!
















































































j2dlee, we'll miss ya~~ enjoy your holiday!!
















































































I wouldn't read too much in little minsun's question to Hyun actually. I read the chinese trans and it sounds pretty innocent and straightforward to me. Maybe it's the culture, coz I too would ask that kind of question. Just to tease and hoping to get red cute cheeks from the couple. LOL!! (i intend to sabotage Yong in singapore showcase if they pick my question posed to CNBLUE. hahaha!)
















































































Ok...after running around like a crazy woman last night, i managed to get something for our couple. (and the brothers-in-law too, keke!)
















































































Unfortunately, the marriage cert, i'll have to continue driving nazweena crazy about it. Let ya all know once we work something out. Wuri poor naz is also sloggin her wits out with her presentation at work. *hugs naz*
















































































Here's what I got. Shall take a photo again when it's nicely packaged for the couple. But i can't wait to share it with you guys first. So exciting!! I wanna get one for myself too! LOL! and the gift shall satisfy lenovo pretty much. ha!
















































































































































































































































Ok...these are bear speakers, attach to your mp3 player and ah.....music to your ears~~ And they are made for BED-side listening. *winks to lenovo*
































































































































































This is a writing board, which i intend to decorate and also attach the love letter to it. keke!! Wish us Singapore potatoes luck!! Hope Yong brings these back with him to Seoul.















































































































































































































































I will catching the live streaming on WGM Sat morning(UK time), then I fly to Singapore in the evening, so will only arrive late afternoon on Sun. I will miss CN Blue unfortunately SOB...SOB... Have a great time, which I bet u will! Lots of love...

















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helllooo goguma lovers....




































just the think on random..seohyun dance cut




































seohyun dance cut, also a bit same from the last time Yong dance...hahaha




































isnt it?? what do you think??? hahaha or it's just me...?? :unsure:





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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG lovekim those gifts are so cute ^_^
































































































































































































































































If one day I see those bears on their house I may die of happiness hehehehe :P
































































































































































































































































Good luck to all my beautiful Gogumas who are going to the showcase. Have lots of fun there ^_^
































































































































































































































































_d3seohyun: Those screencaps are <3 they are soo close ^^

































































































































































































































































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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































INTERNATIONAL YONGSEO LOVERS please help me with the mini-project assigned to us by translating this phrase on your mother language
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"I love the yongseo couple because..."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I will need it as soon as possible.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































genxvplease pm me when you're already online. We'll try to finish our part tom. night or saturday dawn but how are you guys going to print it out? We made it look like a mini-diary that yong gave hyun when he lost the letter.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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love reading your insightful comments andalasa, redtulip & heartbreak_warfare22...grateful to soompi for meeting you people here, not forgetting those who regularly share updates on our goguma couples and their respective group activities...too many of you to name, but trust me, my appreciation is no less sincere... :wub:






























hopefully one day the work situation in k-entertainment will improve and all the management agencies will realise that they are just humans...they need to rest, find someone to love & share their weals and woes too...






























enough of depressing thoughts...i'm looking forward to fan accounts from those who went to changi airport...and a new episode of wgm on saturday! *YAY*! :w00t:






























Edit: hi bezbezbez, i saw your msg asking for the short phrase translation...although English is actually our 1st language, our mother tongue depends on our race in singapore...i hope this helps you:























(Literal Meaning: I Love Forgiveness Husband & Wife Because...)









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Guest andalasa
































































INTERNATIONAL YONGSEO LOVERS please help me with the mini-project assigned to us by translating this phrase on your mother language
















































"I love the yongseo couple because..."
















































I will need it as soon as possible.
















































genxvplease pm me when you're already online. We'll try to finish our part tom. night or saturday dawn but how are you guys going to print it out? We made it look like a mini-diary that yong gave hyun when he lost the letter.































































































Sorry bezbezbez... Do we just have to translate "I love Yongseo couple because..." or along with the reason? Thank you :)
















































love reading your insightful comments andalasa, redtulip & heartbreak_warfare22...grateful to soompi for meeting you people here, not forgetting those who regularly share updates on our goguma couples and their respective group activities...too many of you to name, but trust me, my appreciation is no less sincere... :wub:






























































































































































hopefully one day the work situation in k-entertainment will improve and all the management agencies will realise that they are just humans...they need to rest, find someone to love & share their weals and woes too...






























































































































































enough of depressing thoughts...i'm looking forward to fan accounts from those who went to changi airport...and a new episode of wgm on saturday! *YAY*! :w00t:































































































Agree! :).. Cant wait to see some pics from the airport  and tomorrow epi :rolleyes:...
















































According to the sched.. I think the boys have landed and mayb on their way out :rolleyes:.. How I wished I could go tomorrow :-(

















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omigoshhhhhh lovekim!!! those cute teddy bears are really something! hah i'll be extremely happy to receive such a gift! ahhhh too bad i'm not in SG now!!!! >.< send our love to yong & his bros!!! can't wait to hear the juicy news from ya & all the singaporeans who are attending!!!! oh, yong must've arrived by now... & u guys must've seen them by now... goshhh! i'm soooo envious of u guys!!! :w00t:

d3, u make me wanna watch the ep again!!! :wub: i agree with u that there must be more than what we see in ep 19.... btw, where's ur dongsaeng lenovo? oh ya, she's a nightshifter! xD

edit: ohya... although this is a bit late, but i just realized that Simon D posted this pic below via his twitter (thanks to the kind gogumas for the link to the article :) )!


hahah pls forgimme for being that blur! >.< but i wonder if anyone knows what kinda sign are they making? does this kinda sign have any meaning to it? besides, why are they posing while showing their rings together (it may be nothing but i'm still curious)? so they say Simon D has a couple ring with his gf while yong's with his fake buin. i dunno why but i find it intriguing to see him showing off his ring with another guy who has a gf. this action of his is like as if he also has a gf & that's hyun. ohhhh something's definitely brewing. Simon D knows something too! >.<

i know this is quite trivial, but i just wanna voice out my curiosity. ^_^ u guys can ignore this.


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Guest miel_1301




Agree! :).. Cant wait to see some pics from the airport  and tomorrow epi :rolleyes:...


According to the sched.. I think the boys have landed and mayb on their way out :rolleyes:.. How I wished I could go tomorrow :-(



Thanks andalasa for the update.


I've been stalking the boys' [CN Blue] thread for about half an hour now but it seemed pretty quiet. Not even photos of the boys departing Korea.


@lovekim, those gifts are super cute. Wish you luck! Hope you'll have a wonderful encounter with our YongHwa boy.



And to all SG Sweet Potatoes, best of luck to all of you attending the boys' Fan Meet and Showcase/Mini Concert.






Send all our love to YongHwa [and the bros as well]. Have fun...fun...fun!!!






We shall all be waiting with excitement for your blow-by-blow account.



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Guest bezbezbez


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cnblue is in town :) fanboys screaming seohyun!! omg! @ongdongyi u cud hv found frens there! jonghyun <3 boys were in shock! haha































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a tweet from a boice at singapore who went to fetch cnblue...hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SG people really love our couple <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































woollylamb can you put that into words/text rather than characters
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































andalasa just the phrase itself :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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a tweet from a boice at singapore who went to fetch cnblue...hehe








SG people really love our couple <3








woollylamb can you put that into words/text rather than characters








andalasa just the phrase itself :)















pardon this ajumma bezbezbez...i don't quite get what you need me to do...do you need me to paste the words into an image file or it's something else? please advice me in detail...so sorry...









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Guest lhizbrit






INTERNATIONAL YONGSEO LOVERS please help me with the mini-project assigned to us by translating this phrase on your mother language


"I love the yongseo couple because..."




I will need it as soon as possible.




genxvplease pm me when you're already online. We'll try to finish our part tom. night or saturday dawn but how are you guys going to print it out? We made it look like a mini-diary that yong gave hyun when he lost the letter.








Hi, same question here bezbezbez...Should we only translate that part or we need to include the reason after the word "because"?




Another one, if anyone know, It's unfortunate that my cable provider doesn't have KBSworld..so I can't watch Happy Together using cable..Does anyone know if I can watch it through stream? There seems to be no KBS world in tvants too?? Eottoke?? I want to watch it badly...



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