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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest blueswim_boo


no, no, i don't want you to be sorry!  i'm sorry if i came off sounding defensive; that wasn't my intention.  i didn't even realize there was another poll posted before, unless it's the same one i was referring to two posts ago or something.  it's my opinion that if someone is going to post something to remind people (like me) that not everything is based on one poll or interview or survey or whatever, really – then they're only doing it for the benefit of others, and that's always a good thinghappy.gif

ohh,..glad that u didnt misunderstood me for that post.:rolleyes: just a piece of my thots that i want to share with you.

The regular spazzer here like crystal,lenovo,genxv,d3seohyun,dreamyboo,baby_bo,and many more of them..they are like the root of this thread,to keep this thread as positive as possible so even bad news come,they will be the one who keep this thread together,stay grounded,like it is their mission,thats  gain more and more ppl to love yongseo and this thread. Like crystal said,this is like a goguma land,anything is possible and ppl here are commited to be positive.For new comers or fans, thing like polls,interviews or even comments from other fan will shake them up,upset some of them,i used to be one of them..but now,after i understand what these ppl are doing and how they love this couple,i love yong and hyun even more and i could ship yongseo positively and happily without worrying so much about things beyond our control.So now,i just thot i could help others get rid of their doubt about loving this couple too..thats what all these old,regular spazzer here do all the time and i respect that in them,inspired me to do the same too even not as much as they did.If somehow u love this couple but still have lot of doubts ,u might want to visit here often..ppl here are amazing..they can charm you into one of the positive,happy shipper in no time..haha..Maybe that also could explain why this thread have the most views.Its the power of yongseo sincere/honest relationship that rub it off to ppl in this thread.To be sincere,honest and positive.

Edit:Sorry,top the page with nothing to share.


Edit:Hey,hi,dreamyboo..just read ur post. Gosh,u are such a happy,bright ..dreamyboo.:lol: .thank you for the kind words as well.hehe,i still come here occasionally,but in lurker mode:ph34r: ,nothing much to share,i guess but enjoy reading each one of the comments here..


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hay lovely spazzers...just dropping by to say congratulation to trent for his/her latest work, the movie...it was brilliant..

been lurking forever and I thought I'd just show up to give you guys my 2 cents about the latest epic-sode...

well, I guess none, I mean no guy, could resist SeoHyun's aegyo, don't you think so?

but YongHwa wouldn't regret it (for being too weak in front of his wife), I know he didn't. lol

it's good to see these 2 people getting more and more comfortable with each other..

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hay lovely spazzers, just dropping by to say congratulation to trent for her/his latest work, the movie... it was brilliant... you got real talent you know..








been lurking forever, and I thought I'd just show up to give you guys my 2 cents about the latest epic-sode..








well, I guess none, especially guys, could resist SeoHyun's aegyos, don't you think? (I couldn't)




but YongHwa wouldn't regret it (for being weak under his wife's spell). I know he didn't. (quoted from Jossa's fanfic," why is he the luckiest guy on earth, again?" lol)








it's good to see these two people getting more and more comfortable with each other..








can't wait for the next episodes..^^




keep spazzing people...should go back to my cave, it's getting dark in here...





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OMG i just have to comment about this SWEET POTATO movie







THAT was one hell of a video..so so so amazing.







thanks so much for sharing it.






























































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hi, im just browsing this thread and im new here..just want to ask where can i watch ep19? youtube doesnt have the video anymore...sorry...and btw thanks in advance!


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Guest lhizbrit






hi, im just browsing this thread and im new here..just want to ask where can i watch ep19? youtube doesnt have the video anymore...sorry...and btw thanks in advance!






Hi kj2va! RDRsubs won't be reuploading epi19 anymore coz IMBC apparently kept on blocking it whenever they try to upload, so i don't really know who has the subbed episode, probably yukiandy? But haven't seen them post their link so far...Anyone know? :unsure:



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Hello, everyone,





I proudly present the reason why I'm kinda procrastinating. I'm going to continue my fanfiction, but for now, I hope you like:








Goguma - the Movie




"We Got Married Goes Action Movie"





(inspired by the "The Adjustment Bureau - soon to be a major motion picture)





(currently, the quality is still bad - once YouTube has finished it's thing, I hope it's going to be better)













Wow this is great! I will definitely buy a ticket to watch the movie. Love the pace and how you manage to put all the scenes into a meaningful storyline. One word. You have the talent!!! By the way, a lot of people in baidu are already singing your praises.





Genx, I love your latest vid too. Give me such a warm feeling after watching it.





I just want to say once again I love you all sweet gogumas for sharing with us all your talents, spending time to do all the screen caps, translations, news etc etc Make this a happy place for me whenever I faced some fustrations. Like what somebody said (you know who you are this ajunma has short term memory) it is destiny that bring Yong and Hyun together, it is destiny too for us to meet here and share our passion for them. I am sure fate will also have something planned for them. Just need to be patient.


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Guest _d3seohyun






omg! so many goodies! I don't know where to start. apologizing in advance just in



case i don't get to thank everyone who had been posting.






@dreamyboo. LOL @ those gifs. i was hoping someone would make them and there you go.



thank you. now i see him dancing non-stop. covers my eyes but still taking a peek lol






@Trent. so you're a multi-talented artist huh? excellent in writing and video making?



very cool kekke oh and I think you helped with the banner for sis clumsy's fic too.



gwadddddddd! someone must post that banner in here..gave me goosebumsp! :wub:









@genxv. thank you for posting those goodies from dcinside. I want to visit all those places too. and LOL @ "SNSD SeoHyun, this is where she slept." I'll visit that place



one day with my bf and strike the same pose as sleeping seobaby and then i'll make my



bf look at me the way sleepy yong did towards hyun LOL


@clumsy. oh my gawd! seobaby looks absolutely gorgeous on that cosmo cover. alluring! i want a copy. do they sell these online? the dress seemes to be perfectly made more her,


matches her hair and everything. all the girls look great! i want my copy! :(


Hyun Buin's Endorsement Pic in WGM...it seems like Hyun is starting to wear dresses (as we see in previous eps...she wears jeans most of the time)..I guess she wants to impress Yong Seobang with her beautiful legs and show her femininity ...hahha!!




cre: DC Married


@crystal_malfoy: I wonder too!! Because you can notice that her hair color is for the Genie promotion in Japan..she probably wore it to that island filming...wow...that's amazing isn't it :)



nyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! no wonder the fans who saw her that day said "She's not human."


i'm dyingggggggg to see yong seobang's reaction :w00t: becaus I for one cannot stop


staring at her


Kim Jungmin (the male MC) shared through his twitter a picture of the snacks that Yongseo fans sent to the MCs today ^^




cr. jake82054@twitter


Here's a picture of his tweet, if anyone is curious as to what he said:




It says that he'll enjoy the snacks that the Yongseo fans sent today.



thank you for sharing this. i've always love that mc. i love the picture of YONGSEO


in that bag. waaahhhhhh i want a copy of that too! kkekekke


and quoting silis the great from snsd's thread...

Seohyun missed the fanmeet to film WGM at Youngheung island, a special episode with all the couples reportedly, a big shooting with dozens of cameras and a helicopter. Rumor says this special might be aired next next week but there is some trouble brewing at MBC right now;; (similar to strike situation earlier this year...)


kyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! after reading t he word island the first thing that popped in my head was one of FO's episodes where they go into teams and push their opponents


out from platform while on top of the water. kyahhhhhhhh! :w00t:


i'm not going to worry about the trouble that might be brerwing...


Que Sera Sera...Seize the day...Spazz Now, Worry Later :lol:



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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































guys! just dropped by to work with all of you on our mini-project...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































redtulip I think you volunteered to compile the answers for "why do you love the yongseo couple?" question...am I right? are you done with it? can you pm it to me?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































then can I ask someone who is good with graphics and photoshop to help on certain part of the project?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































naz and other staff memsI'll work on the "why do you love the yongseo couple?" question...I hope that you could feed me people with PS skills. we need it to be done soon. I'll do my best to sort things out :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to everyone else I'm as happy as you are guys that seohyun ditched the unnies just for her hubby...marriage life comes first before anything else <3

































































































































































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
























rdrsubs is suspended again. I wanted to watch ep 19 again but the video is no longer available.
















but they have a new channel already, but will not be uploading ep 19.
















hope they will upload episodes in dailymotion. seems like MBC is unto rdrsubs. their videos are unlisted but YT still gave them a strike.





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Guest waniey_haha


did someone posted this pic already???

yoooonngg was blushing....at sbs strong heart....kyopta...aigoo......n when i see him blushing like this ...i juz could'nt resist my mind to think about the zipping part........akekeke.....

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Guest miel_1301






Goodness! I had to spend half an hour just to backtrack from where I left off. And just the thought of wanting to reply/comment on every interesting post is already overwhelmning for me.


Thanks genxv, for the Compilation of YongSeo Feeding Each Other Moments. I was reminded of the fact that as early as their first meeting, episode 1, YongHwa already made that bold attempt to try feeding SeoHyun with those tangerines much to her surprise and thus she declined. And that YongSeo fan at DC who toured all those places the couple had been to is really one passionate and dedicated follower. I envy her. Maybe if I am also in Korea I'd do the same thing.


Hello, everyone,


I proudly present the reason why I'm kinda procrastinating. I'm going to continue my fanfiction, but for now, I hope you like:


Goguma - the Movie

"We Got Married Goes Action Movie"


(inspired by the "The Adjustment Bureau - soon to be a major motion picture)


(currently, the quality is still bad - once YouTube has finished it's thing, I hope it's going to be better)




This is one brilliant creation, trent! I felt like I was inside a surround theater watching a trailer of a movie.


Another fan went to Jeongdonjin and captured some pictures there.


Yong and Hyun had signed an autograph which they keep framed at the station.


credit: 먹어어@DCInside


"JeongDongJin Hwaiting ~~~!!!"




So cute how their signatures are so similar. I think the paper with their signature was posted waaaay back around the time they filmed the episode. How nice that the station has it framed and all.



Are those stars I am seeing at the end of their signatures?


Hyun Buin's Endorsement Pic in WGM...it seems like Hyun is starting to wear dresses (as we see in previous eps...she wears jeans most of the time)..I guess she wants to impress Yong Seobang with her beautiful legs and show her femininity ...hahha!!




cre: DC Married



Thanks YongSeoForever for this beautiful picture.


Now, I fully comprehend visually Lee Teuk's description of SeoHyun when he likened her to an angel.


She is literally and figuratively an ANGEL.


Kim Jungmin (the male MC) shared through his twitter a picture of the snacks that Yongseo fans sent to the MCs today ^^




cr. jake82054@twitter


Here's a picture of his tweet, if anyone is curious as to what he said:




It says that he'll enjoy the snacks that the Yongseo fans sent today.



SE7ENsyuhja, thanks for this twit message from MC Kim.


This is why I love this WGM host--- MC Kim--- because it is very evident that he, like us, is very much into this couple. He has always given his insightful comments every time he watches them in the program. I recall in the last episode shown, episode 19, during the scene when YongHwa was demonstrating and guiding SeoHyun the correct hand positioning in playing pool, he was the one you commented, "Very natural".




Yonghwa and Simon D recording for MBC's "Come to Play".





Oh! The Busan Boys recording "Come To Play". Is YongHwa boy flaunting his ring?



@dreamyboo, those gifs that you posted of YongHwa doing that WAVE dance (@WINWIN) really shattered my image of him being that cool, charismatic rocker and CN Blue leader. Ha..ha..ha!!!


Aigoo! Aigoo! It really seemed like he is bent on perfecting, if not improving, his dancing.


@clumsy, all the girls look fabulous in that Cosmopolitan Magazine. One of them (SNSD) on that Mag cover would be a treat but a Package of 9 is indeed a feast.


And I save the best post for the day from silis and to quote and repost:

Seohyun missed the fanmeet to film WGM at Youngheung island, a special episode with all the couples reportedly, a big shooting with dozens of cameras and a helicopter. Rumor says this special might be aired next next week but there is some trouble brewing at MBC right now;; (similar to strike situation earlier this year...)


WGM production definitely knows when the right time is to beef up their position, having a rather comfortable hold in ratings of 15-16%, it's about time to present all these three couples in one episode. It's been quite a long time since they had all their couples in one episode.


And in line with that impending "trouble" brewing at MBC, I shall content myself with the thought that the cameras, still, have been rolling for our couple.



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RT: @ 2pmalways: [Rumor] We Got Married filmed a horror episode at an abandoned school in Yeongheungdo. It is possible that all 3 couples participated.








i've got this rumored info from another wgm couple thread which the 3 couples will be on a special horror episode. if it's true, i don't know whether yong will protect hyun from the 'ghosts' or he will grab with all his dear life on his wife (remember when they ventured into the haunted house?), or they just cling to each other.
















The rumor about the horror episode seems to be true. A fanaccount on Naver says that they had a WGM filming session at an abandoned school in Yeongheungdo. The person who wrote the fanaccount mentions something about WGM’s best couple and he/she says that people dressed up as ghosts for the horror special ㅋㅋ








cr: _xeth @ twitter






















cr: winniebar @baidu












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LOL! kubih thank you for posting that news about the Horror movie. LOLLLLL PD-nim I love you for this! One way or another this is going to be hilarious. Why do I have a feeling that SeoHyun is going to be so badass in this? I am praying SO HARD that it's true we will see the special soon and not have to wait for 2 months like the other episodes TT


Will be back to edit this post because I see tonnes of interestng comments I wan t to spazz over. But, just a quick shout out bezbezbez I have sent you a PM with the document link. Thank you, thank you for your help! And redtulip you've done an amazing job compiling the notes. I really appreciate it.


I know a little bit about photoshop and have some free time so if there is anything in particular you want help on bezbezbez just let me know ok?



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wow horror special ,isnt yonghwa is the one holding seo hyun in ghost house in first date
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































in theme park :D,maybe there will be a lot of skinship like holding hands because the location is
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































in abandoned school and they must walk together for the mission.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































also well if there a couple special eps didnt they playing wgm popular game like season 1&2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































someone posted in the back
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































even seo hyun snsd unnie tae yeon did the game with hyung don.

































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d3, miel yahhh! i know!!! yong's dancing moves...they're still lingering in my head! ah i feel giddy now xD ahahaha i remembered someone (sorry can't remember who... nowadays, i've bad memory :( ) saying that yong's dance moves are similar to hyun's in this vid...[2010-02-14] SNSD CUT (MBC Star Dance Battle) LOL! like husband, like wife indeed!

kubih, thanks so much for sharing such a valuable news! hahaaha horror filming eh... it reminds me of yong getting all scared in the Haunted House :lol: i've been thinking... the show ("horror filming") featuring the 3 WGM couples which includes our goguma couple happened right after the kiss-on-the-cheek-rumour! it could be that PD wanted to make sure that both yong & hyun are in the more intimate stage before putting them in that show... as couples should be intimate enough to film that kinda show. so i conclude that the rumour of the kiss-on-the-cheek must be true! :w00t: btw, who kissed who already????? was it yong? couldn't be hyun right? hahaha xD

gahhhh, so that means they're already in an intimate stage right now, or maybe more!? kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

edit: just saw ur post, blueswim_boo dearie! xD u're so schweeet~! *hugzzz* :D


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Genxv, bezbezbe and all the rest of the crew, I am happy to be of any help given my limited IT skills. Photoshop is something i don't know how to use so can't help further. I have fun reading all those reasons why we love the couple as I go about doing some editing.





Dear gogumas, you are all so amazing! We have created a book for yonghwa to read, nearly 30 pages of love!!! This is even before any layout or pictures.





Anyway, back to spazzzzzing. Horror episode!!! Trust the PD to pick a theme with a lot of potential natural skinship. This is so exciting. Just thinking about it what do you think the two of them will be feeling? Cos I am guessing yonghwa will be the shy one and Seohyun maybe the one without reservation. Lol


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Guest DeeOmfg
















































Annyeong DeeOmfg ^_^ I love the shirt, do you know where to get this shirt? I also hope to see you and Hallyucraze there at the event. I think I can also come at the airport :)























































Annyeong biiianx! With regards to the shirt, you can purchase it straight off the website http://www.zazzle.com/im_a_sweet_potato_girl_tshirt-235467558454427620 but I think you need to register with zazzle, but I think it's just to ensure purchases can be made easier. I think that's the only way to buy it.
































































































DeeOmfg, I think you know who I am by now...hahaha! Thanks for getting my tickets for me. I'll see ya at the showcase.







































































Hey there lovekim! No problem. Just helping out my fellow Boice. :D Can't believe it's this Saturday! See you then!!!!! :D

















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Guest biiianx





Annyeong biiianx! With regards to the shirt, you can purchase it straight off the website http://www.zazzle.com/im_a_sweet_potato_girl_tshirt-235467558454427620 but I think you need to register with zazzle, but I think it's just to ensure purchases can be made easier. I think that's the only way to buy it.








Thank you DeeOmfg, i'll take a look at it in awhile. Hope to have a chance to meet you :)








The rumor that kubih shared is awesome, i can't wait for that episodes. It's so nice to have something to look forward for our Sweet Potato.








Keep it up my fellow Sweet Potato lovers ~~





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just find a pic anyone know what/when event is this ?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre silis@snsd thread

































































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