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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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OMG, the dancing part was beyond hilarious




Too bad i missed the show for WIN WIN and strong heart too..




Hope someone upload both shows or torrent files so i can download and show my grandchildren that YONGHWA dance :)




Went to CNB thread, there was no torrent file yet




Please if someone know where can i download both shows, please share wit us


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Guest Crystal392






Hii!! Right now I am at my university xD


But I couln´t help myself and had to check SeoHwa/YongSeo thread ^_^


Woah YongHwa danced? xD xD and they filmed WGM? Yay! that's awesome :D


Thanks for all the info, translations and everything.


Happy spazzing :lol:



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Guest lovekim
































































































































































































































































































































ooh!! PowerOf9!! thanks for the links!! cute Yong...lols! yesh, felt abit embarassed for him too...kekeke!
































































































































































































lenovo dearie...did you notice who's in front of him? hahahaha! chansung ah!!! Yong was flanked by two Hyun related guys....faint! Fanboy Jinwoon and chan-ahem-hand holding-sung!
































































































































































































Just too funny for me...kekeke! Can't wait to watch the full show. Looks interesting though, but gotta need subs....i'm useless without subs. LOL!
































































































































































































Yipes!! They had filming today? That should be a fantastic episode for Mid-Autumn festival. hee! can't wait!! Thanks desirenhope and woollylamb for the info and trans~~ (omg...woollylamb!!i forgot to mention you!!so sorry!can you PM me?see how we could meet up as well, if u'll like to...)
































































































































































































And hi~~ anyone keen to meet fellow potatoes in singapore before the showcase can PM me...keke! jnj and bamz, you can PM me...kekeke!
































































































































































































PureStupidity!! you are coming!!?? hahaha! well, if you feel like a meet up with me and the other potatoes, give me PM okie!

































































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Guest sufelman
























nice moves yong!!!








couples are tend to be alike... i believe that now.








wifey must have taught him the moves, see this gugumas....

















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Yipes!! They had filming today? That should be a fantastic episode for Mid-Autumn festival. hee! can't wait!! Thanks desirenhope and woollylamb for the info and trans~~ (omg...woollylamb!!i forgot to mention you!!so sorry!can you PM me?see how we could meet up as well, if u'll like to...)




thank you lovekim for the invite and sorry for cutting your post...No worries about not mentioning me... :lol:














I'm rather crowd adverse so I will skip this round...hopefully CNBlue will come here again for a proper concert and I'll put aside my fear of crowds... :wacko: Those who are braving the crowds to catch a glimpse of CNBlue, do have fun! ^_^














In case anyone is interested, I edited the summary in the previous page because the thought of what CP meant in the chinese summary kept bothering me...then it suddenly struck me that it could mean Cut Parts/Unseen Footage...I think that's what happened for the WGM Season 1 couples as well...*YAY*! At least we get to see some BTS footage! :w00t:





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Guest lenovo












lenovo dearie...did you notice who's in front of him? hahahaha! chansung ah!!! Yong was flanked by two Hyun related guys....faint! Fanboy Jinwoon and chan-ahem-hand holding-sung!










Just too funny for me...kekeke! Can't wait to watch the full show. Looks interesting though, but gotta need subs....i'm useless without subs. LOL!



















Chan-ahem-hand holding-Sung! ---- LMAO!!! wwwwooh!










Honestly, I barely noticed him!!!










Yonghwa is so freaking funny!!! I love how spontaneous he is when he comes to variety shows. Mind you, kahi and Dambi are very entertained.... Yong-ah, that's your charm!










Compared to the tall, macho -Jinwoon and Chansung, our Yong Choding is pretty small. kyahahahaha! But he stands out to our Seobaby!!! (eeeek! Chesszzy!)










Oh yeah, he has the ring on. I'm seeing something shiny on his left ring finger... on BOTH SHOWS!!! (kkkyyyaaah! the RING issie that never ends.... LMAO!!!)



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Guest lovekim
































































































































































































































































































































hey woollylamb...no probs! hope to meet you someday though...kekeke! :)
































































































































































































lenovo!!! i love ya!! got your nice surprise!!! did you mean that when you gave hushed hint? LOL!
































































































































































































and yesh, who would have thought!! that two nice guys...lost out to our equally nice and just-right-for-Hyun, Yong seobang!!!kekeke! thanks and yes, i'm gloating....so proud of Yong...lols!

































































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Guest jollibee


















i finished the subbed version...








i have to say that i love them...








all the skinship is making me spazz...








i realy like ~hyun's perseverance...








>>>anyways, is it just me or is ~yong starting to show his romantics..








i mean when he said "i don't know if this was your punishement?" and "my heart aches for you" or something like that...i was melting in my sit...








i love this...


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Guest Kerube-Chan
















I'am in my work and this happy news had made my day a LOT better thanks for sharing all the info. That special episode is going to the the best and it will propably air before than all the episode we have in line. Better that way, we are goiing to be able to see how they are right now.














Ok, the news about SH not going to the fan meeting is just Yey!!! (jumping around like crazy) I totally love them this give me a very good feeling about how their relationship is progressing.














About YH dancing. The boy can move... XD














Thanks again for sharing This news are the very best.


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Guest hihi_hehe




























Did anyone watch WinWin today? How was it?




















I know that Yonghwa was just a surprise guest ... but since he was there, I want to know how it was with Yonghwa :rolleyes:




















kekeke ... I'm really excited about the 3 couple filmed today hehehe




















Seohyun has not been with her unnies these days ... her life has changed somehow ... she is not a baby anymore :wub:





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Really all couples were filming together? SQUUEEEEEEEEEEE




Another of my WGM wishes come true! Aigo~ I really really want to make a better a better post and spazz but work is calling me. So thank you everyone for the news links, translations, videos, epicness!




Also you guys should definitely do a meet up in Singapore! I'm getting second-hand excitement from thinking about it (sorry Powerof9 for butchering your quote here :P) It will be the first ever Potatoes/Goguma Aliens meetup. History in the making XD.. Kya, I get so excited thinking of all of you getting to go and then.... I'm jealous too.. boo...




Have lots of fun!!!!




Ok, posting an update about the Mini Project:




Sharing with you the frame designed by nazweena and Rippergirl. Nice work you guys!









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Guest baby_bo












Hello everyone :)








MOon FEstival is Chuseok festival right? Wow! they filmed early if I'm correct. Cause I think Chuseok festival is still on september kekkee








Btw sharing these subbed SNSD news. Seohyun and some YOngSeo related. (well seohyun's marriage was asked so it's a little related hehhe)








cr. soshified
















News - Seohyun Cut [04.14.10] (en)








YongSeo questions just pops up hehehe
















Backstage - SNSD & Ock Joohyun Cut [04.27.10] (en)
















Section TV Goobne CF - Making Film (SNSD) [04.30.10] (en)



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Guest fabiistar07








Hello Sweet Potato lovers!! :D




I'm new to soompi, I had an account a while back but I'm just starting to explore soompi




& of course, I'm so glad i found this thread!!








& this thread seems to be full of info ^^




I'm really happy that all the couples filmed together since the games will deffinitely bring this couple much closer (& hoping for more skinship!! :wub: ) keke




I also really like the frame design, especially the pics of the piggyback ride! :lol:




Anywayss...It's nice to meet you all! ^_^



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Guest _d3seohyun










@desirenhope . thank you for posting the news and @lovekim for the translations.






so they were together :wub:






I'm greedy. I was disappointed when I read that they filmed with



the other two couple because that could mean less airtime for them and besides



I love seeing just the two of them ALONE!






And don't you guys think that the sponsors of that furniture company in their



bedroom is a little disappointed with wgm?! I mean they hardly film IN there :P jk kekkee









But come to think of it a chuseok special with the other two couples could be



something we've been waiting for!






as @kerube-chan said we will get to see their current status on this special



since the episodes we have been watching were filmed two months ago. plus, plus a chuseok special can mean airing of never before seen footages AND...AND...pepero game! kyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!









I've followed WGM since season 1. Never missed an episode of the first batch of couples



and even found time to skim through the show when the old couples left.



so hearign about a special is really getting me E X C I T E D! :lol:






Because we can see YONGSEO's version of these... *dies*


the latest news of filming inspired me to dig through youtube to do these


before heading off to work ...



























I don't care if there's a foot of distance in between them or an inch, as long I see them participate.


Seing seobaby's determination and competitiveness from the last episode when it comes to "following the rules" of the game/punishment,


all we need is our Yong seobang's courage to pursue kekkeke. yonghwa fighting! yongseo fighting!


Posting some caps that make me feel like our couple is making out.... with their eyes of course LOL






kyahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! just like what JOONGBO did before...


Seobaby, just close your eyes and let your Yong seobang do all the work and win the game. Just stand there and don't move hahhahaha




Plus, Yonghwa loves eating so he won't have a problem biting off every piece of that pepero kekkeke




PUCKER UP POTATOES!!!! kkekekke I can't wait!




LOL @ Yonghwa dancing. kyupta! The boy loves to dance.


thank you for the links :D


Good luck to the ones going to see the boys. be safe and have fun! :D


@genxv. their younger pictures combined look so precious! you guys are doing a great job!


thank you.


@baby_bo. *wave* i miss your spazzing ekkekeke


@fabiistar07. welcome.



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















just watched Yong dancing in Strong heart and the MBC star dance battle (?) posted by sufelman.








Yong must have watched that show because his moves are so similar to Seohyun's moves in the MBC star dance battle. also the same song was used (the song "Three" by Britney Spears)








or probably Seohyun taught him those moves? :)








Yong's dance is unlike the his TMYW dance were he was stiff. now there is fluidity in his moves. so I'm guessing (and hoping) that Seohyun gives Yong little dance lessons in cases of emergency (when Yong is asked to dance in variety shows since most people know that he is a poor dancer.)





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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































Yonghwa cut on Win win! :D
































































100817 W1n2x - Ideal Man

































































































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Guest baby_bo










Hello Sweet Potato lovers!! :D








I'm new to soompi, I had an account a while back but I'm just starting to explore soompi








& of course, I'm so glad i found this thread!!
















& this thread seems to be full of info ^^








I'm really happy that all the couples filmed together since the games will deffinitely bring this couple much closer (& hoping for more skinship!! :wub: ) keke








I also really like the frame design, especially the pics of the piggyback ride! :lol:








Anywayss...It's nice to meet you all! ^_^















Hello Welcome to this thread :)








Enjoy your stay!








WE update this thread with news as much as we all can, you can also share if you have infos :)








kekek when i went online today and saw that picture of SNSD at Domino event without Seohyun, I just knew, even without reading that post about the 3 couples shooting for moon festival, that Seohyun was out for WGM filming. :)








by the way sharing my caps. I know there have been a lot of screencaps already for episode 19 cause it's a totally daebakk episode full of spazz worthy skinship. But just wanted to share this cuase i find it sweet too :) YOnghwa is getting comfortable placing his hands on Seohyun's shoulders.. It's like HOLDING HANDS YONGSEO VERSION hahahha!



























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Guest lovekin




i'm new to the soompi forums but definitely not new to the "sweet potato" couple.  my profile is pretty bare because i don't want to divulge too much information, except that i'm a huge fan of these two and i go by lovekin.




please excuse me if i come off really awkward. ^^; i'm new to forum posting, you see, and i'm typically not one to interact.  but i've realized that i have too few acquaintances in which to talk about how adorable and precious yonghwa and seohyun are when they're together.  i'm thinking my friends who like the other couples better think i'm crazy. wacko.gif but what can you do, right?



for me, what makes these two my favorite over the "adam" and "khuntoria" couples is the slow nature of their relationship (whether or not you think it's staged, which i'll get into a bit later).  yes, they are definitely awkward and sometimes it's uncomfortable to watch.  however, as many of you have already mentioned, it's their realistic progression to closeness that makes it that much more favorable to me.  i don't know if what they feel for each other is real because, well, it is a reality show, after all, but the way yong sometimes lets his gaze linger on hyun or how hyun can sometimes be receptive to yong's playful nature ... it's like the kind of relationship you have with someone for the first time, someone you don't know, and you realize that you're getting closer without truly knowing how it started. 。◕ ‿ ◕。




so the question on whether it's real or not!  i think that, despite how fake this show might come off, that some of the feelings they develop on the show are real.  when you're in that close a proximity to each other, when you're put in situations where you're forced to bond and learn about each other, it's hard not to find the charm in whomever you're partnered with, right?  so that part is undeniable.  but as i was looking up interviews after viewing episode 19, i surprised myself by feeling disheartened after watching this.  it's pretty recent too, and it isn't the only interview yong has given on hyun, but they all have a running theme and that is he feels more compelled to like seohyun (the implication being that it's part of his contract as a participant on WGM) rather than actually liking her for her.  and he definitely has a type if his other interviews are of any indication. ㅠ_ㅠ (that idiot, i mean really!)  and it was so awkward to me when he met some of the other SNSD unnies because on some other variety show, he said fany was more his type.  that was, of course, before he appeared on WGM, but it's only more proof of his type. sleep.gif



again, i'm not saying that what they have isn't real because sometimes it's real!  but i'm also trying to remind myself to be aware that this is also a show, which is the sad part.  because you can tell that yong is really growing on seo just by the way she acts and whether or not what her unnies say is true when she's at home.  it's sad that yong might only have platonic feelings for hyun when she's clearly smitten with him to some degree.



so i must ask of you fans of the "sweet potato" couple: have there been any other interviews after his appearance on win win that indicates his feelings might've changed?  and can someone clarify the following timeline for me?  if the interview i linked to was in july (i'm not too sure; i just looked at the date it was uploaded) & we know that WGM episodes 1-19 were seen filmed before july, that means that after all that skinship seen in the latest episode, yong's feelings haven't truly changed.  someone convince me otherwise!  (hah, but i'm quite the cynic, because i know yong has started to keep his answers minimal and hyun-focused, and i'm only convinced that his PR manager or someone has told him to talk about hyun more to bring more attention to the show.  WAH, why am i like this?!)


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Guest baby_bo












Sharing this news article from cnblue-sky.net








The article made me this -> :angry: then this -> :unsure: then this -> :wub::P LOL!

Mnet 'Beatles Code' (MC Yoon Jongshin, Yoo Saeyoon) is in the news late.

[News] "Yonghwa is too good for Seohyun..."

















On 'Beatles Code' aired on August 12th, guest group Baek Doo San's Yoo Hyunsang said "Yonghwa is too good for her..." about CNBLUE Jung Yonghwa and SNSD Seohyun.








Yoo Hyunsang revealed that he didn't know Seohyun was a SNSD member. He specially expressed his love for Jung Yonghwa because he likes CNBLUE very much.








At Yoo Hyunsang's unexpected comment, MC Yoon Jongshin said "I don't know how to react to this" and Jung Yonghwa looked taken aback and embarrassed.








Yoo Hyunsang, however, did not know who Seohyun was and was not aware of their virtual couple situation, made the audience laugh with his innocent expression.








On this day, fans focused more on Jung Yonghwa's finger instead of Yoo Hyunsang's comment. Around his finger was a ring that looks like a couple ring with Seohyun.








After the show, viewers expressed their hopes for Yonghwa and Seohyun's beautiful love on various community sites saying "the ring stood out," "Yonghwa, only look at Seohyun."








Meanwhile, Mnet 'Talk Beatles Code' aires every Thursday night at midnight.








Credit: News En + 1takeKK @ cnblue-sky.net










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Guest heartbreak_warfare22





so i must ask of you fans of the "sweet potato" couple: have there been any other interviews after his appearance on win win that indicates his feelings might've changed?  and can someone clarify the following timeline for me?  if the interview i linked to was in july (i'm not too sure; i just looked at the date it was uploaded) & we know that WGM episodes 1-19 were seen filmed before july, that means that after all that skinship seen in the latest episode, yong's feelings haven't truly changed.  someone convince me otherwise!  (hah, but i'm quite the cynic, because i know yong has started to keep his answers minimal and hyun-focused, and i'm only convinced that his PR manager or someone has told him to talk about hyun more to bring more attention to the show.  WAH, why am i like this?!)
















sorry for cutting your post. the link you linked (win win) was aired on June 25, if I'm not mistaken. and it was filmed around late May. I've seen that interview and I felt disappointed at first but by the way he reacted after he said "compelled" I feel like he just used the wrong term.
















regarding yong's feelings, nobody can say for sure but yong. but we can see that he likes Seohyun based on the glances and the stares. there are alot of interviews about Yong's ideal girl and about Seohyun. I just read them here in this forum. Its one of the reasons I visit this forum, to get some news and links of interviews of Yonghwa and Seohyun.
















in a recent interview I read a few pages back, the question was, "Who is the celebrity you want to be close to?" the rest of the CNBlue boys explained before saying the name of the celbrity except Yonghwa. he said "Seohyun." there was also this drawing of Yonghwa describing his ideal girl. the drawing was cute but the descrition basically describes Seohyun.





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