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Jang Keun Suk 장근석


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Hi Chaeyeong, thanks for the info, do you know where I can download the song, he sing pretty well. :)

also need some advise from you on his movies? where can I download them? One miss call etc (he only appear in One miss call 3?) what about the Dorimifasolatido? I got a bit confused ...I have went to the link you provided above but not sure which are fan-made story and which the original ones? is the chapt 1-100 the original story? also the picture that are posted on the link is (first page) does not look like the real artists for this movie right? lastly any idea where we can watch or buy Dorimifasolatido? seem like it is not boardcast in Korea yet but film in 2006? again I am confused....hope you can enlighten me here. thanks a lot in advance! :)

no prob. here u go: Black Engine

he sang these too Waiting for the Time and Full of Sunshine

u might already have the black engine mv so i didn't include that here.

yes, he's only in the third instalment of the mone missed call franchise. i didn't even watch the first two cos he's not in them. :D i downloaded one final missed call from veoh. i can upload it somewhere if u prefer but veoh's faster to dl from. downloaded going crazy waiting with english subs from idols unlimited. EDIT: a couple of posts back, someone gave the link to the veoh file for this movie

doremi & happy life has only been released in theatres. doremi in theatres early last month while happy life was in theatres last sept but both are not out on dvd yet. and yes, doremi was filmed in 2006 but not released til this year for some reason.

oh and the link i gave u is for the translated version of doremi on soompi. the pictures are just the celebs who the threadmaker pictured as the characters of the fanfic. i'll pm u to explain about the TF

just a friendly reminder: there's a lot of double posting (sometimes triple posting) lately in this thread. plz just edit ur post if u're the last poster. there used to be a lot of spamming too (eg by quoting) at one point but thankfully that seemed to have stopped. it's ok to increase the pages slowly. it's better to post something of substance. we don't want the mods to close us down right guys?

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Guest laiyiwen

SillyYun, I removed the pics~

About JGS Dancing Techtonik Video, I removed all vid

In the 1st vid It wasn't him.. anyway, I deleted the 2nd vid because these are private SO SORRY JGS >.< :tears:





*credits: DCkeunsuk

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Guest softshellcrab

^ doremi link the link to the original by guiyeoni is given in the first post

don't think so. when asked if he's branching out into singing, he said definitely not cos he wants to focus and polish up on his acting skills more at the present time and foreseeable future. and JGS's the one who sang the song. sounds like JGS for sure. JYP is just the composer and producer for the song to my knowledge

yeah he should just focus on acting cuz he's really good at it. not saying he's not good as a singer but I think he'll shine more in the acting world. the black engine song is really nice though i like it. but in a way if an actor wants to sing they really have to have the vocal talents. thats what i think. cuz if he tries to sing without the proper knowledge on how to use his vocals, people would think he isnt talented. but if people see his acting, people would be impressed. thats what im saying. he should just focus on things he can do really2 best. oh and i really2 LOVE his character as prince chang hwi i actually wished the character is real. i want to see more of his drama!! a new one. maybe another joseon era drama? ***drools

Hong gil Dong behind the scene, sorry if posted before:




awhhhh this scene was actually tense but its calming to actually see the smile :) oh is that his phone? i have the same phone too! haha.

nope he's not dating anyone but I bet he would like to, he's so busy poor thing and he's a growing boy with hormones.

hahaha! yeah yeah. a man now. with hormones. he's just like everyone of us. cant live without love can we? :)

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Guest DongBangBoys

hahaha! yeah yeah. a man now. with hormones. he's just like everyone of us. cant live without love can we? :)

lmao you know it girl!! XD

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Guest newlili

I wonder if these pixs posted before ? Please let me know , i'll remove them.

JGS and Heechul MCs for music shows 2007:




JGS pix on 2006 KBS Performance Awards: Best Couple Award with Ha Ji Won:


Credit: Friendster.com

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please remove the IMG tags if u're quoting pictures.

oh man.. i didn't get to watch the dance videos before it was deleted. but since it was private, i'd respect that

yeah he should just focus on acting cuz he's really good at it. not saying he's not good as a singer but I think he'll shine more in the acting world. the black engine song is really nice though i like it. but in a way if an actor wants to sing they really have to have the vocal talents. thats what i think. cuz if he tries to sing without the proper knowledge on how to use his vocals, people would think he isnt talented. but if people see his acting, people would be impressed. thats what im saying. he should just focus on things he can do really2 best. oh and i really2 LOVE his character as prince chang hwi i actually wished the character is real. i want to see more of his drama!! a new one. maybe another joseon era drama? ***drools

awhhhh this scene was actually tense but its calming to actually see the smile :) oh is that his phone? i have the same phone too! haha.

hahaha! yeah yeah. a man now. with hormones. he's just like everyone of us. cant live without love can we? :)

i agree with u about focusing on acting. and chang hui is the character that grabbed my attention too! i just don't understand what's in yinok's head..

what phone is that? not that i can buy it cos i just bought gong yoo's phone last year and i promised myself not to buy another one til next year at least. but with the new samsung soul phone out, i'm really tempted. back to the topic, that phone really looked out of place in that pic. but it would be funny if they actually shot the scene with JGS talking on a cellphone but HGD is a fusion sageuk after all.

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Guest Strawberii

that phone really looked out of place in that pic. but it would be funny if they actually shot the scene with JGS talking on a cellphone but HGD is a fusion sageuk after all.
Haha i agree that would be hilarious, JGS calling yongmun on his (blackberry?) phone to give orders on assassinating the king

I have been lurking here for a while seeing as i have no time to talk lately with school and all, but since i finally had the time i just thought i drop by and post a bit :wacko: and find out what's up with JGS oppa :sweatingbullets:

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Guest laiyiwen

Posted at JGS's Cyworld Board: 2008.05.14 04:59

난 술을 참 좋아해

술이 좋은 이유는 내 자신이 술에 취했을 때

거울속에 비친 내 모습을 보면 어떤 이야기든 다 들어주고 싶거든

눈물이 흐를 정도로 가슴아픈 얘기들

어금니가 보일 정도로 웃긴 얘기들

입술이 한곳으로 모일 정도로 진지한 얘기들을

아주 솔직하게 얘기하고 들어줄 수 있잖아?

술에취한 지금의 내가 간절하게 원하는건

사랑하고 싶어..

정말 뜨겁게 열정적으로 그렇게 누군가를 열렬하게 사랑하고 싶어

후회하지 않을만큼 사랑했을 떄

비로소 나는 격렬한 행복의 늪에서 벗어나고 싶지 않겠지

후회하지 않을만큼 사랑했을 때 말이야..


항상 후회하고 있는 내 모습이 싫을 때 도 있어

너는 어디에 있니...?

Jang Geun Suk needs love Oo.......? Hope he would find his greater love ^^

aw.. he loves alcohol so much, I think he should drink less lol..





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Guest skittles*

^ Very emo post.


I really like alcohol.

I like it because when I'm drunk,

I can look at myself in the mirror and listen to everything.

(He's saying with alcohol, he can become truly honest and sincere)

Stories that are so sad it makes me cry...

Stories that are so funny they make my molars show...

Stories that are so sincere they make they lips gather...

[When you're drunk], you can speak honestly and listen, right?

What I'm feeling right now as I'm drunk,

is that I want to love...

I want to love someone with passion and a warm heart.

When I love without regrets,

it'll be hard to strip myself away from that happiness.

When I love without regrets...


there are always times when I regret what I've done.

Where are you...?

Dang, Geun Suk oppa seems really depressed. :( He's probably just lonely.

Thanks to everyone for the goodies!

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Guest supErnova1114

I was reading the Geun Suk's Cyworld post...

Wow...I never knew he could be so poetic!!

But his post is so beautifully sad...

he wants love? T.T

Me too, oppa, I feel your pain....

don't worry, us eels will love you!

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Guest reddynamitez

wow this thread is moving sooo fast... i wish he could come out with a new drama soon.. i'd rather him start acting again, then doing those tv shows.

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Guest jjinxx

thanks for all the goodies!! :sweatingbullets: loving every bit of JGS oppa!!! X]

aw man, yeah, that does sound really malancholic and depressing...well, the alcohol part is kind of depressing but the part about wanting to love is pretty sweet and sad. this is the reason i feel sorry for celebs. for some reason, the world doesn't make it easy for them to be in love :huh: poor Geun Suk! he's still so young and needs love! dang! ><

is that link for doremi a written story or is it like to dl the movie???? and when you say original, does that mean the one posted and translated here in soompi isn't the original? (i still love it though) i want to watch Geun Suk in Doremi so much....he's such a great actor, specially for someone so young! argh! he makes me love him too much! >< hehe..


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Posted at JGS's Cyworld Board: 2008.05.14 04:59

난 술을 참 좋아해

술이 좋은 이유는 내 자신이 술에 취했을 때

거울속에 비친 내 모습을 보면 어떤 이야기든 다 들어주고 싶거든

눈물이 흐를 정도로 가슴아픈 얘기들

어금니가 보일 정도로 웃긴 얘기들

입술이 한곳으로 모일 정도로 진지한 얘기들을

아주 솔직하게 얘기하고 들어줄 수 있잖아?

술에취한 지금의 내가 간절하게 원하는건

사랑하고 싶어..

정말 뜨겁게 열정적으로 그렇게 누군가를 열렬하게 사랑하고 싶어

후회하지 않을만큼 사랑했을 떄

비로소 나는 격렬한 행복의 늪에서 벗어나고 싶지 않겠지

후회하지 않을만큼 사랑했을 때 말이야..


항상 후회하고 있는 내 모습이 싫을 때 도 있어

너는 어디에 있니...?

Jang Geun Suk needs love Oo.......? Hope he would find his greater love ^^

aw.. he loves alcohol so much, I think he should drink less lol..


^ Very emo post.


I really like alcohol.

I like it because when I'm drunk,

I can look at myself in the mirror and listen to everything.

(He's saying with alcohol, he can become truly honest and sincere)

Stories that are so sad it makes me cry...

Stories that are so funny they make my molars show...

Stories that are so sincere they make they lips gather...

[When you're drunk], you can speak honestly and listen, right?

What I'm feeling right now as I'm drunk,

is that I want to love...

I want to love someone with passion and a warm heart.

When I love without regrets,

it'll be hard to strip myself away from that happiness.

When I love without regrets...


there are always times when I regret what I've done.

Where are you...?

Dang, Geun Suk oppa seems really depressed. :( He's probably just lonely.

Thanks to everyone for the goodies!

oooh..poor our dear Geun Suk...he feels lonely :tears: *come to nuna dear B) *

at this moment i really hope he will find a really good girl who understand and cheer him up, sharing his feeling and thought... :)

and he shd drink less, though... not good for his body.. B)

we want him happy rite??? :) *hohoho... am i sooo wise??? :P*

thanks a lot for porting his Cy entry and translate it, laiyiwen & skittless

anf, thanks for ' Going Crazy Waiting' link! i really like GS character there! and he looks so cool! <3

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Guest jjinxx


Has anyone seen this? JKS as a girl on Nonstop. There's sub, rather small, but it'll do. he's too pretty as a girl. LOL. I love the outtakes at the end.

lol, yeah! my sister showed me that and now every thing i watch it i get a laugh out of it cuz JGS was sooo good! he really acted like a girl! and he was so cute and pretty, that little...LOOOL!

skittles! thanks for translating the Come to Play vids! they're so funny! Geun Suk's so cute, it was sweet when he talked about his special christmas...hm, seems like he's very curious about his exgf...she's lucky to have his concern, just like all the people who are lucky to still have exbf/gf who care about them! X] JGS's so cute!

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Guest DongBangBoys

^ Very emo post.


I really like alcohol.

I like it because when I'm drunk,

I can look at myself in the mirror and listen to everything.

(He's saying with alcohol, he can become truly honest and sincere)

Stories that are so sad it makes me cry...

Stories that are so funny they make my molars show...

Stories that are so sincere they make they lips gather...

[When you're drunk], you can speak honestly and listen, right?

What I'm feeling right now as I'm drunk,

is that I want to love...

I want to love someone with passion and a warm heart.

When I love without regrets,

it'll be hard to strip myself away from that happiness.

When I love without regrets...


there are always times when I regret what I've done.

Where are you...?

Dang, Geun Suk oppa seems really depressed. :( He's probably just lonely.

Thanks to everyone for the goodies!

See? I was right, he wants a girlfriend or have someone to love. He's a growing boy and he's so busy that he can't do anything. Aww..

I feel so bad for him. I hope he finds the one that can fill his heart!

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Guest xling06

Hi Chaeyeong, thanks for the links and explanation etc, greatly appreciate it...I have PM you for more information (hope you dont mind since I really do not know much on JKS) also, will take note on the posting of message here. btw do you know whether JKS speak or read english - I saw that he study in New Zealand? thanks

just read JKS's latest CYworld message posted here - thanks to laiyiwen & skittles_xp.

nearly cry after reading the message as I can feel and is experiencing the same pain as him (though I am older than him and have always belivered that only people of my age will feel and have such thoughts in life thus was really surprised that despite his young age he is already going through this stage....just my opinion.....nonetheless would like to encourage JKS....Jia You! and hopefully I can gain some strength from this as well.....

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Guest bunnybunny

honestly i think jgs is going through an emo stage. his whole cyworld is kinda emo...the background, the music, his posts...

i hope he feels better drinks less and sleeps earlier o.o

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Guest oceanangel

thanks for all the goodies!! :sweatingbullets: loving every bit of JGS oppa!!! X]

aw man, yeah, that does sound really malancholic and depressing...well, the alcohol part is kind of depressing but the part about wanting to love is pretty sweet and sad. this is the reason i feel sorry for celebs. for some reason, the world doesn't make it easy for them to be in love :huh: poor Geun Suk! he's still so young and needs love! dang! ><

is that link for doremi a written story or is it like to dl the movie???? and when you say original, does that mean the one posted and translated here in soompi isn't the original? (i still love it though) i want to watch Geun Suk in Doremi so much....he's such a great actor, specially for someone so young! argh! he makes me love him too much! >< hehe..


aww poor JGS oppa...looks like he's going thru hard times...hope he feels better soon~~ I'm sure he'll find the perfect girl for him to cheer him up!^^ so dnt wry, oppa! haha

oh is doremi posted here on soompi?? can someone give me the link? hehe^^

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Guest newlili

Thanks for JGS's entry translation and goodies , guys . It seems he really lonely these days . Awww, he is also the only child in the family, this makes him feel even more lonely with no sibblings to talk and share things with. I hope he'll get over it soon and take on a new project . JSG dear, drink less and sleep more, you'll find a very good gal someday . JGS fighting!

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