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Jang Keun Suk 장근석


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Guest kittiwan


You're going to the Taiwan fanmeet? Cool! Btw, do you have an lj account? I mostly post on my lj. You're the 3rd eel I know from LA :D Here's how you join the JGS FC from LA ( I posted this for myself before because it's kinda complicated to figure out from all of the separate posts):

How to apply to FULL PAID membership to the Korean JGS Fan Club:

Note: besides Koreans and Korean residents, the FC is open to overseas fans except those living in Japan because those who are living in Japan are expected to apply to the official Japanese JGS FC

1. Ok,so the first step is to go to his official Korean FC website


Only works on Internet Explorer!

2. Join the FC WEBSITE

*Note, this just the first step in the process. It is not synonymous to being an official paid FC member. This process enables you to see parts of his website and acquire an FC website name and nickname. The latter two will be needed in application process for official paid membership.

a. click on join

b. fill in the blanks: pink ones are required, grey ones are optional

c. submit

3. Send annual international FC membership fee of 40,000 won ( around $40) to JGS' management company's bank account through bank transfer. There are no other modes of payment. Keep a copy of your payment receipt from your bank ( people living in Korea pay only 20,000 won)

a. Bank :Korea Exchange Bank (KEB)

Headoffice address: 181, 2-Ka, Eulji-Ro, Chung-Ku, Seoul, Korea

Send the money to Tree-J's account which is in the Seochonam Branch of KEB

Branch address :SEOCHONAM BRANCH

1443-15, CEOCHONAM BRANCH, Ceocho-dong, Ceocho-gu, Seoul, Korea


Account name : Tree J Co.Ltd

Account number: 630-006990-774

b. You'll need Tree-J ( JGS' management company)'s address and phone number; because the banks here will require it to process the wire transfer. Btw, the phone number below is the correct one; because it has been verified by the FC staff ( it took us a lot of calls & emails to verify this info^^)

Tree-J Co.Ltd

5F, Kidco Bldg, 33-20 Nonhyun Dong

Gangnam-ku,Seoul 135-010


Same info as above, but in Korean letters

트리제이 ( Tree-J)

서울시 강남구 논현동 33-20 키드코B/D 5층 우편번호 : 135-010



+82-2 540-6959

c. Go to Shinhan Bank Koreatown Branch

3000 West Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles 90006 ( Olympic/Normandie)

(213) 386-0166

Remit: 40,000 won ( FC membership fee for 1 person) +10,000 won ( KEB will charge this amount from Tree-J's account as fee from KEB's end of the wire transfer process)=TOTAL ( 50,000 won total amount to be transferred to Tree-J's KEB account)

Other Shinhan Bank ( LA) fees:

$25 ( wire transfer fee from Shinhan LA to KEB Korea for non-Shinhan account holders)

+ possible exchange rate charges to change US$ to Korean won.

Btw, you'll want to send Korean won instead of US$ to avoid confusion. My US bank could only send US$, so my friend and I looked for a Korean bank just to make the transaction as smooth as possible.

4. Send an email to jinjak84@naver.com after payment with the following info:

Title: Jangkeunsuk fan club membership enrollment USA ( 1 person)

1) Payment date and time

2) Name of payment(your account name)

3) Name

4) Date of birth in 6 digits(ex:870804)

*Note, they won't accept anyone born after 2004^^

5) Sex

6) Phone NO.

7) E-mail address

8) www.jangkeunsuk.co.kr ID

* this is the ID you provided in step 2

9) www.jangkeunsuk.co.kr nickname

* this is the nickname you provided in step 2

10) address(home)

11) zip code

12) Are you coming to the Fan meeting ( Jan 31)? yes or no

Obviously #12 is irrelevant, but just answer NO , if they are anal enough to require a #12 answer.

Don't forget to attach the wire transfer receipt from Shinhan to KEB ( scanned, of course)!

That's it.. and then wait for their reply --which may take awhile. Btw, I think there is also a Feb. 20 deadline for applying for membership. Although some fans say that this is only applicable for those who are going to the Taiwan meeting. But still it is safer to apply before Feb 20 even if you're not going to the Taiwan fanmeeting. Btw, what I just wrote above is the procedure on how to apply for the FC membership which DOES NOT include ticket fees for the Taiwan fanmeeting or any other future fanmeetings. There is a separate procedure and payment for that which is country specific.

Ok, I hope that's clear.

PS: If you're paying through other methods like internet banking. I don't know how that works since I paid in person. Korea time is +17 hours, so if you email them at around 4 pm (here) that's roughly 9am ( the following day there). But I don't think it really matters since it's email unless you're near the deadline or something.

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Guest miniejungle

^^kittiwan, that is a very detailed post about the membership! thank you. I hope someone can update the first page so that everyone can access the information easily... who is our thread starter by the way?

@newlyconvert: yes, that's the same hoodie that's sold as merchadise for the FM. i think xkiku and a few other S'pore eels want to get them together, you can check with them if you want to share shipping cost!

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Guest zahieyjunki

Can someone help to translate this?

Jang Geun Suk, nicknamed 'naked-sama'?

배우 장근석이 별명이 ‘나체사마’가 된 이유를 밝혔다.

장근석은 2월 6일 방송된 KBS 2TV ‘연예가중계’에서 친구들이 자신의 별명을 ‘나체’라고 폭로한 것에 대한 진실을 고백했다.

장근석은 “사실 작업실이나 집에 있을 때 아무 것도 안 입고 샤워 가운만 입고 있는다”며 “그러다 음악이 나오면 춤을 추니까 그러다 보니 별명이 나체사마가 됐다”고 털어놨다.

이날 국내 두번째 팬미팅을 가진 장근석은 “팬들과 교감시간이 상대적 부족하다”며 “이런 자리를 통해 눈빛으로 얘기할 수 있어서 좋았다”고 말했다.

마지막으로 장근석은 “앞으로 보여드릴 게 훨씬 많이 남은 청년입니다. 어떤 게 나올지 모르지만 하나하나 발견해가면서 지켜봐 주십시오”라고 당부했다.

cr : newsen

idk for the title, i'm using google translator but i'm sure that could be misleading title cuz google don't really helps.

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omg.. there is two new message for Keun-suk today.. hope someone one can leak abit of the message summary. I dying to be full member.. Since last tues till now its almost 6days..

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Some1 translated in fan letter

As the title says...

Keunsuk left a message on the "From Keunsuk" section...

He said he had enjoyed one week of holiday and came back safe now...

He also mentioned that..

he found one of the news reports named one of his best friends name wrong... -_-~~ ``How hilarious it is... Poor Rock Kim(his name is written Mok Kim in that news release -_-).. ``

He also asked...if we would like to see his Encore Cencert.... (what do u think???)

At the comment relays... you can see he left a couple of messages...

And... he said..

he really didnt eat anything from 7am till the end of the FM on 31 January

as he totally believed many Jangeo fans would prepare things to eat for him...

But there were none... (pooooor KS -_-)

Now... he said he is eating Beef Rib with his family....

and he is also asking if you wanna see the photo shot of his dinner table...

Anyways... come and leave some message to KS as well....

Hurry guys~~ :)

Credit to ks-holic

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Guest miniejungle

^^aili, thanks for the post! and thanks ks-holic for the translation! muah!

how cute he was!! i burst out laughing reading the part that he thought eels would prepare food for him!!! my poor baby!!! when you come to Singapore we will bring food to see you ok? better still, go out with us! we'll get you the best food S'pore can offer!!!

of course we want to see our encore concert! no need to ask sukkie!!! come to see us quick!!!

i'm off to the website now! cant have enough of my boy!!!!

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Guest NewlyConvert

how cute he was!! i burst out laughing reading the part that he thought eels would prepare food for him!!! my poor baby!!! when you come to Singapore we will bring food to see you ok? better still, go out with us! we'll get you the best food S'pore can offer!!!

i'm SO with you on bringing him for food when he's in Singapore, miniejungle .

wonder if that will happen though lol

oh as for the hoodie wise, don't think i'll get it

but hey, we singapore eels should colour coordinate on the day of his FM here, just to 'catch' his attention ;)

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Actually i am thinking can we sg eels discuss with the organizer [should be mediacorp] to organize a eating session for him to eat our local food like laksa and satay on stage so that we can all see his reaction.

the foods we can bring if too much he can share with his staffs ba....

but dont let him know 1st and surprise him in the middle of the fan meeting....

i think after what he write on his msg, he is going to get tons of foods from his eels hahaha

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Guest christinaheng

I agree with what aili8 says....If something can be arranged with the organiser of the SG FM for something like that, it will be great!!!

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Hi guys,

As xkiku and i are trying to contact the mediacorp for the eating session thingy once his schedule is out.

xkiku said if the fm cannot hv the eating session then we can try in his interview so that most of his eels can see his reaction...

but we need more people to join to help..... so any 1 interested pm me your email address so that we can discuss this

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@ aili81

Thank you very much for posting ks-holic's translation. And all the best for your project.

@ kittiwan

Thanks for the detailed explanation. It's very helpful.

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can i ask about the membership in the fan club??

do i really need to pay the membership fee when i register or i can still register but not as a fully paid member??

if not, how can i cancel my account??

please someone answer me cri...thanks..:)

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Guest taaiiez

aili81 ... Thank you so much for posting his latest message ! Thanks in advance to KS-Holic.

Thanks god that he had enough time to rest : ) He need lots of rest !! and I'm pretty sure that beef rib is fulfilled his resting very well.

kittiwan ... Thank you so much for your information. It's really detailed : )

shiro401 ... Thank you for all the pics ^^

SoyaBeans ... waves xD

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Guest VeeVeeBOO

Aili posted up a translation of Sukkie's messages by KS-holic just now..I found and translated another related chinese trans in baidu.

Sukkie seems to be in a happy mood. Enjoy^^

Pls Do Not Repost Without Proper Credit

1. I still want to do it again (he means the fm)

2. But now thinking about it.. A fanmeeting with 3000 people is not a very easy thing. Yes?Or no?

3. On that day, I really didn't eat anything since morning till 7pm..Cri..Eels, what is all this?? (Poor Sukkie, asking the eels why they didn't buy food for him)

4. Do you plan to starve me? I thought i could go and buy food with aunt and nieces..Or eels will buy food for me..But in the end..T.T

5. Now eating ribs..Uhung Uhung~

6. Ah..Its already the first week of February

7. I'm totally relaxed and resting now,didn't even go to the club..Haha

8. These ribs are korean beef..I heated them myself!(Mum cooked it for me)

9. Noona fans..Don't be anxious..Cri..I will have more productions/works..Cri..

10. But the one with my back on her back..Who is that eel?? (Ref: picture)


11. I'm showing my dinner..Eels~~

12. Puahahaha..My dinner is coming..haha (does he mean to show us a pic of his dinner?)

Like he said he will, Sukkie listed out his dinner for us drooling fans..Kekeke..

I translated this from baidu =)

Do Not Repost Without Proper Credit


This is my dinner (Korea beef ribs, kimchi, black rice, beef soup prepared in the morning)

Everytime I only eat half a bowl of rice cri...

But how to adjust the size of the picture?? (Omo, he did take a picture after all?)

Expensive caviar..Or expensive side dishes..A little bit of each..heihei

Going for a date with Keun Sama(Manager Kim)~~Bye cri...

Puhahahaha..After i turned 20, never went to a club on Sundays..cri bye cri..

Thank you cri!! (He wrote thank you in chinese)

Aiyo!<<--Don't shout cri!!Daebaaaak~-->>Don't want this either! (Sukkie said in his FM before, he didn't like fans to shout like that)

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Thanks veeveeboo for a more proper translation..

so he meant today he never eat the whole day or on his fan meeting day???

this is quite confusiing

anyway it will be still great if we can do somethg abt the eating session for him as i think if we try at least we are showing him some thg as only gifts wiill be abit ordinary as i believe he received lots of gifts including the underwear :P so if we can try to work out somethg with the organizer to surprise him on the fan meetg wouldnt it be great and if we failed to gv him on stage we can gv him after fan meeting but i think it ll be better if he can eat on stage so tt all eels can see his reaction on the spot

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Heard the Taiwan fan meeting ticket is sold out already. Some fan said in the official website that the VIP ticket is sold out within 25 minutes of the ticket sales opening. Someone else tried to buy it online, and the tickets are all sold out within the 30 minutes she struggled with her computer. OMG, now I'm so anxious what's gonna happen for Singapore FM... :huh: we'll see how Beijing ticket sales will fare within these couple of weeks...

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