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Jang Keun Suk 장근석


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I found this posted on the YAB thread... but it concerns my JGS so i wanted to post this here instead..

on this clip.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4ruOCDBaFU - it is the BTS of the genie parody in YAB..

who is the girl that JGS is calling on the phone?? they seem really close.. and I am burning with jealousy!! even if it she just a friend of his, I am still envious because they seem really close, using "banmal speech" and her calling him "oppa" and JGS calling her name "Mi Young ah.." !!!


Please can somebody sub this video?! Please any kind soul!

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Guest tuchee11

^ The girl on the phone was SNSD's Tiffany. They're pretty close (along w/ Jessica). Her Korean name is Mi Young.

JGS is actually pretty close w/ a lot of idols most especially from SM ;)

hongard, he's close to many SM artists (Heechul, Tiff, Steph, Jessica, Shiwon, etc.). I think one of the reasons is because he used to MC Inkigayo w/ Heechul (a weekly music show) where he was able to meet a lot of idols. Another one is probably because he used to DJ in radio shows when he was younger. I saw pics of him w/ idols in radio studios. He's been around in the entertainment industry for a very long time and has ventured into diff things like MCing and DJing ;) So yeah, he's got a lot of celeb contacts and friends ;)

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Guest hongard

I found this posted on the YAB thread... but it concerns my JGS so i wanted to post this here instead..

on this clip.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4ruOCDBaFU - it is the BTS of the genie parody in YAB..

who is the girl that JGS is calling on the phone?? they seem really close.. and I am burning with jealousy!! even if it she just a friend of his, I am still envious because they seem really close, using "banmal speech" and her calling him "oppa" and JGS calling her name "Mi Young ah.." !!!


Please can somebody sub this video?! Please any kind soul!

there's someone trasnlate it! 5555

rough translation from 1:30:

- Wooyoung-ah, do u recognize me?


- don´t you remember this face of mine? I am... Yoona!

- HI!

- ahahahhah! ^^

"oppa, is it really you?"

- it´s me, nice to meet you!

"you´re so pretty"

- I think I´m prettier than you


- I´ll call you later

credit to : bellamyggainsek @ youtube

first time when i saw that it make me wonder like what? is that his girlfriend?

are u really hav girlfriend? no i cant accept it! 55 that my feeling but after i've just realize that if he absolutely hav girlfriend, he wont call his girlfriend while the camera is recording. that' right? that's my theory! noone know. but she's tiffany from SNSD. i wonder something why he is so close to girl such as stafany form SM (cant figure out her band) and tiffany from SNSD. 5555 just my wonder.

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whoa!!!!! omo omo omo... really that was Tiffany from SNSD?? I googled and her Korean name is Mi Young, so I think that sounds right from the BTS clip.

i am so jealous that they seem really close friends! JGS i just died right now because you gave a killer smile to Tiffany, it seemed so natural, with you flashing you're uber cute poses and making faces on that video call..

JGS don't you know that you make girls fall for you easily?!

Thanks for the translations!!! Way to go!!! That was freakin fast!

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Guest hongard

i've just finished watch ITAEWON on youtube. there has higher quality pic than viikii. and has no sub yet! i watched only JGS part! i skipped all the part that JSG isnt involved. 55555 the whole movie, he spoke only in ENGLISH. that's great. he's good in english. love it!!! but he was fat then. his face was bigger than now. anyway it's ok! if u hav time let's see ITAEWON.

wanna shared something about JGS that i unexpectly found this clip on YOUTUBE! after i serch for itaewon case movie.


it's about the game that JGS dub one of charactor in that game! 55555

may be it's nothing but after i saw this clip it make me like what such a HANDSOME guys? JGS reallyyyyyyyyyyyy HOT. i love that hiarstlye and that cloth. it's perfect with him. he's really HOT 5555 cant explain other thing except he's HOT!

i dont know if it's new or old? but the last comment on that site is about 6 months ago. but he's still HOT 555

wanna scream out loud. he make my heart melt and drive me crazy!

today,it's wednesday. it's so long to arrive this day! but finaaly this day come 555555 make me so happy.

the scence i wanna see most in today episode is THE KISS! i actually love that kind of kiss. 5555 may be i'm crazy now

Here's a complete translation of the High Cut interview from Dramabeans:


thanks a lot for shared.

i love this part


HIGH CUT:: “Shin-hye sshi, between the prickly Hwang Tae-kyung, gentle Kang Shin-woo, and quirky Jeremy, who is closest to your ideal man?”

Shin-hye: “Choose between prickly, gentle, and quirky? Um… As a character, the most attractive is the prickly Hwang Tae-kyung?”

Geun-seok: “Ah… so Shin-hye shows her feelings for me again.”--------

it remind me of the behind scence when they shoot bed scence together! so cute!!

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replying to the pix tuchee posted in the YB thread --> wow if that's really a fanbook he's browsing thru.. it's great to know that he really makes an effort to look at what the fans give him.. even if it's just at a glance. and even if it'd end up in the trash eventually like what kevin jonas did to his portrait from a fan..

hongard: i watched itaewon murder yesterday too! not streaming though cos i can't stand streaming unless it's live or for really short clips like CFs or BTSs. i thought he looked fine.. especially in his first (talking to his dad on the phone > u can see his leanness) and his last scene (when he walked away from the prosecutor's office). i think he just appeared chubbier cos the film was stretched maybe? he did have korean dialogue too.. with the prosecutor near the end of the film.. i don't speak korean but i think the prosecutor was suspicious that JGS could speak korean then.. and JGS said 'i learnt a lot in jail'.. or something like that. i guess his english was okay.. unclear in some bits but comprehensible otherwise. i actually feel bad for the jun pil's family.. imagine watching this film and to be reminded again..

from that link u gave us, i think that was made last year. he has the same hairdo, hair colour and complexion like the time when he was doing the Etude House Black N Jean products' CF. but i'm not too sure.. maybe resident JGS experts here can clarify.. and yeah he's hot in that style! i love his Black N Jean CFs..

i'm still wondering about the film 'Members of The Funeral'... seems like nobody knows much about it

btw, what is 555555? i know u're spazzing there but i couldn't for the life of me figure if it means anything in particular. i'm too old to keep up with internet slang these days.. ha!

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Guest shinhdeplol

Entertainers who seems good at doing special events for their girlfriends

According to a survey done on Monkey3 from 23rd October to 30th October, and in commemoration of Pepero Day (11th November), and the question ‘Celebrities who looks like he/she is good at doing special events for their lovers’ was asked and 1363 netizens polled. Big Bang TOP came in first in the poll with 23% of the votes.

The rest of the survey results:

1.Big Bang TOP (23%)

2.FT Island Lee HongKi (19%)

3.Jang GeunSeok (18%)

4.Noh HongChul(16%)

5.UKnow YunHo (14%)

6.Gil (10%)

C: KBites l iBIGBANG

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hahah I haven't watched Itaewon Murder Case... I`m still waiting for eng subs :P and I`m having second thoughts about watching it. Not really a fan of suspense story..... But is it any good?

anyways another Geun Suk BTS


^poor baby so tired.

@chaegyeong: you can download the movie here http://bt.avistaz.com/details.php?id=e8415...25875e31ef8c6d4


(if that's the answer you're looking for ^_^)

Ironically, this is the only movie (+ Itaewon) of Geun Suk I haven't watched so far... I dunno why. :lol:

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Guest choco52berrie

Here's a complete translation of the High Cut interview from Dramabeans:


Did anyone else laugh when JGS says, "I'm like a wild animal. When I go to the beauty salon, I go alone"? He seems to have a very sly sense of humor. It's hard to tell when he's joking or taking himself seriously. I hope he was joking there, though.

Even more mysterious is whether he was joking when he practically spelled out that PSH is his ideal woman. ;) PSH is also such a tease, but I suppose that's what makes them a great pairing -- both on and perhaps off screen!

I totally agree - I think he was clearly stating that she is his ideal "renaissance woman". haha They should definitely start dating, if they aren't already.

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i can't believe i haven't posted in JGS' thread..i have to admit tho..im a new fan...i have yet to check out his other works but i will definitely do that soon!...let's just say that YAB made a believer out of me! ;)

The role of TK is made for JGS! He's owning it! I can't imagine anybody else playing that role! ^_^

13infamyss i agree JGS looks dead tired in that pic..there are other pics in the YAB thread too where you can see it in his eyes/face the exhaustion and lack of sleep..i hope they can take some rest too...

by the way i felt inspired to make some icons from the HighCut photoshoot..i just wanna share with you all..:D


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@13infamyss: Thanks! glad you like the icons! :D


and that^^ first pic of JGS..is sooo drool-worthy! i wonder if that was just a candid shot or was that really his actual pose...and im seriously loving the bromance going on between hongki and geun suk...:lol:

thanks 7lotus for the additional pics as well! :)

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Guest newlili

A, I think Hongki really loves Geun Suk , ke ke. He's so possessive like a little bro wanted a lot of attention from his big bro :lol:

they are cute .

Yup! Geun Suk looks really tired nowadays. I remember the scene when he was doing in bed parody with Miss Park, he felt asleep because of exhaustion, but the filming crew had to wake him up to continue filming . Poor him!

I cann't understand why the production team didn't film some episodes ahead, so the casts can have some rest . sigh!


That was the clip after his drama Beethoven Virus around December last year. He participated in some charity organization by doing some voice dubbed for a video game.


As I believe the movie you mentioned 'Members of The Funeral' had already came out with different casts. Maybe Geun Suk was so busy to participate in .

@sunandmoon: Geun Suk is famous in Korean showbiz for being frank and straightforward. He once said that sometimes he thought people could misunderstood him because of being frank. So I think maybe he was serious when he said "I'm a little wild. When I go to the beauty salon, I go alone"

About his ideal woman , he might be joking , I don't know.

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i agree with everything u just said newlili. if they filmed at least 3 months ahead of airing, they could film without feeling the heat when the episodes catch up with the filming. cos obviously just 1 month ahead like for YB isn't enough. it will not only be good for the cast but for the whole crew as well. but it seems like it's the norm for east asian dramas to be filmed that way. poor JGS! i didn't read that news.. the news about him having falling asleep in between filming. he must be dead beat! YB cast & crew (especially JGS) hwaiting!

i love the Hong Star & Rena Jang hyung-dongsaeng relationship too! it's just too adorable for words!!

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Guest newlili

@chaegyeong: yes, there were quite a few news about JGS falling asleep while filming in Naver website.

They were filming the bed scene in which Tae Kung was sleeping and Minam doing something with the taser : Geun Suk was actually falling asleep, the filming crew wanted to let him have some sleep, but because the filming needed to be continued, they had to wake him up.

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and that^^ first pic of JGS..is sooo drool-worthy! i wonder if that was just a candid shot or was that really his actual pose...and im seriously loving the bromance going on between hongki and geun suk...:lol:

It's his actual pose with the members. I saw it in dcinside.... my fault was I didn't save it :( and now there's no way I could retrieve that picture since there's always like 10 pages to backlog every 10 minutes in that forum. lol but I`ll try to find it again.

I also love love love GeunKi(?) interaction!

I cann't understand why the production team didn't film some episodes ahead, so the casts can have some rest . sigh!

Yea, I don't really get it too as to why they always film to the last minute. I heard that the last episodes will be held in Japan? and they still have yet to film it? sigh. Poor babies.

and oooohhhhh so basically Geun Suk was never in the movie "Members of the funeral" hmm.

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Guest hongard

btw, what is 555555? i know u're spazzing there but i couldn't for the life of me figure if it means anything in particular. i'm too old to keep up with internet slang these days.. ha!

after i read ur post, i laughed alot bcoz it's my mistake that i typed "555". i know that u absolutely don know what "555" pronouce -- its ha ha ha -- same voice as when u laugh. in THAI the number of 5 we call it "HA", so i use "5" as a symbol to represent "Ha Ha Ha" sound. that's all. i'm used to it so i completely forget that it is the word only THAI know.

i cant wait to see tonight episode! my heart is beating so strongly like it's goona pop up.. ha haha

i really wanna see the kiss scence. wow! love it

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Guest akibeshy

Why he have to be so HOOTT...!!

Everytime I see pictures of him it feels like I'm burnin' on my seat... hahaha..!!!

If to describe JGS...

I can't find exact words., but I would go with...

drop dead GORGEOUS...

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