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Guest adikkeluangman

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Guest tunggal

Wah, lately weather here in Shah Alam is HOT giler. My face is burning up. Can feel the stingy. Help!!!

Yes, FT Island will come. Need to have a plan. I will study hard for my tests, quiz. Done well on my assignment so that i can spend time to stalk them when they come here. I will buy the front row ticket no matter how expensive it is. Need to see my classes at that time. Hope there will be no test, quiz or presentation at that week. although it will be near final exam. Finally my dream come true. JongHoon is mine.

Hu hu hu... did you guys read that Mawi is our local ambassador of KTO. I don't have word to describe.


Yerps..it true. Weather in Shah Alam is hot..even at nite..tak bole jauh ngan kipas..uhuh

The details bout FT Island's concert has released ? I need to know ticket price to do some budgeting..LoL

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me dah tgk...agak best gak lar...

bile dh hbs tgk nie... x de lah nak tgk kat tv citer nie...

lgpun kat dh didub...x best bile tgk... :wacko:


dik, ko apa citer yg tak tengok lagi haaa? semua citer dah tengok nihhhh.. kekekekekek... akak most probably takkan tengok witch yoo hee sbb takde pelakon favourite yg berlakon..

over the weekend dah habis tengok hello! miss aeghessi - Lee Da Hae.. the hanboks she wore are very pretty.. predictable storyline but dialogues are good. somehow tak rasa the chemistry between the two leads (like my girl) but maybe it's just me. the hero.. Lee Ji Hoon,(his face looks weird, sorry to his fans - i hv nothing personal against him, just IMO).. but must point out - he has very good comic timing (cant recall watching any of his earlier works, so i am very very surprised) and it's one of the reasons why i continued watching

as of daljal's spring that i started earlier - errrr, it gets boring & i dsecided to ditch it for the time being... nanti ada mood sambung semula

Wah, lately weather here in Shah Alam is HOT giler. My face is burning up. Can feel the stingy. Help!!!


here in cheras pun panas... but sometimes ada gak hujan.. akak ni baru habis demam, tp sore throat still ada..

ok, u guys take care yekkkk.. jangan ada yg jatuh sakit plaks...

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Guest hype8750


dik, ko apa citer yg tak tengok lagi haaa? semua citer dah tengok nihhhh.. kekekekekek... akak most probably takkan tengok witch yoo hee sbb takde pelakon favourite yg berlakon..

x de lar banyak sgt...cume time semester break arie tue...bosan x tau nak watpe..so layan streaming citer korea lah....

kelas dh start nie....x de mase nak tgk citer lagi...hahhaha~

Hu hu hu... did you guys read that Mawi is our local ambassador of KTO. I don't have word to describe.


Mawi diibaratkan Presiden KTO, Jee-Chul Oh sebagai Rain, artis pop Korea yang mulai terkenal di Asia. Malah, Jee-Chul Oh seperti memberi ‘lampu hijau’ untuk Mawi beraksi dalam satu show bersama Rain yang nama asalnya Jung Ji-hoon atau Bi.

oh tidak.... :crazy::crazy:

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Guest hype8750

The details bout FT Island's concert has released ? I need to know ticket price to do some budgeting..LoL

dh realsed but...the ticketing only open to advance booking which will cost you about RM 285 dan limited to 100 orang jer...

click here to read more.. http://www.ci-enter.com/

hheh~ siap ade contest lagi...

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Mawi diibaratkan Presiden KTO, Jee-Chul Oh sebagai Rain, artis pop Korea yang mulai terkenal di Asia. Malah, Jee-Chul Oh seperti memberi ‘lampu hijau’ untuk Mawi beraksi dalam satu show bersama Rain yang nama asalnya Jung Ji-hoon atau Bi.

oh tidak.... :crazy::crazy:

Mawi = Bi/Rain?

Errrr, i dont think so...

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common i don't think so that Mawi ibarat kan seperti Rain..Shouldn't make this comment cos it's quite a @@@@to Rain...

Ya, FT Island are coming to Malaysia and super junior are coming too. i think Ft island are comnig on March and they will be having an autograft session too...I want to go but consider i'm not big fan of Ft Island so i will not going in their concert. But i will consider to go to their autograft session maybe...

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Guest haradays

Mawi diibaratkan Presiden KTO, Jee-Chul Oh sebagai Rain, artis pop Korea yang mulai terkenal di Asia. Malah, Jee-Chul Oh seperti memberi ‘lampu hijau’ untuk Mawi beraksi dalam satu show bersama Rain yang nama asalnya Jung Ji-hoon atau Bi.


hey guys, ade tak yg nk pegi concert suju kt mlysia ni?

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Guest hype8750

common i don't think so that Mawi ibarat kan seperti Rain..Shouldn't make this comment cos it's quite a @@@@to Rain...

Ya, FT Island are coming to Malaysia and super junior are coming too. i think Ft island are comnig on March and they will be having an autograft session too...I want to go but consider i'm not big fan of Ft Island so i will not going in their concert. But i will consider to go to their autograft session maybe...

tue lah...mmg x leh diibaratkan ngan Rain lansung...cam darat ngan langit... :rolleyes:

btw...sape yg nak gie autograph session kena beli CD FT island yg baru...br leh dpt masuk autograph session...

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Guest tunggal

btw...sape yg nak gie autograph session kena beli CD FT island yg baru...br leh dpt masuk autograph session...

CD FT Island yg baru yg ader label CI ENtertainment..hurm..

good promotion la this time..compared to others korean concerts

so...ader sesaper yg g?

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Guest adikkeluangman

FT Island can't wait for their concert. Have you guys seen the ad on mag. So cool. Better concentrate on FTIsland upcoming first. Let's go to the concert. You will never know what you missed. I guess the local fan package a bit pricey but it worth it at least you know where you are going and with other fans too. When I take a look at the website. So cool. even got contest i want to join but then doesn't have any talent at all. aik buat advance booking. rasenya maybe for good seat kot. better grab lah. not sure yet which ticket but i think i want to email them to ask bout vvip tickets. nak tau gak bape price or if too high maybe i opt for the second one.

dah 2 hari hujan. tadi pun kena hujan gak coz tak bawak payung. the only drama that i watched is morning drama at kbs world. the innocent woman. sangap betul drama ni tapi tengok jugak. pergilah thread dia kat soompi. baca komen saya. only can watch on saturday or if clubbox being nice to me.

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Guest tunggal

FT Island can't wait for their concert. Have you guys seen the ad on mag. So cool. Better concentrate on FTIsland upcoming first. Let's go to the concert. You will never know what you missed. I guess the local fan package a bit pricey but it worth it at least you know where you are going and with other fans too. When I take a look at the website. So cool. even got contest i want to join but then doesn't have any talent at all. aik buat advance booking. rasenya maybe for good seat kot. better grab lah. not sure yet which ticket but i think i want to email them to ask bout vvip tickets. nak tau gak bape price or if too high maybe i opt for the second one.

dah 2 hari hujan. tadi pun kena hujan gak coz tak bawak payung. the only drama that i watched is morning drama at kbs world. the innocent woman. sangap betul drama ni tapi tengok jugak. pergilah thread dia kat soompi. baca komen saya. only can watch on saturday or if clubbox being nice to me.

wooo..u target the vvip seat ek..me x mampu kot vvip seat tu..hehe..

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Guest athirah_24

hey guys, ade tak yg nk pegi concert suju kt mlysia ni?

waaa,saya nak pg!!

hahaha. tapi tak tahu tarikh lagi kan,so not sure and tak buat plan pagi larh. huhu.. nak pegiii.

Jee-Chul Oh seperti memberi ‘lampu hijau’ untuk Mawi beraksi dalam satu show bersama Rain

betul ke nih?? :blink:

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Guest adikkeluangman

tunggal yeap i targeting vvip but need to know the price first. i already email CI Entertainment but not have reply. maybe tomorrow kot. i notice too bout this time around promotion. more on english and malay media. i guess it can attract more audiences. before this most info on chinese media.

Super Junior concert? well, maybe there only rumour or CMG just want to test market only. beside if dbsk concert last time not succesfull inikan pula nak bawa super junior all the expense.

i wonder who will be malaysia fan representative. at least we can seat at same area or something. when i read on other forum. they thought that this will be official club. but then not i think. it just for fans to be organzied or somehting.

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i wish i can go to both suju n fti concert......but im sure i'll hv my examination at dat time......huh....

R.I.P to LOLOQ ( a composer )....read bout his death jz few minutes ago...

he so talented in composing the lyrics.......

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Guest haradays

i dont know whether kite bole bwk cmera or not

mase concert dbsk dlu pown, fans curi² bwk

ala kite bwk jela. ape kesah ng security guard tu!

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Guest tunggal

hehe..bukan ape fika..time konsert TVXQ last year ..me bwk camera tp security minat plak ngan my camera tu...dh plak kena amek...uhuh.. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest ;cynddong

  • Heya everyone! :D
    I see that a lot of you are thinking about going to the FT Island concert... And I was just wondering if you guys would be interested in some projects that Silh0uette is going to hold for them. ^.^ There's actually quite a few things in mind and, yeah, I've been in touch with C.I. Entertainment, soo... Maybe you guys would be interested in joining? :D It'd be great to have a huge Malaysian fanbase there at the concert. I hear from C.I Enter that they're wanting to show FT Island not only their Malaysian fanbase, but international as well. ^.^ So, how about it? :D The links to Silh0uette are in my siggy. ^.^ And if there's any questions you might have, you can PM me. ^.^

    Unfortunately for myself, I'm not Malaysian or even in Malaysia. >.< So... We'll see how this all goes. xD


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hello everyone

i am currently conducting a survey for my thesis

Malaysians aged 15 to 40, please help me to fill up the survey HERE

it has 19 questions and will only take less than 5 minutes

please help me out, thanks a lot

and happy chinese new year to all the chinese =)


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