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♫ ♫ American Idol Season 9; 2010 ♫ ♫


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Guest IwishIwasKOREAN

Out of all the contestants, of course you pointed out the asian one!!!

I'm guessing we're going to give all our votes to him because he's asian right? WHO CARES ABOUT TALENT -- GO JOHN PARK!

He's not just Asian, he's Korean! major bonus points for that of course! he's every K-pop teeny bopper's dream..now we can all represent and support John Park...the ONLY ASIAN and KOREAN on American Idol. We all know if he doesn't make it in the U.S. mainstream, he can always be signed by JYP or SMTOWN and join a new upcoming boyband! :lol:;)

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Out of all the contestants, of course you pointed out the asian one!!!

I'm guessing we're going to give all our votes to him because he's asian right? WHO CARES ABOUT TALENT -- GO JOHN PARK!

LOL seriously dude can't sing, not that well at least. I prefer Di Di and Andrew garcia? but john park is cute xDDDD....

and uhm there's also another cute guy looks like a cute version of john mayer. dang eye candy!

My vote is on Munoz, Garcia, Di Di and the sixteen year old who got adopted by his aunt.

But of all American Idols I gotta Katherine McPhee is the shizz

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Oh goodness here comes the "He's my race so I must support him" stuff :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

anyways I have not been watching this...but they removed "Pants on the ground" and I really wanted to see it :(

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John Park is so overrated, whats with all the buzz? He has only been featured once since the audition. And there have been many Asian contestants he is not the first.

I just finished watching the girl's performances from last night. Loved Lily Scotts, I liked Katelyn Epperly and Katie Stevens. Most of the girl's song choices were a bit boring though. And OMG Haley Vaugh! I know shes a black country singer which is different and thats probably the only reason why they kept her this long. Not impressive at all. She has the most annoying voice ever. Cute as a button but so annoying. Michelle Delamor and her sisters could be models, freaking gorgeous but okay performance. Anyways looking forward to hearing the boys tonight hopefully they don't suck as much.

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Guest PB&Banana

So far the guys either over sing, under sing, or just plain awkward.

The debut for girls and guys have been well bad hopefully that will change at least I hope so.

Andrew.....so disappointing just get back up man.

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ssave the best for last ? ;D

john park - song choice was baddddd~!

andrew garcia - need MOREEEEE emotion; still love his voice tho


wow the girls and the guys did not start off good~~

oh yeah..

the heaven was nicely done BUT i wish he wouldve held onto the notes longer o.o

that lee guy (reminds me of goakey and elliot yamin at the same time :D) was pretty good too

michael lynche played it too easy~!

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Guest Amber Jayne

Wow...rough start for the boys AND the girls.

That being said, I know not everyone likes John Park, but I really think he has a better voice than the majority of the boys. He can belt (have ya'll seen the youtube videos of him? He's good) and I think that if he's still around next week and picks a better song he will be great! But, personally, I enjoyed his performance!

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oh my god. I just saw Park on AI....whaada eff? he sounded so flat on many parts....ahhhhhhhhh and then i had to channel T.T;

I'm not getting it! Maybe my sister and I were hearing something else because we loved it! I love his voice and the song choice

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Guest Regina Rae

Well, I think this year has THE WORST contestants. Seriously, the worst.

I think none of the people on AI this season are anything special.

With that being said, I only like two people. Andrew Garcia & John Park.

But what the hell, Andrews song choice tonight was just bad. I know he can do better.

And as for John, I actually think he did the best out of all the guy tonight.

So good for him (:

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Soompi's golden boy John Park SUCKED tonight. Actually..all the guys bored me tonight. The only guy that got me interested was Alex Lambert. He actually sounded good to me. Sucks that Andrew didn't hit a good chord with the judges either...well...it was a boring performance to be honest....

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Guest fianaz1

I root for John Park, but based on tonite show, i kinda like Aaron n Joe Munoz *_*

But if i can vote all the way from Malaysia, my vote still goes to JP coz i wanna hear him sing more :) Hope he'll stay n choose better song next week *_*

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Guest safelittlethoughts

i like John Park and all but last night wasn't his best. he sounded quite flat =/

i thought Casey James and Lee did pretty good. LOL at Kara though.

Andrew is a great singer, but his song choice wasn't great.

we'll see who is going home tonight...

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Guest baqinardo

So glad someone start the thread for this season. It was mine last season. Haha...

Anyway, my review and opinion for the last 2 days.


Best: Didi, Lilly and Crystal.

Eliminated: Janell and Lacey.

Seriosly, when i watched the female performed, it made me so sleepy. Esp. Lacey. Ough...

Best male: Casey (My next Adam Lambert), Aaron and Alex.

Everything just seems right about Casey. I know he doesnt really have great voice, but it's good. it's fresh.

It's kinda hard season for male, coz last season Adam Lambert very put high standard.

Aaron, isnt he sweet? and Alex. Wow.. what a voice. Love it so much.

Eliminated: Jermaine, Tim or John.

So sorry girls, but John was just so... T_T but i think he'll survive for the next week


Andrew is the next Lil Round.

Haeley is the next Jasmine Murray

Lee Dewyze is the next Dannie Gokey

Aaron is the next Anoop.

Tim is the next Kris Allen.

And my hope Casey is the next Lambert.

It's just few more hours b4 result show.

And Allison and Kris will be guests.

Dont you guys think it's kinda weird, they invite Kris Allen during semi final? Usually the winner alwasy perform in TOP 12.

Well, i think they save it for Lambert and Gokey.

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I was disappointed with the boys last night. They all were pretty bland, but I'm hoping it was all nerves especially

Alex Lambert poor thing he looked terrified the whole time, God bless the mullet.

Arron Kelly was the best out of the bunch.

John..wtf? It sounded like he was speaking a foreign language for the first half. Why sing a song like that on a show directed towards teenage girls?

Contestants this season need to step up their game.

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Guest loveslick

To be honest, I think that American Idol has gotten a little bit old. There's so much you can do with the show and now that's its the ninth season, there's nothing really interesting about it - although I do like watching the auditions. XD

I think that this season has gotten off to a bad start and when Simon Cowell leaves, I don't see the show going anywhere else.

Just my two cents though.

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