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Superstar K Winner, Seo In Gook [서인국]


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@cecilia @kimnabong very surprised to read abt the depression part. i hope that slowly he can handle well the burden that come along with the fame he's gaining.
how i wish JellyFish entertainment can share this clip with fans who can't attend the fan meet. :((

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cecilia said: Sorry been away so havent been able to come oncant go into too much detailbut videos have been pretty scarce of the fan meet anyway (recording was banned)i did get my hands on the audio recording but it was hard work getting through it, there was way too much screaming (seriously it was really bad, some young fangirls screamed so much that they kept interrupting in guk talking, and there are a group of ppl complaining about it on heartrider as well), my ears really hurt and feel like they want to bleedAnyway, i think in guk really treasured his time with the fans, there were some 'concerning' things for mehe did talk about how it was hard for him after KOHS, alot of ppl told him he had changed, and he said he had something which was close to depression (i knew it!) , that he felt scared coming on stage, that he had lost alot of confidence etc... my take on all this stuff is that he misses being on stage and having the interaction with fans. Performing on stage is just not the same as acting behind a camera.. there were several times where u could feel his frustration (in one of the videos which i'll talk about soon) and he also said he was in the car the other day and heard on the radio about 10inches' mini concert they had with fans which he was jealous about etc etc... hope he can release an album soon after King's face finishes (but taht's ages away!!)
So i wont talk about the fan meet anymore except for one videoIt was a parody video of a documentary series called "extreme job"(to get a feel how the program is, you can watch it on youtube http://www.youtube.com/channel/SWUSIz5a16lJE)bsically the show is meant to show the different ppl in the society who have jobs which are really tough, those who work in hard conditionsSo the video was a parody of this show with the focus on him as a celebrity, someone with an extreme jobit's really hilarious the video, i've read transcripts of it and seen some blurry caps and half an unclear videobut basically the video starts with him in the van and he's sleeping, suddenly the door opens and there's a camera to interview him, but he doesnt exactly look very celebrity like and he closes the door swearinghe cleans up his appearance and sprays all this mist on his face and asks his manager whether he looks 'soft'  (sorry cant find the right english translation but it's kinda asking if the mist made him look better), then he tries to lean back on his seat and work out what looks like a pretty sleeping position. He crosses and uncrosses his legs and asks the manager which position looks better, asks him if he looks like an actor, and his manager mutters crazy guy. THen the manager talks to the camera person and says can you please shoot taht again and make in guk look pretty, because they dont, he (the manager) will get fired. So the camera knocks on the door again and says seo in guk ssi, we've come to interview you. The door slides open and this time in guk is all prepared, with his legs crossed and sleeping like a prince. He pretends to wake up and seeing the camera he smiles and waves, Hi!
Next part shows him in the conference room with someone from his company and the guy says, in guk, we've got this daebak plan/concept for your next album. In guk looks at the pictures and it's the hairstyle he had from 'Broken'. Inguk says to the guy, this hairstyle with this hair.... hte guy says, it's out of this world yeah? IN guk says noone in Korea has tried it before, and the guy says, only you can pull it off! lol... then the guy says i've made an appointment with hairshop at two oclock, let's do this! In Guk looks confident and as he walks out, he's like, yes this hairstyle that even big bang cant pull off!
Next shot is at the hair salon and in guk has the haircut from Broken. He looks at the mirror and keeps swearing, and says how embarrassing. Then in the little window they play the Broken MV, and on the side, it shows the messages he receives from his friends who say, what kind of concept is this? Dont come to ulsan for now, it's so embarrassing. There's even onees from his mum, who says, what happened, why is your hair like that/ Ring me
Next scene In guk is at the hair salon again (with normal hair). He says to the camera, oh you came again, i'm here to do my hair because i'm filming the King's face. THen he refers to the magazine he's reading (GQ Men i think it was) and says, ah the magazine, it's because i'm a celebrity now, i'm taking more notice of fashion and learning about it. After a while the hairdresser asks him to get up to wash his hair and he leaves the magazine on the table. We see that in fact he was looking at female models in bikinis.
Next scene in guk is still at the hair salon and as he's talking to the camera, a girl appears next to him with a piece of paper. He says to the camera, hang on she must be a fan. Becauyse she say anything, he takes the paper in her hand and says, you want an autograph right? What's your name? The girls tells him her name but tries to say something but in guk keeps talking, ah your name is XX, here you are, my autograph. Then the girl says, i was actually wondering if you could get me Vixx's autograph. In guk get angry and looks at her saying, do i look like Vixx to you? Do I look like I'm the type of person to get you Vixx's autograph? After the girl leaves, he rips the papers and puts it in his mouth looking angry
Last scene he is in the dressing room waiting for filming of some sort to start. He sits on the couch and his manager walks in with fried chicken. He asks in guk if he wants to have some and in guk says, you know i'm on a diet, so i'm not going to eat it. The manager asks again, ar eyou sure? In guk starts to get annoyed, i'm not eating! you eat it!. The manager starts eating in front of him and in guk asks, does it taste good? Manager replies, yep. In guk asks, which part are you eating? Manager replies, the wing. In guk asks is the skin really thick? Manager says it's really crunchy. In fuk keeps asking questions like, is it really salty? etc but the manager is too busy eating and doesnt reply. In guk then throws a fit and says, your mouth is your mouth, my mouth is my mouth, why ar eyou not replying what i'm asking! but the manager gets a call and walks out answering it. In guk leans forward to smell the chicken and says this smells really good (using some informal minsuk style language here). He goes to pick up a piece and touches it when manager walks back in. In guk tries to explain himself saying, i just wanted to check to see if it was really crunchy or not, whether it was hot or not. Manager says, i didnt say anything. Filming is starting now, let's go. Manager turns to walk out and in guk says you go first. In guk licks his fingers which touched the chicken and syas, it's not too salty...it's really yummy. He's off camera by now but he returns and grabs a drumstick and takes 2 bites. He walks out again but turns around again and takes another bite.
Then the vid get serious here, and in guk's voice over says taht nowadays being a celebrity is the no.1 wish of young people. Because I was also like that once upon a time, because i feel sorry, i havent been able to say properly "I'm having a hard time". On the screen were also words about how even if he wanted to give someone a warm hug he needed to consider that others were watching, that he wanted to become one with the bed on some days, that he also wanted to have a girlfriend and go to the amusement park with her, that he wanted to eat fried chicken everyday. But that he thinks about what about others who have different jobs? How do they live... then the video showed short footage from the set of the Kings' face. In guk voiceover then said, there is no such thing as a job without hardships. Because I have a job that many people are envious of, I will try to work harder to show everyone a better seo in guk. Thank you

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KBS 2TV新水木劇(週三週四播出的劇集)《王的面孔》劇組公開了悲劇的主人公-帝王光海扮演者徐仁國的劇照。







《王的面孔》是一部感性的虛構浪漫歷史劇,講述庶子出身的光海為成功獲得世子寶座,在充滿血腥味的權力鬥爭中最後成王的充滿曲折的成長故事,以及光海與父親宣祖為女子形成三家關係的悲傷愛情故事。本劇接檔《鋼鐵人》,將於十一月中旬播出。成善楷/文 版權所有 韓星網 禁止轉載


in red here in this article about prince gwangkae's character -

on the surface prince gwanghae appears to be very playful and not sensible, without the mettle of a crown prince. but in fact, he is a prince who worries about the common folk and the country, an honest (and here's an interesting word used 權謀家 - describing prince gwanghae as) machaevellian, possessing a dual personality. -end-

ok this should make the prince so much more interesting than just the flat character who merely loves the common folk. sounds like we're getting someone who not only loves his people but has the smarts to really do good for the people.

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cecilia said:Sorry been away so havent been able to update but there's been news everyday!! 

More about supporting characters
Lee Ki Young (Top left) plays Go San (고산), a face reader who hangs between good and evil. He works under the command of King Seonjo and possesses the power and wealth as other yangban (aristocrats). He is a gifted face reader but uses his talent for his own desires and creates great hardship for Gwanghae.
Im Ji Eun (Top middle) plays Queen Eui In (의인왕후), King Seonjo's first consort. Ruler of the inner court (ie, the concubines), she is soft on the outsidebut strong on the inside. However she is unable to hold onto King Seonjo's heart and lives tragically in the shadows. When Gwanghae's mother, Gong bin (or Consort Gong) dies, she entrusts Queen Eui In with her son. Queen Eui In treats Gwanghae like her own son and always takes his side, trusting him and loving him.
Yoon Bong Gil (Top right) plays Gwanghae's eunuch and close bodyguard. Although he can seem feminine and weak, he possesses outstanding martial art skills and does not hesitate to give Gwanghae advice. He has the same vision as Gwanghae and moves in the same direction as him.
Choi Chul Ho (Bottom left) plays Jung Yeo Rip (정여립), the person who gathers the 'Daedonggye'(대동계). [This is a real person and a real organisation during Joseon. Daedonggye was a group formed by Jung Yeo Rip with the intention to overthrow the Lee royal family. The group would gather regularly to practise martial arts and eat, and plan how to overthrow the king/start a revolution.] He is educated but also skilled in martial arts. He will play an important role in the first half of the drama.
Park Joo Hyung (Bottom right) plays Im Hae Gun (임해군), King Seonjo's eldest son and Gwanghae's brother born of the same mother. He will be fighting for the position of crown prince with Gwanghae. He plays the first son of Gong bin, Seonjo's most beloved consort and is an unrestrained and bold character. When he is beaten by Gwanghae who takes the position of crown prince, he is angry and feels betrayed, and becomes Gwanghae's opponent.
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Can i remind u that

(1) this is the seo in guk thread and not the drama thread, so plz leave drama related posts unrelated to seo in guk in the drama thread plz

(2) soompi is an english forum, if ur going to post chinese translations, plz accompany it with english trnaslations. Or better, post ur english translations and place a link to the chinese translation

(3) guys, the king's face thread seriously NEEDS MORE LOVE. Please start drama related discussions, anticipations etc there... theres only less than one month til airing starts, its WAY too quiet in there


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Seo In-gook as incognito prince in King’s Faceby girlfriday | October 27, 2014 XXX... Lead actor Seo In-gook joined the drama’s shoots a week late due to an injury during stunt rehearsal for an action sequence, but we finally get a glimpse of him in costume for his very first period drama.

He stars as Prince Gwanghae, the illegitimate son of King Seonjo (Lee Sung-jae) who eventually becomes the fifteenth king of Joseon. In this drama, we meet Gwanghae when he’s young and immature, but he’s a character who lets people underestimate him while keeping his sharp political mind hidden. It’s smart, especially when your father thinks of you as a rival. In the stills he’s traveling through the city on the down-low as a young nobleman, to observe the lives of the people firsthand.... XXX


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yeah chingus let's not post drama related topics here without Seo In Guk in it, the mods might closed this thread if they see unrelated post here...thanks :D

PLS VOTE for Seo in Guk in MAMA Vote Seo In Guk and Zia (Loved You) for 2014 Mnet Asian Music Awards Vote for: Best Collaboration & UnionPay

url: http://mama.interest.me/2014mama/vote


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yeah chingus let's not post drama related topics here without Seo In Guk in it, the mods might closed this thread if they see unrelated post here...thanks :D

PLS VOTE for Seo in Guk in MAMA Vote Seo In Guk and Zia (Loved You) for 2014 Mnet Asian Music Awards Vote for: Best Collaboration & UnionPay

url: http://mama.interest.me/2014mama/vote

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euhana said:



yeah chingus let's not post drama related topics here without Seo In Guk in it, the mods might closed this thread if they see unrelated post here...thanks :D

PLS VOTE for Seo in Guk in MAMA Vote Seo In Guk and Zia (Loved You) for 2014 Mnet Asian Music Awards Vote for: Best Collaboration & UnionPay

url: http://mama.interest.me/2014mama/vote

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