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❤️Kim Soo Hyun ❤️ 김수현❤️


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Thanks shbar3, to translate this article

Also thanks to Yuzu for the pictures

And Cr : SHK



PART 1 :


30 years old Kim Soo Hyun REAL’s interview…….. the difference between an Actor and a non celebrity 
Kim Soo Hyun said [ TO SUM UP IN A WORD IT IS  MAGICAL POWER] Different directions of rotating, different ways of twisting and we see it in different ways. This is REAL. Putting Kim Soo Hyun in this insignia, this innocent and honest person in the  movie is also turning around as if with the  magical power. Actor Kim Soo Hyun and non celebrity  Kim Soo hyun is like REAL, difficult to differentiate whether it is as our imaginary illusion that one  person acting as 2 roles.


Very difficult interview. Though the movie is of 2 hours but within these 2 hours, we feel the sudden change in situation, continued confusions and at the end of the road, Kim Soo Hyun walked out. This is a situation where it is difficult to welcome him with open arms and difficult to smile.  There is a strong sense of crisis-ridden atmosphere.  All the actors finally cried. If we consider it to be a struggle or receiving reports cards then REAL is near to failure. For both the actors and the audience, it was embarrassing. What is more embarrassing is that from the movie, cant find any flaws in kim Soo Hyun’s acting.  Even at some points it exceeds  expectations. How do we digest these 2 differences? To the reporters, to the actors REAL is a difficult  subject for discussion.
Kim Soo Hyun never  escape. People who had seen or not yet see, sneer,  degrade and hurt or enjoy REAL. Kim Soo Hyun stood in the midst of the public opinion. Reporters hestitated  even with greetings such as How are you or how is your feeling after the release. Never expect Kim Soo Hyun started to talk first.
PART 2 :
[Just a little more cordial will be better, look like he cant do it]
On his face, there is no signs of  regrets or hatred instead  cool.  He said that “ it is good if it is just like that. This is the best REAL can be even if considering those that we missed out”.
“There is no regrets in REAL as our attitude is whether it  could be done better. Not only me, but all the production members. Cried during the showcase not because we felt wronged or regrets but looking back at how we united and suffered together and when I  looked at one fellow-villager seated at the front seat crying. He cried first”
Actor Kim Soo Hyun’s apex vs non celebrity Kim Soo Hyun’s extreme popularity.
From a comedy and supporting role, appearing in drama youth’s role through (Dream High) (The Moon Embraces the Sun) (My Love from the Star) and Producers he become a star and met with the 20th generation last piece of work REAL. His 20th generation though glittering and shining but also hard works.  It is not possible to link Actor’s Kim Soo Hyun’s apex to the non celebrity Kim Soo Hyun’s extreme popularity.  However, during this period and about to miss his direction appeared REAL.  Asking the question who is the real me, this movie allows Kim Soo Hyun to suddenly see the light. This is actually quite natural.
Actor Kim Soo Hyun seat (status) gets bigger, non celebrity Kim Soo Hyun’s seat gets narrower. Thereafter, is it necessary for the non celebrity Kim Soo Hyun to exist. From young, the seniors teaching is {must balance the two} but easier said than done.
News from http://preview.kyobobook.co.kr/mkbrPreview.jsp?site Gb= DIKY&ejkGb=EBK&barcode=480D170713480&loginYn=N#none.
Credit to SHK.
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5 hours ago, kayeseight said:

Ahhh I wish I can see him in person too :tongue: I would make sure to not looking him in the eyes so that I won't be ignoring his handshake :lol:

oftentimes I got so distracted by his lips when rewatching his dramas/his interview :flushed: I won't blame that actresses for saying that hahaha...

Get in line!!! Girls!!! That lips is MINE. You can take anything not his lips. Its mine since once upon a time :glasses:  


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PART 3 :



Maybe REAL is not actor Kim Soo Hyun’s choice but non celebrity Kim Soo Hyun choice of work. Even if it is  actor Kim Soo Hyun’s  career most deadly blow, but for the non celebrity Kim Soo Hyun, this is a must attempt challenge. In between you and I who is real. In the movie, there are 2 JTY.
Strong JTY and gentle JTY. Strong JTY wanted to get rid of  gentle JTY. Gentle JTY wanted to resist. The gentle JTY is the non-celebrity Kim Soo Hyun. He faced the strong JTY and no matter how, he survived. He became stronger than the strong JTY.
[The importance of this movie is on the different expression of the  2 JTY. Though it was acted by one but the two must look very different and not appeared as if acted by 1. Instead of expressing  such delicate or subtle difference, directly treat them as different people.  Strong JTY is “suits JTY” as wearing a suit can show off his strength. For Gentle JTY (model JTY) he hoped to look as great when wearing a suit but there is still the delicate not right feelings. In real life, if we meet him, model JTY would  not give a favourable impression. 
However, between the 2, Kim Soo Hyun prefers the model JTY. His lack of confidence and not at ease and bad luck hit at Kim Soo Hyun’s heart.  When acting as model JTY, he wore a mask. Behind the mask often laughed in a self-conscious or restrained manner. He was totally immersed in the role.





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PART 4 :



{Never know that a masked singer has such a feeling (laugh) A masked person will experience freedom and will let out  such never before voice and do never before acts. In this aspect, I like the masked JTY.
Reached such a level? reached such a level!.
Till date, We never dislike Kim Soo Hyun whether in youthful or  foolish roles.  Finally, he received our love after successfully expressed his genuine self. In DREAM HIGH Song Sam Dong cried aloud {you are a woman like agricultural chemical} to  Hui Mei,  the one who didn't know of his love. In PRODUCERS BSC told  Cindy who was tormented by all the evil comments that (to be shot by arrows not supposed to be shot, received injuries not supposed to receive. I hope Ms Cindy you don't be like this) Very emotional. Does his sincerity touched  the co-actors?. Suzy and IU cameo for about 3 seconds  in REAL.  With the cool and clean look and the deepest sincerity Kim Soo Hyun suddenly wear a mask and acted as the not so favourable model JTY, this is courage.
REAL is an unusual Movie.  The extent of the violence, the extent of the  bodily contact, the extent of the dialogue are all unusual.
Faced with all the unusual dialogues, all the unusual actions, all the hindrance in the unstable love story line, he is required to act at the same time 3 split personalities. Even to swing the magical power is not simple but Kim Soo Hyun never said even once “cannot”.   If the Director or the action director changed the actions of other characters,  he will co-operate fully. All the changes are not totally shown in the movie but even so, he will never object. The production team said { did not expect up to this level but in the end he made it to this level.}
[he must burn up himself before being satisfied? I cant keep anything and are willing to share with everything. In REAL he showed his cards in his hands. Its a pity. Such expression and such action only you know but you showed it all. Feeling a bit sorry for him but no regrets.]
When watching the earlier in
terviews of Kim Soo Hyun they are all about his hope to throw his energy into his work, hope to burn. After Movie “The thief” after working with all the seniors and before “Secretly Greatly” he ever said that he is worried that he may be burnt out. Not to worry, you need to release now.
PART 5 :
For him, he must empty whatever he has before he can begin another chapter. This is him. Looking back, his choice of work sometimes don't take the normal route. Choosing Movie (Secretly Greatly)  is a surprise. A spy, getting  to the south and looked like  a fool, wearing the green sports suits and living in an alley as a stupid brother Dong Gu, all these just don't match with what he had attributed to his status as a star. 
[Experiencing something not done before is very exciting. Whether a particular role will be good  or welcomed, I hope that I experience what I never experienced before. I felt that all these roles provides learning. REAL  is up till now the piece of work that  he experienced with the most homework and also he learnt the most].
All this dedicated learning does not have the desired result. REAL after 500,000 admission went downhill.  Inspite of this, he was not sad or angry. For this moment, all his efforts turned  into defeated love.
[During the 20th generation though I am successful, I am not happy. It is very strenuous to look or talk to people. Afraid that [ cant be that I cant do anything on my own] However, after filming REAL I felt very happy.  Just by completing this piece of work already felt so gratified].
He said that compared to being 20+ years old,  reaching immediately  30 years old is more stable. I had ever been scared of reaching 30 years old and worried about the lost 20th generation but after entering  30 years old, I felt no change except more comfortable.








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PART 6 :



Cross over mountain after mountain and finally achieve stability.
[Spend my Winter at Jiang Yuan Dao. Besides Skiing I did nothing else. Also eavesdrop  the seniors’ conversation. Also has been to Japan and travelled by train. Now, it seems that I need to slowly think of how to pass time when alone and not acting.]
This left a big blemish in the never failing movie history of Kim Soo Hyun. Felt worried for him but actually Kim Soo Hyun success is the result of his training  from failure. The story that because he wanted to act, he took 4 times the examinations for admission, was very popular. Determined to act, [4 times candidate] Kim Soo Hyun even looked after (2 times candidate) and (3 times candidate) by the posting the process in SNS. [4 times candidate] feeling was like being in the studio and left with 1 minute to choose the next song. Most people shared the same feeling.
That [4 times candidate]  is now a Hallyu actor whose fame swept through China, Korea and Japan. After the end of (My Love from the Star) and during his most flourishing period, invitations  were extended to him to participate in China’s programs  Just on China’s CFs fees reached 200 billion won. So, he was also known as the {200billionman}.
[Recalling the period when he was determined to be an actor, never did he think that he will received so much love. Definitely ever imagine if those days is to materialise but it seems not that happy (laugh)].
Now Kim Soo Hyun is intoxicated by Bowling.  If his Agency does not object, he thought of joining the professional examination again.  He liked the good feeling when all the line up pins were striked.  The pleasure of striking  after 1 time, 2 times, 3 times and 4 times increased tremendously.  However, the former all strike never guarantee that it will happen again later. Presently, if we consider his previous work as all hits, there are no guarantee that all his later work will also be hits.  The other reason why he likes bowling is the  dealing with the stubborn pins. To him REAL is Split (not striking all the pins at once). Even if he cannot   Spare neatly, but at least  he has the strength to deal with the problem when arise.
PART 7 :
Actor Kim Soo Hyun actual strength in Asia can be compared to that of an enterprise.  His every move is through numbers  converted to Korean won.  As  to the non-celebrity Kim Soo Hyun those numbers are burdens or mountain ranges. We don't know what had he sacrificed for this piece of work.  On the other hand, there are noises worrying about  his next project. Not sure whether it will be a crisis for actor Kim Soo Hyun?  Where  non-celebrity Kim Soo Hyun is concerned,  it is not. He ignited  all his things. After exhausting all his energy, he  gained freedom. So, it is a bit too early to worry. The happiness of the non celebrity Kim Soo Hyun will again be the source of strength for actor Kim Soo Hyun.








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25 minutes ago, swingbaby said:

Get in line!!! Girls!!! That lips is MINE. You can take anything not his lips. Its mine since once upon a time :glasses:  


It turns out we all have the same thoughts .. hi222

How would it be if we meet with soohyun at the same time ... can you imagine ... :blush:

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3 hours ago, swingbaby said:

Get in line!!! Girls!!! That lips is MINE. You can take anything not his lips. Its mine since once upon a time :glasses:  



Hahahaa fine. I'll leave his lips to you @swingbaby ... For now:tongue:

3 hours ago, rossy79 said:

It turns out we all have the same thoughts .. hi222

How would it be if we meet with soohyun at the same time ... can you imagine ... :blush:

I hope it won't be a battle hehehe

Although it would be nice to meet you all in real life ^_^

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Kim Soohyun Spends An Enjoyable Time with Fellow [Kimchi Cheese Smile] Cast

Kim Soohyun spent a meaningful time with his fellow cast recently! 

In a recent updates on Actor Lee Byungjin's Instagram, Kim Soohyun could be seen smiling brightly for the camera along with the fellow actor as well as actor Choi Kwon. The series of selfies was updated along with a caption, hinting that the three actors spent their time together doing late night bowling. 

The three have met through the drama series, 'Kimchi Cheese Smile' that was aired back in 2007 and it definitely good to see them still keeping close connect after 10 years. 

Check out Kim Soohyun's part in the drama in the video above!



Kim Soohyun Strikes Again with His Playfulness During His [Real] Stage Greeting

There is no end to this pool of playfulness.

At the stage greeting for the movie 'Real', Kim Soohyun was being presented with so many bouquets of flowers that he had to hold one of it in between his arm and his cheeks. After receiving all of them, he could be seen with a really happy smile whilst having his arms and cheek full. 

A staff member came forward to help him with the bouquet that was held with his cheek, when he looked to the side and laughed towards his co-star, seemingly proud that he has more bouquets than them. 

Where's the end to his playfulness? Watch the moment starting from the 3:15 mark in the video above! 


(Click on link to view photos and videos)

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12 hours ago, swingbaby said:

Get in line!!! Girls!!! That lips is MINE. You can take anything not his lips. Its mine since once upon a time :glasses:  



Alright, alright, I'll settle with his jawline, which is equally appealing! Has it been taken already? :grimace:

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