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sensei snob

Guest Sou

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Since so many people were commenting to me about my sig, I decided to do a song by the girl in it. She's d[di:], a solo artist, and Kiyoshi writes all her music. She's amazingly pretty, but her voice is only mediocre. Kiyoshi, however, makes up for it completely with his amazing songwriting. +_+ This song was really fun to do, mainly because of the layering and the different effects on all the layers. ^^ The mix is a little bad, because i suck, and it clips a few times because I was trying to fix my mic. xDD I really really think this came out well though. Enjoy, ne~ This is a rockish song, and I sing like I did in my old rock band. Which means the style's a little rougher than what I normally use. ^^ soundclick!! Comments appreciated! Thank you for your time!! <3<3
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I love your banner sou! :lol:

I love the beginning of this song. I always love your song choices. I really like the style of the song too and your voice acompanied by it is very nice. It kinnda has this annoyance to it on the higher parts but that's a good thing because most j rock stars have that and I personally like it. (such a weird comment...sorry I dunno how to explain it better) I like your voice very pleasent to listen to. ^_^

I'll have to find a good song and request from you. ^_^

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She scares me...O_o The picture XD

As usual, you sound awesome but it's not really my kind of song. I liked Sodatsu Zassou better but it's just my taste. The effects are so cool though :D I think that it turned out really really well too.

Ignore me not liking it, it's just me ^^

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Guest sikkony

The picture scares me too. Initially when I was browsing through the forums I went pass the picture really quick I was like o_O "What did I just see?" =.="

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Guest hmaster

when I first heard this song I was like wtf.

now kaasan's singing it and I'm still like wtf. And OMFG at the instrumental.

I have a sudden urge to rap over it ><

if I have one complaint it's that your levels aren't quite right. In the original song her voice is like, half sunken into the mix while yours is like way above it. It really isn't a complaint and i'm being nitpicky.

<3 kaasan.

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Guest fantasiimaker

Very weird and cool at the same time, as expected of teh Sou XD What an strange title too, lol.

Keep cranking out those songs =)

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