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Yoon Shi Yoon 윤시윤 | [Movie 2023 "When Our Love Remains As Scent"]


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Yoonie Countdown Calendar for 2015/05/04 - *Day 267*

Yoon Shi Yoon!

You are a Phantom of delight
When first you gleamed upon my sight;
Your eyes as stars of Twilight fair;
Like Twilight's, too, Your dusky hair;
Your spirit so pure, and bright
With something of angelic light!!!



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@Vivley ha ha I wonder if it was an alien with YSY's look :D


A swoon worthy pic, I never thought I would say that about a cheesy pic like this one, oh well, how I can't not love him! even with the sheep hair! :wub: ♥ ♡

cr, bbcholic

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Hi Yoonies! After a few days absence I came back! 

Thank you @Vivley for your faithful presence to post Yoonie countdown calender in these days! Really your jobs are more beautiful! :) 

It's good someday he would know how much we love and are proud of him! :wub:

@rachelyun, the start of my falling in love with him was just the very sheep hair Yoonie in "Me too, flower"! :) Thanks for sharing that pic.

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Yoonie Countdown Calendar for 2015/05/05 - *Day 266*

Yoon Shi Yoon!

I imagine
The story of 
My falling in love with you
Has no end
Or beginning,
But continues like the universe!!!




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Yoonie Countdown Calendar for 2015/05/06 - *Day 265*

Yoon Shi Yoon!

You are my prince 
With that handsome smile
And with that beautiful soul 
You are forever my prince, 
Who I adore with strong emotion
And combined with the deepest love!!!



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Yoonie Countdown Calendar for 2015/05/07 - *Day 264*

Yoon Shi Yoon!

I can only think of you,
How your smile spreads to your eyes,
With a smile extending to my eyes,
Making me want to live in the moment forever!!!



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Yoonie Countdown Calendar for 2015/05/08 - *Day 263*

Yoon Shi Yoon!

When first I met you,
My heart flew high,
On gossamer wings through a cloudless sky.
Still my heart flies,
But much more higher than that very first fly!!!



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hello everyone... so YOONIE LOVERS with the help of YOONIE's charming power could gain magical strength to overcame the aliens and sent them back to their own planet @Vivley ... :P:D

hope everyone are good nd everything goes well for you... :)

KOREAN ZORRO film idea seems funny nd interesting @Jelve... the idea for the actress, PSH , seems perfect too... even maybe the appellation of KIM TAK GU for our talented actor turns to ZORRO...infact KOREAN ZORRO... :P

anyway in every roles he can keep his charming nd loveliness which make following his jobs eagerly... B|


cr to uploader


have a memorable nd happy weekend YOONIES

Edited by Maryam
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LOL, nice to see you back, @Jelve! And you are too funny, @Maryam about Yoonie and the aliens. Hmm.... that would make a good manga or anime title...

I'll be back tomorrow to post more. See you!

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@Maryam, Yeah, I should confess that I'd kidnapped by aliens while watching one of Yoonie's films, "Me too, flower". :ph34r:


 Aliens kidnapped and took me with my laptop  to their planet. They told me they had received a huge amazing energy of love in some zones of earth which is so worthy and rare; and they need this energy for other creatures in the world to make them falling in love with them so that they could easily conquer all the world. :S

They had planned to kidnap all the Yoonies including you, rachel, Vivley, and some other Yoonie lovers in around the world, and especially kidnapping of our Prince Yoonie as the source of producing that rare worthy energy of LVE too. o.O

But when they watched all Yoonie's films , photos and  listened to his songs, just at the smallest moment of time, which was very very much more faster than the speed of light, suddenly they were melting and transforming to water that made a very very big ocean! :o

They themselves very very highly intensively had fallen in love with our prince charming. :wub:

The amazing thing was that the melted aliens put this bellow carved script on the sand when disappeared. :o



So the leader of them, who was watching these events by the monitors far away from our zone, scared seriously from the spelling power of our prince charming  and very rapidly ordered to return me to my home in order to avoid melting the rest of the aliens and consequently avoid getting extinct their race in the world! :S

So i'm here again! :P xD

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Yoonie Countdown Calendar for 2015/05/09 - *Day 262*

Yoon Shi Yoon!
Take my heart dear wash it
with your love so fine.

Place your heart in place of mine
for awhile so your kindness!!!



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Yoonie Countdown Calendar for 2015/05/10 - *Day 261*

Yoon Shi Yoon!

You are like a flower,
Where all the beauty lies;
Made by God to love.
beneath the clear blue skies!!!



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