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Yoon Shi Yoon 윤시윤 | [Movie 2023 "When Our Love Remains As Scent"]


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@ysy94 please check your inbox. And don't worry too much my friend! You always have this thread to come and talk about our Yoonie. We share your love for the guy. :)

I like PM&I (even if I can not say it is the best romcom I've ever watched), and love, love to watch the 2Yoon couple. They are beautiful together and the chemistry is fantastic.

Which does not mean I don't love the OTP. They give off a completely different vibe, which I like as well.

But I feel happier and more at home here, so I hope you guys don't mind me writing here about the drama. If you do, please let me know and I'll just create an imaginary friend to talk to about it, lol.

Good night and so happy it's Monday tomorrow!!! <:-P

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Don't get me started with Dexter my dear @rachel because I won't stop. I even bought the OST (the whole thing, incidental music and all, which I never do).

Just imagine YSY in that opening sequence of each episode (it would be ramen instead of bacon and eggs but oh well) and then slowly seducing us, his victims, coworkers and police women with his innocent yet mysterious looks...!

@coastalbreeze just fainted here.

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Guest yoonmie90

When talking about siyoon in drama MTF, the first thing I think is how great he is played as so jae hee. he could be a very mature guy and always protect their loved ones. so jae hee is the perfect guy. kkkkk 
if talking hairstyles siyoon in MTF, it looks very cool. hairstyle represents so jae hee thats he's so warm at the same time and a great person in the family and his company. he's like a young executive. hehehWhile in PMAI his role as kang ho seen in a much more mature person. kang ho in 30-year-old with careful thought and full of puzzles. hair style also fits with his character. but, of the many styles his hair in a drama, I prefer FBND,, I do not know I prefer him full of joy ..
Until now, I do not really follow PMAI. because a little boring .. siyoon better suited to be the main role than he became the second role. But so far, i'm still belong to yoon si yoon.. hehe.. maybe i will watch after the drama is end. >< hehe

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Dear @jerebtang, very Welcome! My pleasure to know you; I could feel your positive impress on Yoonies at the very few days of your joining to Yoonie's fans. And very thanks for your wonderful translation! Also my always thanks to  @eniya, @rachel @coastalbreezen other lovely Yoonies who make this forum more precious!  =D>
Unfortunately I can't participate enough in you guys'  discussions about my heart, Yoon Shi Yoon, cuz I dont know anything more except those which I get from you yourselves; n also unfortunately I don't even have the sense of humor or strong explanations n interpretations about pretty Yoonie as you guys have ( in boring personality I'm similar to my life, Yoon Shi Yoon! ;)) , although I don't agree with this term about him!  [-X  ); and this reason that my eng lng is very bad! :((
But just simply I could say my view about the charming of sweetie cutie, Yoon Shi Yoon, that,  it is not cuz of his hot eyebrows, or the sweet strawberries of his lips, or those adorable white pearls of his teeth, or really beautiful round of his face, or his admirable hands, or his amazing talent in acting films, or so many other adorable properties of our flower boy which really make him so cool n melting heart!  But his charming is cuz of his heavenly innocence n his lovely simplicity which even shows itself when he acts a serious character like Kang In Ho;  although those innocent gestures n movements are very tiny, delicate  and hard to recognize them mostly, like the kind of blinking his eyes or the movement of his head or neck or hands! Yeah his innocence is just so heavenly n unique which distinguishes him from other innocent guys completely!  O:-) 

About being boring of him, I think it depends on the situations n atmosphere that he is. He is somehow a shy n humble person who watch the kind of situation for his behaviors n reflections! If he feels comfort, he could do lovely n cute conversations n jobs which could surprise others as PSH resemble his character to the layers of union which in each layer you could discover other adorable aspect of his properties! >:D<

About his hairstyle, I think his cuteness is of that kind which any hairstyle could reveal a new cute face of him that each one in its aspect is so lovely n catching eyes! 8-} :x
Finally, I should say that my big love n fondness about pretty flower boy is not cuz of his talent in acting , nor being a number one in anything! I just love him cuz of him himself that in my view he is a miracle of God n a beautiful precious gift to us!  ^:):x :)

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@Jelve thanks for your message and I am truly honoured to contribute in translating more of YSY articles in the future. Sorry for not posting in YSY thread since I am quite busy on my work today. Haha! I only can post something and share with you all after my off work day today.

@eniya Sorry for the late reply. And it's great for me to translate the Chinese articles to English, and I really in love and enjoy writing in YSY thread. Haha!!!

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Sometimes I want he will go MS right after PMI  instead of promote PMI in Japan for a year, and after that change the agency, it's waste his talent.
Sorry, I'm mad now :))
"Let the sky fall when it crumbles" :))

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Ahhh! @jerebtang

It's only Monday morning and my heart is racing again... why is it so hot in this room all suddenly? :))  I love seeing YSY all serious and pensive like the in the Bazzar pictures you posted!!!

@Jelve what do you mean your English? You write much better than a lot of native speakers I know...!  :) Please keep posting here about our Yoonie! The more the merrier! ;)

OK guys will prepare my earphones to listen to episode 8 (I can't watch it for now since I'm at work)... I will have to guess and try to listen for the back hug scene, LOL!

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Hello Yoonies!!!

As requested by @eniya... my New Year's little token of appreciation to you all... :P >:D<

And a quote to go with this post:

“Long hair will make thee look dreadfully to thine enemies, and manly to thy friends:
it is, in peace, an ornament; in war, a strong helmet;
deadens the leaden thump of a bullet: in winter, it is a warm nightcap; in summer,
a cooling fan of feathers.”
     Thomas Dekker, The Guls Horne Brooke, 1609
:P (emoticon not included in original quote)


And my gift to myself (kekeke...) ;) ;))


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@jerebtang I think those pics inside the spoiler were from a photo shoot to promote a Japanese web drama called "Drama Guardians"**. I did not watch it but I wonder what other Yoonies have to say about it. Is it good?

And... I started watching PM&I with my husband tonight (from episode 1!!!) and I can already tell he is a Kwon Yul - Da Jeong fan!!! Kekeke. So it's fun to discuss our differences in opinion. It's like a mini-forum at home, LOL.

But if he starts criticizing Kang In Ho (ok, not him but Yoonie) that's it. I will really get mad at him! :ar! LOL

Actually it's interesting to see what catches his eye (the politics, the cars in the drama, the furniture, and the ladies I'm sure! Haha)

BTW, does anyone know what the ratings were for episode 7???

** Did I really write "Drama Guardians"? =)) hahaha I meant "brand guardians"... One day I'll get it right, lol. I must ve sleepy. Time to hit the sack! Nighty night! I-)

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Someone in Korea must have read our discussion about Yoonie's hairstyles, because see here! Someone got inspired and wrote about his fashion style indifferent dramas and even the bread he ate! :))

I wish I could translate what the article says but I'm usually awful at understanding written Korean especially the strange words journalists use (I'm a bit less bad at listening though...)

Anyway, here it is. And like they say, a picture us worth a thousand words! :D


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@coastalbreeze the rating was 7.3, not really bad :/  but it's still the lowest in its slot time.
About "Band Guardians", mmm I felt so sad while I was watching, in my opinion it has a melancholic atmosphere. The story line is not really interesting for me, since it was produced to promote the japanese clothing industry (?) I meant the importance of brands and so on, kinda boring. Though it's really short like 10 min per ep, (13 episodes).  But I love his sad acting , also he speaks japanese!! The other thing  I like is it has two different endings, kind of creative.
Hahaha please don't get mad at your husband, probably we're so biased to see Mr. Kang impartially :D.

Btw guys: I've already contacted the thread started, she (or he?) told me she's going to tranfer the thread to me, I have any experience doing that, I guess only have to complete his profile and so on, right? but if someone else is interested and have a better English than mine (which is horrible) :P let me know!

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Daebak @rachel !!! I think it's just like you say... You complete his info and can change the title of the thread... Things like that. But of course, we can all help you if you need help in any way! :)

I won't get mad at my poor hubby. I think I am happy enough that PM&I has caught his attention... This had not happened since 2002 I think!!! :D

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hehehe, again I very casually found a sat channel which shows Baker King, Kim Tak Gu; Despite having bad quality and so many ads on up n down of the screen but I engoy watching that again from tv!  <:-P  \:D/ 
It is on Nilesat; frequency: 12380    Symbol rate:27500 HorizontalThe channel name : 3D Tv Movies
It is an arabic channel but was shown in original lng with arabic sub; so anyone who like to hear lovely Yoonie's own voice, and better if knows Korean lng  could watch in this channel. I dont know Korean or Arabic but Just love to hear Yoonie's lovely voice!  <:-P I think it was shown about  1AM n 4PM   in Korean time!You could adjust your zone time in: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
So I'm Good Luck finding casually channels showing Yoonie's film!  \:D/
Take your time to enjoy our talented actor's acting of Kim Tak Gu again!  :-bd

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Hi ysy94, it seems like a newly open movie theaters in Hong Kong and ysy will be the guest of honor for their open ceremony on the 16 Jan 14. Not sure whether is the info correct . Based on baidu ba, they have manage to get 50 free ticket and will be first by first basis via sending your application though email to them.

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