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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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KHJ rep," Paternity test welcome, has no connection with compensation"
김현중 법률대리인 "친자 확인 환영, 손해배상과는 무관"

RT @illublue: "KHJ, paternity test result possible within this year" "김현중, 친자 여부 올해 안에 확인 가능" ‪#‎김현중‬ by @wikitree

RT @illublue: "KHJ, paternity test result possible within this year" "김현중, 친자 여부 올해 안에 확인 가능" #김현중 by @wikitree

cr:SP @illublue 
Following court order, HJ and Choi will undertake a paternity test at a designated place this month, results in week

김현중 전여친 변호인 "서울대법의학교실서 친자검사예정" 다음연예 Seon: Paternity test is planned 2 be done at Seoul National Univ Hospital on 14th







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Guest shariman66

Excuse me?!!           

'Following court order, HJ and Choi will undertake a paternity test at a designated place this month..'

Didn't our boy take one already some months back? Is he supposed to take another one just to placate that psycho & friends?

Or is that site twisting the facts again as per SK media's usual practice?

I'm hoping someone really 'significant', a foreign or even local dignitary, would give a pithy criticism against these SK media's way of reporting the news one of these days. Hopefully, it would humiliate them no end.

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15 minutes ago, shariman66 said:

Excuse me?!!           

'Following court order, HJ and Choi will undertake a paternity test at a designated place this month..'

Didn't our boy take one already some months back? Is he supposed to take another one just to placate that psycho & friends?

Or is that site twisting the facts again as per SK media's usual practice?

I'm hoping someone really 'significant', a foreign or even local dignitary, would give a pithy criticism against these SK media's way of reporting the news one of these days. Hopefully, it would humiliate them no end.


Hi shariman, ye, he did it and hired Human Pass to gather his DNA and conduct a test. I heard that a DNA test is likely to take place again anytime this month at Seoul National University Hospital. If he does not comply with the DNA exam, he will be charged 10 million won (approximately $8500). ;)

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20 hours ago, newyorkcitygirl said:

KHJ rep," Paternity test welcome, has no connection with compensation"
김현중 법률대리인 "친자 확인 환영, 손해배상과는 무관"

RT @illublue: "KHJ, paternity test result possible within this year" "김현중, 친자 여부 올해 안에 확인 가능" ‪#‎김현중‬ by @wikitree

RT @illublue: "KHJ, paternity test result possible within this year" "김현중, 친자 여부 올해 안에 확인 가능" #김현중 by @wikitree

cr:SP @illublue 
Following court order, HJ and Choi will undertake a paternity test at a designated place this month, results in week

김현중 전여친 변호인 "서울대법의학교실서 친자검사예정" 다음연예 Seon: Paternity test is planned 2 be done at Seoul National Univ Hospital on 14th








Retweeted SP (@illublue):
KHJ side "no necessity for A to be at genetic testing at same time.. Using child" 김현중 측 "A씨와 유전자검사 동시 필요無..아이 이용 말길"

Edit to add:


최 씨 "14일 유전자 검사" vs 김현중 "검사날짜 유동적" |다음연예 Aside: paternity test on 14th vs KHJside: test date not set n can b changed

Retweeted sunny (@sunsun_sky):
[단독]김현중측 "A씨와 유전자 검사동행 어려울듯"..불발되나|다음연예 KHJside:If schedule is revealed, its hard to go together.

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The Court Ordered Kim Hyun Joong and Choi Hye-Mi To Undergo A Paternity Test on Dec 14,2015
linajoong of korea.com

Date : 2015-12-09 18:09:12

The court ordered Hyun Joong and Choi Hye-mi to undergo a paternity test at a designated place this month, at Seoul National Univ Hospital on next Monday Dec 14th results in week. The 5th hearing is scheduled on December 23. According to Kim Hyun Joong legal representative they welcome this court ordered.

They welcome the court ordered although they thought that they might not meet the dealine the court decided since Kim Hyun Joong is curently serving Military service.
However they will do as what court ordered.

The Next court hearing , which is the 5th hearing is scheduled on december 23, 2015

photo and new credit to http://tvdaily.asiae.co.kr/read.php3…


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Kim Hyun Joong and Ex-Girlfriend Court-Ordered to Take DNA Test

kokoberry  of soompi

12362679_974727732620380_298161779932652December 8, 2015

New reports claim that Kim Hyun Joong and his ex-girlfriend Miss Choi have been ordered by the court to take a DNA test regarding the paternity of Miss Choi’s son.

On December 9, an inside source revealed that Judge Jung Hyun Kyung from the Seoul Family Court ordered the pair to take DNA tests.

Previously, Miss Choi filed a lawauit against Kim Hyun Joong regarding the child’s paternity in September. She had asked the court to enforce a paternity test. Kim Hyun Joong’s side agreed to a test and hired Human Pass to gather his DNA and conduct a test. However, Miss Choi was concerned about the validity of a DNA test through a private company hired by Kim Hyun Joong and rejected his offer.

Miss Choi’s lawyer Sun Jong Moon commented, “A DNA test is likely to take place within this month at Seoul National University Hospital.” Her lawyer expressed his confidence that the hospital will provide valid results.

Kim Hyun Joong enlisted last May and is currently serving his mandatory military service in Paju, Gyeonggido. If he does not comply with the DNA exam, he will be charged 10 million won (approximately $8500).

Last September, Kim Hyun Joong’s lawyer Lee Jae Man stated, “If paternity is confirmed, Kim Hyun Joong will take responsibility as the baby’s father.”

What are your thoughts on the latest update concerning Kim Hyun Joong and his ex-girlfriend?

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Guest shariman66

I do hope the Court would grant Mr Lee's request.

I'm also hoping our boy's division would do him a favour by releasing him on another date.

It would still be the same facility so those contemptible conspirators shouldn't find fault with it. 

Those DCGall keepers should collect & publish all the contradictory statements made by that psy-Choi & her Seon-puppet.   

I'm still incredulous when they accused Mr Lee of allegedly announcing 'frivolous' info to the media & wanting him to desist.

They, themselves, have been extremely chummy with the media since day one ~ crazy & confused gang ^_^

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Why do all the media outlets underline that HE will get fined if he doesn't get RE-tested?  I'm sure the court actually said EITHER party would be fined, and the one most likely to drag her feet (since she's refused for months already) is CHOI.  But the media really likes to twist things against KHJ :(  And yes, CHOI is the media richard simmons in this - KHJ barely commented before Lawyer Lee showed up, and Lawyer Lee only does press releases in defense of some outrageous statement from CHOI's lawyer....

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Kim Hyun-joong didn't meet ex-girlfriend, no DNA test



It looks like Kim Hyun-joong and his girlfriend 'A' won't be meeting anymore.

According to legal sources, the Seoul Family Court ordered Kim and ex-girlfriend 'A' to get their DNA's

tested. If they failed to comply a fine of 10 million won or 30 days imprisonment would be sentenced.

'A's lawyer Seon Jong-moon claimed they were going to have the DNA tests on the 14th this month.

The lawyer expressed that the two wanted to get tested in a trustable establishment. 'A' was going to get the test done and Kim Hyun-joong should stay true to his word and be responsible.

However, Kim Hyun-joong's lawyer Lee Jae-man said, "It'll be hard for Kim Hyun-joong to participate. We might change the date with a pardon. It's not easy for him because he is a soldier and a public figure".

"We also mentioned at the press conference that we do not wish the child to be used in this case. We just want to make sure the child is his so that he can take responsibility. This has nothing to do with the 1.6 billion won and it's not a crime to get pregnant".

Previously, Kim claimed that he would take full responsibility for the child if it was his. However, he couldn't come to agreement with 'A'. Currently on duty, Kim has completed his tests and suggested 'A' did the same. However, 'A' claimed she wanted to get tested at a reasonable establishment together.

Meanwhile, Kim is currently in the middle of a court case involving pregnancy, miscarriage and abuse as well as 1.6 billion won. 'A' sued him for 1.6 billion won and he sued her back for 1.2 billion won. All this is going on at once and the fifth trial is to be held on the 23rd of December.

Source : www.newsen.com/news_v...

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26 minutes ago, newyorkcitygirl said:

Kim Hyun-joong didn't meet ex-girlfriend, no DNA test


It looks like Kim Hyun-joong and his girlfriend 'A' won't be meeting anymore.

According to legal sources, the Seoul Family Court ordered Kim and ex-girlfriend 'A' to get their DNA's

tested. If they failed to comply a fine of 10 million won or 30 days imprisonment would be sentenced.

'A's lawyer Seon Jong-moon claimed they were going to have the DNA tests on the 14th this month.

The lawyer expressed that the two wanted to get tested in a trustable establishment. 'A' was going to get the test done and Kim Hyun-joong should stay true to his word and be responsible.

However, Kim Hyun-joong's lawyer Lee Jae-man said, "It'll be hard for Kim Hyun-joong to participate. We might change the date with a pardon. It's not easy for him because he is a soldier and a public figure".

"We also mentioned at the press conference that we do not wish the child to be used in this case. We just want to make sure the child is his so that he can take responsibility. This has nothing to do with the 1.6 billion won and it's not a crime to get pregnant".

Previously, Kim claimed that he would take full responsibility for the child if it was his. However, he couldn't come to agreement with 'A'. Currently on duty, Kim has completed his tests and suggested 'A' did the same. However, 'A' claimed she wanted to get tested at a reasonable establishment together.

Meanwhile, Kim is currently in the middle of a court case involving pregnancy, miscarriage and abuse as well as 1.6 billion won. 'A' sued him for 1.6 billion won and he sued her back for 1.2 billion won. All this is going on at once and the fifth trial is to be held on the 23rd of December.

Source : www.newsen.com/news_v...


Hi newyorkcitygirl, thanks for sharing more on this news. After the paternity result then we can put an end to the speculation. KHJ reportedly has not yet seen the child. ;)

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Ms. Choi just needs to go on with her life.  She is so sad and pathetic.  It's shameful to call this person a woman as she makes women look desperate and bad.  She doesn't know how to let go of a man who doesn't want her any more.  She has been dragging this on for 1.5 years now and she supposedly got pregnant this time last year.   It's just ridiculous.  I hope it is not his baby so that he will have a fresh start with someone else.  I want him to have a woman who is not crazy and who he can have healthy children/start a family with. I feel sorry for the baby.

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from official staff blog①
HJ runs 4km every morning and also runs 6km every evening. His body is trained well and he has been doing well.
②When HJ has free time, he studies Japanese and he can speak ordinary conversation in Japanese now^^
Cr: chocolatdaleKHJ

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