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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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[ENGL] Interview by KHJ's Parents that no news oulets reported yet-1
[영역] 기사 한줄 없는 김현중 부모님 인터뷰-1

NYCG @   Thank you for the information.

Amicable resolution for 600 millions won is really truly greedy and acted out from a shameless soul.  Finally the true self of a woman called choi is gradually revealed bit by bit after setting up herself as a DV's  victim for months. . The dear victim of online haters  is disclosed as an obsessive woman who is also a real professional gold digger  . I wonder those who condemned HJ since last August ever feel guilty for their wrong doing.

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Guest shariman66

'I wonder those who condemned HJ since last August ever feel guilty for their wrong doing.'


Naaah, they are too busy being self-righteous ~

Probably, they wouldn't even notice or deign to feel 'guilty'.

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So, I am going to need for someone to explain this to me because after reading the latest interview information from the parents, I'm a little confused.  

The DA knew about the pregnancy the last time and she claimed back THEN that KHJ caused the miscarriage.  She told the DA back in summer 2014 that she was pregnant and he caused the miscarriage from the abuse?????!!!!  Is that what they are all saying??????


What kind of DA do they have in Seoul, South Korea??  Did the DA not check to confirm Choi's pregnancy story by questioning her and checking her facts with the hospitals the way his lawyer is doing now?   

Did the DA arrange the settlement with KHJ or was it Choi and her greedy lawyer?  KHJ was dealing with the DA and her lawyer without his own representation?  Is that correct?

Where was KE?  Some of you already know how I feel about KE so I"m going to spare everyone my rant on them.    KE gave him the advice they gave him because they wanted this to go away quietly and quickly.  Like KHJ stated in his text to that Choi, "My company said I will have a red mark against my name."  If that text is true, he felt pressured from all sides.   On top of that, he didn't want to bother his parents with this because his mother was sick and needed surgery. It appears he didn't want to worry them about his problem.  When you look at this case with the pieces we know about (I'm sure there is more), Choi had the perfect setup to blackmail him for money and she took advantage of it.  

Right now, I"m madder than a pitbull in a dog fight. :angry: It's almost beginning to sound like he was railroaded/ framed by Choi, her greedy lawyer AND the DA.  I want to give the DA the benefit of the doubt because he/she is a government official but I'm not so sure this DA was fair to both parties.  It would not surprise me if we hear later on that all 3 (Choi, her lawyer and the DA) got a cut of the $500,000 settlement.

Please let me know if I mis-interpreted his parent's interview.  

Edited by theone4me
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Updated address for Kim Hyun Joong while in the military - for senders from the United States:

So I went to the main postoffice just now to send the letter for KHj that is being collected in a special PO box - and I was so fortunate -

he Post office clerk looked Korean, so after I asked him if he was Korean and he answered "ne", I immediately showed him my copied address - and just asked him bluntly if the address made sense - and he looked at it critically and said, well - it has the state - first line, then the city, second line, and then the postal box is there - so I asked him - should i just cross out everything except the postal box?

And he said "no, it will get there....but next time, use the Hangul - the only part that has to be in English is the part that says SOUTH KOREA - so people in the USA can direct it".

So this is the ADDRESS for KHJ while he is in the military if you are sending mail from the Unite States: You can copy and paste

           KIM HYUN JOONG 김현중

            경기도 성남시 분당구 황새울로 347 (서현동)

            성남분당우체국 사서함 61

            우편번호 463-600

            South Korea


You can still use the English address below also:


            P.O. Box 61, Seongnam Bundang Post Office, 347, Hwangsaeul-ro,

            Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

            zip code 463-600



Credit to NewYorkCity Girl's post and credit to http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=khj&no=132248&page=1

The total postage for Heavy vellum stationary  plus regular white copy paper in regular European size 10 envelope was only $1.17.

Next time I am using pretty stamps from the US....this time I only had a single flower sticker....

Be sure to put his name on the first line!!

Edited by lkh2
Be sure to put his name on the first line!!!!
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His birthday is coming up - can we send cards I wonder?  

​I am sure we can - it seems the only limitations are gifts, bulky items - which even if you send them, it will NOT be delivered per the notice from:



And I think we should all send cards - to show our support! Good thinking Teleri!

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So, I am going to need for someone to explain this to me because after reading the latest interview information from the parents, I'm a little confused.  

The DA knew about the pregnancy the last time and she claimed back THEN that KHJ caused the miscarriage.  She told the DA back in summer 2014 that she was pregnant and he caused the miscarriage from the abuse?????!!!!  Is that what they are all saying??????


What kind of DA do they have in Seoul, South Korea??  Did the DA not check to confirm Choi's pregnancy story by questioning her and checking her facts with the hospitals the way his lawyer is doing now?   

Did the DA arrange the settlement with KHJ or was it Choi and her greedy lawyer?  KHJ was dealing with the DA and her lawyer without his own representation?  Is that correct?

Where was KE?  Some of you already know how I feel about KE so I"m going to spare everyone my rant on them.    KE gave him the advice they gave him because they wanted this to go away quietly and quickly.  Like KHJ stated in his text to that Choi, "My company said I will have a red mark against my name."  If that text is true, he felt pressured from all sides.   On top of that, he didn't want to bother his parents with this because his mother was sick and needed surgery. It appears he didn't want to worry them about his problem.  When you look at this case with the pieces we know about (I'm sure there is more), Choi had the perfect setup to blackmail him for money and she took advantage of it.  

Right now, I"m madder than a pitbull in a dog fight. :angry: It's almost beginning to sound like he was railroaded/ framed by Choi, her greedy lawyer AND the DA.  I want to give the DA the benefit of the doubt because he/she is a government official but I'm not so sure this DA was fair to both parties.  It would not surprise me if we hear later on that all 3 (Choi, her lawyer and the DA) got a cut of the $500,000 settlement.

Please let me know if I mis-interpreted his parent's interview.  

The author made little grammar mistakes on cutting words short  like using D for THE, N for AND so it can be confusing. ​What  the parents are saying is that KHJ went off of what she stated miss Choi, he believed her, and told his parents what was happening. I do not think she told the DA that she was pregnant, cause she got an x-ray this would have caused suspicion and she wanted to hold on to stuff if you notice every time she came with something different to the media..   I feel the DA saw a chance to take advantage and that is what they did ...   I agree with you she plan the perfect setup/cowardly setup to me but now she got greedy, way to greedy and that will be her undoing...   

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So, I am going to need for someone to explain this to me because after reading the latest interview information from the parents, I'm a little confused.  

The DA knew about the pregnancy the last time and she claimed back THEN that KHJ caused the miscarriage.  She told the DA back in summer 2014 that she was pregnant and he caused the miscarriage from the abuse?????!!!!  Is that what they are all saying??????



​Ok - let me add to the questions with these questions:

1) Since Lawyer Lee said he was involved since August 2014 (he uses "we" numerous times - and there are additional statements in numerous interviews  -

where he seems (I use "seems" because the whole context of the translation may not have been included - meaning very specific questions asked of him by the interviewer - that we are not fully aware)  to say he was part of the legal team involved since August 2014.

..Legal Counsel Lee clearly says in one of his first and earliest interviews that the legal team "we" decided on "settlement" in August 2014 due to thinking that the quicker you can kill a rumor in the beginning - the better to stop it....in addition, the amount and onslaught of negative trash media forced them to make rapid damage control decisions and judgment calls with the information that they had at the time....

in other words -  did the legal team counsel KHJ with "pay up and shut up" in August 2014? as the best advice and least damaging consequence of all options available with the information known at that time?

Or did they even know that KHJ had paid out? Because KHJ's parents said only a few trusted friends knew of his paying out the money demanded (I am not using the word "settlement - because that is another point of contention between Plaintiff (Choi) and Defendant KHJ to be hashed out on June 3, 2015.

so my Question No. 1 is:  Did the legal team, in August/September 2014  really know that KHJ had paid out the $600,000 US in August 2014 and were they truly involved from August 2014 or was it the Korean cultural translation - of what happens to ONE  of us - is happening to ALL of us...

In other words - did KHJ tell Lawyer Lee about the demand for payment for supposed pregnancy and miscarriage? at the time it occurred?

* * * * * * * * 

Question No 2 bounces off  theOne4me 's question - with -

 If the DA's office was informed of the pregnancy/miscarriage in September 2014 - did they dismiss it as part of the four counts - 2 of which were dropped Sept 17, 2014, when Choi asked to drop the charges?  That left one charge that KHJ admitted to that was then sent to the prosecuting office. 

So if Choi Mom - in the latest parent interview - says that Choi was not pregnant in August 2014  - (did the Mom  really not know - or did she forget what was "supposed" to have occurred as part of the family subterfuge)? Or as Choi's side is saying - she was too embarrassed to admit to this - just as KHJ did not tell his parents that he was being blackmailed for a supposed  miscarriage in a supposed pregnant girlfriend)...

I am not too sure that the DA's office colluded with the Choi side to collect money....since they actually followed thru - as part of the letter of the law - in sending the one charge that he partially admitted to for further investigation.

To question the DA's motive when they released KHJ with only a measly $5,000 fine - tells me that they did not count Choi's account as worthy of consideration.

When we question the DA's collusion with Choi - that is a little ......ummm stretching it?  and also clouds their final judgment in their minor penalty on KHJ.  That is my humble opinion. I am happy to be corrected .....



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This is the BIng English translation of the Japanese below - tweet from Tiwtter:

Lida enlisted 20 day. Begin training tomorrow, used chemical weapons and grenades. To aid in training or combat situations needed and also I learned yesterday. Today is time for religion. Choco's [Choco Pie] day. [훈련병의 품격] 19 부. 전우의 목숨을 살려라! https://youtu.be/N3JzYSnv7Uc?list=PLMVkaEHUCNidJfBydBJme9YqRNdLAcQWS  @YouTube Sent from


Looks like "Lida" - that is how he is known to Japanese - he is the "Leader" to differentiate from "Baby/Maknae" Kim Hyun Joong - since the Katakana to write


Kim Hyun joong's name キム·ヒョンジュン

 and Kim Hyung Jun's name - キム·ヒョンジュン


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I'm actually quoting myself here - a few paragraphs back:

in other words -  did the legal team counsel KHJ with "pay up and shut up" in August 2014? as the best advice and least damaging consequence of all options available with the information known at that time even though he was falsely accused??

If that was what the legal team advised - and do you guys remember - KHJ's automatic impulsive first action on this whole business was that he was planning on a "counter-suit" that quickly gave way.....to silence and apology and more silence.....

Arghhhhhhh - if they had only known what that silence would have cost KHJ - I wonder if they would have fought tooth and nail.....but perhaps they had to deal with only the info they had at the time....and the screaming trash media at the time....


I am not faulting the Legal Team decisions at all - 

 - and I am still trying to figure out if he really had legal counsel for the whole mess in August 2014 and was it really Lawyer Lee from the beginning?

 And did KHJ only give them limited information thinking he would be able to handle it with the least amount of trauma for all involved?

Or was Lawyer Lee part of the defense team with KHJ during the August/september months .....

- but Lawyer Lee's sharing the decisionmaking burden with KHJ - in the decision to pay the $500,000 us dollars  to Choi side - makes KHJ sound like he did what seemed to be the best thing at the time - especially since it seems that Lawyer Lee team shouldered that responsibility with KHJ......

 Ugh - my brains getting twisted - I'm gonna watch some vids....

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Guest angeljoong86

Updated address for Kim Hyun Joong while in the military - for senders from the United States:

So I went to the main postoffice just now to send the letter for KHj that is being collected in a special PO box - and I was so fortunate -

he Post office clerk looked Korean, so after I asked him if he was Korean and he answered "ne", I immediately showed him my copied address - and just asked him bluntly if the address made sense - and he looked at it critically and said, well - it has the state - first line, then the city, second line, and then the postal box is there - so I asked him - should i just cross out everything except the postal box?

And he said "no, it will get there....but next time, use the Hangul - the only part that has to be in English is the part that says SOUTH KOREA - so people in the USA can direct it".

So this is the ADDRESS for KHJ while he is in the military if you are sending mail from the Unite States: You can copy and paste


 경기도 성남시 분당구 황새울로 347 (서현동)

            성남분당우체국 사서함 61

            우편번호 463-600

            South Korea


You can still use the English address below also:


            P.O. Box 61, Seongnam Bundang Post Office, 347, Hwangsaeul-ro,

            Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

            zip code 463-600



Credit to NewYorkCity Girl's post and credit to http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=khj&no=132248&page=1

The total postage for Heavy vellum stationary  plus regular white copy paper in regular European size 10 envelope was only $1.17.

Next time I am using pretty stamps from the US....this time I only had a single flower sticker....

Be sure to put his name on the first line!!​




Thank you so much for this!  I am updating my website at angeljoong.weebly.com with this information for the fans.  thanks!



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So, I am going to need for someone to explain this to me because after reading the latest interview information from the parents, I'm a little confused.  

The DA knew about the pregnancy the last time and she claimed back THEN that KHJ caused the miscarriage.  She told the DA back in summer 2014 that she was pregnant and he caused the miscarriage from the abuse?????!!!!  Is that what they are all saying??????



​Ok - let me add to the questions with these questions:

1) Since Lawyer Lee said he was involved since August 2014 (he uses "we" numerous times - and there are additional statements in numerous interviews  -

where he seems (I use "seems" because the whole context of the translation may not have been included - meaning very specific questions asked of him by the interviewer - that we are not fully aware)  to say he was part of the legal team involved since August 2014.

..Legal Counsel Lee clearly says in one of his first and earliest interviews that the legal team "we" decided on "settlement" in August 2014 due to thinking that the quicker you can kill a rumor in the beginning - the better to stop it....in addition, the amount and onslaught of negative trash media forced them to make rapid damage control decisions and judgment calls with the information that they had at the time....

in other words -  did the legal team counsel KHJ with "pay up and shut up" in August 2014? as the best advice and least damaging consequence of all options available with the information known at that time?

Or did they even know that KHJ had paid out? Because KHJ's parents said only a few trusted friends knew of his paying out the money demanded (I am not using the word "settlement - because that is another point of contention between Plaintiff (Choi) and Defendant KHJ to be hashed out on June 3, 2015.

so my Question No. 1 is:  Did the legal team, in August/September 2014  really know that KHJ had paid out the $600,000 US in August 2014 and were they truly involved from August 2014 or was it the Korean cultural translation - of what happens to ONE  of us - is happening to ALL of us...

In other words - did KHJ tell Lawyer Lee about the demand for payment for supposed pregnancy and miscarriage? at the time it occurred?

* * * * * * * * 

Question No 2 bounces off  theOne4me 's question - with -

 If the DA's office was informed of the pregnancy/miscarriage in September 2014 - did they dismiss it as part of the four counts - 2 of which were dropped Sept 17, 2014, when Choi asked to drop the charges?  That left one charge that KHJ admitted to that was then sent to the prosecuting office. 

So if Choi Mom - in the latest parent interview - says that Choi was not pregnant in August 2014  - (did the Mom  really not know - or did she forget what was "supposed" to have occurred as part of the family subterfuge)? Or as Choi's side is saying - she was too embarrassed to admit to this - just as KHJ did not tell his parents that he was being blackmailed for a supposed  miscarriage in a supposed pregnant girlfriend)...

I am not too sure that the DA's office colluded with the Choi side to collect money....since they actually followed thru - as part of the letter of the law - in sending the one charge that he partially admitted to for further investigation.

To question the DA's motive when they released KHJ with only a measly $5,000 fine - tells me that they did not count Choi's account as worthy of consideration.

When we question the DA's collusion with Choi - that is a little ......ummm stretching it?  and also clouds their final judgment in their minor penalty on KHJ.  That is my humble opinion. I am happy to be corrected .....



​You raised some good points.  I'm hoping many of our questions will be answered starting next week.   Thanks for clearing up some of the translation because seriously I was a little confused about what was being stated.

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I'm actually quoting myself here - a few paragraphs back:

in other words -  did the legal team counsel KHJ with "pay up and shut up" in August 2014? as the best advice and least damaging consequence of all options available with the information known at that time even though he was falsely accused??

If that was what the legal team advised - and do you guys remember - KHJ's automatic impulsive first action on this whole business was that he was planning on a "counter-suit" that quickly gave way.....to silence and apology and more silence.....

Arghhhhhhh - if they had only known what that silence would have cost KHJ - I wonder if they would have fought tooth and nail.....but perhaps they had to deal with only the info they had at the time....and the screaming trash media at the time....


I am not faulting the Legal Team decisions at all - 

 - and I am still trying to figure out if he really had legal counsel for the whole mess in August 2014 and was it really Lawyer Lee from the beginning?

 And did KHJ only give them limited information thinking he would be able to handle it with the least amount of trauma for all involved?

Or was Lawyer Lee part of the defense team with KHJ during the August/september months .....

- but Lawyer Lee's sharing the decisionmaking burden with KHJ - in the decision to pay the $500,000 us dollars  to Choi side - makes KHJ sound like he did what seemed to be the best thing at the time - especially since it seems that Lawyer Lee team shouldered that responsibility with KHJ......

 Ugh - my brains getting twisted - I'm gonna watch some vids....

I'm actually quoting myself here - a few paragraphs back:

in other words -  did the legal team counsel KHJ with "pay up and shut up" in August 2014? as the best advice and least damaging consequence of all options available with the information known at that time even though he was falsely accused??

If that was what the legal team advised - and do you guys remember - KHJ's automatic impulsive first action on this whole business was that he was planning on a "counter-suit" that quickly gave way.....to silence and apology and more silence.....

Arghhhhhhh - if they had only known what that silence would have cost KHJ - I wonder if they would have fought tooth and nail.....but perhaps they had to deal with only the info they had at the time....and the screaming trash media at the time....


I am not faulting the Legal Team decisions at all - 

 - and I am still trying to figure out if he really had legal counsel for the whole mess in August 2014 and was it really Lawyer Lee from the beginning?

 And did KHJ only give them limited information thinking he would be able to handle it with the least amount of trauma for all involved?

Or was Lawyer Lee part of the defense team with KHJ during the August/september months .....

- but Lawyer Lee's sharing the decisionmaking burden with KHJ - in the decision to pay the $500,000 us dollars  to Choi side - makes KHJ sound like he did what seemed to be the best thing at the time - especially since it seems that Lawyer Lee team shouldered that responsibility with KHJ......

 Ugh - my brains getting twisted - I'm gonna watch some vids....

​From the way lawyer is stating it he is actually saying my client so our legal team ( we) , I do remember , I think the reason mostly why deal became is because he was suppose to be leaving for china and they did not want to mess that up ( which happen anyway ).. So I think the counsel or rather key-west might have had advised to take the deal so he can get leave to do the concert.   It was the worst advice but I do see why they made it. I do not think KHJ left things out, if you look closely he was in the dark about everything. He trusted her , and his reaction was normal  guy reaction , by just believing an ultra sound with out question believing her words that she is pregnant with out question.. 

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For whatever ways we look at it whether how the deal has been done or the settlement has been done. The motive of this woman to destroy HJ and take as much as money from him can not be denied.I wish there is a court that investigations on motive and suspicious actions.

It is really so painful to see medias and the accuser intentionally collaborated to manipulate public opinion and create injustice 's prectice in the society. However  I hope the SK public start to learn where they made a mistake and. take the opportunity to establish a strong moral ground to promote justice and fairness to all people equally regardless of women or men.

Knowing of the fact that has been revealed in the past 2 weeks i felt so painful. Reading HJ's parents interview I felt even more painful as I can touch their pain.  l think the pain from  injustice is the most painful thing to happen to anyone.. The pain really effect our life even though it's not happen to us..

In HJ's case whoever created the immoral scandal and involved in the process to damage a person's life  they are real criminal. They are dangerous. Their actions should not be forgotten. They committed to a conspiracy to character assassination . They deserve to be punished for their crime..We certainly do not want anything like this to happen to anyone because it's not only destroy a person but the whole family and everyone who love that person. 

Edited by vivian6686
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