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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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....I don't know if it is posted here already but I read even he thought in a moment leaves the show business....It's incredible how this woman almost ruins what he loves so much and each part of his life...thanks to his parents who took to the lawyer until Hyun Joong and he gained strength to fight against her and let the truth to be exposed finally. I'm praying all this nightmare ends in June and we don't know about this woman anymore in the life. (hope not to be his baby).


Changing the subject, I want to post this story about the MS.



[This is what typical Korean army barracks look like. Not a picture of my base. The area in front of each cabinet is one person’s living space. Source: http://blog.segye.com/salmons/18420]

After six weeks of shooting rifles, throwing grenades, and other generally boot-campy activities, we finally reached the end of basic military training and it was time to board the trains bound for our respective bases. I boarded the train heading to Seoul, as I was assigned to the Combined Forces Command (CFC). CFC is the “command center” for all US and Republic of Korea (ROK) forces present on the Korean peninsula, and as a result, constantly needs translation and real-time interpretation support, which was to be my main duty.


I vividly remember the very first moment I entered my platoon’s room. A lot of thoughts flew by, at first mainly about the living conditions: “Wow, a lot of people live in this room,” “So this piece of land (slightly bigger than a yoga mat) will be my home for the next two years?” “Better get used to sleeping on the floor because I don’t see any beds.”

Then followed the interaction with the platoon members. At basic training, we got some advice on how to behave at our new bases. They were things like, “Sit in a way that no parts of your body form a non-straight line,” “Speak with a loud voice,” etc. What I did not hear was perhaps the most important one: “Try not to act like you.” Well, unaware of the advice I never heard, I did act like me. I did the things that any outgoing person in the US would do when meeting new people. Excited to meet everyone, I initiated conversations when opportunities arose, shared funny stories, asked questions, and laughed a lot. Within one day, I was told by at least six different platoon seniors that I “better shut the hell up and start acting like a Private Second Class (PV2).” (Platoon seniors refer to any persons who served longer in the military.)

That’s when I learned what PV2’s are and are not supposed to do. Newbie PV2’s were allowed to do some things, like speaking, although any words coming out of our mouths had to be one of the following five: “Yes, I understand,” “Yes, that is correct,” “I don’t know, I will look into it,” “Private Second Class [Insert name],” “Do hard work” (literal translation of something like “Good day!”). Then followed a long list of things we couldn’t do. We weren’t allowed to initiate conversations unless spoken to first. Not allowed to laugh or smile. Not allowed to talk to people more than a few months senior to you. Not allowed to cross legs. And many other things. None of what I did on my first day quite fell in line with this list—quite a spectacular introduction to the new society I’d be part of for almost two years.

More in the link...>>> https://eugenenho.wordpress.com/2013/07/26/the-newbie-life-legendary-rag-folding-and-toilet-shining/




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The letter that Kim shared through his online fan club and through his management website on Wednesday. (Kim Hyun-joong's online fan website)


Transcript of Kim Hyun-joong's letter to fans


Hello everybody, this is Kim Hyun-joong.


I couldn't find an easy opportunity to say goodbye and I’m now saying farewell.


To be honest, I felt really sorry. As a public figure, I wasn't able to share all my feelings. I spent day after day reproaching myself for not being more thoughtful and mature.


As a result, I thought a lot about how to apologize and to express how sorry I am as I leave.


In my heart, for my fans ... no, toward my fans I have two types of mixed feelings -- regret and gratitude.


Many people had faith in me during a chaotic period and gave me mental strength. They even thought about the parts I didn't talk about and had consistent faith in me, giving me renewed confidence. I wonder how I can repay that.


There are also people who are disappointed and angry with me. I don't know the words to adequately apologize, other than to say that I am leaving with a huge sense of indebtedness weighing on my mind.


All men born in this country enlist in the Army, but now that it has become my turn, there is a part of me that feels a little restless. Even I think that I've lived a really hard-working and competitive life so far ... but now that it is my turn, I am starting to feel very powerless.


I hope the next two years (during my military service) will be an opportunity for me to be reborn. I want to return having grown as a man, as a celebrity and as a member of society.


Over the past year, I felt grateful that even someone like myself could have been sheltered in a thoughtful and warm place in the hearts of my family, friends, colleagues, people I am thankful for and you fans.


On the day I complete my military duties, I will return -- if not as the best, at least as a better person for the people who trust me more than ever.


I end this letter with a promise to return smiling and greeting you all.


2015 May 12


Kim Hyun-joong


By Yoon Sarah (sarah356@heraldcorp.com)



​I just wanted to point out 2 things about this letter that may not have been pointed out yet by others:

1) When he talks about "repaying" or "debt" - his parents latest interview said that it was in reference to his wanting to put on a free performance for his fans before his military service....


2) His handwriting is BEAUTIFUL.  Chinese/Japanese/Koreans  all look to a person's handwriting as an expression of the self - and there are reams of stuff in classical Japanese and Chinese literature (don't know enough about Korean) about how the calligraphy is very very telling and revealing.....  I think his handwriting is very pleasing to the eye in its evenness, style, and has a very pleasing masculine form...

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Like someone earlier stated,  I think even her family might have been a part of this.  I don't believe her parents and her brother did not know she was going to sue for 1.6 million.  They knew what she was doing.  From KHJ's parents discussion, that whole family sounds disgusting and KHJ's  baby should not be a part of that.

I feel the same way, I even feel the legal representation saw money and the same with the prosecution office hints the fine.. 

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10537429_882258711867283_523744973698070Translated from Chinese translation posted by 弥凌伊 at weibo. From interview with HJ's parents
"Our son wished to enlist quietly, so we didn't even go to the enlistment centre. After the ceremony, there was a rite where the recruits bow to their parents, but we didn't go. While the other new recruits were performing this ritual to their parents, Hyun Joong seemed to have just stood there dumbly before going into the training centre. His friends told us,'dad, mum, you might as well have gone too.'After which we cried." So said his heartbroken mother as she wiped her tears away...
credit translation: @illublue

Edited by newyorkcitygirl
added a photo
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27.05.15 Midnight - Kim Hyun Joong side, the former girlfriend of Obstetrics and Gynecology records request! 
Lee Jae Man attorney of Kim Hyun Joong said:
The core of this lawsuit is that the last pregnancy and abortion whether it is true or false truth that the main issue.
cr: @jamkkuleogihj
http://cozygha.com/board_DRUP12/196661 ...



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So sad :(  It's why I wrote a letter - I encourage all his fans do so.  As retired military I cannot stress enough how much that kind of thing means to any young man in the military, far away from home in strange circumstances.  He's going thru a lot right now with this scandal mess, & then having the stress of military life on top of that - breaks my heart :(



Edited by Teleri Nyfain
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【Kim Hyun Joong launched legal counterattack against former girlfriend】
The Seoul Central District Court on the 25th Civil section 22 to the National Health Insurance group and 5 gynecological hospitals were served a "fact-finding request" Kim Hyun Joong side, said: "We have the right to know their pregnancy and abortion records .5 hospitals in which hospital she was diagnosed as miscarriage,
in which hospital was diagnosed with pregnancy is still unknown, we are waiting for the findings."
cr: @韩娱Doublek via deanna











[ENGLISH-VIDEO] MidniteTV KHJ side requests medical records
15.05.27 한밤-김현중측, 전여친 산부인과 기록 요청!(김현중 법률대리인 인터뷰) 
http://cozygha.com/board_DRUP12/196661 …  











Edited by newyorkcitygirl
added image and video
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1. KHJ in procss of confirmng formr GF's pregnancy n miscarriage...What's truth? Waitng 4 rspnse frm 5 clinics inquird.
데일리중앙 모바일 사이트, 김현중 전여친... 임신 및 유산 여부 확인 진실은 과연? "총 5개 병원 중 어떤 병원에서 유산 진단을 받았고, 어떤 병원에서 임신 확진을 받았는지는 확인하지 못했다"고 전했다http://m.dailiang.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=83397 …
2. KHJ-Frmr GF: true vs false: wl confirm OB&G med rcrds" If false, KHJ side intends to take legal action.
김현중 전 여친과 진실공방, "산부인과 진단 기록 확인할 것" |다음연예http://media.daum.net/v/20150528143511926/ … 리스트를 전달받아 임신 및 유산 진단기록을 확인..유산으로 병원에서 치료받은적이 없다는것이 밝혀지면 공갈죄등 혐의로 법적대응를 준비할계획
3. KHJ side requests OB&G med rcrds:"d focal point of d case is wethr pregncy/miscrge last yr is fact or fabrication"
김현중 측 "전 여친 산부인과 기록 요청.. 임신-유산 여부가 쟁점" | 다음 연예http://media.daum.net/v/20150528083915679/ … 김현중의 법률대리인은 "이 소송의 핵심은 지난 해의 임신과 유산 여부가 진실인지 허위인지가 주요 쟁점이다"라고 말했다
Trans BY: @sunsun_sky via yogi khj 



[Legal case Update Trans]
1) KHJ side: in the process of verifying former GF's pregnancy & miscarriage;
'if lies, it's blackmail'
Legal action will be taken.
김현중 전 여친, 유산 및 임신 여부 확인 中 '거짓 경우 공갈죄'http://media.daum.net/v/20150528091706945/ …
2) KHJ-Former GF: true vs false: will confirm OB&G medical records
" If false, KHJ side intends to take legal action.
김현중 전 여친과 진실공방, "산부인과 진단 기록 확인할 것" |다음연예http://media.daum.net/v/20150528143511926/ …
credit translation: @sunsun_sky


Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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Public Opinion,Mass Media and Celebrities
Part 1
Such a heavy topic worthy of a 3 units college course. Or a textbook. With celebrated cases as a book it is a sure best seller (sounds like one being peddled online by Google and Amazon).
But I'll try to make it simple and direct. There is a love -hate relationship between and among them. Certainly, they feed on each other.
Celebrities need mass media for obvious reasons.They or their handlers and talent agencies seek the attention from mass media specially at the time of their launching. Their public persona or images need exposure and publicity. Medias' favours are courted early on. The celebrity wannabe needs to be in the right time and place where mass media crowd will also be present. But when the celebrities become rich and famous aka high profile mass media can turn into something obnoxious.
As the celebrity crave for their privacy, the more they become hot meal ticket for every reporter, paparazzi, media outlet.Can you imagine what happens when a scandal erupts, real, imagined or invented?
Mass media also called Fifth Estate refers to blogs,websites,media outlets needs content or materials to work on, personalities, timely issues, even the usual classic topics such as environment, science, health care, education, science, cooking, etc. What infuses blood on anaemic mass media stronger than pure caffeine is when they can smell something burning...if it is appropriate to call them vampiric feeding on the blood of their victims or personalities that needed to be castigated in public anyway. But most of the times their news / articles are meant to survive in the jungle of infotainment. They can be mouthpieces,too of special interest groups.
Entertainment mass media is not all that bad. As mentioned above they provide infotainment for the general public and those entertainment starved ones. Gossips and scandals can be its most salacious menu. Thus, it can be biased, opinionated, sensationalised and can perpetuate lies which are against ethics of reporting. Many times suspected to be in the payroll of entertainment agencies. Or exist independently as tabloid as it has its own reading public. Or some engaged in it for their own pleasure or to share with like minded individuals.
On the other hand, the public or a portion of it may have its opinion shaped by media to a certain extent or they can assert their right to overturn the deluge of misreporting. We have heard of the "court of public opinion" where a personality or a group of them are "tried and lynched". Just the same, there is a saying the " tide of public opinion has turned" meaning it also changes.
Part 2 to be continued -KHJ case

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[Pexers Write-Ups] Public Opinion,Mass Media and Celebrities – Part 2


The KHJ case will start court trial in a few days or this coming June 3rd. For those only now will hear of it, nine months ago (August,2014) an ex-girlfriend accused the HALLYU STAR of assault . Through MASS MEDIA DISPATCH she showed publicly her pictures of claimed body parts bruises and text messages allegedly between the two. A negative PUBLIC OPINION swelled though his fans were in disbelief and remained supportive.

The above shows a clear illustration of the intersecting of the three -public opinion, mass media and celebrity.

To go on with the case…

The news was picked up by other media outlets, blogs,websites,etc and continued the coverage of the scandal that rocked the Kpop world. Then the police stepped in and did its job. Even if the case was subsequently dropped by the complainant the case was still sent to the prosecutor’s office. KHJ was fined for his admission of a one time mutual fight. As the months went by if one searched through Google the scandal was mostly what you will find on KHJ on its first page.

Early this year when KHJ returned from his Japan Gemini concert tour, mass media again reported that KHJ ‘s ex girlfriend (now called Ms Choi formerly anonymously referred to as Ms A) is pregnant and both parties were talking marriage.

The formerly quiet KHJ side started to refute the news and the series of back and forth discussion between the two sides began. Public opinion started expressing that the “conversation” sort of better be done privately.

As days went by further revelations shocked the reading public as they learned the dropping of the assault case last year came not only with a public apology but with a whooping ‘behind the scene’ payment of $600,000 in spite of Ms Choi’s side saying no money was involved. Now claimed as settlement by KHJ side while Choi’s side as compensation. Why compensation, it was further claimed that Choi had miscarried due to the assault.

Another case was filed by same Ms Choi a month before KHJ’s enlistment of May 12th. This time it was for emotional stress due to pregnancy (current) asking for 1.6 billion won compensation.By the way, a sector of the public opinion makers in the internet have also been sued due to online harassment of Ms Choi.

The public came to know more hidden stories through interviews of KHJ parents (done by the Fact, 3 magazines) and those of the legal team of KHJ (TV channels) as it readies to battle it out in court with no settlement.

If the other party utilized mass media before, it is now KHJ side’s turn using it . Interestingly, public opinion has now become sympathetic to KHJ. As we all know public opinion can sway legal interpretation of laws. Mass media is not to be left behind in this as they also feature “enlightened” articles.

It is too early to predict the outcome of the case. But what we are after here is to show how public opinion, mass media and celebrities have that undeniable bond for better or for worse.

Disclaimer : the article above have simplified narration of events solely for its intended purpose.

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Author:  AprilStarr  https://www.facebook.com/HyunniesPexers

Arts: Thaty Perroni / Unbreakable Henecia

What Will Happen in the KHJ vs Choi H Case


Just in case you are interested in what will happen starting June 3, 2015 court hearing continue reading ...
For a June 3 court hearing to have been scheduled it is presumed the case have gone through two steps :
1. Plaintiff (Choi) has filed a written complaint with the court (Seoul Central District), has paid the court costs of 0.5 % of claims and in addition paid administrative costs.
2.Plaintiff and Defendant(KHJ) through their lawyers have gone through Pre trial Procedures and Discovery. They have submitted their preliminary briefings to the court. The court then reviewed and clarified issues involved. There are no juries but a judge or a panel of judges to try the case.
The burden of proving the plaintiff deserved to be awarded her claims remains with her. She has to present evidences such as documentation, expert opinions, witnesses, herself standing before the court, etc.
The defendant will have to contest her allegations otherwise it will be deemed admitted. The court is said to be a fact finder determining all presented arguments emanating from both sides.
There are 3 to 4 weeks period of time between hearings.
If and when the court ends its hearing, ruling is ready after 2 to 4 weeks but not enforceable until all appeals are exhausted including recommended compromises and settlement if any. Then there are other courts to appeal the ruling all the way to the Supreme Court.
Reference: Dispute Resolution in South Korea https: //www fernuna-hagen
An aside : expect the media for a full coverage of the hearing(s). Early on there were already other (meaning neither of the two parties)legal opinions on the merits of the claims.It will be interesting to watch on the sides presented arguments and rebuttals.Does it look simple and easy? It is said one of the hardest to prove is emotional distress and receive compensation for it.

Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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@newyorkcitygirl       If the other party utilized mass media before, it is now KHJ side’s turn using it . Interestingly, public opinion has now become sympathetic to KHJ. As we all know public opinion can sway legal interpretation of laws. Mass media is not to be left behind in this as they also feature “enlightened” articles.

​This is why I love the daily mass media storming by KHJ's legal defense team with Lawyer Lee's numerous media interviews and news appearances.  

I don't know if it was planned or not - but I loved the timing  of this - meaning - the parents knew that KHJ could suffer harm in the military while surrounded by misunderstanding officers and peers,

and therefore this news media barrage that shows the other side can only help KHJ -as we get a DAILY barrage of awesome KHJ side news information!

Also - in SK -  the whole shift from anti-KHJ turned to anti A/Choi - after the parents did their first interview - clearly showing their reasonableness and their respect to A/Choi but still revealing the truth.

Of course, all the other media OUTSIDE  of Korea  - has not gotten that fact and is still stuck in the August 2014 mode - they are stuck in their twisting - and so are the commenters  who come across like catastrophe porn trollers. 


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Can't wait the result of the Court date. I wanna know did this girl pregnant or not.... So far, there is no proof of it.


I always feel frustrated and amazed of the extent of greed starting to come out when involving mega stars....sleeping around with a star does not grant anyone that much money in my opinion...

Edited by bhenderson
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