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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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Thank you so much for this!  I am updating my website at angeljoong.weebly.com with this information for the fans.  thanks!



This is the final updated address that includes KHJ's name in English and Hangul while he is in the military:



경기도 성남시 분당구 황새울로 347 (서현동)

성남분당우체국 사서함 61

우편번호 463-600

South Korea

Edited by lkh2
Name included in Hangul for full address for people from the US to send to KHJ.
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I'm actually quoting myself here - a few paragraphs back:

in other words -  did the legal team counsel KHJ with "pay up and shut up" in August 2014? as the best advice and least damaging consequence of all options available with the information known at that time even though he was falsely accused??

If that was what the legal team advised - and do you guys remember - KHJ's automatic impulsive first action on this whole business was that he was planning on a "counter-suit" that quickly gave way.....to silence and apology and more silence.....

Arghhhhhhh - if they had only known what that silence would have cost KHJ - I wonder if they would have fought tooth and nail.....but perhaps they had to deal with only the info they had at the time....and the screaming trash media at the time....


I am not faulting the Legal Team decisions at all - 

 - and I am still trying to figure out if he really had legal counsel for the whole mess in August 2014 and was it really Lawyer Lee from the beginning?

 And did KHJ only give them limited information thinking he would be able to handle it with the least amount of trauma for all involved?

Or was Lawyer Lee part of the defense team with KHJ during the August/september months .....

- but Lawyer Lee's sharing the decisionmaking burden with KHJ - in the decision to pay the $500,000 us dollars  to Choi side - makes KHJ sound like he did what seemed to be the best thing at the time - especially since it seems that Lawyer Lee team shouldered that responsibility with KHJ......

 Ugh - my brains getting twisted - I'm gonna watch some vids....

​From the way lawyer is stating it he is actually saying my client so our legal team ( we) , I do remember , I think the reason mostly why deal became is because he was suppose to be leaving for china and they did not want to mess that up ( which happen anyway ).. So I think the counsel or rather key-west might have had advised to take the deal so he can get leave to do the concert.   It was the worst advice but I do see why they made it. I do not think KHJ left things out, if you look closely he was in the dark about everything. He trusted her , and his reaction was normal  guy reaction , by just believing an ultra sound with out question believing her words that she is pregnant with out question.. 


​EunHa28 - Thank you so much for clarifying - I like your response because I  had forgotten about the need for him to get things settled quickly due to his upcoming Guandong concert in China.

And you are so right - I agree with you about his being a  like any normal guy who trusted a girl's accusations on some ultrasound - thank you for the clarification!

Also - EunHa28 - welcome to Soompi!!!

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For whatever ways we look at it whether how the deal has been done or the settlement has been done. The motive of this woman to destroy HJ and take as much as money from him can not be denied.I wish there is a court that investigations on motive and suspicious actions.

It is really so painful to see medias and the accuser intentionally collaborated to manipulate public opinion and create injustice 's prectice in the society. However  I hope the SK public start to learn where they made a mistake and. take the opportunity to establish a strong moral ground to promote justice and fairness to all people equally regardless of women or men.

Knowing of the fact that has been revealed in the past 2 weeks i felt so painful. Reading HJ's parents interview I felt even more painful as I can touch their pain.  l think the pain from ke this to happen to anyone injustice is the most painful thing . The pain really effect our life even though it's not happen to us..

In HJ's case whoever created the immoral scandal and involved in the process to damage a person's life  they are real criminal. They are dangerous. Their actions should not be forgotten. They committed to a conspiracy to character assassination . They deserve to be punished for their crime..We certainly do not want anything like this to happen to anyone because it's not only destroy a person but the whole family and everyone who love that person. 


Vivian - you said it so well, you have brought up the main points of how we all feel...Thank you for saying it SO WELL. 

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Notice from DC Gallery regarding their mail support for KHJ ( English)

On May 26th, for the first time since KHJ had been enlisted, the collected letters and printed e-mails were shipped to him. The package will be delivered to the camp by June 2nd or 3rd.
As you may know it, if individual fans send letters to the camp by themselves, the overwhelming numbers of deliveries may disturb other soldiers in the camp. It’s the reason why we opened the PO box and e-mail account so that we can collect letters and ship them as one package.
We are going to keep the PO box and e-mail account to continue the letter event until he finishes his military service.
Up to date, the expense was not huge so that the letter event staffs have opened their personal purses. However, to continue the letter event and to support him in other ways while he is in the military service, it was suggested that opening a bank account for MS support would be better. Now, we want to ask your opinion about that issue. If the number of agreement exceeds the number of rejection from you, we are going to open a bank account for the MS support and will inform it soon. Please leave your opinions underneath this post.
Also, you know that KHJ’s birthday is very soon.
Because we, Henecia, are busy telling the truth to the world, in this year, we’d like to celebrate his birthday with a small event like sending a birthday card.
If you didn’t have a chance to send a letter or an e-mail yet, please do it this time. We are going to deliver your birthday messages to KHJ.
The messages sent during this week (the birthday week, until June 7th) will be shipped as one package on June 8th. You can expect that KHJ will get it before he finishes his training at the training camp.
We really wish your participation a lot.^^




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Tweet Updates:
1) "After all this time, now I heard abt the whole story and I decided to start court dispute instead of my son." 
(From HJ's father intervew)
2) If you have any religion,lets pray for HJ and his family.
Court hearing is scheduled for 3 June this week.
It going to be a long and hard fight. 

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@newyorkcitygirl  Posted 36 minutes ago · 

Thank you so much for reprinting the 6 pages of translated news clips all in one piece!


Tweet Updates:
1) "After all this time, now I heard abt the whole story and I decided to start court dispute instead of my son." 
(From HJ's father intervew)
2) If you have any religion,lets pray for HJ and his family.
Court hearing is scheduled for 3 June this week.
It going to be a long and hard fight. 

Thank you also for this very important news that KHJ's father will be fully involved -  I will pray and ask that all others also gather in praying for KHJ and his family and the legal team and the court proceedings.

It does look like a long and hard fight. Well - look how our prayers helped the last time !!! Who would have thought these new revelations would come about that would substantially help KHJ??? See our prayers helped - surely the God we love (no matter your religion) hears the many prayers/pleadings from us! Let us continue!!

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@Ikh2 I'm actually not new to Soompi , Its just my old account email I lost and had to make a new account but thank for the welcome... 

​Good to know -  I'm the Noob here - only since March of this year..

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Please keep voting...right now is not the time to let your guard down...keep voting!!

@newyorkcitygirl  - Thank you for posting !

Jut wanted to let others know - when you go to the site - ignore the silly chat on the left side of your screen and just vote - you could have KHJ music on while you are doing the voting!  Again, focus on the voting - not spamming or chatting ...

Edited by lkh2
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The envelope for the birthday card that I sent to the address: Wish I sent it earlier - just sent it yesterday - my%20bday%20card%20to%20khj_zpsgydozgzn.

The birthday card has a cute little terrier standing up and holding an electric guitar! Its just a whimsical birthday card with only "Fighting Kim Hyun Joong!" and Happy Birthday in English.

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Notice from DC Gallery regarding their mail support for KHJ ( English)

On May 26th, for the first time since KHJ had been enlisted, the collected letters and printed e-mails were shipped to him. The package will be delivered to the camp by June 2nd or 3rd.
As you may know it, if individual fans send letters to the camp by themselves, the overwhelming numbers of deliveries may disturb other soldiers in the camp. It’s the reason why we opened the PO box and e-mail account so that we can collect letters and ship them as one package.
We are going to keep the PO box and e-mail account to continue the letter event until he finishes his military service.
Up to date, the expense was not huge so that the letter event staffs have opened their personal purses. However, to continue the letter event and to support him in other ways while he is in the military service, it was suggested that opening a bank account for MS support would be better. Now, we want to ask your opinion about that issue. If the number of agreement exceeds the number of rejection from you, we are going to open a bank account for the MS support and will inform it soon. Please leave your opinions underneath this post.

Also, you know that KHJ’s birthday is very soon.
Because we, Henecia, are busy telling the truth to the world, in this year, we’d like to celebrate his birthday with a small event like sending a birthday card.
If you didn’t have a chance to send a letter or an e-mail yet, please do it this time. We are going to deliver your birthday messages to KHJ.
The messages sent during this week (the birthday week, until June 7th) will be shipped as one package on June 8th. You can expect that KHJ will get it before he finishes his training at the training camp.
We really wish your participation a lot.^^




​Wonder if we can support the Henecia while he is in the military....I am one of those that agree on their opening a bank account for MS support.  It would be even more lovely if we could get updates directly from them as part of the support.  As it is- for the email that I sent -  still not sure if they were able to translate it with the last shipment to him - but then - I am just grateful they are sending it out printed and translated 

Edited by lkh2
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So agree w/you, Ikh2 :D  I'm sending him a birthday card (going to try writing in hangul LOL )


Sent card - note - my handwriting in hangul is JUST as terrible as in English :(

​Hey - you sent it - I am impressed - you writing in Hangul and you have a Keltic name - I am impressed!  Way to go Girl !!


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