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After learning this whole ordeal, I must say I have the more utmost respect for Yowon’s professionalism to not leaking out anything to the general public at the time.  Just imagining the unexpected feelings she must have gone through for something she initially had not signed up for.  She has held up her composure to this day.  Her class act demeanor is commendable.

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12 hours ago, yanki said:

Since we already talked about LYW's costumes in her other dramas. Which costume from QSD did you like?


I love these...




And more...


Is this handsome enough?  BTW, google translation of the texts...



You do not come in!!!

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19 hours ago, QSD said:

I didn’t even know he said that in 2014.  Interesting that not only he admitted the first time but again recently.  That tells something.



Because someone asked him again in an interview, and he must express his dislike to it once again, poor him! imagine a mighty veteran actor received sth he's well aware he didn't deserve, and ppl keep asking/praising him for it. It's a freaking Daesang, anyway. 

I watched his Daesang acceptance speech, and he was awkward and looked like being forced to come the award show and receive it. He sent thanks to LYW and other actors (maybe, for bearing the changing script and finishing the whole tiresome work). MBC is super fishy in this case! 


13 hours ago, yanki said:

Yeah Cheonmyeong didn't know that Deokman is a girl, that's why when she was trying to find out the truth about her twin and all of the signs were pointing to Deokman, the only problem she had was that, she's a man. And yeah, Yushin told her that she's a woman  since he saw her bathing lol (did Yushin peep on him?)

Cheonmyeong and Deokman were very close even when they were teenagers, so I always wondered why Cheonmyeong never fell for him. She was meeting DeokMAN secretly even in the middle of the night so I thought :-o If I didn't know they were twins I would've ship them lol haha.


Duh, even you knew DM was a girl, you still shipped them? :lol: Maybe because DM was low-class, CM didn't fall for "him", while YS was an ideal choice for prince consort. 

Yeah, the fact they secretly met each other at mid-night or in a room made me confused that CM knew DM's true gender already. They were single "man" and woman, moreover, she was a princess. Meeting each other like that is kinda weird. 

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I like DM's princess costume the most, these two:




Simple and nice-color custom makes her look young, pretty, cute and refreshing. Good custom choice for a passionate and young princess who was ready to learn and pave her way to the throne. 

I also like Queen's custom, this one:



For man-disguise, I like these two: 




you two are right, LYW looked like a pretty boy in QSD sometimes, lol . He man-disguise is not too obvious. 


In overall, QSD's custom is simply the best among Korean historic dramas for me. 

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On 03/03/2018 at 6:01 PM, yanki said:

I was surprised with her character from HD, when I saw it on TV for the first time, I thought "isn't this Queen Seondeok?" but her character was very minor... like a supporting character and she look younger in HD so I thought maybe it was one of her dramas before she did QSD but then after I google it, I really wondered why she choose that role.


I was annoyed at MBC at that time and thought she should never accept any drama from MBC again, they were already bias towards her during QSD era where they hype Mishil's character too much and constantly made it seems that viewers were only interested in the drama because of her and with HD.


If QSD's source abt changing script is true, LYW and other actors must feel being cheated. Duh... I was also surprised why she signed up for such a lousy script. The idea is ok, but the whole script is boring and nothing special. 

I think besides viewer's opinion, the production team also adjusts the script subject to the actors. Korean has very much respect towards senior and veteran actors. Go Hyun-Jung (GHJ) in QSD and Jo Seung-Woo (JSW) in Horse Doctor are 2 examples (this is also the main reason JSW received Daesang for his role in HD). The senior and top actors have big voices in the production process. At the time of QSD's filming, LYW was just a rising star (after SBHD), and she must suffer a lot of pressure and comparison while playing DM against a veteran like Misil. Actually, they gave DM to GHJ, but she preferred Misil character and casually took it (see, how powerful she was), so they must find someone else for DM role, and the one-in-a-hundred-years opportunity came to LYW. LYW was very brave to take DM role. During QSD's production, GHJ must have biggest saying among actors. No offence, she's a great actress. 

After QSD, despite the comparison and critics, LYW has became a big star. See how big her roles are in other projects after QSD. Her screen time in 49 days was over 50%. She has power in picking the projects she likes. She dominated 49 days, Ms. temper, Night Light in the sea of male actors, and had equal (if not bigger) influence in EOG (against Go Soo). Her role is the most high-lighted in ASC btw, Doo Hee is very likable, but when I read the comments, most of ASC's watchers become KJH's fan. 

Recently, GHJ left a drama named "Return" in the middle of filming and airing due to the conflict with the director. If it happened to a young actor, how dare he/she leave? funny thing is that after GHJ left, they must find a replacement, and many fan called for LYW, because the role (a bad-a$$ lawyer) suits her very much. I was kinda hoping LYW take it, but I knew the possibility is almost 0 (LYW is smart), lol... and that role is such a hot potato for whoever takes it. 


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56 minutes ago, vaiduakhu said:


Yeah, the fact they secretly met each other at mid-night or in a room made me confused that CM knew DM's true gender already. They were single "man" and woman, moreover, she was a princess. Meeting each other like that is kinda weird. 


I think CM’s parents didn’t allow her to see Deokman or any man to avoid rumors, so she has to sneak out and disguising as a monk on that night.

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9 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

Duh, even you knew DM was a girl, you still shipped them? :lol: Maybe because DM was low-class, CM didn't fall for "him", while YS was an ideal choice for prince consort. 

Yeah, the fact they secretly met each other at mid-night or in a room made me confused that CM knew DM's true gender already. They were single "man" and woman, moreover, she was a princess. Meeting each other like that is kinda weird. 

I always board the most impossible ship lol. :thumbsup:

I was wondering about that too. I thought she knew that Deokman was a girl and just pretending that she doesn't know, so when it turned out that she didn't know she was a girl... how come she wanted to meet him/her in the middle of the night and stayed together in a dark room just the two of them? When her parents found out about it they locked her up in her room and didn't let them meet but still... she's a princess so meeting a guy in the middle of the night is still :o


Ah yeah her costume during coronation is also my favorite and the one she wore when she was going to be reinstated as a princess (when she got angry to Mishil for touching her hand). I love that costume, too bad they made her wear simpler clothes later on, they are still pretty though.


9 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

I watched his Daesang acceptance speech, and he was awkward and looked like being forced to come the award show and receive it. He sent thanks to LYW and other actors (maybe, for bearing the changing script and finishing the whole tiresome work). MBC is super fishy in this case! 

IKR? I was really upset with MBC during that time and couldn't help but think that they were doing it on purpose. Back in QSD, GHJ's acting was definitely good (though I couldn't really say it was great, I like Queen Maya's acting more) but what I didn't like that time was the way they hyped her too much and they made it look like she's the only one that made QSD popular. When they talked about which costume was the most expensive, they said that QSD's costume was the most expensive BUT adding up together, Mishil's costume was the most expensive. Then when the ratings went up, it was mostly credited to her. When the ratings went down after she left, they made it appear that it went down because she's no longer in it.
Even though QSD became popular because of the story and the ratings wasn't that high at first, it just went higher when the story started to move faster, then went even higher after Bidam appeared. Later on, the story dragged too much so the ratings started to decreased and only went higher when the story became exciting again since Mishil's ending is coming. Went lower again because the story was no longer as good. But they made it appear that it was all because of her.


So when her character ended up being just a supporting character for HD, I really wished she will never make dramas from MBC again.


I heard about the latest news about GHJ as well. I also thought that wasn't good, her management said it was because she doesn't like what's going on with her character. I thought there were many actors and actresses that got worst treatment than that but they endured till the end out of responsibility for their character.


So I thought, LYW was amazing for not acting up for what's going on with her character and just kept her disappointment to herself. But in some of her interviews, you can tell that she's disappointed but choose to think positively.

8 hours ago, QSD said:

Yowon and actor Song Jae-hee (her first ex in Ms. Temper) are selected as the models of the Italian brand A.Testoni.  Looks like they photo shooting for golf wear merchandise.

Wow! she really go get lots of clothes endorsements.

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Yanki girl, you are surely QSD's expert. How can you know a lot of what was on the drama and behind the scene too, like the costume or so? You and QSD dug quite a lot info abt QSD, HD, etc, didn't you? just share them all, even if it's hard to digest (like the piece of info abt HD's changing script). 

I was exhausted of arguing with ppl abt LYW's role in QSD... I just know one fact that QSD got peak rating not during Mishil's scenes, but at the scene YS told DM "you are my Queen".


Yeah, when I read abt GHJ's news, I was surprised too, because the drama was on air. After she left, how the production team did? started all over again?

LYW is really professional when it comes to works and her personal feelings. She separates them. UEE revealed that LYW is quiet type, it's not easy for her to open up to ppl; but when ppl approach her first and she gets used to them, she becomes more easygoing. That's why when UEE sent a cafe truck to support LYW's ASC, she wrote on the banners sth like (I can't remember exact words): "Daepyonim is shy, please talk a lot to and take care of her" :lol:. It was really cute and thoughtful of UEE to do that. 

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Btw, these photos are from her Ig these days, and fan wishes she's in my country now, because the food, drinks, etc look awfully familiar. 






LYW VN fanpage


I guess she's in an ASEAN country, judging from the food and drinks, it can be Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore.

Hope she's staying at my place now. At least, I can breathe same air with the Queen, lol... :lol:

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7 hours ago, yanki said:


So I thought, LYW was amazing for not acting up for what's going on with her character and just kept her disappointment to herself. But in some of her interviews, you can tell that she's disappointed but choose to think positively.



That is what I meant she didn't get exploded to the media while it still airing at the time, knowing how much they have been changing the script.  She endured it and didn't make such a big deal out of it.  

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Seem she's in Thailand now... lol. Poor the fan in my country, they are so excited, haha. 

I also thought she was not in Vietnam, because I saw the plastic spoon on her Ig photo... that kind of plastic spoon is not popular in local restaurants here. 

Thailand must be super hot now... LYW should try street food there, it's great. 

Btw, few years ago, I talked to a local fan, and that local fan met the boy's family who she helped in TvN's charity programe in 2008. His sister said that LYW still kept in touch with them after the program. Not sure she keeps in touch till now or not. 

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Regarding to what happened to GHJ in the news, I find it strange why all of sudden she couldn’t get along with this particular production.  She has been in the industry for a long time and is a well-respected actress.  So what made “Return” project that sets apart from the works she has done in the past?  If they actually deviating her character so much from what was originally planned when she has signed on, then it’s natural for her to have some opinions of the direction it’s heading to.  It’s unfortunately that they couldn’t come to terms.


Her life has been going through so much for not being able to see her own kids until they turn 20 and now this, I hope she could find some strength and happiness among her family/friends and the outpouring of love from Knetz who are supporting of her.



I’m glad in Yowon’s case it didn’t turn into a drama within a drama.

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Before she actually left, there had been news saying that there were conflicts b/w her and the director, and they were discussing to come into an agreement; the filming and airing were still going on. But week later, they officially announced that she left the drama. News said she didn't agree with the way the story and her character developed. Btw, the drama's rating was good, maybe the production team wanted to change the script and it wasn't what she signed up for... 

Man, now I imagine how much frustrated LYW felt if they changed the script during the filming, and it's 50-episode drama, how long she and other actors must endure. 


I think GHJ was brave to leave the outstanding work. Other directors in the industry must think twice before inviting her in another projects, because whether she was right or wrong, they would think she has attitude problem. However, on the other hand, it sets a good example for film production teams. They should learn a lesson, being more careful when adjusting the scripts, not doing just as they're pleased. 

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Lol I thought she was in Indonesia and riding in J-Sky haha I wonder who's with her though,the picture taken inside the Ferris wheel look a bit romantic lol.


Wasn't GHJ fired? She wasn't getting along well with one of the producers because she doesn't like what's going on with her character and so they often argue but the last argument was the worst one they had since she shoved him (the media said she grabbed him in the collar but they denied it and said she only shoved him) and so, they had enough. They can no longer take it anymore and no longer felt comfortable with her so they removed her(at least from what their camps said in news)


I was watching Return actually, her character's appearances decreased as the series continue although I am not sure if it decreased because they started to have conflict or if it's the reason of their conflict. While watching, I thought that the reason why they didn't show her character as much was so that they can give exposure for the other characters (you know for the story, a bit similar to I Can Hear Your Voice where they gave arc for each characters) so I was surprised when I heard the news. Although the story was really great, that's why I didn't noticed her character not getting much exposure. Still... it's still it's a bit awkward to watch a new face with different kind of take for the character. I put it on hold for a while so I can watch it without comparing GHJ and the new actress playing her character.



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LYW's whereabouts now is still mysterious, lol... local fan say the ferris-wheel looks like SunWheel in Vietnam, but some fan uploaded photos, saying it's Mekhong ferris in Thailand. I think Thailand is more convincing than Vietnam, judging from food and drinks photos. 


Oh, GHJ's incident was intense: grabbing collar and shoving... news from her management company said she left in peace though.

So they continue the drama with new actress? it's a bit awkward to follow the drama, right? 


Btw, I wonder when actors sign up for a project, they must have an idea how their characters, stories will be developed and their screentime, influence..., right? heck, it should be written on the contract? so that if any party unilaterally changes sth, they have rights to oppose it? in GHJ's case, does she bear any penalty for leaving the drama? if yes, it would not be a small amount: casting fee for her replacement, commercial penalty (drama's rating, drama's endorsement, her endorsement,...). I hope she's ok. Her life is tough enough already. 

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Apparently the local citizens aren’t fooled by what SBS painting her in a bad light.  The top comment is up voted by over 30,000 users.  The grabbing collar isn’t true, an allegation which her management denies.  You can read here.  However, the shoving indeed happened is when she stood up for a fellow actor from being slapped by the PD, according to some report.  It’s really unfortunate event for her, and that’s how the network grabbed an opportunity to bury her.  With all the supports she could find, I wish her well and getting to meet her kids soon.


In another news, some fan spotted Yowon at the airport.  Don’t know where though.

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Oh, this case is so fishy... look like SBS not only wants to stain her name, but also deviates the public's attention from political issue related to Samsung. 

I wish she gets all strength and support she needs to not be buried by them.


For LYW, better stay away from national channel like MBC, SBS. Cable channels are good to work with, so far. 

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Yeah it's really hard to know which is true and which is not in this kind of problem. Too bad that her costars didn't stand up for them or anyone she worked with in the drama.... even the person she tried to defend. So each side are trying to put the blame on each other.


Oh seems like LYW was in Thailand indeed. I zoomed up the picture and saw something similar to Thailand's letters.


33 minutes ago, vaiduakhu said:

For LYW, better stay away from national channel like MBC, SBS. Cable channels are good to work with, so far. 

I also thought the same with what happened to her character in HD, I thought she should stop accepting any projects from that station lol and yeah it seems like Cable channels have better treatment.


I remember when the writers of QSD decided to do a project for another station, suddenly they got sued for plagiarism and I read some people says that it was because they were doing another drama for different stations. Since the one who filed a case was from MBC and QSD being popular at that time, why they didn't said anything during it's airing? The whole arc in the desert happened at that the start of the series, they should've noticed it by then. Not sure if it's true though.


Still I was shocked with that :-o because there are so many movies and dramas with almost the same plot and sometimes even the same scenes but the writers never get sued.

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