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Weird Conversation with old pal


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So I just had this awkward conversation with an old friend from a school we use to attend.

So I am a girl (asian) and he's a guy (Let's say he's from around Morocco). 2 years ago we attended the same school. Occasionally saw each other in the Train and would talk. He was just exceptionally friendlier to me than I was towards him. We both transferred to the same school (not know each other did too)

2 semesters ago, had the same class and spoke. At that time, he had a GF. I didn't have BF. He keeps telling me to go visit him and attend his house parties, etc... Semester ended and we went our own ways.. didnt talk to each other much over about a year or so...

Today, he chatted with me on facebook. It was like 11:30 at night. He asks me to go over. I'm trying to make excuses.. he insists again... I try to make more excuses... he says that i should go... I'm like 'it's late and scary outside'.. he's like 'don't worry i will come and walk you here and walk you home;.. I'm still thinking to myself, Why can't he understand me?... He tells me to go to his house again.. I say i can't and he finally gets the hint.. (somehow he brings up his schedule and says that he works and can only see me at 11:30PM- sketchy, huh?)

We keep chatting on facebook and he's saying how 'awesome' he is.. and (to be nice) i say "yea, you're pretty awesome..." and so he says "so it seems like you have a crush one me" ... I didn't want to be mean.. I'm just like "sure"... (i think he took it the wrong way)... he says indirectly that he had a crush on me..

Moments later, I ask about him and his GF... he's like he doesn't have a GF anymore.. he asks me if i have a BF... I say 'it's complicated' ... it's a total LIE, but it was the only way to get him off my back (and i think it worked).

Anyways, my question is.. How could i have better handled this situation?

I want to avoid him as much as i can now... I don't like him (at all) and it's just awkward now that he THINKS i liked him.

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What's done is done. So just try clearing it up. Bring it up and be like "Hey, I hope you didn't take it seriously when I agreed about the crush" or something

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Guest whatismyname

hmmmmmmm i wouldve said 'to do what?' when he says to come over.

a guy 'friend' used to always ask me to go over and i would come up with a lot of excuses and finally i asked him 'do what?' he says 'iono, play chess or some board game, or some s.hit!!!!!!!!' and he got mad o.O? because i was right. and i found out the hard way.

anyway, yea since you dont have to deal with him day to day, you dont have to worry about being nice or blunt. just say 'its late, i dont go over to guy houses at night, even if i only find you as a platonic friend -_-' and make those faces! lol jk but yea.

good luck

and working till late is a lame excuse even if it is true

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Guest writerstale

He's trying to show interest in you, but you're not interested in him. He's creeping you out, because of that. What you should do is be honest with him, and stop giving him "childish" signals and hints. Just open your mouth, and tell him you don't like him like that. If you liked him? Then you'd be all over him, and it wouldn't be creepy to you. Just remember moments like this when a guy you like does this to you.

But I think him telling you how awesome he is is a bit weird.

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^ Ahh.. Thanks for the input. I think that the 'TONE' from me to him must have been misunderstood through chatting. I'll give him more hints that i don't like him and if he persists, i'll just have to tell him straight out.

Thanks for all your input guys! And i'm willing to read more opinions about this.

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Guest writerstale

^ Ahh.. Thanks for the input. I think that the 'TONE' from me to him must have been misunderstood through chatting. I'll give him more hints that i don't like him and if he persists, i'll just have to tell him straight out.

Thanks for all your input guys! And i'm willing to read more opinions about this.

This is one of those moments why females and guys have communication issues sometimes. Never give a guy hints if you don't like him. That's game playing, and he could take it like you're leading him on. Being honest about how you don't feel is better than giving easter egg like hints, and having him unaware of you not liking him even longer. What if you were in his shoes? Would you want to be played around with, or would you want to know the truth?

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LOL. i find persistent guys with no game (who often think they have best game) so amusing.

the best way out of this situation is honesty. tell him you don't appreciate him trying to get you to see him at odd hours of the night. you have to make it really clear, in the bluntest way possible, that you're just not interested. be a b-itch if you have to.

aw man. is he cute? i love morrocans. especially if they can speak french. *shivers.

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Guest peppermintsugar

The thing about guys is that they either can't take a hint, or pretend that they can't take a hint, so you have to be awfully blunt with them, which is always fun because sometimes they try to take that "oh well I was just kidding about having a thing for you anyways" way out, even though they're obviously lying to try and save face XD

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