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[breaking News!] Jaebeom Quits 2pm ! :(

Guest Mimiluvsu

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ahh, the korean petition for jay hit over 19k

im proud but i think its too late T____T

i cant believe this is actually happening... i hope he'll be able to come back to the music industry T_T

2pm... i hope their album is released though ;_;

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Guest glfishy24

AHH HE'S AT THE AIRPORT! now just turn around!!



i told myself i was gonna suport his choice


just make the right choice jay!

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i can't sleep i need to know for sure if he gets on that plane. park jaebeom, don't get on that plane please.

i dont want you to regret this decision, what about the other 2pm members?

where is jyp?

I agree with everything you just said...

You took the words out of my mouth..


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Guest Phloxsofee
What a hypocrite. Wth is wrong with her? -__________-

Anyways, I messaged Sunye on twitter since she's always

updates that thing but still no response ): It would be great

if she did respond to what I had to say.

"Its reported that there are 100 fans at the airport and growing." from twooneday on twitter.

YeEun updated recently. Her latest post was approximately four hours ago.

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Guest itrayya
Man..with all those hours on the plane,

can you guys imagine what's running through his mind having to sit there for those long hours? :(



he's gonna be thinking a lot.


fighting JAY!!!!

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Guest love-monster

again, please. ;___;

For those of you who are going to Seattle to meet Jay:

WAY back in the pages, there were articles/comments that JYP had mentioned that it would be unwise to keep mentioning the incident to Jay, as he's been thinking about it/skipping meals/etc.

I think the best idea for now would be to show our support for him. Please please please convey the message that we support his decision. Whether he goes back to Korea or stays in America, he will always be leader. Of course, please express our wishes that he stays with 2PM ~

But I think right now, he just needs people to show that they'll support him no matter what. He's probably unsure if quitting 2PM was right or not. He needs his family and friends. However, he also needs to know that his fans will stay by him.


the people who are near seattle,

please tell him this for the fans who can't meet him in the airport.

Oh yeah! And don't forget to wish him sincere happiness, success, and peace/ease of mind, no matter what his decision is. Tell him not to have regrets and to carpe diem. He's not gone yet, so tell him HWAITING! : D

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He'll arrive here around noon-1pm tomorrow in Seattle? What? Im confused..thats really the arriving flight?? I will miss his flight if so. Somewhat good to know he is back home with his family (and me, hehe) and thats prob what he needs now, home and comfort.

Poor bandmates as well, they must be in major distraught and pain. U wonder what they are feeling in their hearts and mind right now. :o *sighh.

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Guest yellow submarine


i can't believe he's really leaving

Jaebum, thanks for all the smiles and laughs

you were my favourite in 2PM

i hope one day i will see you back on stage performing with the rest of the 2PM boys

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Omg I can't believe hes going home and that hes at the airport right now!!! School starts tomorrow and I should sleep early, but I can't seem to leave this thread!!! I'm glad he'll get the support he needs from his family and friends back home! Wish you all the best in the future Jay.

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Guest jaeners

I'm crying my eyes out again right now. I can't believe this is happening. I can't sleep tonight with all of this going on right now. I really just wish Jay would just turn back. It's not too late! TURN BACK JAY! T_T

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Guest southida

Man..with all those hours on the plane,

can you guys imagine what's running through his mind having to sit there for those long hours? :(

I know what it's like to sit on a plane for 15+ hours. He'll be thinking about his decision A LOT.

To everyone that's going to see him at the airport in Seattle, don't overwhelm him and crowd around him please. Support him on his decision and give him some space when he gets here(:

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