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[breaking News!] Jaebeom Quits 2pm ! :(

Guest Mimiluvsu

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Guest iluvyooh

If Jay indeed leaves korea in an hour and a half or two.


I never got to meet the man and tomorrow I might.

Jay will not be forgotten easily.

I will go to sleep now so I can get ready for jay's arrival.

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i was only gone for merely two hours and i can't find it at korean music. was it suspended?

second... WHERE IS JYP?? i thought he said he wouldn't take away Jaebum's dream just because of that incident..

my heart is seriously broken right now. i need someone to comfort me here but gahd... i have no one here beside me.

i dunno, if i coan even listen to kpop again. i love DBSK and 2PM but 2009 has beena hard year for me, and for my two fave groups.

gosh... WHY? jaebum, please come back.. what's gonna happen to 2PM now? are you just gonna leave WOOYOUNG???


It's being closed for a few hours

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Guest superjihyeee!

OMG NO He's at the airport?

This is where he's suppose to turn around and say, "oh you still want me?"

and stay ;__________________;

no no no no no don't make me cry again jaebum, please T_T

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Guest love-monster

For those of you who are going to Seattle to meet Jay:

WAY back in the pages, there were articles/comments that JYP had mentioned that it would be unwise to keep mentioning the incident to Jay, as he's been thinking about it/skipping meals/etc.

I think the best idea for now would be to show our support for him. Please please please convey the message that we support his decision. Whether he goes back to Korea or stays in America, he will always be leader. Of course, please express our wishes that he stays with 2PM ~

But I think right now, he just needs people to show that they'll support him no matter what. He's probably unsure if quitting 2PM was right or not. He needs his family and friends. However, he also needs to know that his fans will stay by him.


the people who are near seattle,

please tell him this for the fans who can't meet him in the airport.

Oh yeah! And don't forget to wish him sincere happiness, success, and peace/ease of mind, no matter what his decision is. Tell him not to have regrets and to carpe diem. He's not gone yet, so tell him HWAITING! : D

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There's an anti on wiki? Writing abt how some person by teh name of Amber Liu or w/e replacing Jay....clearly it's an anti's work. Dunno if it's still there as I write this (wiki banned it due to vandalism of the page)

but I just wanted to input my 2 cents. Netizens need their own kind of culture shock. They clearly do not understand the circumstances he was in at that time. He didn't know when/maybe/someday/tomorrow abt his debut date so he wrote that all in frustration! Imagine yourself taken out of your own comfort zone and being placed in a foreign land where you can barely communicate, frustrated w/ urself that you can't communicate that well. Miss fam, friends, your home, your bed, your environment, your everything. He was for goodness sake home sick. They also need to understand that things get LOST IN TRANSLATION especially with slang. Slang is so hard to understand & often times misunderstood especially when you're not familiar w/ the culture of the language.

Netizens are quite something aren't they? This obviously is their favorite past time, bullying someone at no wits end til they can get what they want. Well looky looky, netizens you got your wish and Jay is leaving. Hope you're (netizens) satisfied.

Honestly I feel super sad & very bad for Jay. I can't imagine what's going through his mind right now. Jay please don't leave, at least rethink and rest once u get home!

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Guest tvxqforever

to me, i feel that although jay made that comment.

but he apologise. and the main reason for him to leave,

i strongly believe is the fans .

those, who claim that they were his fans, made awful comments,

without thinking of his feeling etc.

i know that one might feel angry when someone talk bad about your country.

but IF only they could think, if jae dislike korea, will he still wants to be an artist in korea?

and now, after cursing, begging for forgiveness.

it's too much.

regardless of anything, i'll support Jay's decision.

although, i'm feeling sad too.

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Guest superstar`kiss

Man..with all those hours on the plane,

can you guys imagine what's running through his mind having to sit there for those long hours? :(

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Guest bitter SOOweet

i wish i was there on koreas end and seattles end

i wish that this was just a break and he was just going home for a little bit to relax before his comeback

=T and i wish this wasn't even happening period

alone on the plane........ with all the people around him looking at him.... and he's manager-less now... so he has no1 to cover for him and what not.

this is seriously killing me... the thought.

oh jaebum. oh 2pm. oh jyp.

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Guest &&TiFF;ANY.

he's really at the airport


Jay arrived at the airport. 300 fans were waiting.

twooneday twitter

i want him to turn around and go back!

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Guest Aesthetic_Chinese

i can't sleep i need to know for sure if he gets on that plane. park jaebeom, don't get on that plane please.

i dont want you to regret this decision, what about the other 2pm members?

where is jyp?

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Guest squeaky

man..d.fksdfd i wish they could shove him onto one of the suitcase carrier carts with lee byung hun's face on it for some casino and haul him back to jyp -_-

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Guest superjihyeee!

4:40PM They arrived at the airport. They are all in suits

cr;; 2pm online.


suddenly i'm not ready to accept this.


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