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[THE OFFICIAL] Gdragon G-드래곤 G-Dragon Thread

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest curryrice


This Milan guy is trying to use GD to get attention? oh well, I just hope he knows where he's getting into. This whole thing will backfire and he's the only one whose carreer could end because of something like this.

i don't know if this has been asked before, but how do we know this twitter account is real? did she confirm it on her cyworld?

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Guest isabellej

Credit: gdra7en@youtube

Wow. I haven't even heard of some of those songs before.

GD sure is amazing!

And it's cool that the person who made this gave a dl link for it.

But does anyone perhaps have links to the full songs GD featured in when he was younger?

And moving on, what this Milan-what's-his-name dude is doing is just a publicity stunt to me.

It's pretty obvious to me that whoever who disses/make false allegations on GD are just trying

to get their names associated with GD and hence get their 15 seconds of fame.

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Guest elavip

i don't know if this has been asked before, but how do we know this twitter account is real? did she confirm it on her cyworld?

i am wondering too, she, top's sister and dara's sister are like bffs on twitter hah. so i have my doubts. i was wondering if her photos are accessible on her cyworld, but it's not opened to public. whatever, followers should be cautious nonetheless.

that milan dude, ha i'm gonna follow this for the lulz.

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That Milan guy... :| >:(

He's crazy. MORESO, THE ARTICLES THEY PUBLISH THERE. How come they let such lies be opened to the public?! Ugh. They should have at least researched more and maybe they'd find out who copied who. This news is really making me angry and though you guys say we should leave it at that and just ignore (again), I CAN'T.

i was reading the stuff from the photobook and i feel so sorry for Jiyong that he has to go through these stuff when all he does is work hard and be HIMSELF. Not only is this Milan dude putting GD's name into bad light (to thousands of people) but he's also bringing his country's name down.

kvips and int'l vips, i assume, are very angry nao. (I KNOW I AM.) And it's not surprising that us, fans would `hate` not only Milan but also the journalists...the media of Siberia...and even the country itself for that matter.

-_____- Srsly. The Milan guy can sing. Why does he need to bring GD into this? Now people who don't know GD (non-kpop fans) would label him as "MILAN'S COPY"...WHICH IS HIGHLY UNACCEPTABLE for me. :| I hope Milan says sorry on air. And i really hope people wouldn't jump to conclusions. GD has his own style. He tries his best to look different. ORIGINAL...and then someone goes and steals all the credit?! D:

At least be more believable! >___> GD wore those stuff earlier than he did and honestly, GD pulled off everything he did, wore...better than anyone. I may be a little biased but hey, im just saying what i had in mind. You may call me GD's obsessed fan who would willingly defend him even if he does negative things or whatever. BUT THE THINGS ABOVE ARE MY OPINION. && i believe them all to be true. And judging this thing (w/o being biased), my say is still the same. It's disrespectful for someone to accuse someone...and even announcing it to people and influencing them to think such way.


Thankyou if you read this and understood my part. :)

on a brighter note though, i'm excited to hear the HB version ft Flo-Rida. :)

The concert DVD looks soooo awesome! I think i could save up for that ;D

Thanks to the photos shared and GaHo updates too!

I miss this dog so much and i think it's just adorable how

the girl was hugging him in one of the photos. xD

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Guest shinhdeplol

K-VIPS are angry after Milan Stankovic copies G-Dragon but claims G-Dragon was inspired by him

Milan Stankovic is a singer from Serbia who gained fame after he came out as 4th on popular Serbian singing show Zvezde Granda. KVIPS are extremely upset after the Serbian media has called G-Dragon a “Korean Wannabe Milan Stankovic”. Proof of that here.

Not only has the Serbian media made false accusations but even the rumor has it that even singer himself came out to say “I’m glad that Balkan is recognized in the world and that my influence is found in a country so far away. It’s nice to see that a music star from another country is being inspirated by my style and it’s the more proof that I’m doing the right thing!”, proof of that here.

A Serbian fan claimed she saw news of this on her tv and that the singer actually came out and said on tv that G-Dragon had “stolen my clothing style, and hair style also“

Korean fans find this absurd as well as me because this guy has been seen wearing similar clothes to G-Dragon after GD had wore them first but yet he says GD was inspired by him! Take a look at this video in which you see him wearing clothes extremely similar to the ones G-Dragon wore at the


Milan Stankovic also released a music video called “Face” which if you watch by clicking here , you can see has some similarity to the wardrobe and glasses wore by G-Dragon in his “Heartbreaker” video.

KVIPs have left a comment for foreign fans saying “ To foreign fans, we’re angry and upset not because he just copied GD’s style but he told a lie on a tv show & articles we want to correct it No one can deny GD’s style is much earlier and more creative & stylish“

Now there is obviously plenty of proof that G-Dragon’s style is much earlier than that guy and he is a star known for being a fashion icon and has no need to copy a Serbian singer, because he likes to be very original. It’s unfair that now even his fashion sense is being critiziced and doubted, and even insulted by calling him a “wanna-be“

Credit: alee@ibigbang

Taken from xtlover15@ BBVIP

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Guest missARROGANT

[NEWS/VIDEO] Milan Stankovic talks about G-Dragon


Milan was talking about the originality of the youth and about new things being brouth to Serbia,whether some people like it or not. And then the host of the show said : You know,Milan,you are being liked too. You can see it on our site,the video of 22 years old, I will probably make mistake in pronouncing his name,Kwon Ji Yong *shes being interrupted by Milan whos saying G-Dragon * who became center of attention as asian copy of Milan Stankovic! Look at him! *Milan is saying silently Thats what we’ve seen today * Then she continues: You have become so famous that even in Asia they are copying the way you look. I guess you’ve already seen it.

Milan starts talking : Yes,Ive seen it,but I think that they are way ahead of us. They are way ahead of Europe. Im glad, although it is funny, we do look alike a lot Then the host says: Hair style and that?,and Milan responses with : I think he looked like that only because of the promotion of his 1st solo album, cause today we were all searching for him on the Internet Host says : So,you follow his work? He answers with Today I got informed about him, I think he looks different now. But anyway I find it a good joke! ends up laughing.

This is what you can see and hear on this video and this is by far the only official statement that was given by Milan and his production.

c: alee@ibigbang and tresnja & jelena (servian vipz)

Did not expect this news to become this BIG...

Based on the translation, I think Milan is not directly saying "GD copy him"..

but then he did not denied when the host said " You have become so famous that even in Asia they are copying the way you look. I guess you’ve already seen it. "

May be the media want to promote him this way which is totally inappropiate and wrong..

Shouldn't the media clarify the news? Since so many people are affected...-_-

In a positive way, may be,now, a lot of people in Servian know GD & BB already...hehe..

I wish they will know the truth and like them :P


Thanks for the translation..If I were to read this article without any information, I would be totally pissed off.


I agree with most of the things what you have said

...esp this line "It's disrespectful for someone to accuse someone..."

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^ fail. so he changed his statement from Ji copied him to "i think he looks different now"?

here's the clip

Milan Stankovic claims G-Dragon didn't copy him

thx treshnjaaa @ YT for the upload

jiyongiebaby83: i think i agree with what you've said.

i just hope this get over soon, i don't know, the whole thing seems so....immature and....unreasonable? bleh.

V if it was only the media that said that "GD copied Milan", then i thought it would have been better if Milan just said it himself that he never said "GD copied me" (like a clarification or something). Though the article above just mentioned Milan's new statement about the similarities between him and GD.

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ncly:agreed..Milan should clarify this to avoid misunderstanding^^...poor GD=((

alee's comment on the above article:

Okay, so I’m not as mad as I used to be because I’ve talked to a couple of lovely serbian vips (thank you girls!) who claimed that Milan hasn’t said anything other than what’s above and that the media are the ones to blame for false accusations. If this is true and Milan didn’t say anything about GD copying him then I guess it’s the media’s fault.

However I’m still mad about him obviously copying GD’s style as you saw in the videos I posted earlier, and when he talks he sounds like a GD fanboy that knows about his albums and promotions and everything although he claims he just found out. Who knows, but I hope this clarifies things further for you fans. Thank you again tresnja & jelena<3


i agree with alee on some parts like the media fault but to say Milan copying GD is not right either

I just hope people will stop accusing someone copying someone><

Be like GD,respect others work and never talked bad about others

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Guest sakime-yong

GUYS! I think all of my blood goes boiling.HAHAHA[/size]. :angry:

I don't really want this issue to become BIG.but I think media and MILAN are at fault on this. and While I read all your comments even I didn't want to say this. THIS NEWS ARE GETTING ON MY NERVES.


To those non fans or haters I can stop thinkin that they would be glad hearing this BIG LIE NEWS.

there so many proof that he is the one who copy him! and inspired by him.that MILAN.

SO WHY would I'll be calm? I think this matter seriously coz when it comes to GD every bit tiny news will becomes big although I know VIP and his fans will be at his side.

BUT SERIOUSLY IF THE MEDIA OR THIS NEWS NOT STOP, I rather start a campaign wherein Those at fault WILL taste their own MEDICINE. This is really not right I DONT REALLY WANT GD WILL BE LABELLED AS A COPY!

how LAME >.<. IT SUCH A SHAME.BECAUSE IT IS NOT RIGHT AND A BIG LIE!. LIKE WHEN YOU think someone will say or labelled you like that? what would you feel?. GD is human too......

OH please someone stop and enlightened the mood here. :angry:

AND Im so sorry to HEATEN up the mood here.\because when the controversies STOP HERE IT GOES. SOMEONE CLAIMING ETC. AND LABELLING HIM. I hope that someone will email or inform YG about this So they can sue this.

Sorry I LOVE BIGBANG AND SERIOUSLY GD I DON'T WANT ANYBODY WOULD HARM THEM. Even if its called a NEWS. but it is not right.This is all I want to say, pardon If I mess up.THIS is my opinion. OKAY THANK YOU.



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Guest miared

K-VIPS are angry after Milan Stankovic copies G-Dragon but claims G-Dragon was inspired by him

A Serbian fan claimed she saw news of this on her tv and that the singer actually came out and said on tv that G-Dragon had “stolen my clothing style, and hair style also“

Korean fans find this absurd as well as me because this guy has been seen wearing similar clothes to G-Dragon after GD had wore them first but yet he says GD was inspired by him! Take a look at this video in which you see him wearing clothes extremely similar to the ones G-Dragon wore at the


I still feel kinda excited for having witnessed GD (or anyone from Korea actually) on the big TV.......still crazy news to me.

Aaaaaaaand---------I could be wrong with this one, but could it actually be that with "A Serbian fan" they were adressing me????????? (That would be so cool!!!)

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yes, sure, Jiyong hasn´t anything better to do than copying some other artist who...omg I just watched Milans performance XDDDDDDDD and I think it´s funny to compare GD to him at all, Milan is singing in traditional way, they are completely different-.- it could be simply coincidence that they´re both blond. But if it´s not the case then Milan rather copied GD if you ask me XDD

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Guest jiyongie_

K-VIPS are angry after Milan Stankovic copies G-Dragon but claims G-Dragon was inspired by him

Milan Stankovic is a singer from Serbia who gained fame after he came out as 4th on popular Serbian singing show Zvezde Granda. KVIPS are extremely upset after the Serbian media has called G-Dragon a “Korean Wannabe Milan Stankovic”. Proof of that here.

Not only has the Serbian media made false accusations but even the rumor has it that even singer himself came out to say “I’m glad that Balkan is recognized in the world and that my influence is found in a country so far away. It’s nice to see that a music star from another country is being inspirated by my style and it’s the more proof that I’m doing the right thing!”, proof of that here.

A Serbian fan claimed she saw news of this on her tv and that the singer actually came out and said on tv that G-Dragon had “stolen my clothing style, and hair style also“

Korean fans find this absurd as well as me because this guy has been seen wearing similar clothes to G-Dragon after GD had wore them first but yet he says GD was inspired by him! Take a look at this video in which you see him wearing clothes extremely similar to the ones G-Dragon wore at the


Milan Stankovic also released a music video called “Face” which if you watch by clicking here , you can see has some similarity to the wardrobe and glasses wore by G-Dragon in his “Heartbreaker” video.

KVIPs have left a comment for foreign fans saying “ To foreign fans, we’re angry and upset not because he just copied GD’s style but he told a lie on a tv show & articles we want to correct it No one can deny GD’s style is much earlier and more creative & stylish“

Now there is obviously plenty of proof that G-Dragon’s style is much earlier than that guy and he is a star known for being a fashion icon and has no need to copy a Serbian singer, because he likes to be very original. It’s unfair that now even his fashion sense is being critiziced and doubted, and even insulted by calling him a “wanna-be“

Credit: alee@ibigbang

Taken from xtlover15@ BBVIP

ahem ahem...lets just attack that guy>< ahah his music isnt good enough to say that.

maybe thousands of years more than he can prove it.


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Guest g-dragon1988

i think this issue is finished...we'll all try to forget this..^^ anyone knows what's happening with GD nowadays?? I'm worried about him...I hope he is ok and he can find some time to rest...

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Guest ooxstacee

{TRANS} Shine A Light Photobook Pages 104~191



Jiyong appears with a strong, clear voice and a nearly-90 degree bow.

He smiles brightly at the band sessionists, greeting every individual one and saying over and over again how he hopes they’ll all do a great job today too.

One of the staff who says he’s been working with him since he was a trainee says he’s always greeted people like that since he was young.

It might be that he’s done it so much that it feels natural now, like a habit, but it definitely makes other people happy when they’re greeted in such a bright way.

So, shall we start our practice as cheerfully as always?


Even during his Japanese promotions, Jiyong consistently calls the staff and engineers to check up on the sound and setlist.

People who don’t know him say he seems hard to work with (I confess I had the same misconceptions before actually meeting him), but when you get to work with him, it’s actually even more fun and comfortable than working with anyone else, not to mention how grateful we all are that he always listens to the staff’s requests. I was worried that he’d find them bothersome, or that he’d be overly sensitive to feedback but looking back, they were really pointless concerns.

He’s so courteous and tries to pay attention to every member of the staff. I think that’s why the staff also try even harder to do better for him, so the atmosphere is always warm and friendly.

“Everything’s working out so well in terms of progress. It’s proof of Jiyong’s effort. I’m really looking forward to this concert. I’m so curious to how it’ll turn out.”


“How about we show the fans one of our practice videos, just as a little preview??”

The staff are in awe at Jiyong’s sudden suggestion.

Though it may not seem like something that amazing depending on the person, Jiyong often comes up with such sudden and brilliant ideas.

Because he knows even more about the progress of the concert than the staff, sometimes he can even be seen jokingly boasting to the stammering staff.

“How did you think of something like that?”

“(kekeke) I’m smart, right?”


“Kush, what kind of person do you think G-Dragon is?”

“To me, G-Dragon is a dongsaeng who’s like a friend. He’s always cheerful and though he may seem immature, he’s actually an old grandpa!

I think G-Dragon would rather express himself through singing than talking, and that he’s a true musician who shows himself directly through his actions.”


I’m told that he and the dance crew he’s always with can communicate just by looking at each other.

While I was watching them practice, seeing him get along so well with every person in the dance crew made me think: “This must be what he’s like when he’s ‘Kwon Jiyong’ and not ‘G-Dragon’”.

“I was Kwon Jiyong before my debut, but afterwards I became ‘G-Dragon’ to some of my friends………….

It makes me so sad……………..

If someone finds me uncomfortable to be with, I think I feel the same way too. So I find myself not being able to meet the friends of mine who find my presence awkward and uncomfortable.

It’s awkward for me too as well as the other person………………

But the rest of my friends……………they’re my real friends. We always joke around and hit each other playfully………..it’s so much fun.

It may seem like nothing to other people, but to me it’s the most fun thing in the world.

Maybe that’s why dance practices are so fun for Jiyong. The dance crew is made up of only his ‘real friends’.


Whenever they’re scheduled to return from Japan, Gaho has to be taken to Big Bang’s dorms. This is because it’s G-Dragon’s small wish to be greeted by Gaho when he returns.

Once, Jiyong’s mother sent Gaho to a dog training school to fix all his small habits while Jiyong was in Japan.

If you think about it, it was an obvious result that Jiyong jumped with rage when he got back from Japan.

Having seen Jiyong’s love for Gaho myself, he really treats him like the apple of his eye. (Though when Gaho abuses his rights as a dog sometimes, Jiyong does punish him of course. He doesn’t just pamper him all day long.)

After realising too late that Gaho had been sent off to training school, Jiyong demanded he be brought straight home, worried about Gaho who would be alone in a strange environment. But after listening to his mother’s logical explanation of ‘Why Gaho Needed to Be Trained’, he wordlessly gave in.

She said that because he couldn’t be with Gaho all the time, he at least needed to let him learn to cope by himself when he wasn’t around.

But even so, Jiyong seems to be missing Gaho to death.

Do you see G-Dragon converting his longing for Gaho into his practice? [LOL his hat says ‘Gaho’s Daddy’]


The Jiyong I saw at practice was different to the one I see on TV or at concerts. It wasn’t the glamorous and charismatic leader of Big Bang, but Jiyong the trainee from the past, practising to death and sweating like no tomorrow, putting his all into every moment so not to miss anything.

You’d think he’d be totally exhausted by now, but even during his breaks he’s busy checking the formation and flow of the dance crew, and stuff like that.

Take it easy, Jiyong.


‘Look Only At Me Part.2’, sung by Jiyong and Taeyang.

Jiyong and Taeyang have been maturing together for 10 years now, a time which people say changes even mountains. [Korean proverb thing]

They probably don’t even need words to understand each other.

When the two of them are talking and laughing during their breaks, Jiyong seems to talk more and even act a little cuter around Taeyang.

But when the music plays, both their playful sides vanish and they focus entirely on the practice session.

“Look only at me~”

Gahh…I really do want to look only at Jiyong and Taeyang….


For Jiyong’s fitness and strength during the preparations of his concert, his mother makes him beef soup.

Jiyong has been eating this beef soup every single day.

I don’t know why but when you think of Jiyong, you’d think he’d like foods like spaghetti and pizza.... but it turns out he really likes Korean food.

He manages to survive until the end of the concerts thanks to his mother’s beef soup. Maybe he ate it a bit too much though?

“I swear I’m gonna become a bear after all this.....”

[beef soup = 곰국 which when literally translated becomes ‘Bear Soup’]

But even though he whines, he always manages to finish a bowl of his mother’s beef soup just like that.

Jiyong has been in beef soup-appreciation mode lately.


“Anything to say about Jiyong who performs with you?”

“I think that as a hot icon, it isn’t surprising at all that cute Jiyong steals the hearts of fangirls.

And it’s also great to always see him confident...Working really hard but really letting loose when he’s on a break! That’s his style.

As we’ve been working together, I can’t help thinking how chic he is but it’s also impressive that at the same time, he takes care of all the people around him and thanks everyone.”


At most concerts, I heard that the guests just come to the rehearsal on the day to check up on the overall flow and practise a few times.

G-Dragon’s concert must be a total exception.

Everyone comes to practise with Jiyong basically every day as if it were for their own concerts.

The members of his YG Family will probably be moved in a slightly different way watching this concert; Jiyong will be standing alone on stage after ten years of practice, after debuting as Big Bang, but as the solo artist G-Dragon rather than the leader of Big Bang.

So maybe that’s why they’re practising so hard as if it were for themselves?

Scans by: DaragonHideout

Translated by: sjay.x @ BBVIP

LOL. I'm surprised no one posted this .. O_____O!

Now, I'm off to read it myself, hahahaha.

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Guest MidnightByul

^^ thanks!

and forget that dude that claims our GD copied him, everyone in KPOP knows it not true. lol

EDIT: Seems, like it's the media but not the guy himself who said all those things. I hope this clears up.

Is the SAL dvd concert out already?

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