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Guest putasmileon

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can someone tell me how to say "big brother" and "little sister"?

thankeees ^^ <3

In addition to what heartstation. said, big brother can also be called;





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Guest cerys

Since my Japanese knowledge is not very good in the beginning (and getting worse each day I don't study it...) could someone translate this sentence for me?


Thanks (:

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Guest asianami
Since my Japanese knowledge is not very good in the beginning (and getting worse each day I don't study it...) could someone translate this sentence for me?


Thanks (:

I heard that it's alright if I call you Teka, right??

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Since my Japanese knowledge is not very good in the beginning (and getting worse each day I don't study it...) could someone translate this sentence for me?


Thanks (:

By the way have I already asked what I can call you??

teka / tteka = by the way (slang for 'to iu ka' / 'tte iu ka')

If the name was Teka it would be テカって呼んでいい?・呼べばいい?

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Guest asianami
By the way what can I call you again??

teka / tteka = by the way (slang for 'to iu ka' / 'tte iu ka')

Ah thanks for catching my back on that. I fail when it comes to slangs.


Actually I've got a question for you, by the way, have you ever took JLPT 2? If so, how'd you study for it? Thanks.

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Ah thanks for catching my back on that. I fail when it comes to slangs.


Actually I've got a question for you, by the way, have you ever took JLPT 2? If so, how'd you study for it? Thanks.

I only took JLPT 1, and that was a long time ago. You can buy past tests online or in some stores which are really useful, some come with CDs. http://www.jgram.org/ is a great site for grammar review as well (for all levels), so check that out :] Though not everything is correct because it is user contributed so ask if you have questions/doubts

And use this to review your kanji http://www.kanjisite.com/html/start/jlpt/index.html

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JLPT1?! That's hardcore, ahaha.

I'm thinking of taking 2 or 3 this year :X

(You don't have to have a previous to try them right? Like no need to have JLPT3 to try JLPT2?)

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Guest cerys

^ はじめまして // hajimemashi te (lol soompi censored it, ignore the space)

Something simple that I can help with lol xD

Thanks for the help Tamago86 and asianami. I'm really terrible at understanding slang as well. Japanese teens sure like using that don't they ^^;

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Guest asianami
I only took JLPT 1, and that was a long time ago. You can buy past tests online or in some stores which are really useful, some come with CDs. http://www.jgram.org/ is a great site for grammar review as well (for all levels), so check that out :] Though not everything is correct because it is user contributed so ask if you have questions/doubts

And use this to review your kanji http://www.kanjisite.com/html/start/jlpt/index.html

Thanks, I knew Jgram beforehand hehe. I'm going to start with JLPT 2 this year, and maybe JLPT 1 next year even though I'm a high school student, haha. I found a website where a person wrote his experience on how he passed JLPT 2 through an every day 4 hours self-study. I think I might do his way: Study Guide for the JLPT2

May I ask, do you live in Japan? If so, what's your career? Sorry if it sounds a bit personal, hehe. *blush*

JLPT1?! That's hardcore, ahaha.

I'm thinking of taking 2 or 3 this year :X

(You don't have to have a previous to try them right? Like no need to have JLPT3 to try JLPT2?)

Nope, you don't! AND HIGH FIVE WOOT! JLPT 2 YEAH! *hi5 you* I heard that Japan Foundation is going to create another test in-between JLPT 2 and 3 to make the transition from JLPT 3 --> 2 more easier. Dude, sign up for JLPT 2 with me. That way we can both get spiffy certificates when we pass:


Besides you just need at least a 60% (F) to pass the test, I think right?

^ はじめまして // hajimemashi te (lol soompi censored it, ignore the space)

Something simple that I can help with lol xD

Thanks for the help Tamago86 and asianami. I'm really terrible at understanding slang as well. Japanese teens sure like using that don't they ^^;

Haha, anywhere you go ("Anyband"!), slang is everywhere. Just befriend Japanese teens and you'll pick up on their use of slangs such as めちゃ, ムカツ, さ-abuse (how Tokyo LOL), etc. I don't know ALL the slangs but I know a good amount since I'm friends with my awesome ANNA BANANA CHAN and other Japanese! <3

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Thanks, I knew Jgram beforehand hehe. I'm going to start with JLPT 2 this year, and maybe JLPT 1 next year even though I'm a high school student, haha. I found a website where a person wrote his experience on how he passed JLPT 2 through an every day 4 hours self-study. I think I might do his way: Study Guide for the JLPT2

May I ask, do you live in Japan? If so, what's your career? Sorry if it sounds a bit personal, hehe. *blush*

Nope I don't live in Japan anymore :/ used to live in Hokkaido, will most likely be going back after I graduate from college but probably to Tokyo or the kansai area this time. And as for career, well..haha..probably translation or anything that requires english/japanese to get my foot in the door, would love to teach at an international school someday :] who knows..I try to avoid having very set plans, because things just seem to happen at the last second and change everything

For the average person 4 hours a day everyday is pretty hardcore, especially if it's just for the JLPT and not all around study..for example since the JLPT doesn't test speaking even if someone studies intensively for however many months/years to pass JLPT 1 they still might not actually be able to speak the language (though I imagine their kanji and grammar recognition would be crazy) But since you have Japanese friends 心配することはないだろう :D

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Guest asianami
Nope I don't live in Japan anymore :/ used to live in Hokkaido, will most likely be going back after I graduate from college but probably to Tokyo or the kansai area this time. And as for career, well..haha..probably translation or anything that requires english/japanese to get my foot in the door, would love to teach at an international school someday :] who knows..I try to avoid having very set plans, because things just seem to happen at the last second and change everything

For the average person 4 hours a day everyday is pretty hardcore, especially if it's just for the JLPT and not all around study..for example since the JLPT doesn't test speaking even if someone studies intensively for however many months/years to pass JLPT 1 they still might not actually be able to speak the language (though I imagine their kanji and grammar recognition would be crazy) But since you have Japanese friends 心配することはないだろう :D

I see! I notice you live in the Boston area, sweet! I live in RI, which is an hour away from Boston haha. I'm guessing you go to Boston College or Boston Uni, that's nice. I'm planning to go to USC and as for careers, well since I'm ENFP, I have too many interests. >_> But I wish you luck in your career plans! :DDD

And also, since you live in the New England area as well, do you happen to know anything about that annual New England Japanese Speech thing? I'm not too good in terms of memory on what the contest name is called, but it's really intriguing to me. I want to enter it!

And thank you for your kind words!

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I see! I notice you live in the Boston area, sweet! I live in RI, which is an hour away from Boston haha. I'm guessing you go to Boston College or Boston Uni, that's nice. I'm planning to go to USC and as for careers, well since I'm ENFP, I have too many interests. >_> But I wish you luck in your career plans! :DDD

And also, since you live in the New England area as well, do you happen to know anything about that annual New England Japanese Speech thing? I'm not too good in terms of memory on what the contest name is called, but it's really intriguing to me. I want to enter it!

And thank you for your kind words!

ahh the New England Japanese Speech Contest, it's sponsored by the Japan Society of Boston so they would probably have more info, I'm not sure..if it's not listed on the site you could contact them


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I found a website where a person wrote his experience on how he passed JLPT 2 through an every day 4 hours self-study. I think I might do his way: Study Guide for the JLPT2

Nope, you don't! AND HIGH FIVE WOOT! JLPT 2 YEAH! *hi5 you* I heard that Japan Foundation is going to create another test in-between JLPT 2 and 3 to make the transition from JLPT 3 --> 2 more easier. Dude, sign up for JLPT 2 with me. That way we can both get spiffy certificates when we pass:


Besides you just need at least a 60% (F) to pass the test, I think right?

LOL I'm so checking that link out. But 4 hours?! I spend that amount studying like total for every subject I do p/week LMAO ><!

*hi5*! Ahaha, JLPT2.5?!!?

Oooh, that certificate is spiffy. Yeah, I think you only need 60% to pass; and weren't all the questions multiple choice? (That's what I heard, anyway >_<;)

Wikipedia tells me around 50% pass Lv3 and 4, and only ~30% for Lv1 and 2 O_O *dies*

As it stands, I think I can pass JLPT3.

JLPT2...maybe I can fluke it!? XD. Kanji is going to kill meeeeeeeeeee

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Guest asianami

ahh the New England Japanese Speech Contest, it's sponsored by the Japan Society of Boston so they would probably have more info, I'm not sure..if it's not listed on the site you could contact them


Thanks! I found the site through them but hopefully the contest isn't limited to just college students for it seems that way... T_T On the other note, I noticed the PM! Thank you and if I ever get my lazy butt to create a Facebook I'll add you! ^^

<-- Currently lacks a profile on a social networking website. Excluding LiveJournal.

LOL I'm so checking that link out. But 4 hours?! I spend that amount studying like total for every subject I do p/week LMAO ><!

*hi5*! Ahaha, JLPT2.5?!!?

Oooh, that certificate is spiffy. Yeah, I think you only need 60% to pass; and weren't all the questions multiple choice? (That's what I heard, anyway >_<;)

Wikipedia tells me around 50% pass Lv3 and 4, and only ~30% for Lv1 and 2 O_O *dies*

As it stands, I think I can pass JLPT3.

JLPT2...maybe I can fluke it!? XD. Kanji is going to kill meeeeeeeeeee

I know! 4 hours of studying every day is totally going to kill me, especially how I have to study for the PSAT in order to qualify as a National Merit Semi-Finalist and all my other schoolwork! *tears* ;_;

AND F WIKIPEDIA, YO! People edit articles there. Hell, you can even make an article of yourself there. >>;; It's not the best site to trust in my opinion.

PWAHAHA. NO, TAKE JLPT 2 WITH ME! 8D I think JLPT 3 & 4 are relatively "easy"; I'm looking for more of a challenge, so I'm taking on level 2. ^^ FIGHT~~~

Here are some helpful links to studing for the JLPT in a range of all levels:

The JLPT Study Page

TheJapanesepage.Com • forums - News report about the changes in JLPT

Manythings Japanese

Free Study Material and Guide to passing to Japanese Language Proficiency Test

Not included are the couple of other links (reason: too lazy) in the bottom of the previous page Tamago86 posted, however those are very helpful too!

Edit: WOAH-AGE. Okay, I know I'm being a hypocrite and all (here you go, Kaitou Kid, smack me) but I just came across this on Wikipedia:

A new revised test was originally scheduled to begin in December 2009. However, it has been postponed until 2010. The revised test will consist of five levels: N1, N2, N3, N4, and N5. N may be interpreted as being the first letter of either "Nihongo" ("Japanese") or "New".

* N1: generally the same as the original level 1; however, slightly more advanced

* N2: the same as the original level 2

* N3: in between the original level 2 and level 3

* N4: the same as the original level 3

* N5: the same as the original level 4

In addition, the tests will be offered twice a year: July and December. This will go into effect in 2009. The July test will only be offered for levels 1 and 2; by 2010, this will be only level N1 and N2.

The revised test will continue to test the same categories as the original. It will not test oral or writing skills.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_Lang...roficiency_Test

How will this new level 3 be like? Not too sure. But I now am taking JLPT 4 (similar to the original JLPT 3) this December and JLPT 2 next July. Yo, this is SWEEET.

Edit 2: Off-call. I went to the official JLPT page:

The 2009 JLPT is scheduled to take place in July and December.

In July the Level 1 and Level 2 test will be administered in Japan, China, South Korea, and Taiwan. In December all level test will be administered worldwide.

Source: http://www.jlpt.jp/e/index.html


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Guest cookieremix

Hi there. ^^

I have a small request. What would Wish be in japanese?

(I posted the same thing in the korean thread, if you're wondering, but I need to know both korean and japanese for it)

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Guest asianami

Hi there. ^^

I have a small request. What would Wish be in japanese?

(I posted the same thing in the korean thread, if you're wondering, but I need to know both korean and japanese for it)




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Guest KiBUm_Love


ive been wanting to learn japanese for a while :]

this topic is really helpful.

thanks so much :] arigato!

yep i'd say my japanese is very very.. sad :[

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Guest SUJUfied.

How do you say:

"You might have to wait about 20 to 30 minutes."

and would it be naka ni suwaratai or naka de suwaratai?

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