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Fake/replica Designer Bags Or Look-a-likes

Guest Kimbree

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Guest CitrusFlower

Exactly, that's what I was getting at, and it's all BS. :rolleyes: People are all like "quality quality it's about quality" but really most of their money is being spent because it's just a name. The quality may be good but it can't be THAT good.

Though for the record, I looked at many, many different brands of mp3 players and I got an Apple iPod because it was the cheapest I could find with that much memory. :P

Thats pretty much it. It holds more song. Believe me I would rather buy some cheap no name brand if it can hold just as much song as an ipod can but in average those mp3 player can hold up to about 100 songs

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Guest LeahB

fakes are never good, because they are most likely made in a factory in china that does not meet human rights and social compliance. there's a difference though between fakes and just buying from a less expensive brand (like guess has some nice and fashionable bags for about $100 instead of $1000). also beware that those "knock-offs" do not pass chemical testings either, so you may be carrying a bag that has lead in the materials.

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Guest pandalove

I don't mind if other people carry fake designer bags, but I think it's a bit tacky. Personally, I'd never carry one.

The purpose of buying a bag that is designer is because of the brand. If you own a fake one, you technically haven't bought a bag from that specific designer. I'd rather work hard and buy a real designer bag and relish in the feeling of owning an authentic bag than buy a fake one and pretend that it's real. It just doesn't have that feeling if it's fake.

Rather than spending $100+ on a fake bag, I'd rather spend a lot less (maybe $50) on a non-brand name bag that looks good.

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Guest monika j

NO, absolutely not.

Firstly, it is insulting to the designer. You are stealing their work and they are not getting paid for it.

Frankly, when I see someone holding a fake/replica/whatever, I think less of them. Automatically.

You might think you are buying "just" a bag, but the truth is, when you buy a fake, you're supporting child labor and child abuse and so forth. Do your research. You might think there's no real problem with buying fakes, but there really is.

And seriously, don't whine about "Oh, I don't have the money to afford ____ bags, wallets, whatever". Just buy a plain bag, why does it need to look like something from LV or whatever? That makes you sound fake, because you're trying to fake that you have money or status.

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Guest xfriends4lyfex

I think people who don't know a lot about bags or don't care about them will use fakes. I'd rather carry an authentic GAP purse than a fake designer bag. Some people I know consider spending so much on bags to be a waste of money but I disagree strongly. Like those who have said it before me, some of these bags are timeless pieces, classics that you can use even 10 years from now on. Some of my designer bags have lasted 5 years and they are perfectly fine. Some people's fakes fall apart after 2 months and they have to go buy another one.

Fakes are an insult to the time and energy that designers and their workers have put into their work. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. If you want to impress people by using fakes, those who spot your fakes (and it IS very easy to tell) will think worse of you.

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I have nothing against fakes, unless people are trying to show it off and/or lie about it being authentic. o_o; I can't really tell the difference myself though...

If I loved the design of a bag and had to choose whether to buy a $50 "fake" version or a $500 "real" version, I'd definitely choose the $50 version. :X

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Guest Charice Jackson

I will never condone such acts like child labor. I think that there are replicas that are excellently made by skilled adults which I don't think a child can do. In my opinion having the options to buy luxury looking bags is okay. My best-friend likes buying from Poshmoda.co and she is happy with the quality of her bags that can closely be compared to the original ones - almost perfect! I understand her because I think genuine designer bags are over priced because of their names and not just bec of the quality.

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