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M ~ Lee Min Woo

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Guest devylann

awww.... minwoo is alwase cute!!! and looking hotter as he gets older!! hahhaah... and i just realized that he's younger than me by 17 days...lol...

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Guest serawong


Some Pictures used in this diary - Credit as per on pix from the respective News site and Shinhwajj.com

As my dear friend Ling, big fan of M, last minute due to work can’t make it to the concert. Went with another Hong Kong M fan that was willing to take over her tickets last minute. So I decided to write this diary as detail as possible, pardon me that it’s quite long. Though its not going to be anywhere close to really attending the concert herself, but I hope this diary will somewhat be ‘useful’ >_<.

30 Mar - 01 Apr 07 M's Live Works Concert Trip in Tokyo

Day 1 (Friday)

By the time I reached Tokyo, it was already in the evening about 8pm. Temperature seems to be dropped. The wind was strong. Made it to my friend’s place, and she brought me late night sakura watching. Though the sakura were pretty, I felt even more thrilled about the concert tomorrow. Only manage to sleep barely 4 hours.


Day 2 (Concert Day)

We woke up and set off to the concert venue at 9.30am Tokyo time. According to the Japan fan that kindly helped us with the concert tickets, the merchandise like Tee shirt and towels were sold off very fast in Osaka, we had to go early in order to buy them. Location of the concert hall is also where other exhibitions are usually held. It’s near the ports, so 1 can see the sea, and there’s a big big ferris wheel too just right in front, above the concert venue. Along the road, we could see the sakura trees full blossom too. Weather was slight chilly, but it was just a lovely day. We reached at around 10.30am. There were already fans lining up to buy the merchandise. They will only open their counters from 12pm onwards. Manage to get a couple of items, and went for a quick lunch. Finally met up with the Japan fan and she brought us to line up where we suppose. Totally have not much understanding of Japanese, we just followed. The temperature started to drop further when we were queuing up.

At around 2pm, they started to let fans in batch by batch. After struggling awhile with the unknown instructions of all Japanese, we manage to make it into the venue. Hall is just slightly bigger than the 1 in Seoul Melon-Ax. Seems like I can see him just as good distance as I was in Seoul last Dec. Stage is slightly smaller than Melon-Ax, and it has a flight of stairs placed right in the centre of the stage, live band on 2 sides. Right at 3pm, concert started. Totally thrilled! Fans started screaming as music and lights came on.


His special guests, Lug began to perform 1 a ballad song, then greeted the fans in Japanese. They sang another song before it was Minwoo’s turn. The familiar intro music came on; everyone screamed and cheered shouting his name. He emerged and appeared on top of the stairs, looking freaking good. AH!

1st Stage


Opened with Overdose. He was wearing a new white shimmering jacket which was different from the Seoul concert. Love his hair; he just looked too too good. He has changed his cheography again, and dancing up and down on that flight of stairs.

Next Punch came on, the flight of stairs disappeared. In place of it was a partition screen. He took off the jacket. Showing his nice toned arms, he was wearing just a white singlet and black vest. It was so busy to just see him perform, his dance, his expressions, how good he was looking… hahah… I can notice he was in a very very good mood, smiling so so brightly, and definitely how he was showing cute expressions every now and then.

Followed on, he sang Singiru. His dance was sexy, yet playful. He was so flirtish giving small wink, “wicked” smile. Simply loved it! **PG – Part of the dance, he even thrusted in the left side direction, then right side, and then front! Haha… it was just OMG!! He spoke a little to the fans in Japan. Dun quite understand though… haha but the Japanese did. So I guess his Japanese should be quite alright =P

One in a million came on. Did the cute dance and aigoo pose with the dancers. Fans just went crazy screaming all we can already.


Finishing this song, he kneeled down on the floor, or probably he was half descended down the stage, coz I can only see half of him, struggling from the many heads on front of me... haha…. Then his green jacket came down from the top. He danced around the jacket. Most fans know it’s about time he would rip off his singlet. So every1 started screaming. He did actions as if he was tearing it, but he was just teasing. He smiled, and then in a sudden, he just tore it off. Every1 went wild, and he threw the singlet towards the audience!!! AH! If only I could catch it! Slowly putting on his jacket, he then walked to the other side to put on his cap and the New M pendant necklace. With that, he sang Biya.

With the song, at the end usually he will swing his M pendant around his neck and catch it. Surprisingly, when he did that action, the necklace broke off and the necklace flew 1 side while the pendant flew the other direction. The look on his face was just “surprised and Opppss!!”…. it was so cute hehe… though it was a misfortunate thing.

A clip of him came on and he went to change. In the dark, his coordinator came on the stage to search for the pendant =P

2nd Stage


6th song was Last 1st Kiss. He came in with the same white suit that he wore during the Seoul concert, looking simply dashing! He talked to the audience. Asked everyone if his clothes looked good. Everyone replied yes, and he smiled so happily, thanking and crediting it to his coordinator. During the song, he sang 1 sentence and all of us sang 1 sentence. The harmony and voice wasn’t any lesser than the time in Seoul. He was so happy and praised the crowd.

“Fan service” time. If You came on. A garden bench and bicycle was placed on stage. He went over to the bicycle and introduced it as his new “car”, new S-class Mercedes. Hahahaha…. Started to ride around the stage and picked a fan for this song. Looking down, he picked a Japanese fan, and think he spoke in Korea, said not to pick someone to heavy. Finally the fan came on stage, and he asks her to ride on his bike. When the fan got on, she was actually quite not as skinny as I think he thought she was. =P In his usual playful and cheeky way, he showed how “heavy” the fan was, making the “Aigu Aigu” sound when he was trying to ride the bike with her, laughing at himself. End up; he was just peddling the bike along, with his legs stepping on the floor hahahah…. Naught fellow, poor fan. =P

Next he invited the fan to sit on the garden bench. That Japan fan was so so shy. She sat down keeping a “safe gap” from Minwoo. So Minwoo moved close to her and have his arms at the back, resting on the bench. He talked to the japanese fan. Introduced his new manager, who came in to help take photos of both of them, then gave her a signed M’s Live Works cd as present. Asked her if she has boyfriend, which I think the fan say she doesn’t, and Minwoo said to be her boyfriend. Should be somewhere around this line, since I dun quite get Japanese >_< He continue to sing If you, rested himself on her laps (again!) and gave her a rose by the end of the song. All the fans were screaming and I think I heard “andwer” too…. Hahahaha. After sending the japanese fan down, he started to talk in an aigoo way. Thanked the fans, saying Arigato Gosaimastda. Then invented his own “thank you gosaimasta” too. He was so adorable with saying that. And he kept using that thru out the concert every now and then

Next he spoke that he has specially prepare the song for Japanese fans. He sang I Prayed for You!!! Everyone was screaming and it turned into a big sing along as everyone knew the song so well. Then we started to jump abit here and there as if all the Shinhwa were there singing. Prime was 1 of his special guest too who helped in with the rap parts.

After that, he asked the fans if they new what song is he going to sing next. Dunno why, there’s fans who shouted Usha Usha. He was surprised to hear that. He went like, why Usha Usha?! And since we heard that, all fans joined in and kept shouting for Usha Usha, including me and the Hong Kong fan! Hahahaha…. He was in “trouble”. He said not that song! He did not prepare for that! He kept smiling and refused to sing (so cute… killer!)

Finally 1 fan decided to let him off, and shouted So Sick. He was so relieved. Said “thank you” to that fan and said I love you… hahaha. He put on his mic stand and sang so sick. Took on his outer jacket.

Next up, he sang Sweet Sound. He went to sit on the side platform stage, looking ever so good and sexy, did the chair dance.

3rd Stage


Came walking in with a suitcase, black jacket just hang over his shoulders, not wearing anything beneath. Placed his suitcase on a small side table, took off the jacket, topless, he put on that sexy red shirt, glittering silver gloves and black hat. Just One Night came on. With the effects of the lights, he did another sexy arrangement dance different from Seoul concert. Though my 2nd time watching it live, I just stood and starred again hahahah… he never fail to enchant me with his dance each time. At the end of the song, he played with the dancer, then turn to say a quick “aishiteruyo” before doing the signature “shhhhhhhhhh” pose.

The sofa came on stage, put on the white big coat and dance sexy with his dancer for Let Me Love You. As mentioned, he was in good mood, and highly flirtish (which I simply adore it)… well… it’s not advisable for me to elaborate here…. M’s fans should just know how sexy he would do his dance, his thrust and all…. hahahaha =P

Curtains were drawn, showing him sitting on the sofa, then a female dancer came in with a mic stand, standing around the mic stand. Her dance was very nice and sexy. Then Minwoo said thanks gal… and came out to take over the mic and started to sing Jazz Café, wearing just the red shirt, unbutton. I just continue to stare and screamed all I could.

Time for Sexy Back. japanese fans seems to come well prepare too. Everyone holding their orange light sticks, hands all up in the air, they were singing along and jumping all they could during sexy back. So so so high


4th Stage


Came back on stage, wearing this new shirt that has a vest in front of it, but its just part of the shirt. New 1, different from Seoul’s concert. He was extremely good looking, so gorgeous! As what the japanese fan said, he is simply perfect! He was standing the whole time on the platform stage on 1 side, singing Nan HengBokHae; voice so beautiful, waving and waving thru the songs. I almost melted down to the ground. At that moment, I was thinking, Nan HengBokHae too!

Next up was Girlfriend and Untouchable. He voice was simply so beautiful. The audiences held their neon light sticks and sway to his songs. In between in spoke every now and, mostly in japanese and sometimes Korean. Limited understanding for me, so usually I just roughly guess and ganged hahaha.

Last Stage


The fire screen video came on and he performed Bump! As usual there was change of his dance steps and routine here and there. He came out topless, wearing just the white pants. Did the intro dance while putting on another new white jacket. At that time, all fans just scream all they could and cheered even louder together with their neon light sticks. Shouted for his name, shouted bump! And sang along with him. He wiped his sweat with his concert towel and threw to the audience. I think he threw at least 2 of those towels and definitely took many bottle of mineral water and pour at the audience. But the audience was just waiting for him to pour.

When he was done with this song, he spoke to the fans and said its time that the concert has come to an end. Which all fans refused to let him go, of coz. He talked abit and bided goodbye. Lights went off and fans straight away shouted for his name. Not for long, he came back on stage topless, towel hanging around his neck. Everyone cheered. He walked to the drums, took the drum stick and started hitting the starting beat and Battle (encore song for the 1st show) came on.

Next he did the intro which he did for his solo performance during Shinhwa’s state of art concert. Showed his sexy back and his well trained back muscles, danced with total flexibility. Somehow after that, he seems to pull a muscle on his right side waist area, coz his expression left out a painful look while he actually held and pressed on that area. But still he tried to complete the dance intro and went on with the whole Battle song, still giving all he can. The audiences also jumped and cheered as high as we could too. Thru out the concert, whenever he say “say yeah, say la la la, say Lee MinWoo, say Shinhwa” all the fans will follow and shout back as loud as we could. It was really fun! The 1st show ended with that. He thanked everyone and went in.


I was quite worried about his pain, since he has another show just like 2 hours away. Came out from the concert hall, tired totally thirsty, tired, legs aching and realized the temperature seems to be dropped even further. Thought we could go have a quick dinner before the 2nd show, but when we were out, there was already lots of fans lining up for the 2nd show. So we just found a spot on the side to rest awhile and have a drink. Started to drizzled.

Not for long, we had to get back in to the Q. Even as just audience, fans, watching for 2 hours, standing cheering, and jumping with him, we already find that tiring. For him perform again with that kind of energy level in another 2 hours time, it’s amazing. In my mind I was prepared, if he doesn’t have that much of energy and power during the 2nd show, it’s alright. We could understand.

Though our body and legs were aching and tired, HK fan and I were still very excited to see him again. I hoped that pain that I saw from the 1st show will not affect his performance for the 2nd show too badly.

For the 2nd show, as it was bought with much difficulty since it was a sold out concert, our standing number was further at the back but we could still see him fairly well. And as there was a platform being raised, it was in fact better for us to see the overall stage. Different from the 1st show when we were near yet coz everyone was on the same level, we can’t see the full stage and full body of Minwoo at times. I soon realize that the crowd was somewhat stronger than the 1st show too. Even neon light sticks, for the 1st show, most of the fans were only holding 1 light stick each. But during the 2nd show, many of them were hold 2 light sticks. Soon when the lights went dim, I see a bigger sea of orange light stick. It was quite a lovely sight which I know he would love to see. The crowd cheered even more and there was endless shouting of Lee Minwoo thru out the concert.

We got all ready once again when the concert started at 7pm. I will just mention the parts when things are different done from the 1st show. During the 1st stage, we can see that there’s some tiredness from him, which makes me more worried from him. But as the show went on, I realize he’s just like an engine that needed just awhile warm up and start up.

1st stage

Most of the things were pretty much the same. Just that his dance on the flight of steps, the moves were different again from the 1st show. But his naughty cheekiness did not reduce a single bit.

2nd Stage


When he came out in the full white suit, he started to ask in the aigoo girlish way, “Ipoyo?” hahaha…. Of coz the crowd all shouted Ipoyo ^_^ Then he started his Last 1st Kiss which he changed the lyrics to dedicate and reflect it straight to all his fans. He is just to die for especially when he performs on stage.

“Fan service” time, If You, this time he picked another japanese fan, quite cute and sweet looking and slim heheheh… Ride her around then invited her to sit on the bench. Then he pretend not to know and see the fan and simple just sat on top on her lap. Fans screamed damn badly hahaha…. he laughed then stood up sat next to her. He commented this japanese fan was cute and pretty, asked the audience if they agreed. Shouts were everywhere… =P

Next he asked if she has boyfriend, which the gal said she has. He was disappointed! Hahaha… he asked who did she came with, and the japanese fan answered she came with her sister. Then Minwoo seems not wanting to give up yet, and he tried to sit really close to her, his face was just next to her ears. But I think he din manage to exactly win her over. So he was disappointed and slump himself on the bench! It was so funny! Then he said such pretty gal, already attached. Too bad. He said that in japanese at 1st, then Korean, next even said it in English!! Just knew it he hates the feeling of “losing” in some ways… ahahaah…

After I Pray For You, before he could ask the question, many fans already knew coz I can see many went for the 1st show were also in the 2nd show. So the ones in front shouted for Usha Usha! Then was like why Usha Usha?! Then he pretend to be annoyed by it but still smiling and laughing over it, and said he really did not prepare and am not prepare to sing that. But this time the audience cheered even stronger and longer. He finally caved in. Without the band, he actually just sang Usha Usha, probably half the song including the rap part. Though he did miss out some lyrics but the fans were more than happy and singing along with him. He even did a small movement dance part of Usha Usha. When he really sang… I went crazy too and scream super loud!! Hahaha!

3rd Stage


During Sexy Back, as the crowd was stronger during the 2nd show, every1 was even much more spontaneous than the 1st show. Not just the crowd but definitely could see Minwoo was having a blast of his time too. He continued using his aigoo “Thank you Gosaimastda” every now and then. Forgot to mention during in the 1st show, Prime who rapped for Minwoo in a few songs, spoke to the japanese fans after performing sexy back. He took out a piece of papers with all the japanese notes that he made and started to read. But everything was in a mono tone and he did not know where does 1 word breaks off, the whole “speech” was just very funny. And Minwoo was just playing along with him, laughing and kept encouraging that he did very well. So did the audiences, coz it was just fun to see and heard.

Last Stage


After Bump! Performance, he talked longer to the fans using some japanese and Korean. Somewhere during that, he mentioned about touring Japan in September again with his new album songs. >_< He mentioned that too during the 1st show. He thanked the fans further by doing the Korean style of bowing to his fans kneeled down. Then he stood up and said, oh this is japanese…. Probably that’s not right, then he did his own cute way aigoo way of saying thanks to this japanese fans. He then sang Battle.

There wasn’t much obvious sight of him showing that he was tired. Neither in his dances nor in his voice. So we just gave our all too and jumped with him. The whole atmosphere was even much more high than the 1st concert! He bid goodbye to everyone and went in.

Just right after the lights went off, fans already started to shout for his name non stop. This time was definitely twice louder than the 1st concert. I did not quite see that coming. But I bet Minwoo must be feeling very happy, coz I believe it’s all these cheers and great response from the fans that kept his energy going on like that.

With that, he came back on for the encore. This time he wore a sweat shirt with a hood. Sang Herin KiokSukga KeDae, every1 simply just scream and jumped al the way. At tat moment, how tired how aching, tat very moment, I totally dun remember about it. He poured water again to the crowd, threw towels. Then he started to introduce the band and his dancers. Did an impromptu beat box and rap with very simple lyrics of saying how great the fans were. Finally poured water on himself and solo dance with great power! It was so cool!!!

Finally all of them gathered and held hands to give their final bow. All of us shouted for him not to go…. “andwei” “ka ji ma” was everywhere. He was already heading off to the back stage. White lights were back on and the end show music was playing already. He then looked back and stopped his steps. He then walked back to the centre of the stage and said, stopped the cd. With that, all of us went crazy and cheered even harder. He finally then sang 1 more song, Sexy Back again. He giving his all, and fans cheering their all.

Once again he impressed me with his performance. If I remember right, there’s really not bad Asia artist that has done 2 concerts on the same day, with just 2 hours apart. With so much of dancing and live singing, he was simply amazing!!! At the end of the show, a Japan fan tat stood next to us and my HK friend cried. So touched with his whole performance. Joined back and meet the Japan friend. Quote her saying, “Isn’t he just perfect?” I think the fans there that day for the 2 shows would all agree whole heartedly! All my worries of him being tired and not perform as good, or his pain, all that did not show.

Having a super high mood, we left the concert hall and went to the lockers as soon to fetch our items. Then joined my Japan friend to wait for him at the back entrance. Temperature went down even lower and the wind was blowing so strongly. Checked the forecast tat day, was suppose to be just cooling but seems that it took a last minute change. Nevertheless, we waited by the road for Minwoo to come out. Finally after half an hour or more, he came out. Fans called for his name. So he wait towards the front a little, smiled and waved to the fans before boarding his car to the dinner venue.

With the kind help of the Japanese fan, she brought us to the restaurant place that Minwoo and the whole crew was dining at. At that time the wind was really strong and it started raining. From suppose 18-20degrees, it dropped to about 13degrees. Though no umbrella, we still tried to stand in front of the restaurant to see if we could catch a glimpse. Then realize he was actually upstairs, so we went to wait from the back staircase instead. After waiting for I guess another 45 minutes in all I think. He was finally coming out, moving to the 1st floor, which he has to go by this back staircase, which was already filled with fans. Right there and then, I manage to see him just walk in front of me, so close again. Totally lucky!!

Moving to the 1st floor, I think he spent at least another 45mins to 1 hours talking, chatting and thanking the dancers and crew members, taking photos together too. Seriously at that time we were all tired and hungry and cold, there was really a point that we wanted to shout, Minwoo shi, pali ka seiyo… hahahah… Till around 12.30am, he finally decided to head back to the hotel. He has to walk this long walkway to his car, as this restaurant was in a small lane that no car can enter. So once again, he just walked in front of me and my friends, looking really good, black leather jacket, smiling. Once he boarded the car, we called out Anneyeong, we headed to buy food hahaha.


The next day, woke up at 7:30am, went to a full blossom Sakura park, which my friends I stayed with brought us too. It was beautiful, peaceful and lovely. When the wind blows, Sakura petal falling down, I was just smiling and thinking how fortunate I am.

All thanks to the kind help of my friends in Japan and Minwoo’s lovely Japanese fans; I was able to have such a great time over a short weekend. Though rush, tired and lack of sleep, everything was worth it! Nan chomal HengBokHae!!!


============================== THE END ==========================================

Sorry Gals that i am not able to post all the pictures i have in here, as there are too many people around that takes pictures without asking and posting it elsewhere. I do not want my link to die so fast. So sorry about it. Have posted most of my pictures in Minwoo.com and ShinhwaJJ instead.

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Guest samshiku

AHHHHHHHHH serawong you are back! and the concert sounded like a REAL blast!!!!

thanks for the sharing!!!

minwoo looks REALLY cute!!! Gah i love his smile!

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Guest Kimmie

Aww, I want to see Minwoo in concert. T____T Just look at him on stage. He's like a god. Hahaha. So hot. T_T Thanks for sharing.

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Guest ms_giggles

can someone provide me with Clubbox links to his HQ mvs???

If theres hardsubs itd be great but there doesnt have to any.

please help thankyou!!

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Guest chabori

SERENA........thanks you so much for all the journey...and thanks for sharing with us....best regard to you, LING and others ShinhwaJJ

just wanna say...day by day...we are love more and more to Minwoo

now, he is THE BEST Entertainer, I think....

Minwoo Manseee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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OMG!!~..Serena, thank u so muchh for sharing the experience..looks like u had so much fun ^^..minwoo looks so HOT!! yet so freaking cute!!~~..love his smile and his hair ^^...saw the pics in minwoocom..my heart jumped like crazy when i saw it~..hehe..u sat so near him..lucky u!!...u made me happy..was smiling all the way reading ur account...thanx again!!~

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Guest amyliaz

Serena!!! ^_____________^

I'm so glad you got to go okay. Then share your joy with us all. HAHAHA.

I'm so going your house soon. :P It doesn't beat hearing the story real-life. XD

OMG MIN WOO SO AWESOME. <333333333333333333

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Guest chopsticksandspoon


haha, even though i am on msn with you...

and is totally bombarding you with thank yous and praises...


THANK YOU FOR SHARING!~ and i am so glad you had a blast....

minu is such a perfect guy.

best performer ever.

life goal: see minu live in concert

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Guest prizzyy

hello!~ thanks for the pics and the descriptions to the concert! i read them ALL!

bong in bicycle is great <33

and.. i just got my M album yesterday, but i was kinda.. not that overjoyed at the cover!

because it looks kinda weird.. =D

what about those who have received the album? what do you think of the album? =D

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^ he looks HOT in that album hehehe..

Serena~~~ Thanks so much!!!

i love reading your diary.. hehe.. so detailed

Next time bring me to see min's concert okie!?!?

really wanna go to his concert at least once in my life!

the concert pics are soooo HOT!!!!!!


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Guest serawong

Glad that you gals like the diary i have written...

trust me.. to really be able to feel the real thing.. u got to be at the concert. There are too many things that are beyond words... hahaha ^_^

will take a rest for awhile... before coming back to post more things in here ^_^

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Guest NotGuilty

one day...one day...

i will get to experience the sensation of watching the Stage King, M himself on stage...

and if I am ever lucky enough...I will get to touch him...T_T

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Guest vietgirl604

AHH, I made a page on my comeback for this thread LOL.

AHH! MinWoo! I'm back in this thread for you! Thanks to serawong for the diary and samshiku for the pictures. OH MY GOSH..I don't even know what to think when I see him. I don't even know what runs through my mind. But at the end I was like, "I want to feel him!" LOL.

I seriously have to meet him one day. Experience an M concert...and talk to him LOL..that might not happen but a girl can dream.

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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Guest jerrybabie26

ahhh.... i missed this thread! thank you serawong for sharing your experience... one of these days i'll get to experience that too *crosses fingers*

he's so hot! hotter than hot!

he's always for flirty... he was definitely made to perform... he's like a fan's dream come true... only wishes to please his fans... is very happy to please his fans...

After that, he asked the fans if they new what song is he going to sing next. Dunno why, there’s fans who shouted Usha Usha. He was surprised to hear that. He went like, why Usha Usha?! And since we heard that, all fans joined in and kept shouting for Usha Usha, including me and the Hong Kong fan! Hahahaha…. He was in “trouble”. He said not that song! He did not prepare for that! He kept smiling and refused to sing (so cute… killer!)

Finally 1 fan decided to let him off, and shouted So Sick. He was so relieved. Said “thank you” to that fan and said I love you… hahaha. He put on his mic stand and sang so sick. Took on his outer jacket.

hahahahah this was funny... i'd love to see that... minu being put in a tight spot... he probably wanted to kiss that fan who saved his chops :P

thanks again serawong... :D

jerrybabbie26, ME TOO!~ waa. i hope choi updates again. LOL. i dunno, me being a ricsyung fa, i'm hoping for the kangta-sumgie teamup to break up and then have a RICSYUNG team-up!!! haha. man, i'm weird. >.< me too.. i'm waiting for the dvd but i'm ordering the cds too. wa. so many things to buy!!!! and wan's album is coming out in may! and sungie;s in april!!! gawsh i'm gonna be broke. i'll kill ya later for kidnapping dongwannie. AND OH GOD, THE BIG ONE???? THE ONE WHERE HE KEPT ON WINKING TO THE CAMERA??? *DIES*

krizza i'm gving you back wannie... i'm keeping minu!LOL can't have them both...together... they'll totally ignore me... but'll steal wannie back.... :P

ahh... i love this live version of Sweet sound... it my # 1 minu song... and unforgetable... but he only ever sings a part of that :(

oh... he didn't do an NKOTB medly??? hehehehe got tired of it... so... what to look forward to... Seoul concert... Japan concert... 3rd album... plus wannie's album.... hahahahaha.... im so broke! is he not planning on putting up a concert in singapore??? if i get really rich by the end of the year i might... just might be able to go... LOL... i have to dream somtimes :P

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Guest vietgirl604

thanks again serawong... :D

krizza i'm gving you back wannie... i'm keeping minu!LOL can't have them both...together... they'll totally ignore me... but'll steal wannie back.... :P

:o LOL I have another person to share MinWoo with?! I say you steal Wannie from Krizza LOL..but if not, I'll gladly share him with you.

AHH, MinWoo makes my heart melt.

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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