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Epik High (에픽하이) Official Thread [#2023]


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Guest choEy

Do you guys remember how much the keychain was??

i can't imagine it being much different then off their site.. so 9-10 bucks.

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Guest Danzo

Alright guys, last night was a blast. Being a press access my first night, I indulged into the cool factor of going anywhere almost , skipping lines, roaming free and of course getting picture angles that others will have otherwise difficulty to get. Here are some that I put exclusive to you guys!





... And the best for last! (For Ningin and Soompi)

Yes I shook Tablos hand at this angle too


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Guest --hearts.

wait. WHAT?! so we wont see them anymore? like at all?

and theyre basically just going to be regular people that have an amazing talent for music?!

:tears: i guess ill support them in their decision.

I'm sure this isn't really the end of them and the K-Industry. It's more like they have done something no other group in Korea has done before and the industry doesn't quite know how to handle it (as well as they are a little butt hurt.) Epik High are a rather taboo subject for what they are doing and saying about the industry so many people don't want to be involved with them (for now anyways...plus Epik High probably doesn't want to be involved with them either. =P) Since their independence, they have only been on Chocolate and appeared in two-three random magazine shoots. I'm sure there is a halfway point in all these cases where there are some who want Epik High and Epik High isn't interested while others are too afraid to go near them and therefore don't bother.

If it were any other group, they probably wouldn't give a damn but Epik High has deep roots and is probably the one group who can invoke change or at least make enough noise to turn heads. And they have been making a LOT of noise which is only getting louder. I really think that eventually the Korean Industry will get over them going independent and all that jazz (although I don't know about all the bashing XD) and we will hopefully be seeing more of them here and there. It will probably not be as much as we saw of them before but time heals all wounds so who knows? Maybe it will all work out for the best...maybe not. We'll see. =)

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Guest tntreees

just got back from the Pasadena meet and greet, which was kinda lame. you could only get one thing signed, you couldn't take pictures with them, and they barely even looked at you. spymanut and i were there from around 11:30am and got in at around 3:40pm

maybe they were still suffering from effects of being inebriated or something (lol) but i was disappointed :(

video soon~

the phone charm was $20 - there was no key chain, lelapin.

Really? I was able to take a picture with them.

Maybe because time was limited and they wanted to let everyone get the chance to meet them.

I actually asked Tablo first if he could sign both items that I had (Map the Soul and Pieces, part one cds) and he said yes. So, maybe time played the part.

My sister also got her hearing aid (box) signed. Tablo looked and played with a bit and asked what it was. lol So, did the others. =]








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Guest choEy

Really? I was able to take a picture with them.

Maybe because time was limited and they wanted to let everyone get the chance to meet them.

I actually asked Tablo first if he could sign both items that I had (Map the Soul and Pieces, part one cds) and he said yes. So, maybe time played the part.

My sister also got her hearing aid (box) signed. Tablo looked and played with a bit and asked what it was. lol So, did the others. =]

i shall post pictures once i know how.

haha cute.. at least he didn't just sign it and throw it back or anything.

tinkering xD

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Guest whohungjen?

Really? I was able to take a picture with them.

Maybe because time was limited and they wanted to let everyone get the chance to meet them.

I actually asked Tablo first if he could sign both items that I had (Map the Soul and Pieces, part one cds) and he said yes. So, maybe time played the part.

My sister also got her hearing aid (box) signed. Tablo looked and played with a bit and asked what it was. lol So, did the others. =]

awww well that's cool for you & your sister ^^

i also wanted them to sign my poster & but he just glanced at me really quickly and passed my bookalbum along to mithra

what time did you get in there?

i was thinking about waiting again till the very end to see if i could get a picture or anything but i had to go home to do something

anyway, 2 vids from last night - facebook is being a jerk and not letting me upload more right now

intro to mapthesoul set - beatbox dg & epik high



they are very loud so lower your volume!!

i have a video from today too...that will come later.

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Guest starflower135

Really? I was able to take a picture with them.

Maybe because time was limited and they wanted to let everyone get the chance to meet them.

I actually asked Tablo first if he could sign both items that I had (Map the Soul and Pieces, part one cds) and he said yes. So, maybe time played the part.

My sister also got her hearing aid (box) signed. Tablo looked and played with a bit and asked what it was. lol So, did the others. =]

I'm glad you were able get your items signed ^^ Did you see anyone giving them gifts? Were EH accepting them? Were you in the VIP line?

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I loved how everyone driving by is just like fascinated by all the Asians standing in line. It was hilarious.

LOL yeah. But it was kind of annoying how EVERYONE who passed by stopped or slowed down to look at us.

Concert was seriously amazing, I didn't know it would be this energetic. :D It was really crowded though, and I kept accidentally hitting this girl's fedora. If you're reading this, sorry!!

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Guest michellek

So, I was totally hating on lelapin all the way back home in the car (see previous page). But that's beside the point.

Listening to Epik High right now (non live) is always gonna bring back some serious memories <3

I have a bunch of videos, but sound quality stinks. Will upload on youtube later and post them here.

Anyway, I already posted most of my concert recap in the EH LA thread, but since more people will see it here, i'll just repost:


Okay, so I didn't get to meet any Soompiers whatsoever -.- Nor did I see the Soompi signs.

but I did arrive late. past 7, almost 7:30 I would say. The line was already HELLA LONG by then so my friends and I were asdfkjslfjd darn!

But overall, AMAZING EXPERIENCE! Not once did the energy stop for Epik High.

The best part about Kero One being there (since we all knew what to expect from him) was being able to cool down after FM (tons of energy!!) and saving up energy for EH <3 Maybe they did that on purpose, lol.

I was standing on some stairs that led to the floor. So people coming in and out were totally shoving me >_> not that good. I was wearing orange+white, and i'm super short. Let me know if you were standing next to me or something, lol, i'm curious! Sorry if I tripped or bumped into you a lot, and sorry to the person i kept hitting on the head with my glowstick (an accident!)

FM = AWESOME. I wished they performed Lowridin though, but they did perform most of my favorite songs.

Kero One = well, self explanatory. I didn't want to, or mean to... but I yawned T__T. I know, I feel bad. His music is good, but it just didn't belong with FM and EH.

EPIK HIGH = ZOMGGGGG what else can I say? Everyone got so hyphy by the time they started performing the classics, and FLY was awesome. I didn't get to record that because I was too busy jumping up and down. Ahhhha good stuff.

Merchandise = HOLY ASDFGHJKL! Everyone was totally insane... managed to get up to the table really fast, and snag a pin. I kinda wannt a bandana now but I didn't have enough money with me last night. Might buy from another soompier later if someone is selling?

Afterwards, outside = So I was waiting for my ride and it turns out Tablo and MYK are hanging behind the gates outside the House of Blues. omfg, everyone's going insane, and trying to get Tablo to come over here. (HE IS SO FRIKIN CUTEEEEEEEEEEE) They wouldn't sign that many things, lucky people who got their stuff signed by MYK. I managed to touch MYK for like 3 seconds, which suffices, i guess. BUT I DIDN'T TOUCH TABLO. AND MY FRIEND TOTALLY HUGGED HIM. I HATE HER RIGHT NOW UGH UGH UGH!!!!! At least I was a small number of feet away from him <33

Overall, SO MUCH FUN! Now that's what i call an amazing experience

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Guest bumpz

hahaha nice .gif i think you were right in front of me from the angle he threw that bottle xD

Oh really...I just remember that there was a lot of little people around me haha. Out of nowhere these two little girls somehow got in front of me lol

@bumpz, great gif! Water fights are the best.

Yea...it was also funny when Tablo poured the entire water bottle on Mithra's head haha

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Guest MeMi

I was at their signing tooo!!


They signed my friend's shoe

Can you guess who signed which sign?




Okay, like, I had to ask Tablo if it was all right to sign shoes and he was like okay.

But, Mithra was like...WTF is this?

B.c. i didn't knoe korean,

I pointed at my friend and did a dance move.

Then, they were like...okay girl who doesn't know korean. lol.

So, now, my friend's Shoegirl and I'm shoegirl's crazy friend, LOL

I got a t-shirt signed by them though :D

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Guest MeMi

O & Pixes of the event



Line vair. long



Dance Contest. White guy in yellow tee won

B.c. only I bought my camera, here r pixes of Epik :D







Couldn't get pix with the group b.c. the guards kept rushing us T.T

Overall it was super duper fun :D

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i doubt that they're rescheduling the fan meeting. cuz they're in la today for the concert, then head off to other places. i dont see why they would fly back just for the fan meeting. its too bad that they couldnt make it.

the concert was AMAZING!!!! im so glad that they did all that songs, especially the old one "She doesnt know" or something like that, cant really remember the exact name.

here are the pictures with them at the after party.~



Mithra Jin was in his own lil world, wasnt talking much.

DJ Tukutz and Beatbox DG were sooooooooooooooooo friendly!!! they're awsome!

TuKutz was so funny, hiding behind the wall in the VIP area, kept on waving at us, n then when the girls started screaming, he made a peace sign.

i think he totally enjoys the attention, just like how he was taking pictures on stage~ hahaha..

by the time Tablo came out, he was wayyyyy too drunk to take pictures. after he signed my book, he just started free-styling about autographing a book.. LOL..

and there was a whole bunch of free-style going on. it was really awsome~

great night~~~!!!

haha.. my friend recorded the whole thing, from he first came out, then sign, then rap.. it was awsome. i'll get it from her n upload it. it was actually his book, called "pieces of you". i honestly thought he wasnt gonna give back the book, but he eventually gave it back to me... hahah..

p.s. Tukutz is soooooo sweet... >.< ahhh... hes very open.

Mithra is very nice too, he signed for me while being rushed out of the club. i think hes just not very verbal with people~


i couldnt help cropping the picture~~~ tablo was my favo, then i met Tukutz~~ wow... !!!! <3

Recorded and uploaded just for you hahaha! <3

Still in the Tukutz love mode I see haha!

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Guest &teekayy;

Okay, well last night. House of Blues. IT WAS AMAZING.

I got there at like 7:30 and the line was soooo long already, it was pretty funny since the majority of us were Asian and a few passerbys were all like, "Is this an Asian party?" Even MORE people came after us, so much that we were actually in the middle of the line once they started letting people in.

It was pretty crowded in there (impossible to push up to the front, unfortunately), and yet it didn't seem like 780 people! Far*East Movement was great, even though they had a bit of a lame theme (year 3008??), the bass all pounding throughout you, awesome awesome. Kero One... he was good but I'm sorry, it just didn't fit the atmosphere already riled up and it was therefore kind of....boring. The crowd was dead. People didn't have to be so rude though. When he was performing his last song he was all like, "It's hard to say goodbye" and some guy in the back was like, "Just get off the f****** stage!" Several others yelled out "Epik High!"

The beatboxer was pretty entertaining, I like him. And then the crowd went WILD when Tukutz came out <3 HAHA so cuuute. And then we all went crazy once the rest of Epik High finally came out :D They performed all of my favorite songs, so I'm happy. :3 At first I was like, OMG they didn't perform Fan??? but everyone all went ENCORE ENCORE.. and then the overhead speakers went LOUDER, and of course we all screamed like crazy and they went back on again. Epik High's energy is amazing. The last couple of songs they did, everyone was jumping and waving their glowsticks.

My friends and I rushed to the merchandise stand right after, I bought a towel (you lucky people who got their sweated-on towels, I'm jealous) and a bandana :D It was CRAZYHARD getting out. I took that as a good sign since that means a lot of people want to support Epik High.

Well, my friends and I were waiting outside for our rides when I saw that they were giving out FREE POSTERS! I went over to the gate and asked for one, and they were really nice about it. Then then then I spotted MYK behind that covering thing! He came out for a few seconds and signed a few autographs. Then TABLO came out and he was like, "You have to get back in there, they're like getting mad at me!" and I was dying cause he was like RIGHT THERE. Tablo's a lot skinnier/shorter than I expected him to be, but 999999x cuter. This was when everyone went crazy and started screaming out his name. The girls next to me were begging him for a hug, so he was like, "Alright, I can do that, I'll give you guys a hug." So he gave them a hug, and then I was like OMGGG TABLO! and he GAVE ME A HUG TOO and then he left. >< MYK came out again later to sign autographs, even though the guy? was like, "Last one last one, we have to go". I got to shake his hand! :D

It was soooo worth $30.


It sounds like you guys had a lot more time with them after the LA concert than us SF-ers did. The staff at the venue IMMEDIATELY rushed us out of the building. I was really hoping to see them like outside of the venue after the concert in hopes of getting an autograph or something but wtf!!!! so lucky so lucky

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Guest EminentStar

Hey I was just wondering, is anyone selling an Epik High Bandanna? I did not have enough money to purchase it, i didn't know i was going to be needing cash, so my friend bought some for me. So if anyone is selling a Bandanna Please let me know! I am interested in buying!!!

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Guest nabeelah


It sounds like you guys had a lot more time with them after the LA concert than us SF-ers did. The staff at the venue IMMEDIATELY rushed us out of the building. I was really hoping to see them like outside of the venue after the concert in hopes of getting an autograph or something but wtf!!!! so lucky so lucky

haha damn u were right by us. when tablo hugged u my friend was like holding his hand haha then i did hte same haha. i only go to hug MYK but it was still kool. ahhh the best concert ever!

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Guest Kiss Me

Epik High concert was<3 <3 <3

I hated the fact that they came out so late, but s'all good.

Their performance made up for it (:

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Guest gyabo!

I'm not trying to be bias, but LA concert might be the craziest yet. Well they've only been to like...two cities so far, but depending on whether you're standing or sitting makes a BIG difference.

I was kinda pissed cuz I knew the House of Blues only has a little sitting area in the back and on the second floor and I wanted to be up close so I'd have to stand, but when you're there it's crazy. It's all packed and musty; people are screaming at the top of their lungs and there's shoving and screaming...but it just enhances the experience.

I saw some fancams of the SF con and it was pretty big no? With all the seats and the stage. The LA concert was really small, but hell of a lot of ppl packed into the little space.

LOL. The press conference is on the floor AHAHAHAH, while eating pizza. Wow, that's epik.

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