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What Are Three Things You Want So Badly, But Aren't Real?

Guest kuavang<3youngbae

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Guest sushie-chan

- To be in a world like Final Fantasy with monsters and battles, i will be a ninja like Yuffie! <3 And she'll be my friend too and Cloud, Tifa and ect too! xDDD

- Have magical powers!! Like Charmed ^^

- Teleportation! <3

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Guest clouds4ME

> To be able to fly.

> Haha this one is real .. but its likely impossible ; to be on scandal with Wooyoung X) hhaah

> magic powers like Merlin

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Guest xBABy

i've always wanted a pokemon ever since i was little O_O lol! umm, also i would like to have my favorite store aritzia for my wardrobe so i can have every piece of clothing in that store & have it restock every couple of weeks... ANND of course a tree that grows money =).

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Guest aznSweetiie._

three things i would want is ..

1. to have magic

2. korean drama life ;D

3. have ALOT of money - don't have to worry about it running out

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Guest DarkAngelsRain

Super Powers

Pokemon xD

and....the ability to enter any world I choose :P like ya know, books,anime etc.

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Guest HimikoShi

1. Money Tree

2. A medicine that can helps you remember everything you have read, so when I have an exam I can remember everything. Haha LOL. (Can't think of anything)

3. Uhhh??

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Guest AznMiso

I've always wanted a way to be reborn but keep the same mindset I have right now. D: I COULD REDO MY HORRIBLE CHILDHOOD.

I could wish for anything I wanted and it would happen.

That I looked different. :D

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Guest MarsCrescent


Oh, me too! I have always wished that. Not that any part of my life was real horrible. Just some things I wish I could change.

And I wish I could teleport. If you have ever read the book Jumper I want it to be like that! (Not like the movie!) Then I could just go wherever I want and get loads of money and stuff.

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Guest Super_LinK

1. if vampires were real i'd totally go for being a vampire (They don't get pimples...)


3. younho would come and take me away

unfortunately the 3rd one had nothing to do with pimples but I'm kinda irritated with the sudden outbreak on my face (I"VE NEVER HAD THIS HAPPEN BEFORE!!)

otherwise I'm very happy with my life but being a vampire would be so cool and that means I can collect clothing through different eras (OMG That would be awesome...i'd have my own vintage clothing collection)

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Guest xxkokoro

i want the power of invisibilty, teleportation, and an "Absolute Boyfriend". also, i'd like to shapeshift into anything i want =)

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Guest xAzumi

I don't care, I am going to be selfish

1. I wish my great grandfather is back alive, and I can tell him that he will always be in my heart, my mind, and soul. No matters where hes at, I hope he watches over me, and guard me to the right direction.

2. I hope I will win the lottery. I know it will never happen. Lottery is like a game a chance, you can't waste your life on taking chances with the lowest probability of winning, and believe you will be rich one day. People like that will always be in a fantasy, I want to live in a reality. I want to win that mega millions, and help people, and donate it to charity, and to asian countries. Right now, my home country is at war with thailand, and I feel so sad when I want news coming attack, and the pain on those families that live in the borders between Cambodia and Thailand.

3. I cross my fingers and hope to die. I want my dad to be faithful to my mother, and live happily ever together. My dad is a pimp, and he is screwing woman left and right. I wish he understand the pain that have cause our family, and rumors spreading about him. I want to feel LOVED by my parents, and not be LOVED WITH MONEY, money is mini cooper without a family. I feel so empty and lost. I have everything I ever wanted in my life, but my heart is empty, because I can never learn how to love.

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1. A cure for any physical or mental illness.

2. Infinite supply of bananas!

3. Pausing time.

... in that order.

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Guest Miss Vivienne

1.) HEROES POWERS! I wish my spouse was Peter Petrelli and I was friends with Hiro Nakamura... 8D

2.) HARRY POTTER'S MAGICAL WORLD! I reallly want to go to Hogsmeade.

3.) I wish I had the ability of morphing into whatever I want to look like while also having the ability of manipulating the area around me (like illusions if you know what I mean.) Lol... It's kinda shallow.

4.) I want a flying bison like in Avatar. D:<


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