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What Are Three Things You Want So Badly, But Aren't Real?

Guest kuavang<3youngbae

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Guest Wendy1430265887



3. Whole Harry Potter ordeal

4. Super powers :D

5. Going back in time

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Guest <3StrawberryPocky<3

- Fairly Odd Parents......I want fairies to grant my every wish.....

- Super powers

- Wings on my back, so I can fly and be a creeper sitting on the branches like an owl. Lol.

- Hm......a unicorn. Wait, I can just take a stick and glue it to a horse's head. Nevermind.

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Guest badstar

1. He's real but hard to reach... KIM JAEJOONG

2. I want to have billions and billions of money.

3. Teleport

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Guest 정유미

1. to marry JUNG YUN HO :D

2. an end to poverty: by this, i don't mean everyone will bathe in a pool of money, but... just enough money to live decently.

3. to be able to fly~

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Guest Poneyclub20

- Be able to learn how to play any instrument in one hour

-Have huge party with all the musical artist I love/admire on a secluded island XD

- Everyone to love and accept each other <3

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Guest maly&ahpulee

one) to meet celeb crushes, though when the time comes, i may be too chicken to even greet them. i am that kind of dork.

two) to get fit, tone up a bit.. but food is so good. still exercising.

three) to travel. just anywhere in the US would make me happy. i haven't been out of the midwest in a while. =(

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Guest ephemeral.

1. I wish the world was an RPG. Magical powers and awesome fighting skills.

(Be friends/allies with my favorite celebrities and save the world from evil. LOL.)

2. End up with my crush and live a happy fairytale ending (while saving the world, anyone?)

3. Become a beautiful talented intelligent girl that everyone loves.

I would say world peace, but where would be the evil people to fight then? : D

Man I'm so childish, but that's my ideal world.

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