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What Are Three Things You Want So Badly, But Aren't Real?

Guest kuavang<3youngbae

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Guest xstrawberry_bearx

- A love/relationship like in the drama/soompier fanfics, lol.

- A fairytale happily ever after.

- Pikachuuuuu~

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^ The third one is nice, but..would a man like that really look at us? Not unless we're better than Jessica Alba. That's a dream like never before!

1. Super powers/magic

2. Food land (Chocolate rivers, edible houses topped with superfragilisticexpialidocious dippings, lollipop trees, flavored cars sprinkled with choco bits! Yes, i'm on crack.)

3. Wealth for the whole world

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Guest Hazy

1. Rewinding, fast forwarding and pausing time >_>

2. The perfect, perfect, perfect guy

3. Magic ;D

4. Forever.

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1. I agree with the custom made boyband members~!<3 KAKAKA.

2. Maybe something that can let us go online and stuff without a computer~! It'd be like.. touch the air and BAM.. I'm online.. Iono.. I'm lame HAHA

3. Digimon because they can actually TALK.

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Guest Aireia

1. A teleporting system, in which you can teleport from place to place rather than drive or walk...

2. A kabillion-jillion dollars

3. One of those airships from the Final Fantasy Series

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Guest daehanminguk1345

1. To be Jae Joong's one and only. <3

2. For there to be less ignorant people. >:(

I can't really think of anything for the third one, but if I could just have these two, I think my life would be set. Moreso the second one, 'cause we all know the first is definitely never happening. :tears:

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Guest daisyink

1. hogwartssss. i'm still waiting for my admissions letter yo. ;]

2. um, um. happy endings for everybody? except not really happy endings; more like happy beginnings, middles, and ends. ahaha.

3. my own perfect boyfriend like ナイト [Night] until i find a real one~. x];

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Guest xo_sugar_ox

1. healthy desserts that don't make you gain weight :D:D

2. an asian dramaish life XDD

3. being able to delete all the bad stuff in life

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Guest bee_mused


- Hogwarts/magic

- teleportation (or at least those cool hover crafts in the Jetsons)

yup I'm pretty childish ._.

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Guest AhYee

Super powers... includes everything imaginable

A mechanism that can find anything for me when I need it to be found

Time Machine

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Guest naito

1. world peace

2. people have to pass a test before they can procreate

3. people would stop abusing animals/children/each other

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