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Do You Answer The Door When You're Home Alone?

Guest meiming8

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Guest Miss.Understood

Beside the warm company of my dog, I'm usually home alone like 24/7, and I don't answer the door unless I'm expecting someone or the person calls ahead and informs me of their arrival.

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Guest ~bluepetal~

No.. in fact, I close the door.. LOL

I'm scared thinking that some gangsters or robbers would attack the house..=P

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Guest daisyink

Nope, not unless I know who it is or ordered takeout.

Maybe it sounds funny that you didn't answer, but you can't be too careful.

You never know what strangers are gonna do. o__o

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Guest AhYee

LOL at the crouching part.

I look through the hole before I open any door even though I know who it is.

If I think it's suspicious, then I won't bother. Most of the time it's useless people at the door selling or promoting things anyways.

I'm not afraid to open the doors or anything.

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Guest darcyausten86

I never answer the door. I always keep quiet and look out the window to see who it is.

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Guest take-a-bow

Haha, aww he saw you =P. Erm, yeah, answer everything; not that I'm home alone a great deal.

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Guest Meeli

Never, even when a uncle rang the bellibell (but it's because I don't like to let people come in when my home is messy, and this is often the case.)

However, as for my neighbours : Some of them, well many of them.. once told me that they were unpleased, and thought that I hated them a lot ("because I was awkward and obsessed with work").

Since that day, I've never stopped playing the cold-hearted b****

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Guest motheritried

It depends on where I am living. This past school year I lived in a really ghetto area of town. My roommate and I lived in the back apartment, so only people who knew us would venture back there. We shared a landing with the apartment downstairs and they would always have delivery ordered, so I learned to ignore the door because it was always for them. If I was home alone and it was dark out, I would never answer the door unless I was expecting someone.

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Guest Rena23

I was gonna answer no cause I always have paranoid thoughts about stuff like that but then I realized I've answered the door everytime someone has knocked lately. Dumb. I think I can't help myself, I'm always curious what they want and there's no good place to see who it is without answering. I feel sort of safe because I live across the street from my old highschool so there's a decent amount of activity and kids walking to school late or leaving early constantly during the day.

The image of you crouching and making eye contact with the construction man is hilarious! I don't think I've ever been caught when I hide.

A man came to check our gas meter in our backyard and I seriously thought he was gonna rob us when I saw him going into our backyard. I put the whole house into serious lockdown and was peaking through windows trying to see where he'd gone to but he disappeared, I had to call my mom to calm me down. It was just a city gas man. I've seen them a few times now, I've figured that they just walk down the street checking all the house's gas meters.

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Guest jennix2011

i'm usually never home alone.. but when i am i DO NOT open the door; the front door, that is. because only people who don't know us come to the front door, which means strangers...stranger danger! XD i just..pretend im not there and since we recently remodeled the front of the house so now they can't see us through the windows, its a lot better =P

as someone mentioned earlier, i hate when those religious preaching people come..i just ignore them until they go away =]

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Guest pocketsoul

LOL, envisioning this really made me chuckle.

I usually just open the door? I have a sun room with four windows in front. I spend a lot of time there because it's where my computer is and where I do my homework. It's hard not to notice when someone is there. Even if you can't see a body, you can see that the light is on which indicates that someone is home (unless I guess we forgot to turn it off...). When I was a bit younger, my mom used to tell me not to answer the door though when she wasn't home. During those times, I'd run to the living room (back of the house) or go to my bedroom/parent's bedroom and close the door.

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Guest xtiffanyx

I answer it...I live in a really small quiet town and I don't fear for my safety around here. The glass door is usually locked anyway so I can open the regular door and see who it is through the locked glass.

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