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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Ahh... Fighting Yekyung! Don't worry about Yuhwan, because you'll come to understand him eventually... ...Hopefully?

Gosh, I`m so curious, I totally want to know who that girl in the picture is... It would be creepy as heck if it turned out to be Hyojoo or something -_______-;; It's odd, how everyone sees Yekyung as such a strong and rough girl, but reall she's very tender and fragile. I feel bad for Yekyung now... Because Yehwan made her feel bad when she cried for Jaeho's problem with Aerim, but he doesn't realise how much he's hurting her now! He's being mean... Even if he doesn't mean it... I guess it is hard to let go of your feelings for someone though...

Thanks for updating ^________^ Happy Birthday for your boyfriend and good luck with your PSATs! I`m sure you'll do fine =P

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Guest DaViviCode

who's that little girl???

hope she's not going to appear in the story anytime soon ...

YuHwan's such a...archhh

why didn't he answer her when she asked him that!!

good luck on your PSAT!!

and happy birthday to you bf (..eventho i don't know him)

thanks for the post^^

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Guest saranghaeyo_sungmin

ooh~ is he the one?

who's the girl?

its been a while since you updated so theres nothing really to talk about...

what type of cake did u make? xD

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thanks for the pm ^^!

happy birthday to your bf :)

YeKyung really loves YuHwan...

but I'm not sure about YuHwan loving YeKyung

hopefully we will find out next chapter !

update soon =]

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Guest lido0LmisSundersto0D

thanks for the PM!!!

gnawws you baked your bf a cake...how sweet!!

your like the QUEEN OF CLIFF-HANGERS. xP

take care, and post soon!!

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Nice chapter. I wonder who the her is.

It's so sad cause YeKyung really love YuHwan but he loves the other her, sighs*

Now she's gonna ask him all about it..hmm both her and me are very confused x))

Anyway post soon and those cliffhangers are just so annoying..haha

- Lenaa

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i never got a pm :tears: *feels crushed*

and daaaamn i was reading that classification thing, and

you're only 16?!??! and younger then me as well!! omg

thats sooo embarassing T^T. You write so well compared

to me *crawls into a hole*

onto the story......can't believe i didnt get the other

chapter but thats ok.

Wow. Cancer. And her uncle was the nice one in the

family!! argh T_T; the world is such a cruel cruel


Man you can just see Yekyung is slowly breaking down

and becoming more open >< I am disapointed in Yuhwan

-_-. I mean we don't know the full story but still ><

Him not saying anything is a bad sign! T^T

Update soon!! Ugh i cant wait for the next chapter!! Everythings

getting so hectic XD

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Guest KrnGirL5892

heyy.. u finally posted haha... oh yeh dis is swtdrmz5892.. i made a new name and i will be usin dis name for now on.. just in case i havent told u.. so yeh.. man i feel bad for yekyung.. everythin is fallin apart for her.. yuhwan... whats wrong with him?? whos dat other girl that he cant let go... what happened in his past that he cant let go?? man when is yehkyun goona have a normal peaceful happy life with no more stress and pain?? damn if i was her i dont no what i would do.. she got some guts there ... anyways i wish true luck to yekyung... aja aja fighting!!! LOL.. kk plz post soooooonn... lol..

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Guest PalBokEe


It's so disappointing, Yekyung can never have peaceful life with all the drama around and all...

And Yuhwan, does he really love Yekyung? He seems to be in alot of confusion right now =___+

Anyways, looking forward to your next update! ^ ^

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Guest emily walker

new reader.

OMG, I always like girls who can kick a$$ and have a "big mouth". Totally love YeKyung. This rocks man. OK, back to chap2.

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