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[N.G] Kissed By You


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wowowowow so many chaps! =]

SeungHoo copied YuHwan’s motions

^ awwww thats sooooo cuteee

arghhhh look at what aerim is doing to jaeho! >=[ at least she should

take notice of him.. or jaeho should just forget her!

and wthhhhhh heejoo was the crazy driver?!?! arghh poor jungroo [at

least she's awake now] awwww and seunghoo cried for her jungroo!!

yuhwan is still really cool =] !!

where did he go? disappearing on yekyung's birthday?!?! =[

thanks for the pm and so many chaps!!

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Guest silver_

^^ I WONDER HOW I MISSED THIS! AND SO MANY CHAPPIES TOO!!! how can i miss this story? especailly from the author who rote Moonlight Walk! *smacks head* LOLS did u noe i spent the whole day yesterday and 2 hours today to finish up to chappie 49? >_< AHH!!! SO GOOD!!!

you can smack me again, for my stupidity of not knowing about this new story by Jenny

<3 edible

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Guest LoveItLiveIt

omo! so much has happened!

HeeJoo..you itch!!

i can't believe it was her!!

she should just go hide in a box...argg!

ahaha..i love how YuHwan is YeKyung's supporter..

oh gosh..why can't she see that she needs him as much as he needs her..

im oh so glad you posted 4 chapters!

like..WHOA! hahaha.

hope your computer gets fixed SOON ;]

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Guest xsogorgeliciousx


super post for both stories ^^


omg...i want all that ice cream *drools* >O<

yekyung's changing ;]

she seems....calmer and more emotional xD

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Guest damn.u

WOW! Lols, thats a lot of chapters...but they're short.

I'll BRB to read them tomorrow! (:


Whoa~ I wonder what Heejo and YuHwan agreed on.

"Girls think their hurting when they don't even know that the guys are hurting more"

Its not word for word, but i think that is SOO TRUE! JaeHo and AeRim, gawh~

if i was Su YekYung i would SMACK JAEHO SILLY! Who cares? If she likes WooRi,

GO AHEAD! Theres plenty of other girls for Jaeho, besides, he's good looking too. xD

Lols. SeeDuk...gosh~ i don't know why, but i don't hate him. He seems to have something

soo mysterious about him. (which i like! B) ) And i NEED to know why Him and YekYung broke up.

Are we going to find out soon?! I'm very anxious to know!! (:

I have a quick question, how old is JungRoo? I think it was already mention

in the story, but i forgot. xD

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Guest ♥„~“Cleopatra“~„♥

Seunghoo is adorable... i wanna adopt him...

Yekyung... her life just keeps gettin harder and harder everytime...

Jungroo might be blind...or even have an amnesia...?

oh heck... yekyung got all the ice cream in the world.... me want some tooo... :P

Yuhwan... is just awesome... i almost thought he would kiss her or somethin...*hmph*

thanks for the pm...

keep updatin...

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Guest t33z3


Just kidding. It isn't my birthday just yet ;) But YAY! FOUR WHOLE CONSECUTIVE CHAPTERS AT ONCE!! >_____> I thought I was going to DIE if I didn't find out what happened to JungRoo or if YeKyung was going to beat up HeeJoo!

NOW I think I'm gonna die if I don't find out what happens after SeungHoo yells out JungRoo's name. GAH~ It never ends. ><

Anywho, hope your computer gets fixed asap so I can enjoy reading the fic regualrly once again! =D Till then, CL!! (comment later)

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Guest mzclumzie

seunghoo is a cutiepie. i love him lol. yekyung deserves a better life. so much drama and bad things going on in her life. but she is a tough girl! poor jungroo! and yuhwan! what more can i say about him other than he is such a hottie lol. thanks for the pm and update!

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Guest SwtDrmz5892

heyy.. i love ur fic.. is soo entertaining.. haha yekung reminds me of myself... especially the toughness.. lolz.. i kinda got a similar atitude as her but dont go aroung beating up pplz.. haha.. kinda hold it in... hmm i feel soo bad for her.. its like shes fighting with the world aginst her... damn shes tough.. does seeduk like her?? hmm he like kinda softens up when it comes to her.. or is it me .. lolz.. hmm im soo gald that jungroo has awaken.. but damn that lil girl has some atitude.. wow.. lolz.. those to b**ches should go to h*ll.. damn there freaks.. they go O.D. far from what i would do or what i would imagine.. well plz post soon.. lolz .. l8tr

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Guest baybeeh_bliss

love u sooooo much

posting all those chappies

whoa so much ice cream


me want ice cream now

love ur story

post soon ^.^v

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Guest jaejoong<3

i like the recaps <3

alot of stories dont do that and when they update after a long time i dont know what happened.

seeduk is so stupid!

why did he swerve?!

jungroo has woken up <3

i hope she's okay.

she probably has amnesia.

eunhwan is so sweet <3

she knew what was wrong with jaehoo. <3

haha all the ice cream =)

where would she keep it all?

thanks for the PM

Update soon

i like the recaps <3

alot of stories dont do that and when they update after a long time i dont know what happened.

seeduk is so stupid!

why did he swerve?!

jungroo has woken up <3

i hope she's okay.

she probably has amnesia.

eunhwan is so sweet <3

she knew what was wrong with jaehoo. <3

haha all the ice cream =)

where would she keep it all?

thanks for the PM

Update soon

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Guest baybee ll loveLy


so where'd yuhwan go?

and what's going on with kyunghee?

and what's this whole thing with heejoo?

i still hate heejoo & aerim. lols

kay post more soon!

thanks for thee pm. <3

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Guest leebabe007

OMG so many chapters! but im LUVEN THEM! which

makes me want even more! >.< gosh im so happy

you finally updated. anywho to the story:

SeungHoo sat in between them, already shaking from fear of being killed from their death stares as well as fear for JungRoo.

poor seunghoo, has to sit between the two of them. -shakes head-

“JungRoo ah! W-wake up…wake up! W-we—No-Noona and H-Hyung, they w-want to take us t-to eat ice cream. Y-You want some, y-yea?”

-sniffs- aw this made me cry so badly. :tears:

“YeKyung….it’s HeeJoo,”

HOLY SNICKERS! that little !#%@&$ argh you!

And sure enough, SeungHoo walked in with a little white teddy bear encased in his arms. “Hyung, I had a nightmare.”

aw so cute. hehe they're all sleeping together. which reminds me, they're like a marry couple and seunghoo is their little kid. that'll be so cool! lol.

After all, everytime he looked at a girl, old or not, they fell for his adorable little smile.

haha so true even though i cant see him in real life. >.< aw whats gonna happen next? oh no i have a bad feeling that something is wrong with jungroo. ah i hope it isnt bad. thnks for the pm. update soon.

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Guest Korean_Girl92

So many chappies,, but I love them~!!

YuHwan and YeKyung's relationship is getting better and better - so happy for them.


Post soon~

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Guest mizzochan

Sorry for the extremely late reply, boo! As usual, your chapters are well written and contain lots of excitement for me to squeal about, especially concerning Yuhwan and YeKyung. The amazing Y squared couple. :] There are so many different emotions swirling around...sometimes I forget that Yuhwan is still only human and not just a super-awesome-extremely-handsome-perfect-man, he has insecure feelings etc about life. The part about when he gets upset at Yekyung for being oblivious to his feelings was great to read because it makes her realize that he can't be taken for granted and that she needs to make a greater effort to show her affection for him. Though it must be really difficult for her to open up, I can understand why she's so reserved. On a brighter note, Seunghoo is just absolutely adorable. They just need Jung Roo back and they'll be a complete family! But I have a feeling that Jung Roo has a temporary memory loss....which will make Yekyung feel even worse about yelling at her...and she'll go completely over the edge with anger perhaps. What I really don't understand though is why H & A have such a huge grudge against Yekyung...I really don't get why they have to go to such great lengths to hurt her; she hasn't really done anything to them that merits such treatment. When Yuhwan said that she tends to get people riled up with her short tempered-ness, I thought, well if people were messing with you and your family...would you be able to just sit around and do nothing? Sure sometimes she doesn't really go about the right way of settling things...but still... anyway, there's probably something else that we don't know about yet...something that has to do with her past perhaps?

Haha, I wrote a lot! Oh man. Wonderful updates, I enjoyed reading every single word of it. :]

Thanks for the pm, dearest!

Good luck with finals and the rest of the story!


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four chapters?? o___o that makes up for everything. a car accident?? i hate how seeduk wasn't as badly injured. and surprisingly, heejoo caused it!!! >:o

urg. i knew she wasn't going to let yekyung be in peace for long. i wonder how far she'd be willing to go to cause yekyung pain. i'm thinking pretty far...

aw.. poor seunghoo. he had to see jungroo like that.

jaeho's still chasing after aerim? even after all she's done to him?

yuwhan feels unnoticed by yekyung?

how cute. they had a little sleepover! it's like yekyung and yuwhan are seunghoo's parents.

she forgot about her birthday? well if i had all of that going on i would probably forget too.

ICE CREAM!! <333333333333

LOL. it's the perfect gift!

i love how you described how adorable seunghoo was on the bus.

he's so cute! >____<

jungroo's awake!! you're not going to make her have any side effects are you??

amazing, wonderful chapters!

thank you for the pm!

post soon! (:

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yes, you have come a long way (:

anyway, thanks for the four chapters!

it made my day. it also made me cry.

i esp. liked chapter 48 (: it was so sweet

they love each other, but when are they gunna make it official? lol

anyway, post soon~


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Guest gottalovegirl

dang a long update...^^

wonder what yuhwan gonna give yekyung for her birhday...

poor jungroo she just wanted to visit them and she got into a car crash because of stupid heejoo....

what was yuhwan talking about w/ heejoo...soo many questions...but i doubt your gonna answer my questions cause then that will just kill the plot...>.<

post soon...^^

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