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[N.G] Kissed By You


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omg!!!!!!!! how could they hit seunghoo?!!?!?!?! evil -insert bad word here- ..... ! poor little seunghoo :(

bahahahahahahha worrying hen??? lol!!! :lol:

...is the secret between jaeho and seeduk's relationship gonna cause a misunderstanding?..with like yuhwan and stuff?? o_o .. i dont want their friendship to be stuffed up!!

my weird predictions.. -_-

anyways thank you for the pm

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Guest ~Karamel~

SeungHoo is limping?! wat kinda people are they?

i would've hit them if Yekyung didn't slap her already!

no miracles?! why not? well then it'll be better for her soon right?

hope u post soon!

oh and By the way, this is lilaznmichi =D

i just changed my username.

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those 2 pinkberry deserve punches from Yekyung.. Can´t believe they can even do that to Seunghoo..poor him..

the end was funny..Jaeho is true about Yuhwan being a worrying hen :P..

and i never though of Jaeho and Seeduk being friends..haha..

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Guest Whatevers

Yah, i actually thought they were gonna kiss. >.< Lols. But then again, i doubt it. XD

Ahhh, SeeDuk. I feel so bad for the boy. >.< I don't know what else to say. Hopefully Jaeho

and SeeDuk will find someone who loves them soon. I don't want to pity the boys any longer.

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Guest indelible_sin

GAAAAAAAAYACK >< hahahahha sorry for the with errrr "gayack" thingie lmao but yeah

I would soo screw both the girls too if i was in her place also <3 hahaha but yeah SOO GOOD SO FAR!!!!!!!! ^^

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Guest shronie_x3

um those two get more immature by the day. they should be locked up in a mental institution or something...

well at least yekyung punched them.

seeduk, jaeho, yuhwan... :wacko:

thanks for the pm.

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Guest jusplainmeh

You know, HeeJoo and AeRim's attempts just seem really desperate and pathetic now. You would think you would stop. It must be embarrassing for them...

The relationship was rather odd; like a Romeo and Juliet story except without the romance.

^That was funny. It was a nice analogy.

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Guest leebabe007

serves those two right! shouldnt had mess

with yekyung in the first place and what

the heck why in the world would they try

and beat seunghoo when all he did was

spray some darn water in their not-so

pretty faces? gr stupid losers. whoa so jaeho

and seeduk already knew each other? no

wonder jaeho has seem a bit suspicious


“Trust me, he’s like a worrying hen. If we don’t get back soon, he’ll start clucking over the phone.”

haha what a good way of describing yuhwan's

worrying. thanks for the pm and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too.

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OMG you havent updated FOREVER! I forgot who Jaeho was.

He's Yuhwan's friend right? From what I read from this chapter XD

OMG I seriously hate AeRim and HeeJoo. Those fcuking b-tches.

They hurt SeungHoo just because he sprayed water on them.

Assh0les. OH yeah, I forgot about this too.. XD Does Jaeho like

AeRim? Jaeho loves AeRim right? Okay cause that's what I'm thinking

about right now. Hahaha sorraaay. XPP thanks for the pm<3

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aww, it's okay! everyone makes mistakes, hehe.


great chap!! loved it

i love yekyung and yuhwan's relationship

it's so damn sweet and everything you can ask for!! LOL

and jaeho seems pretty cool except that he still loves aerim

oh damn.. those two biatches are LOW.. why the hell would they hurt a LITTLE kid?

are they f-ed? i guess so.. HAHA

anyway, post soon hun <3

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Guest sweetie246

new reader! actually i've come across this fanfic before. lol

OMG i love ur fanfic.

grrr i hate heejoo and aerim. they remind me of a couple of b*tches in my school.

can i be on ur PM list?

post soon!


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Guest eunhyung

I can't believe HeeJoo and AeRim would hurt a child...they really have no lives -.-

Yuhwan is sucha a caring boyfriend...im jealous lol

post more soon!!

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yay!!! you updated!


i'm soooo happy for YeKyung and YuHwan. haha:))

they've a very strong relationship to the point that they can already ring the church bells anytime!


anyway, really, i'm on the verge of tearing Aerim and HeeJoo into little pieces. those w.hores!!!

poor SeungHoo!! T___T i hope his little girlfriend would be there to comfort him.. poor little guy. :(

and JaeHo. HAHAHHAA:))

i love the last part.. how he described YuHwan as worrying hen. HAHAHA:))

and.. i have to comment to this one:

“Honestly, I’ve always thought incense to be pretty gross. But seeing this situation, I guess I can understand why. I mean, we never knew we were siblings. My mother never said anything to us. SeeDuk can’t really help it. Still…”

i think, what you mean is INCEST.

the bold words have a very great impact on me. you see, i'm writing this fic on incest (yeah. i dared to deal on that very bold topic. crazy, i know.) and the idea behind those words simply explain what triggered the incest in my story.

oh well. hahaha:))



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Guest thatLALALA

New Reader!

I sat here for hours reading from beginning to the latest chapter, i thought my eyes were gonna fall out from staring at the computer for so long,

I LOVE UR STORY <33333 EEEEKKKK love love loveeeee

godddd woori sounds so hot

damn those richard simmons Heejon and Aerim

i loved how u wrote it was like romeo and juliet only without the romance hahaha, i had a good laugh at that


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YuHwan has changed so much.

And so has YeKyung.

So, what did SeeDuk give JaeHo?

Also, it was funny how JaeHo calledYuHwan a cow and hen and clucking over the phone.

I hope you update soon.


Yay! For once I own a page!


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