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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest KrnGirL5892

ugh damn i feel so badd for her.... is there anything she can do or anywhere she can go to feel free and refreshed? just readin dis makes my heart sink.. i try to put myself in her shoes and shoot who no's what i would have done by now.. man what can happen thats any worse?? is her life gonna get any better soon? when are u goin to kill the richard simmons?? im juss itchin to see one of them dieing very cruly... seriously .... mann plz post some things that will give yekyung a break and happiness... i forgot the last time she even smiled freely.... plz post soon...

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Guest PalBokEe

Poor Yekyung, she's missing her closets relative.

And when she's finally meeting Yuhwan's mother, his mom is in her deathbed. >__<

So much pressure. Anyways looking forward to your next chapter.

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Guest b a n g!

poor YeKyung

everything bad happened to her :[

i bet HeeJoo and AeRim killed her uncle but her aunt and MeeLah are acting fishy....

HeeJoo and AeRim are just asking for it <_<

YuHwan's mom is dying too TT_TT

so much sadness ): but yes the long chapter was nice (:

thanks for updating! yeah i really wish she would kick their a.sses though -___- lol

xo margaret

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Guest mzclumzie

so sad his mom is gonna be gone soon. yekyung has so much pressure everyone seems to be leaving her ... so many bad things happen to her she deserves to be happy ! let her smile (:

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Guest renchew


and i must say . this is VERY GOOD

practically all the stories are good

ahhh .. meelah and yekyung's aunt seems to be involved in her uncle dying i reckon.

argh and now yuhwan's mum is dying .

this is so sad =[



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Guest musical.memory

poor yekyung. D: so many bad things happening!

and why is heejoo such a crazy pinkberry?! is this all for

yuhwan?! what the hell is wrong with those two

kool-aids?! -_- ARGHH, i hope yekyung goes to school

and like, throw a vase at them or something. n_n

at least that would slow down my anger. :rolleyes:

i still can't believe that her uncle--father, whatever--

DIED! who did it (as if it's not already obvious. =_=)?!?!

and poor YUHWAN! his parents aren't close and his

momma's dying. >.< not a fun life she's having, man.


DO WITH THIS?!?! god, jenny, you make me wonder. >.<

thanks for the pm, dear! :] post soon! great chapter!

<3 Vivian

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Guest kawaii999


i will be overseas so if yu post

and then pm me and i dnt comment

please dnt take me off da pm list

cause im on a holiday and wont

be able to go on da comp. often..

thanks for understanding ^^

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Sorry for the late comment ~!

I feel so bad for YeKyung..

Everything is so bad for her right now.

Hopefully AeRim and HeeJoo weren't the ones that killed her uncle..

thanks for the pm and post soon!

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Guest tainted.skies

Sorry for the late comment~ Haven`t been on soompi for a bit.

Awwww, how much I wish I can hug YeKyung :o

Hm, I`m feeling that Aunt,MeeLah,HeeJoo,&AeRim has something do with her uncle`s death..


Thanks for the PM! Can`t wait til the next chapter<3

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Guest phat mole

o mann Aerim and Heejoo..eeeeek

o mann Aerim and Heejoo..eeeeek

but seriously..everything in her life is just..so sad..eeeh can u please write some happy things soon? :]

thanks heaps for the PM


phat mole

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Guest shronie_x3

ew.. i knew that heejoo and aerim were gonna show up sooner or later.

her uncle died and now yuhwan`s mom`s is gonna pass away? i really like that name.. yuhwan.. LOL;;

too many sad things T_T

thanks for the pm.

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Guest msxadina

aww that sucks her uncle dead and yuhwan's mom going to die.

ugh her aunt and meelah is such a $%@!$%!@ i just wanna smack them.

fakea$$ bleep. mother bleep bleep bleep. hahah

heejoo and aerim ugh they needed get a life, like seriously.

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Guest indelible_sin

awwww an arrange marriage only? geeeesh the dad can be an asshoe for not showing up too >=[ hehe sorry for my rude language but yeah HI1 long time now eh? hehee

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new reader =] even though I'm pretty sure you've heard that a LOT of times xD I really like your fanfic, heck I just read all 67 chapters in one go without any breaks

Ow my eyes T.T Haha but it was worth it =] btw could I be added to the pm list?;]

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  • 2 weeks later...


credits to alainachen_604


HeeJoo chuckled as she walked forward. This girl really was pushing it. She walked on until she was standing as close to me as her umbrella would allow. Then, leaning forward a bit, she said, “I hope we’ll be seeing you in school tomorrow. It’d be quite a treat. We’ve missed you dearest YeKyung.”

I smirked. “I’m sure you have as well as everyone else. Don’t think that just because I haven’t been in school that you can control the whole school within a few days. I OWN you, Han HeeJoo. I own you and that school. Don’t you dare think your troubles are gone.”

Her smug expression disappeared into a scowl. “We’ll see when you come back.”

Then, I watched as they walked away, growing smaller in my eyes. My body started to float as I watched them. I stumbled as I walked forward, my vision getting blurry and rocky.

Darkness overtook me and I welcomed it happily.

Kissed By You || 68

“Are you okay? I’m sure you’ve been through quite a lot of stress.”

“I’m fine. I’m just worried about her. My mother…it is a regrettable loss, but she and I have dealt with it.”

“Okay…if you need anything, you know where to find me.”

Warmth enveloped my hand as my consciousness slowly started to flood my body. I opened my eyes and cringed at the sight of white. The smell of antiseptics caused me to wrinkle my nose.


I turned to my left to see YuHwan smiling down at me with eyes that lacked sleep. Slowly, I pushed myself into a sitting position and continued to stare at him.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him.

“Well, you need to take care of your body more. The doctor said that all the stress—“

“Not me, I meant you,” I interrupted.

He looked confused. “Me?”

“Why do you look like that?”

YuHwan looked amused as he answered, “My parents gave me this face.”

I scowled, knowing he understood my question but was only teasing me.

He chuckled a little before settling down to a rather dreary deportment. “My mother died last night. I’m not particularly sad…a little unsettled though. I know it’s hard to understand, but my mother has wanted this for so long, so die and rest in peace. Everyday that she continued to live only caused her more pain knowing my father was out there messing around. She couldn’t wait until the day she left. I’ve prepared myself for it for a year now. Now that she’s really gone…it’s just, I feel so empty.”

I took his hand in mine and gently stroked my thumb over his knuckles. He and his mother shared a special bond, it was obvious. Seeing that he could take her death so calmly made me take a look at the way I was taking Uncle’s death. He wouldn’t want me to be so distressed and lose sight of what life is. I know he would have scolded me for being so careless.

“You’re right,” I said, more to myself than to him.

YuHwan frowned. “What?”

“There’s no point in lingering. As long as they know they are remembered and will be missed, then there’s nothing wrong with continuing to live.”

YuHwan’s frown became a small smile as he squeezed my hand. “Of course there’s nothing wrong with continuing to live. Death is a part of life. We have to learn to deal with it as we do with the birth of life.”

I smiled at him and bent down, kissing him on the cheek. His face immediately lit up.

“How about a little over here?” He said jokingly, pointing at his lips.

“When you’re good, you’ll get it,” I answered simply.

He smirked at my answer.


Returning to school was quite an adventure. All day, I was attacked by sympathy letters and concerns. Even people that would tremble at the sight of me now came up and enveloped me with tears, expressing their sorrow. It was like they themselves had lost someone! It was all a little ludicrous.

“YeKyung, how are you feeling?! Did you take your medicine? Are you feeling sick still?” KyungHee threw questions at me without letting me answer.

“I’m fine! KyungHee, calm yourself,” I told her with a little annoyance.

“Well, next time, don’t make me worry!” She huffed.

I rolled my eyes. She’s such a worrisome best friend. Together, she and I walked into class. No sooner had I sat down when SungHwan came over to me with an urgent expression.

“YeKyung, SeeDuk is in the hospital.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What about it?”

He looked like he was about to choke me. “Your brother is in the hospital and you’re sitting here without a worry. Doesn’t that seem a little strange?”

I sighed. “Fine! I’ll skip school and go see my precious brother.”

SungHwan looked content with my answer. I couldn’t believe this kid. Was he serious?! I was NOT going to skip school to see some idiot brother of mine who couldn’t keep himself sober.

“Gyo SungHwan, get out of my face and don’t bother me again.”

He frowned but said nothing and did as I told him to. With content and feeling like the old Su YeKyung, I leaned back into my seat and waited for the teacher to come and start class.

The end of the day came before I even realized it. Things just seemed to be flying by. As I was getting up to leave, SungHwan came up from behind me and dragged me out of school. The whole time, KyungHee was calling my name while I struggled to get out of his hands.

“What the fcuk do you want?!” I screeched. He never let go of my arm.

When he was able to hail a taxi, he pushed me inside and got in after me, telling the driver to go to the hospital. My face went blank and I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Why do I need to see him?”

“It’s customary to see a family member when they’re in the hospital. If you didn’t know, well, let’s make our first visit together.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ve been to the hospital enough to know what a family member does for the injured one. What I want to know is why I had to see him today.”

He glared at me. “You really have no sense of family.”

I simply glared at him and turned away with my arms crossed. Just because I didn’t want to see SeeDuk didn’t mean I had no sense of family! If it was my mother, I would’ve been there in a heart beat. SeeDuk probably isn’t in anything serious anyways…

At the hospital, SungHwan and I walked into an empty hospital room where SeeDuk should’ve been staying in. The bed was made and none of his personal items were left behind. SungHwan cursed under his breath and left the room in a hurry to find a doctor. I just lingered behind, taking my time to go after him. I never made it though, because I was suddenly pulled into a hallway on my right.

The guy that had pulled me aside held a finger up to his lips. “I need you to come with me. SeeDuk is waiting for you.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Why should I follow you?”

“He stated that he really needed to talk to you. It’s urgent. I can’t convince you anyway else.”

I thought over it and decided that maybe it was important. Anything I could to get these guys to either leave me alone or help me out of this crazy mess of secrets.

We walked out of the hospital the back way and I got into a black car. SeeDuk wasn’t there, but I knew we were headed to his home, my home where my mother was. It was going to take a while, so I leaned back into the chair and decided to take a name.


When we got there, the sun had lowered significantly in the sky and the temperature had dropped a bit. I got out and stretched my arms, yawning as I walked up to the steps of my home. When I opened the door, which was unlocked, I found the house void of any human activity. It didn’t seem like anyone was home, but maybe they were upstairs.

I slowly made my way upstairs, wondering what was going on with everyone. Though the pain of losing my uncle and YuHwan’s loss still tugged at my heart, I was able to get back on track. I know I couldn’t be moping around. If I wanted revenge, I couldn’t.

Turning to my left, I heard rustling in a room with the door slightly left ajar. Pushing it forward, I saw SeeDuk standing with his back to me.

“SeeDuk?” I asked.

He slowly turned around and my breath hitched. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair stood all over the place. He seemed extremely pale and maybe skinnier. All in all, his whole appearance looked out of place. What had been happening to him?!

I walked forward in worry, unable to believe how gaunt he had become. “What’s wrong?! Have you been drinking again? You really need to stop making mother worry!”

He sat down on the bed and shook his head, unable to answer me. I slowly took a seat beside him and rested my hand on his shoulder. He flinched at my touch, slightly moving away.

“So you came,” he said. His voice was hoarse and sounded extremely tired.

I nodded my head. “You know, you’ve wanted to talk to me, but we never got around to it. So I thought that’s what today was supposed to be.”

He shrugged. “Somewhat I supposed.” Then, he got up from the bed and started to pace, but there was no sign of anxiety in his expression.

“So, what is it?”

SeeDuk didn’t say anything. He just continued his monotonous pacing. I watched, waiting for him to say something, anything. Lately, it just seemed like I was gaining more patience.

“Is it wrong…?”

His question caught me off guard. “What?”

“It is so wrong to love? Am I not allowed to love?”

My mind wandered back to who this mystery girl of his was. It seemed like he was in quite a situation. Could the girl be of higher status? Was that why he was not able to be with her? He had given no hint as to who this person was. I wandered if even SungHwan knew.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said.

“I can’t…it’s too hard.” He took a seat beside me looked at me with eyes somewhat bright. “What if loving someone is wrong? What if you couldn’t help yourself? Do you think you would be punished for being so wrong?”

I frowned. “SeeDuk, stop speaking in riddles. Can’t you just tell me what’s bothering you?”

He looked away and ran his hand in his hair. “I can’t. It’s too…too complicated.”

I got up angrily. “Well, this is definitely a waste of my time! If you want to talk to me, say it! Don’t sit around talking in riddles, waiting for me to figure it out. I’m not all that intuitive you know. If you don’t say it, I won’t get it. It’s just an attribute of mine that you’ll learn soon brother dear.”

At the word ‘brother’ he flinched and squirmed on his bed uncomfortably. My eyes narrowed at him, my heart tightening at the thought that now arose in my head as I voiced it.

“Does it bother you that much that I’m family?”

He looked at me with his eyes burning in hatred. “Yes. I hate the fact that we’re even related,” he spat.

The blow hit me harder than I had expected it to. Sure, he and I had disliked each other when we were younger, but I had never expected him to hate me so much. We were family now. Why did he have to be so spiteful?

Clenching my fist, I turned around with all intents on leaving. I had nothing left to say to him. If he didn’t want me for family, then I didn’t want him either.

“Wait, YeKyung, don’t go!”

I stopped with my hand on the doorknob.

“I need you…”

His weak voice made my body freeze. Everything went numb as his words registered. That night…that night in the club…

”I need her…”

His drunken form popped up into my head and my head started to spin. Me. The girl that had tortured him, that had caused him so much suffering. The girl that he loved was…me: his own sister.

I turned around with wide eyes and trembling hands. He seemed to have realized that I knew and stood up to reach forward. However, I was already running, running down the stairs and out the door.

My tears fell as I ran faster, pushing my body beyond its limits. I couldn’t take it. All I ever wanted was a family; a happy, normal family. Even then, I couldn’t get it. He couldn’t love me. Not like that. We could never be. Why did God curse us so? What was so wrong with wanting to be happy that he had to make us all suffer? Without even meaning to, I had hurt my own brother. We had hurt each other without even realizing what was happening.

I finally slowed down and collapsed onto the ground, crying as I shook my head and mumbled, “It’s not true” like a mantra over and over.

No. No. No. No. NO. NO. NO. NO!

There is no way this is true…



HYPERGURLY^^ Yes, someone killed YeKyung’s uncle by pulling his medicine tubes and whatnot. She’s suffering way more than anyone could ever endure.

Whatevers oh, I know! Fallen angel is a super good song. With you is also good =)

TheShyGirl heh, HeeJoo and AeRim hardly have any thoughts of leaving her alone =X

cathyy I think I might be piling TOO much drama now >O<

x f l y ` yea, there’s just no love in this story right now. YeKyung’s dealing with a bunch of crap =\

berry_x.2 lol, but maybe they’re not the only people who would do it…dun dun dunn~ lol

xchink updating!

sheLLiJiElUn oh, it definitely does!

wfl lol, I know you’re just waiting for them to drop dead x]

eunhyung yea, well, not all arranged marriages are happy…

mangolover she’ll try…if only the pain would stop piling up on her!

liltoazndevil It’s such a depressing time in the story, I know, but the spirits will be put back up once things blow over =]

Sophi.e* lol, I’ll try to limit cliffhangers when I can. If not…oh well lol

MizzNana yea =] I’ve kept YuHwan in the dark for quite awhile. His character never got to fully develop xP as for YuHwan’s parents it’s just a normal hate thing. Like, they just can’t get along with one another you know? Nothing special in their past.

shinhwa_knives lol, I’m glad you read Mesmerizing Eyes! I just had to do a sequel =X hehe

unfailinglove thanks! xD

twist&fall- lol, die indeed

kaneki =X I try to not make it so bad. But you know, sometimes, there really can be super bad days.

KoReAnSaReSoSeXy super hell.

Junanni yea, her life’s just filled with losing people

mina27 lol, really? Cause that chapter was quite a few pages in document… o_O lol

w00dchild.jnR well, MeehLah’s a witch too, so it fits, heh. As for you guess, I can’t say much on that. Haha I can’t say much on any guess only cause it’ll give it away =X

AzureBlue123 oh, I know! They just always see her weak spots.

*.:AnGeL*BAbII:.* lol, YuHwan’s family problem isn’t too much. I just put it in to give some background info on his childhood.

didi-anime Welcome! Thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I have no more room on my list however =(

chng234 YuHwan’s feelings on this whole thing is quite different from what it usually is for other people. I hope I explained it well.

lenaaa._ lol, smileys and happiness is the farthest thing.. =X

sylph lol, I didn’t mean for so many people to die, but then again, this is quite an angsty story, eh? You’re right to not think YuHwan’s parents were important. The only reason I added them was to give him some background info and to let us know how he grew up. He isn’t affected by pain and sadness too much compared to other people. It all depends. That’s why I added his parents in. Because you all get to see how he feels towards the loss of people and whatnot =]

leebabe007 mm, lucky he did find her!

pinkslippers that definitely fits her part.

jellyace695 lol, series of unfortunate events indeed!

dakoreanhamster there’s no time to breathe for her at all. With all that I’m throwing, it’s got to be quite confusing.

Gullwings posting =)

Miss van she’s running away now. When it gets better, maybe she’ll be able to fit back.

blaise 7259 sad chapters…there’s quite a lot nowadays, hmm?

sharleen haha, he would. Just to give him some more depth ;]

LoveItLiveIt we’ll go back to the two witches later ;]

x Sim pli city x she’s really close to breaking down already!

1tym012 lol, intensity indeed

x3_DiNOTASTiC lol, I’m so tempted to answer your last question, but I can’t =X you’ll have to see as things unfold. Yea, it’s extremely depressing right now, but it’ll get better soon, if not, she’ll get her revenge!

lilaznmichi the restaurant is really a sad loss. But you know, we’ll see how things become…

jusplainmeh lol, kill kill kill, is that all you guys ever think of? xD

xsweeetzx happiness is her biggest goal.

-SK terrible day indeed!

smileyface(: seems rather unfortunate too

kimone she’ll get HER revenge

JungPilGyo she’s hurting super bad

ice_door it’s sad when marriages don’t work out…

KrnGirL5892 If my life were like that, I’d never be able to do anything!

kibumOxyunho going back to school isn’t the biggest of her problems…

PalBokEe way to meet your boyfriend’s mother, huh?

xo_hyeseung lol, I’ll make her kick as$ soon enough

mzclumzie lol, I’d like to let her smile as well!

renchew Welcome! I’m glad you’re enjoying this.

x JaeHee maybe, I’m making you guys wonder TOO much…?

kawaii999 no problem =) thanks for letting me know.

jocepi we’ll just have to see though!

ASiANBABYGiRL I wish I could hug her too lol

phat mole lol, right now, the depressing period has begun. It’ll become more spirited though. Soon enough.

shronie_x3 lol, YuHwan is a nice name =]

heyesther Welcome! Do study for exams, lol. So many people have told me how they’ve spent so much time on my story. I feel happy<3 but don’t fail! Haha. I gotta pull myself away sometimes =X can’t resist the computer lol

raven lol, I will

msxadina they do need a life

indelible_sin lol, yeaaa xD

rain033 welcome! I don’t have anymore room on my pm list =\ but thanks for your comment<3

teenRpsychotic lol, thanks =) I’m updating~

Been quite a while! So I do hope you liked this chapter. Yea, more depressing stuff, but at least you know an answer to one of your many questions! Some of you already got it; not surprising, lol. It’s quite obvious in some ways I guess. So yea, there you go. Please, try to understand SeeDuk’s feelings. He never knew they were siblings until after he had already developed a liking to her. So I mean, it’s weird for him just as it is for YeKyung. Incense…it wasn’t even incense before. So you know, these types of situations being thrust on them really messes with their heads xP

If you guys don’t remember the incident in the club, click on chapter 60 and reread it real quick =) It’ll all come rushing back I hope.

I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas! Not sure if I’ll post before then. If I do, I do =) If not, I’ll have to come back with a super huge, wonderful update as a post-christmas gift xD


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