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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest leebabe007

omg that was so wrong. someone friggen murdered

her uncle when he was already healing. it has to be

those two since they do seem suspicious especially

selling his restaurant off. aw yuhwan's mother has

cancer? my i agree with yekyung on how god is like

punishing her some much at the moment. ugh those

two *itches are up to something. i wanted her to beat

the life out of them but she isnt ready for it yet after

all she had been through she needs a very long sleep.

(sleep as in sleeping beauty. xD) i hope yuhwan will

find her since she blacked out. thanks for the pm.

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Guest dakoreanhamster

holy crap. yekyung just can't get away from any of it. she has no moment to actually breathe. that really sucks and those two idiots had to come in the picture as well... aish. i didn't know yuhwan came from such a family. i would have thoguht it was loving as well....so sad that his mother is going to die...

thanks for the pm!

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Guest Miss_van

her world seem to be shatter....everything is going wrong and she just want to run away.....i think tht everyone have experience this moment in their life a few time. running away from a problem is not always good but if you need to get away from the stress and pressure then you must do what you have to do

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Guest blaise7259

omg the uncle was murdered!

makes you wonder who did that

really hate heejoo and aerim, they seriously need to get a life

and i hate sad chapters :tears:

thanks alot for the pm!

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i feel for yekyung

she has so much pain and sadness in her life

i don't know how her life turned out to be this way

but it definitely sucks

and i do believe that meelah and her aunt had something to do with her uncles life support

if they didn't do it themselves, then they definitley planned it out

aerim and heejin probably did it for them (those bastards)

and i feel sorry for yuhwan too

i too never thought he would have such a lonley past

thanks for the single reply and pm :)

post sooon :D


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Guest LoveItLiveIt

I've started, but I've gotta go to work.

I'll be back to read the rest. ;]


Whoa. Everything in her life is just going downhill.

This has just gotta be the worst time in her life.

Arg, I hate Han Heejoo. I hope she goes and locks herself in a closet and never comes out!

Ahaha. Maybe then Yekyung wont hurt so much...

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Guest Yuna N.

Jennyyy, why so depressing? :(

Poor YeKyung </3 Dang if I were YeKyung, I`d just beat the crap out of those two idiots! Gaah.

I can literally SMELL the drama coming up. Yikes!

Not that there isn`t any already, but I meant there`s so many clues to what might happen in the near-coming future :X

Have I ever mentioned how much I love your writing?

Your style clearly depicts your character's emotions and invulnerability, it`s sad, but downright amazing.

Keep it up <33 But heyy, where`s the happy point m`dear? I want YeKyung to be happyyy <3

Oh dear, this is a happy ending story right? O_O!

Update soon~ :)

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Guest ~Karamel~

Bad things keep happening =(

But I really hope it's a happy ending where she'll eb fine at the end =D

I think the aunt pulled the plug....or MeeLah did....if not then MeeLah convinced her aunt to...

they wouldn't be selling the restaurant so fast!

YeKyung is a really strong girl. She even contained her anger in the last part....she was really mad but they left even before she punched them....

I wonder who'll save her in the next chapter o.0

Post soon!

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Guest jusplainmeh

Why is there so much death?!

Those evil b*tches. Ten bucks says that they were the one to kill her uncle or were in some way a part of it...

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Wow awesome chapter

So many things happen

I cant believe someone would

go out of their way to kill her uncle for


Man poor her

Did she faint or did they hurt

her in a way

Wow the suspense

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