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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest aznsweetie143


That girl's stupid. -___- sending people to kill her? SUPID!!! STUPID STUPID!! and really mean.

post soon!


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Guest shooshi

Oh my gosh. i hate her mom. I hate her sister too. i hate them both!!!

I can’t believe she was able to hurt all of those girl-basher. It was like, one hundred against one! She so strong. is there any girl out there that’s strong as her?

Gasping for air, I looked up and saw all of them on the ground with bloody injuries.

What sissy. They deserve to die. Aerim deserve to die. Nah, she should me lock up and get tortured!!!! I HATE her. HATE her. HATE her… okay, I think I got my point across. I hate her. Omg. I hate her so much.

Why can’t main girl beat the c.rap out of aerim like she did two those weak sissy.

Can u make aerim suffer.? I hate her .

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“Lee AeRim,” I whispered. “You pathetic richard simmons.”

I pulled the knife out and let out a scream. Getting up, I tried to walk towards KyungHee’s apartment complex. I couldn’t go home. It was too far anyways.

I felt weak and the lack of air wasn’t helping. Still holding the knife, I looked up at a familiar building. YuHwan lives here. What am I doing here?

Slowly, I walked into the building and, since YuHwan was on the first floor, I didn’t have to walk much. By now, I was on my last bit of strength. All I could do was stumble along and hold myself against the walls with the knife in the hand on the wall while my other hand was pressed against my wound to stop the bleeding.

“Eun YuHwan,” I called out while weakly knocking on the door.

I used the handle of the knife to knock on the door with as much strength as possible. Luck could only help to relay the message.

“Who the hell could that be?”

They opened the door and I fell into whomever’s arms caught me first.

Kissed By You || 13

I slowly opened my eyes and became blinded by the whiteness of my surroundings. The smell wasn't familiar and I felt slightly cold in this new environment.

“Fcuk,” I groaned and turned over to the side.


I pulled the covers over my head but they were pulled back down by my visitor. “What do you want?” I yelled with my eyes still closed and sleep tugging at my eyes.

“What do I want?! Did you hear her?! She asked what I wanted!” I heard KyungHee’s shrill voice erupted into a loud yell.

I winced. She was being too loud talking to a person who just woke up. Some people just don't know how to treat people with respect these days! Especially this girl.

“Get up, you as$.” She pushed me up and I opened one eye to look at her. The light in the room caused me to shy away before slowly opening up my one eye again.


“What? You can tell me that. What were you thinking walking around in the middle of the night?! You’re lucky you’re still alive after that wound!”

I opened both my eyes and looked down at my stomach, which was all bandaged up. IV cords were hooked up to me and I had all these bandages on my hands and arms. I almost resembled a mummy had I been wrapped up the rest of the way.

“What the fcuk?!” I panicked.

“You can say that again.”

Calming down a bit, I looked up at the three guys that I just noticed were also in the room.

“Why did you come to my apartment drenched in blood?” YuHwan demanded an answer.

Everything flooded back to me and I frowned at his question. “It’s none of your business.”

“Well, since I’m paying for this, I think I should know.”

“You didn’t tell my parents did you?” I purposely ignored him and turned towards KyungHee. If my parents knew, they'd go on a rampage; both of them moving everything out of their paths to get to me. My father would most likely try to pour me up with care while my mother scolded and tried to kill me for being reckless.

“I told them we were both over at a friend’s place for a project.”

I nodded my head gratefully. “Why’s this thing to damn hard to move in?!” I poked at my stomach bandages.

“Who stabbed you?” I looked back up but this time, it was WooRi who asked.

“No one!” I exclaimed in annoyance.

“Then why were you holding this knife?” He held up a knife, the same knife that AeRim stabbed into me. Anger was apparent in my eyes, but I pushed it down.

“I was playing with it,” I desperately (and lamely) lied.

“Sure, then you decided to just stab yourself.” YuHwan rolled his eyes.

“It was AeRim,” JaeHo spoke up.

I looked at him. He’s one scary kid. Seriously, it’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for. I mean, how did he know? Especially since I don't talk to these guys about HeeJoo and AeRim much.


“Yes! Okay, fcuking yes!” I shouted back.

She quieted down. “What’d she do?”

“She sent a whole freaking gang on me.” I rubbed my face and rested my elbows on my raised knees.

KyungHee laughed. “That didn’t stop you, right?”

I grinned. “I beat them all. If AeRim hadn’t stabbed me, I would’ve just come home with minor injuries.”

“God, she’s really getting on my nerves.”

“Tell me about it.”

“So what’re you going to do?” YuHwan asked.

I looked at him. “Aren’t you her boyfriend or whatever?”

He laughed. “I hate that girl. She’s always stalking me. It’s annoying like crap.”

“Good, because you deserve it.”

“Oh, how kind of you," he said sarcastically.

“Don’t hurt Lee AeRim,” JaeHo suddenly said.

Everyone quieted down except for me. I had an angry gaze on him. I mean, hello?! Had he not been listening? She just stabbed me! And now he was acting like her bodyguard?!

“And why not?!” I raised my voice.

WooRi stood in front of Jaeho JaeHo and tried to whisper some things to him. I glared at WooRi’s back. What was it with this JaeHo that he had to protect AeRim?!

JaeHo pushed WooRi away. “No. I don’t care what she did. She doesn’t mean it.”

I got angry with his stupid actions. She doesn’t mean it?! Why was she smiling with joy when she saw me in pain? I got up from my bed and pulled the IV cords out. KyungHee tried to stop me but she wasn’t successful. I jabbed JaeHo’s chest with my index finger causing him to stumble slightly. “Why, huh? Why shouldn’t I hurt her after she almost killed me?!”

“Because she doesn’t deserve it.”

“Oh, and I do?!”


Frustration filled me and I felt like exploding on him. He kept a calm face throughout the whole argument. It was like this kid had no other expressions. “I don’t care what you say or do; you’re not going to stop me.” I turned around when a sudden pain came from my wrist. One weak spot is my wrist. Grabbing it will become bruised instantly. It’s a freaking curse I tell you.

“Let go.” I gritted my teeth.

He tightened his grip. “You’re not going to touch her.”

“I’ll do what I want,” I spat.

“JaeHo! Let go of her wrist! Can’t you see her hand’s becoming blue?!” KyungHee cried.

We both looked down at my hand. It was completely blue and felt cold. The other part of my arm was also becoming a small tint of blue. He let go in shock and I massaged my wrist while mumbling. It takes a while for my blood to start flowing right away when you grab my wrist. I glared at the purple circle around my wrist.

“Look what you did!” KyungHee rushed towards me like a worried mother and started rubbing fiercely.

“Uh, KyungHee, I think you’re making it worst.”

She stopped and I winced at my red arm. Pulling it away, I hid it behind my back.

“Just…don’t hurt her.” For once, JaeHo’s eyes showed emotions I thought wasn’t possible when it came to AeRim: fear, pain, and worst of all, love.

I didn’t say anything. Turning away, I got back into my bed and watch the three leave. WooRi was still jabbering to JaeHo about who knows what, but he looked deeply worried about JaeHo.

“Why would anyone protect AeRim?” KyungHee asked cluelessly.

“Who knows? I thought everyone hated her to death.”

And I truly did. Who would like someone who never looked their way? Why would he do so much for someone who clearly wasn't deserving of it. Especially after what she'd done. Just...why?


Sorry you guys, I don't have time for single replies right now T_T But next time; I promise! Since you all were so anxious to find out what happend next, I thought I'd post, heh. Nothing really spectacular except for a new fact: JaeHo is into AeRim *shocker*. Heh, I wonder what everyone's reaction will be now xP

Also, some of you might not recieve your PMs all at the same time. As you can see, my list is rather long now, and adding Soompi's slow loading pages, that just makes me more impatient. So I'll be splitting the PMs up into sections =) Of course, you'll all get one today, just not together, heh.

*also, if there's anyone that can help me out with PMing, please PM me! I do like someone who I've talked to before if that's possible =) And I need you to be reliable too, so don't PM me if you're not going to have the time =\


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Guest faded_x_memories

I think JaeHo likes her..that's why.. >< and ERRGG no replies?? to that mean I can't today?? >_<;; damn that's mean I can't reply back dear. hahaha reply the last one ^^ kekekeke post soon!

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Guest angelica

i think that girl deserves a beating but jaeho's gonna protect her i bet....i think he likes the annoying girl....i dont really care...she should die....probably a little too evil...just a beating then!!!

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Guest Sweety_x1

Ugh.. why is JaeHo proecting Aerim! :angry:

he probably likes her

Lee Aerim needs a hard beating -- ^ i agree with you angelica

Thank you for the PM<3

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Guest Bannannaa

Ahh what a strange chapter >.< maybe. theres another side to the obsessive stalkery.. scary.... murderish side of Aerim XD

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Guest *kimi

Jaeho likes Aerim .

Love makes people crazy .

Maybe he knows something people don't know .

Iono . I want to see what Yekyung is going to do .

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Guest xsilentangel

OMG, jaeho?! and aerim?! EWWWWW.... aerim is a big richard simmons!!!! i think yekyung should get her revenge!

this story is so intense! i love it!


post soon!

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Author questions

1. How old are you?

Been asked this a couple of times, and just to clarify, I was born in March 13, 1991. So do the math :P

2. What nationality are you?

This has also been asked a couple of times as well. Some have guessed it based on the fact that I put the story is by Jenny N. And they are right: I'm vietnamese. But I'm a mix =) It's a secret ;] heh.

3. What is up with the long disappearances?

These past few years have been extremely crazy for me. So I've finally come back to finish the story and not leave those loyal readers hanging any longer. I'm extremely sorry about the wait. I never intended for such long stretches of time between updates. Now, I'm updating regularly and will be finished soon, which is a bit sad, but good for you guys I'm sure lol.

Story Clarifications

When do the two main characters actually kiss?

I've been asked this a lot of times so I thought I'd clear this up. First off, my story isn't similar to 'The Guy is Cool' where characters just kiss (though that story is definitely a wonderful one). You have to have romance for them to kiss or it'd be all wrong. So please don't expect an out-of-the-blue kiss scene. Realism is an element of my writing too; small, but it's there. And even though the title is 'Kissed By You', don't focus on kisses only. I have to lead up to how they get together and then how YeKyung's trust slowly lets down. So be patient ;]

What does 'N.G' mean?

N.G means non-gasoo. Gasoo means singer in korean. So this story has all fictional characters. It's not really considered a fanfic then, but rather just an original story. I put this in the title of all of my stories that are non-gasoo. So it's usually easy to tell which is mine =)

How did Pica Bica come to you?

Yes, this little cartoon character is in chapter seventeen. It's okay if you read this, since it doesn't ruin the chapter in anyway. I actually got the idea when I was in Yearbook class in eighth grade. We were making up names for something and my friends and I came up with Pica Bica. Pica is actually a unit in yearbook terms and Bica just rhymed xD. haha, I couldn't let it just die, so I gave the name to the mouse in that chapter. =) (the picture of wonderful Pica Bica in my horrible drawing xD: CLICKERR)

Character Clarifications

Su YeKyung She's afraid of kisses and has a small fear of the dark. She's afraid of the dark because of a dream she had (refer to chapter 9). Very tomboyish and independent. Has a hateful mother&sister and a lovable dad. One physical weakness area: her wrist. It's very soft and can be bruised/cut off of blood quickly if grabbed suddenly. Now considered a couple with YuHwan.

Eun YuHwan A guy that moved to YeKyung's school and is causing her organized life to scramble itself up. His goal is to become a doctor. Now considered a couple with YeKyung.

Lee AeRim An enemy of YeKyung's. She's already done a very serious offending deed (refer to chapter 12 and after). Has a crush on WooRi and uses JaeHo's crush (on her) to her will.

Han HeeJoo Also an enemy of YeKyung's and AeRim's best friend. Has a crush on YuHwan. Is jealous of YeKyung for the attention she recieves.

Baek JaeHo Has a crush on AeRim. Is very quiet and so far invisible seeming.

Choi WooRi Nicknamed 'Sunshine' by YeKyung. Is going out with KyungHee.

Kim KyungHee YeKyung's best friend. Is going out with WooRi. Has a flirty attitude. Feels extreme compassion for others; cries if a loved one is suffering. Has insecurities about WooRi and her relationship.

Kim ChamSol KyungHee's sister. Is an enemy of Su MeehLah.

Su MeehLah YeKyung's "uhljjang" sister. Is an enemy of Kim ChamSol.

Su JungRoo YeKyung's "devil" cousin. (no, she is not the uhljjang JungRoo that some of you may think. This name is completely by coincidence, so please don't think that she's in relation to the uhljjang.) Has an okay relationship with YeKyung that will eventually grow closer throughout the story. Slowly starts to open up to SeungHoo.

Hwang SeungHoo A little child around the same age as JungRoo. He isn't related to any of the characters, but just knows ChamSol and KyungHee through YeKyung. Has developed a liking to JungRoo.

Gyo SungHwan Currently has blue hair and was a neighbor of YeKyung's. Older brother is SeeDuk. Befriended JungRoo when he was in America with SeeDuk. Is now in YeKyung's class.

Gyo SeeDuk Was a neighbor of YeKyung's when they were younger. Is SungHwan's older brother. He knows JungRoo through SungHwan when they were in America. Has conflicts that are starting to enter YeKyung's life.

*as the story progresses, I'll add more onto this

PM LIST: I've taken it down. Since it's been so long, I'm only going to PM those that reply to the newest update I make. It's just easier this way since I know those readers are following me still. If you want a PM, just reply! Otherwise, check up on your own please :)

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Guest HeiShin


Aww mann i thought you were gonna update today... :tears:

GAhh i really really hate YeKyung's mom... poor Jaeho... how could he like AeRim?!

I think that KyungHee's gonna end up with WooRi or Jaeho hehehe


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Guest in0centvtgrl

i am shocked indeed. yes the quiet one are always the mysterious one with many secrets. hmmms such a big secret to keep from her parents buht it is not like her parents care neways

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Guest stillshellie

I want to guess it's meehlah(?) her dumb sister who wants her dead or to suffer a lot. I mean really-aerim is dumb. she should have just stabbed yekyung until she died. you don't stab someone and reveal your face! that's like so freaking dumb.

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AWSOME!Thank for taking the time to PM me!!I still can't get over the fact that she got stabbed.My gosh high school girls are getting very vicious(sp?).Can't wait for the next chap.I'm happy that you updated*I was squeeing*haha.JaeHo likes Aerim my gosh nvr expected that I think they have a past.Can't wait Post soon!!

P.S can u help me with the advertising thing like putting your fic in my sig I already have a banner and I'm trying to put one of your ads cus I wanna make your fic known but it keeps saying it's too big.Err technology doesnt want to get a long with me right now

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Guest mct2dj

i can't believe JaeHo likes Aerim! maybe she was different and innocent at one point and all but i don't like her right now! she's mean! she almost killed YeKyung! and she smiled while she did it! but since YeKyung is a resonable person, i bet she's going to figure out what happened before approaching Aerim... am i right?

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