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MTV's The Hills


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Guest HeartOnHerSleeve

I feel bad for Audrina. I sort of hate Lo and Lauren seems blind to Lo's trying to erase Audrina out of the picture. For example, one of the scenes where they were playing with the puppy and Lo was like, "Now Chloe will have two mommies" or something like that. She TOTALLY excluded Audrina. Lo seems really rude, I can't believe Lauren doesn't realize it... =/ Haha, and Audrina tried to tell her that Lo was coming between them, and Lauren was completely stupid about it... "Lo hasn't done anything to come between us, on my part." What the fuuudge. LOL this turned out to be kind of long.

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Guest InYourPants

Lo does not come off as a nice person. it seems like all she cares about is herself...i like audrina better :)

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Miro25

I can't wait either- Brody in jail WHAT!!! it's so funny to watch marathons or even see pictures from the first season- Heidi looks SOOOO different.!

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this season looks so good!!!! haha

lauren looked gorgeous at the malibu party too~ i think that audrina and whitney should move in together.hhaahaha. it would be perfect. and personally, i'm TEAM AUDRINA.

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Oh my goodness. The season premiere was quite exciting. I was really surprised that so many things happened in one episode.


As much as I want to keep liking Lo, in today's episode, I was really put off by her demeanor. She was so cold to Audrina and she claims that she and Lauren make the effort to be friends with Audrina. I really don't see any effort on Lo's part. When Audrina would say that Lo would roll her eyes at her and stuff, I didn't really believe it and I thought that Audrina was the one who really didn't even try. However, today's episode really changed my perspective on her. I really don't think things will work out with Lo and Audrina, especially when Audrina said how she "doesn't care anymore" and already decided that she doesn't want to have to do anything with Lo. It also really bugged me how Lo didn't even bother to be a good host at Audrina's birthday party. She just went upstairs and hung out with her dog. T____T;;

I really wish that Lo and Audrina could work out, but I highly doubt it.

Doug is cute, but he seems like bad news, judging from the season preview. I can't believe he goes on a date with Stephanie. D:

Heidi's sister's visit was pretty much a disaster. Spencer was his usual self, being a jerk, of course. He really needs to grow up. Ick, and during the interview, Heidi's sister continued to defend Spencer by saying how he's a "nice guy" despite his rudeness. You could totally tell she didn't mean it, haha.

Spencer pisses me off.

I still don't like Heidi either. HAHA.

I love Whitney. <33

I can't wait for the rest of this season. :]

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omg this show is SO STUPID & I STILL WATCH IT & LOVE IT! hahah

the drama is pathetic.

im kinda liking heidi ahhh why?! but i still love lauren.<3

spencer omg THAT JERK. seriously such a deuch bag. i hate him. he's even mean to heidi's sister. i mean yeah her friends he's an a-hole to but EVEN THE SISTER?!

but dang lo & audrina! CAT FIGHT! the new lauren & heidi?! even though they werent friends before. i think audrina was a lil too catty with the "i dont care" statement & gthe "we'll NEVER be friends"

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Guest bunniecuppycakez

I like Lauren. I think she's like the ONE genuinely good person in this show...

I feel bad for Heidi. I don't hate her. I just feel so bad for her, I mean, why CAN'T she see that Spencer is a total dbag? Why is she STILL with him!??!

Audrina always reminds me of a porn star and I don't even know why....>_< I really wanna like her =\

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Guest riceavocado

Audrina was really mean to Lo in the premiere episode, I think Lo is not that bad, and after seeing her in previous seasons, I'd say she's probably just a little stuck up, but still far from the mean girl that Audrina points her out to be.

Either way, The Hills has become tiring, and it's sad to see every sibling of the cast members trying to ride for fame off of them, with Spencer and Heidi's sisters. What's next? Is Breanna going to move in with L.C. and get on The Hills as well.

WHAT DOES SPENCER DO in real life??


He said on an interview that he gets paid like $1,000 just to show up at night clubs (he could have been lying), but he probably makes tons of money just off publicity as it is.

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Love Lauren, love the show. xD The only reason I watch this is cause of Lauren.

Honestly I hate Heidi, Spencer, and starting to on Audrina.

I think Audrina is being rude to Lo and sorta back-stabbing Lauren by becoming buddy-buddy with Heidi again.

Spencer is ughh. He is so rude, and jerkish and lafkdjl;as.

He said on an interview that he gets paid like $1,000 just to show up at night clubs (he could have been lying), but he probably makes tons of money just off publicity as it is.

I think on US Weekly he said that he only goes to clubs that pay him $4000 that night to show up.

What I really want is Lauren to hook up with Stephen from Laguna Beach again. Haha.

Those two are like one of my favorite couples.

Spencer pisses me off.

I still don't like Heidi either. HAHA.

I love Whitney. <33

Seriously. Whitney is so sweet, but Spedi=Eww.

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Guest xrockstar

Honestly, I think Lo is being a brat. I don't think Audrina did anything to Lo and yet Lo is treating Audrina like crap..

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What I really want is Lauren to hook up with Stephen from Laguna Beach again. Haha.

Those two are like one of my favorite couples.

I couldn't agree more. I'm still waiting for that day to happen! Haha I doubt we'll be seeing any of him in this season though. :(

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Guest SophiaSan

Lo should get over herself. She didn't even have a spot on the show until like the end of 2nd season.

You can obviously tell Lo is just trying to get a spot on the show. Look at how she responds to Lauren. Suck up. AHAHhA

Her advice is so....eh pointless. And she is so fake.

Every time Lauren brings up Audrina, Lo is so "one worded about it".

Lauren: Let's get something for Audrina I feel so bad

Lo: yeah.....*roll eyes* (and she changes the subject)

Lo should be very jealous of Audrina. Audrina looks 10 times better than Lo. Personality wise as well.

As for Lauren? She's so controlling over her friends. When Audrina said, "it's not always about you Lareun" so true.

Lauren should ALSO get over herself. AHAH

I don't get what's so bad about Speidi.

They didn't even start the rumor, Perez Hilton did.

Lauren is so stubborn xD

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Guest bunniecuppycakez

I haven't watched the Hills for a long time (just got recently addicted), but Imo Audrina looks kinda...trashy? Idk why though....idk if it's the makeup or what, but I really really like her! She seems to have a really sweet and sympathetic personality....=\

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will heidi ever get rid of that trashy guy? *sigh*

when will it ever end between the two? i'm getting

tired of their disagreements, complaints, etc. D:

and as for audrina, i think audrina is the rude one

rather than lo. i saw the first episode, and audrina

was very rude when she said, "we can never be

friends." what a female dog! i mean lo went to her

place to talk with her, but the only thing audrina said

was basically that it's all lo's fault, and i don't know...

what audrina said was the rudest thing ever! i think

lo should just ignore the girl and just have fun with

lauren when she can. the two will never have peace

because of their jealousy... well... more like audrina's


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I got so excited when Lauren said that she

invited Stephen to their house party. I thought

wow this is another chance for them but no.....

nothing happened. Why can't they be a couple?

Since Laguna Beach I have been wishing that

they could be more that just good friends :tears:

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Guest mintiful

i thought Lo was rude during the party.

she went up to play with her dog then be at the party.

but then the part where she tried to talk to Audrina.

i thought it was mean of Audrina to just say they will never be friends.

Lo looked pretty sad at that part.

and Spencer. please SHAVE.!!!

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Guest KimBoLee

i dont think audrina was rude - she was being honest

audrina made an effort already and during those times Lo was shady

i dun understand why they have to be friends bcuz the only thing they have in common is having lauren as their friends.. they dont even live in the same house 2gether!

woww i cant believe i felt sorry for spencer for a second when he didnt have heidi..he is such a jerk

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