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Chat With A Stranger


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Guest Mieke

You: heii angel you deh sekseeeyy

Stranger: um

Stranger: i'm a male

You: thats alright i am a female xD

Stranger: lol

You: dont lol

You: its not FUNNY

Stranger: ok

Stranger: i didn't mean that in a bad way

You: i was just joking

You: chill man X D

Stranger: o.0

Stranger: ur weird

You: i am xD

Stranger: but i bet ur hot

Stranger: xD

You: hahah arent all hot girls weird?

Stranger: well hot girls are usually funny

You: and weird ^-^

Stranger: and weird is funny

You: they dont show it.. but they all are X D

Stranger: ^^

Stranger: yeah

You: if i wouldnt be weird this would be a boring conversation XD

You: like .. hi .. how are you

You: blablabla

Stranger: yea

Stranger: thats boring

You: see :D ..

You: thats why i like beeing weird ^-^

Stranger: yeah i'm a littlebit weird too ^^

You: if u werent u wouldnt talk to me haha

Stranger: yeah ^^

Stranger: but now i ask something boring

You: hahah

Stranger: where are u from

You: from vienna.. its in autsria .. right beside germany a small country that nobody knows haha

You: and u ?

Stranger: Suomi Finland PERKELE!!!

You: ahh i know this one .. a really pretty friend lives there too <3

Stranger: who?

You: her name is jennifer but everybody calls her rin ... she is the most prettiest and cutest girl i have ever seen <3

You: you know her?

Stranger: no idon't know any jenifer :(

Stranger: sorry jennifer

You: haha if i was a boy i would marry her xD

You: she is from germany but last winter she moved to finnland

Stranger: ok

Stranger: how old are u?

You: 18 and u ?

Stranger: yeah i think il'l go

Stranger: i'm 15 xD

You: ahahah how cuuute xD

You: your soo xoung xD

You: *y

Stranger: well theres no age limits in omegle xD

You: thanks for making me feel so old now hahah

Stranger: ur welcome grandma xD

You: goooshh i ll go crazy because of this boy XD

You: should grandma bake u cookies? XD

You: or tell you a story? XD

Stranger: cookies john tesh yeah ;D

You: but i am so old already so i am not healthy anymore and cant move.. X D

You: i m sorry grand son you have to bake the cookies yourself

Stranger: ok :(

Stranger: ;P

You: dont cry i will tell you a story instead xD

Stranger: lol grandma butt u have lost ur glasses xD

You: oh thats right

Stranger: how can u read without them xD

You: i am really sorry grandson but you have to read for your self xD

Stranger: yeah :D

Stranger: il'l read some playboy instead ;P

You: or should we go and borrow some hot porn we can watch together ahhahaha

Stranger: hell yea

Stranger: hahaha

You: lets go

You: but dont tell you r mom

You: or she will beat he mini cooper out of me

You: x D

Stranger: yeah

You: do you like blondes or brunettes grandson so i ll find the right stuff for you :D

You: grandma knows whats good hahahahahahhahahahahhaha

Stranger: brunettes

Stranger: oknow il'l have to go

Stranger: let's masturbate later

Stranger: bye

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i had looooong conversations on there before.. like 1-2 hour long o.o lol.

hm one time i got a girl... and she knew who the wonder girls were from the JB concert. haha 8D i was like cool.

then this indian dude. he was pretty cool. he had a twin.. and tried to stay up as late as he could so that's why he was on there.

and this other person i knew nothing about but he played a game. LOL so random... kind of racist though..

also a person was saying they were from this other planet. so i said i was from another one. then we were goign to take over each others planet. LOL.

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Stranger: richard simmons? please


Stranger: no

You: oh okay then :D

Stranger: richard simmons?

You: man boobs?

Stranger: no girl

You: booby dooby doobies

Stranger: you ever seen em?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

aw... it was just getting interesting :(

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  • 1 month later...

Stranger: hey

You: >.>

Stranger: whats your name

You: <.<

You: I prefer to referred to as Night Eagle.

Stranger: im gary

Stranger: were are you from NE

You: I'm in a forest.

Stranger: im from pallet town

You: Hiding in trees.

Stranger: cool

You: Did you meet Professor Oak yet?

Stranger: my graps? ya i live with him

Stranger: i get my first pokemon tomarow

You: Onyx! I choose you!

Stranger: brock?

You: Onyx uses tail whip!

You: It's super effective.

You: Gary is KO'd.

You: I win, I win.

Stranger: wow you are him! i hear your really strong, like the kinds of strong that cant be takes out with a lvl 1 water type...oh wait

Stranger: how the john tesh are you still in the league

You: Because I creeped out Nurse Joy.

You: And every other woman.

Stranger: there should be a jar of rock badges outside the gym it takes mjy effort to walk inside then it does to beat you

Stranger: see you next week sucker

You: OK!You: Bring your sister.

Stranger: john tesh off your korean mini cooper

You: lolok

Stranger: do you even open your eyes?

You: i don't have any.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest terrorist

Stranger: hey

You: hey

You: asl?

Stranger: 16 m us

Stranger: you?

You: 50 f africa

You: do you like kfc

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hello there

You: hi

You: how are you

You: asl?

Stranger: pretty good how bout u? 19 f usa

You: 21 M antartica

You: do you like fish

Stranger: not for eating, but they're cool

You: i fish all day for pretty girls like you

Stranger: how clever

Stranger: i find it hard to believe u live in antarctica

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest baesoobinLOVE-_-

  • Stranger: hi
  • You: i feel like yelling at someone

  • Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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I first heard about this site around a year ago. It used to be FUN to talk to nice random strangers. Now it's mostly just creepers that always ask for asl >_> On the other hand I like to mess with the asl people by being all weird or saying they're pedos or desperate for trying to hook up with people online B) But the few times I do get on with someone awesome now, we have some pretty fun convos.

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Guest dainanda123

You: hi!

Stranger: hello

You: asl?

Stranger: Find your $100,000 a year job in exactly 10 seconds. Just enter your CITY and STATE on this site (GetMeWorkToday.com) and YES it's really that simple.

WTH..... <.< why a spam???

and then there's this:

Stranger: hi

Stranger: as

Stranger: as

Stranger: asl

You: lol 20/f

You: you?

Stranger: horny babe

Stranger: 22 m

You: uhhh....... i don't think so

Stranger: whats ur name

You: debbie....

You: what's yours?

Stranger: alok

You have disconnected.

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: hey mf?

You: ... why you call me that for

Stranger: male or female

You: no im not telling you , you called me a mother f*cker

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: hey

You: yooStranger: how are you?

You: im fine you?

Stranger: not bad thanks, hows life?

You: this is going too fast

Stranger: okay lol

You: im scared bye

You have disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

You: hey

Stranger: get it  get it

Stranger: okurrrrrr

Stranger: celebrate the year of the astrnaught

You: O__O

Stranger: if spelling was worth while it would appen

Stranger: happeb

Stranger: happen

Stranger: pappen

Stranger: captain

You: are you trying to rap???You: LOL

Stranger: no no no no no recite the kingom of honors words of insightfulness

Stranger: flowers into t e sky like a cup of ju juYou: here lemme help you

Stranger: in the beans of delightful occupations like a cows utters milking the land of insemination

You: yo mic check 1 2 1 2

You: first of all your Richard is smallStranger: nop no no no no no no rapping no no no nono

You: 3 inches long with 2 small ballsStranger: no nonooono momo

Stranger:  bad words bad words bad words You: LMAO

Stranger: in my face of small delights like a ceiling of magic powder into the distance of recovery

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



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Guest LoveStrangled

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: male here looking for older lady...

You: i'm 90

Stranger: m 100

You: dang,

You: this is awkward.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

You: I'm representing Omegle

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: You are standing in a field. Exits are north, east, west and south


Stranger: You got west. You are now in a wooded patch. You see some bricks on the ground. Exits are North, East, West, and South

You: hrm.

You: WEST.

Stranger: You go west. You are still in a wooded patch. You see a shadowy figure off to the north. There is a small hole in the ground. Exits are North, East, and South


You: :D

Stranger: You are jumped by a Grue, and pinned to the ground. The Grue gives you 15 seconds before begining the mating-sacrifice ritual. What do you do?


You: and a Grue?

You: sounds like Glue 8D

Stranger: You babble like a little child, before your vision fades to black. YOU ARE WINNER. PLAY AGAIN?


You: wait

You: how did i win

You: nvm


You: WHEE.

You: this is funn.

Stranger: You are standing in a room. There is a door, and an open window. There is a closed drawer and rocking chair. Exits are to the North and East.

You: EAST.

Stranger: You jump out the window and fall two stories and land in a dumpster. You hear growling noises outside the dumpster. Exits are north and south.


You: this is weirrd



Stranger: You leave the dumpster. You see a man stumbling over himself to the west. Could he be? He looks like a zombie. You are armed with a cricket bat. Exits are to the East and West.

You: aww

You: i cant have a shot gunn D:

You: oh well.


You: this is weird

You: but i can imagine it in my head

You: O__O.

Stranger: You head toward the zombie looking man, now stumbling over himself. You can attack with the cricket bat or run away. Exits are East and West.


You: muaha.

You: i hope i dont die.

You: ima be sad.

Stranger: You attack the zombie with the cricket bat. ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE. You kill the zombie.



You: does he give moolah? :D

Stranger: You are standing in an alley, with a small pile of rubble to your left, and a dead zombie corpse (unsearched). Exits are East and West.

You: search the zombie corpsee!!

You: :D

You: lets find some moolahh/.

Stranger: You find 42$ and 57 cents on the Zombie. Also you find a key to what looks like a car. You also find a small bag on the zombie. Exits are to the East and West.


You: Take the bag?


Stranger: You open the bag, and find...what's this? The bag is evolving....THE BAG HAS EVOLVED into a Winchester Shotgun! Exits are to the East and West.

You: OH YAYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You: this is like pokemonn

You: hrm


Stranger: You go East. You are now on a street corner. There is a car parked near by, the model of the car matches the insignia on the keys you found. You see no zombies in sight. Exits are North, South, West and East


You: and is it like a zombie town or something?

You: eww.

You: i better find a pokeball somewhere.

You: <3

Stranger: You open the door to the car. It is a 1980 DeLorean, with a year designator where a spedometer should be. What do you do?

You: hmm.

You: turn on the car and accelerate it to 2021?

You: :D

You: orr.

You: whatever.

You: LOL.

Stranger: You set in the year 2021 to the DeLorean. The car switches into auto-drive and speeds down the empty street to 88 mph. You almost hit a brick wall, but at the last moment broke the time-space continuum and are now traveling through space and time.

Stranger: You decelerate into the year 2021. However, something is different. Sitting in the car, you look outside, only to see some small buildings around you. And what looks like a laboratory to your north. This is not anywhere you are familiar with.

Stranger: There is a signpost that says "Pallet Town"



You: Enter Pallet Town?

You: :D

Stranger: You enter Pallet Town. There are some buildings around you. Exits are North and West


Stranger: You go west. You are now standing in a field. There is some tall grass to your north. Exits are North and East.

You: i need to get a pokemon first.

You: EAST.

Stranger: You go east. You find a building that says "Prof. Oak Labs." Exits are north and west.


You: omg

You: i swear

You: i love you.

You: LOL


You: O:<

Stranger: You enter into the lab. You see several eggheads in lab coats walking around. A man with grey hair approaches, and name tag "Prof. Oak." The Man says welcome, please chose a pokemon. Choices are Squirtle, Charmander, and PsyDuck




You: <3

Stranger: You pick Charmander. You are now happy! Exits are to the South and West.

You: YAY!!!!!.


Stranger: You jump out and open window, only to be met with random looks from the lab coat wearers. You are now outside. There is some tall grass to the north. Exits are East, West, and North


You: :D

Stranger: You walk into the tall grass. A WILD MEW APPEARS. What do you do?

You: mini cooper NO POKEBALLS.

You: errhm

You: RUN

You: TO

You: A CITY.

Stranger: You can't escape!

You: eff.

You: Charmander use Ember!

You: :D

Stranger: Mew uses "Mind Control of Doom." ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE. Charmander is now in a daze.

Stranger: Charmander uses Ember! It's not very effective.

Stranger: Mew uses "Scratch." It's not very effective.

Stranger: You reach into your back pocket and find a MASTER POKEBALL. What do you do?

You: HOLYYY mini cooperTT.



Stranger: You use the Master Pokeball on Mew. You caught Mew!

Stranger: You are still in tall grass. Exits are to the north and south.


You: :D

Stranger: You walk into a trap by Team Rocket. They seem to want your Mew. They have guns, you have Mew. What do you do??

You: eff.

You: errhhm.

You: have mew do something to make them go away?

You: hmm.

Stranger: MEW I CHOSE YOU. Is said. Mew goes forth, and uses mind control on Team Rocket. ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE. They drop their guns and flee.

Stranger: Mew now looks to you...with a gaze in it's beady little eyes

Stranger: A voice tells you "New South Park is on. Been Fun. Good luck with your life total stranger. I shall no forget this text adventure!"


You: boo.

Stranger: Suddenly your vision fades....fades...sleepy

You: NOOO.

You: grr.

You: but seriously

You: i love you.

You: LOL.

Stranger: haha


You: O:<

Stranger: <3

You: <3

Stranger: it was lol

You: yepp xD

You: nowww

You: i must.

You: dream of unicorns

Stranger: haha

You: and pokemon

You: LOL.


You: and i guess your going to watch south park?

You: xD

Stranger: later days. Yup

Stranger: New epsiode about Jersery Shore.

Stranger: Peace out.

Stranger: *nods*

You: LOl mmkay.


You: It was funnnnnnnnn! :D

You have disconnected.


i swear im not high. Thats what weirdness + caffine drink gives you.

... yeaah. but i seriously love that guy. LOL.


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  • 2 months later...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: Hi

You: yeah hi stranger

Stranger: :)

Stranger: Where are you from?

You: do you have fun to type with strangers? _P

Stranger: Yea :D. Im so bored..

You: is your life really that bored? ^^

You: so you are sitting whole day typing with strangers?

Stranger: No, but there is so much snow on outside

You: going out and playing with snow isnt sth for u ? :-P

Stranger: No.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

i think the stranger is boring haha

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: Sup.

You: hi

You: wer u from?

Stranger: Earth.

You: awww...

You: to bad...

You: im from mars

Stranger: Guts bro.

You: hahahaha!!


maybe i shud have said i was from venus...

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Stranger: hey., i m a chocolate boy

You: hi

Stranger: u m/f??

You: wat?

Stranger: ok m/f??

You: m/f

Stranger: male or female

You: female

You: u

Stranger: are u dumb

Stranger: i m male

Stranger: do u have prob with shortcuts??

You: no

You: i'm outta here

Stranger: i think u re shy

Stranger: why so soon

Stranger: common

You: have stuff to do. kinda weird talking to stranger

Stranger: come on

Stranger: ohh

Stranger: i can be nice if u are kind

You: where u from

Stranger: aussie

Stranger: it is early morning

Stranger: u from??

You: cali

Stranger: oh

Stranger: why u dont wanna talk

Stranger: got imp work dear??

You: need to get lunch. bye

Stranger: ohh i had my dinner hours ago

Stranger: ha ha

Stranger: do u eat non veg food

Stranger: and if u are aunty??

Stranger: he he

You: wow, you like to talk alot, huh

Stranger: haha

Stranger: i dont talk much

Stranger: i m calm

Stranger: but i can write

Stranger: i have developed practice of writing for exams

You: that's good

You: i'm not that great

Stranger: are u gossiping queen like aunties??

You: nope

Stranger: ok aunty

You: btw, how old r u?

Stranger: 16

Stranger: u??

You: really

You: 24

Stranger: no i m 69

Stranger: haha

You: ahhaha

You: then i'm 94

Stranger: why ask irrational ques??

Stranger: ok grandma

You: just curious

Stranger: haha

Stranger: are u engaged in some occupations??

Stranger: or student???

You: just student right now

Stranger: i think univ student

Stranger: hey., i m a chocolate boy

You: hi

Stranger: u m/f??

You: wat?

Stranger: ok m/f??

You: m/f

Stranger: male or female

You: female

You: u

Stranger: are u dumb

Stranger: i m male

Stranger: do u have prob with shortcuts??

You: no

You: i'm outta here

Stranger: i think u re shy

Stranger: why so soon

Stranger: common

You: have stuff to do. kinda weird talking to stranger

Stranger: come on

Stranger: ohh

Stranger: i can be nice if u are kind

You: where u from

Stranger: aussie

Stranger: it is early morning

Stranger: u from??

You: cali

Stranger: oh

Stranger: why u dont wanna talk

Stranger: got imp work dear??

You: need to get lunch. bye

Stranger: ohh i had my dinner hours ago

Stranger: ha ha

Stranger: do u eat non veg food

Stranger: and if u are aunty??

Stranger: he he

You: wow, you like to talk alot, huh

Stranger: haha

Stranger: i dont talk much

Stranger: i m calm

Stranger: but i can write

Stranger: i have developed practice of writing for exams

You: that's good

You: i'm not that great

Stranger: are u gossiping queen like aunties??

You: nope

Stranger: ok aunty

You: btw, how old r u?

Stranger: 16

Stranger: u??

You: really

You: 24

Stranger: no i m 69

Stranger: haha

You: ahhaha

You: then i'm 94

Stranger: why ask irrational ques??

Stranger: ok grandma

You: just curious

Stranger: haha

Stranger: are u engaged in some occupations??

Stranger: or student???

You: just student right now

Stranger: i think univ student

then i disconnect becuz he kept going on and on with these ridiculous names. :mellow:

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