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Chat With A Stranger


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Guest hikaruchan03

Stranger: hiii

You: yummy yummy in my tummy

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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Guest Masugomi


"You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: HI!

Stranger: Hi are you male or female?


Stranger: M

You: I'm a Lady Gaga.

Your conversational partner has disconnected."

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Guest evillcookie

Stranger: hiiiiiii :)

You: heyyyyy

Stranger: americaaaa?

You: the last person i talked to was very boring

You: canada actually


Stranger: are you a guy?

You: no lol

You: should i be?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



You: omggggggggggggggggggg

Stranger: what?!




You: i think i killed my cat!

Stranger: im sorry

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: HI (:

Stranger: age???

You: 20

You: u

Stranger: 19

Stranger: f or m

You: f

Stranger: ohhhhhhh i'm m

You: that's great (:

Stranger: lol

You: so how's life?

Stranger: gud u

You: it's alright

Stranger: where abouts r u

You: North America

Stranger: im south america

You: I see

You: How's it down there?

Stranger: ok same old same old

Stranger: if i waz wif u now wat wuld u doooo

You: Hmmmmmm depends

Stranger: wat do u mean depends????

You: Depends if my 6'1 boyfriend with a black belt is in the room or not

That was an interesting way to waste 5 mins

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Guest its_kelli

You: hi

You: asl

Stranger: hi

Stranger: 13/f/fl

Stranger: u?

You: 13

You: ur a little too young to be on the net

You: 21 f ark

Stranger: s r u

You: no im not

Stranger: why do you think im too young?

You: ur a child hun

Stranger: i have boobs.

You: dangerous ppl are prob on this website

You: run while u have a chance

Stranger: run from who?

You: the internet

You: this is ur worst enemy

You have disconnected.

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Guest pockii


I got this really funny old man.. LOL i felt bad for being rude to him though D:

he was like a grandpa, man!!

He`s 57 and loves Ruggles Icecream ;D!

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Guest Amoona1430270031

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hello

You: Hello, how are you stranger?

Stranger: Actually no, I am your closest friend.

You: No way.

You: Which one?

Stranger: You must listen carefully, I haven't much time.

You: Okay.

Stranger: My name is Deacon McNab and I have been sent to you with information that may well save your life.

Stranger: For you have saved mine.


Stranger: I have been sent by you.

Stranger: In four days you will meet me, at the bus station for the first time.

You: Oh really?

Stranger: I know this is hard to believe and you told me that you would be overly sceptical.

You: What if I don't go out in four days?

Stranger: You will.

You: For what purpose?

Stranger: In a little under three days Operation Icarus will become operational.

Stranger: There is nothing you can do to stop it now but you MUST survive.

You: Why must I?

You: Maybe I want to die.

Stranger: You told me you may say that as well. In the passing years, your outlook has changed greatly.

Stranger: You told me to tell you that for years now you have been looking for something, something bigger than you.

You: Years? For how long have you known me?

Stranger: Unable to shake the feeling that there is more to life than what you have.

Stranger: I have known you for nearly five years, I owe you my life.


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Guest rachelsaur

I chatted with like 400 strangers in the last hour. :P

I creeped a lot of people out. ROFL.


Stranger: HI PATRICK!


Stranger: Fck NO. LET'S GET HIGH!



YOU: UHHHH. IS THAT PETER GRIFFIN? -points to the sky-

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

& way more creepy ones. D8<

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Stranger: I LOVE YOU

You: sorry, it's not me It's you


You: sorry, in CA, our love can never be

Stranger: ill miss you

You: I won't miss you, I promise

Stranger: are you black?

You: are you rascist?

Stranger: yes

You: cool

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

this thing can be addicting

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At least I had a normal conversation. haha.

Stranger:  hi

You: hello

Stranger: how are  you?

You: what time is it at your place/

Stranger:  6;50 am

Stranger: and there?

You:  did you stay up all night or woke up early?? LOL>

You:  it's 2 :50 here

Stranger: i don't go to bed yet

Stranger:  where are you from?

You: california! :D

Stranger:  male or female?

You: Female

Stranger:  oh

Stranger: how old are you?

You:  I'm turning 17 in a few days.

You: hey, what's up with  all these questions about me. Your turn.

Stranger: haha

Stranger:  ok

Stranger: i'm 19

Stranger:  from brazil

Stranger: male

You: oh okay. So..you do  this often? chat with strangers?

Stranger: not really

Stranger:  i was late here, and none of my friendss were online

Stranger:  and then i resolve to vist here

Stranger: there is a  long time that i don't came here

You: oh okay

You:  same here

Stranger: haha

Stranger: you're  doin something else noe?

Stranger: now*Y

ou:  surfing forums online

Stranger: haha

Stranger:  i was too

You: what forums?

Stranger:  jusst a brazilian one called VTis the biggest here

You:  oh okay

Stranger: VY*

Stranger: VT**

Stranger:  and u?

You: I was on this art forum.

 Stranger:  good

Stranger: it's about what?

You:  Well, I'm currently learning to make graphics/art. So that's the place.  Lol.

You: Well, I'm not that great and still trying  new things

You:  all i can pretty much make are like icons for forums and such

Stranger: it's good

You:  anyways, what were you doing?

Stranger: now i'm  just listening some music

Stranger: i was about  to go sleepYou: oh am I keeping you up?

You:  you may go if your sleepy

Stranger: but i was  smoking and then i try to talk with someone

Stranger:  no, no

Stranger: what kind of music do you like to  listen?

You: It varies really.

You: I  like alot of different type of genres when it comes to music.

Stranger:  hm, me too

Stranger: i don't like some genres, but just  the ones that is rarely good

You: For me, even when it  comes to some genre I don't really like, if the lyrics are nice, I get  hook. :D

Stranger: haha yes

You:  Do you listen to different kinds of music...i mean, language?

You:  I think my question was confusing...

Stranger: no, i  understood

Stranger: yes, yes, i listen

You:  what kinds?

Stranger: i think the most part is english,  but i listen some brazilian music too, ialso like some french ones

Stranger:  spanish too

You: there are some really nice french ones. :)

You:  I had to look up some for my french project last semster.

You:  my french teacher was...let's just say -_-

You:  haha

Stranger: haha

Stranger: what do  you found?

Stranger: did*

You: well, I can't  remember all of the one's my classmates presented but i love my good  pal's song. it was by Cœur de pirate

.Stranger: oh i heard  of that one

You: comme des enfants. there it goes. :D

Stranger:  but i don't listened to yet

You: i think it's a cute  song. But you're a guy so you probably wouldn't find it 'cute' like I  do. haha

Stranger: haha not exactly

Stranger:  i like coralie clement

Stranger: carla bruni

You:  oh okay. So...what kind of movie genres do you like?

Stranger:  various

Stranger: i just don't like so much the terror  ones

You: haha, me too.

Stranger:  today i watch 21 grams

Stranger: i loved it

You:  what's it about?

Stranger: is the kind  of movie with different stories about different people that in one  point their stories meet each other

You: oh i watched a movie  like that before

Stranger: but it's  not a cute story

You: hm..it's okay, I'm not all into cute

You:  seems interesting, I'll check it out.

Stranger: haha, i  just said it because usually this kind of movie is cute, li paris je  t'aime

Stranger: like*

You: haha okay

You:  but seriously, i just read the summary, and I think I'm going to check  it out. haha

Stranger: i recomend

Stranger:  i think that of the last ones that i saw lately that one was the better

You:  haha ^^

Stranger: well, i will go to bed, i'm not so  tired nut i have a considerable things to do today

Stranger:  good night for you

You: well it's good morning for both of us.  Lol.

You: but yeah, good bye

You:  nice chatting with you. :)

Stranger: yes, for me  too (:

You: just to let you know, longest conversation  I had wiht a stranger on her

You: *here

You:  usually, I talk to creeps so either they leave or i do

Stranger:  haha maybe was the my longest too

Stranger: oh yes ¬¬

Stranger:  me too

Stranger: it sucks

You:  yep. welps, good-bye then. :)

Stranger: bye

Stranger:  kisses

You: haha


Man, I should've spam on and on about big bang and all those korean dramas. Lol.

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Guest TheGeekInThePink

You: yo.

Stranger: hi sweetie:)

You: :D

You: so, how's it going? :D

Stranger: pretty good, how about u!

You: I'm ok. :D kind of bored. boring summer time. D:

Stranger: You don't like to party much?

You: nahh, not really lol

Stranger: so what do you do for fun?

You: oh, hanging out with my friends. the usual lol.

You: but I guess I'm kind of nerdy, too. lol <3

Stranger: oh really!

Stranger: i go out a lot

Stranger: but i have my nerdy side too

Stranger: hehe :)

You: oh! cool cool :D

Stranger: what guy doesn't want a chick who plays video games tho huh ?

Stranger: lol

You: :D! <3 awesome

Stranger: well i gotta go

Stranger: nice talking to you cutie

Stranger: xoxoxoxo

You: aw <3 nice meeting you!

You: bye~

How did he know I was a girl? LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest rezjjoo

okaaay, this was an intresting conversation... ^^

Stranger: hey

You: ello~

Stranger: ~

Stranger: how are you?

You: i'm fine (:

Stranger: nice curves

Stranger: btw

You: O.O wut???

Stranger: i said you have nice curves

You: where are you??? is it you who is behind the table???

Stranger: i wasn't going to say anything at first but you were all showing them off and stuff ~

Stranger: i am the table

Stranger: stop staring at me

You: sorry..

Stranger: i forgive

Stranger: you

Stranger: now

Stranger: what time is it

You: 01:36

Stranger: yepp, cya

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Guest neshpa

Stranger: You can ask me 10 questions. You can ask me anything. I will give you 10 honest answers

You: do you like tea?

Stranger: Yeah

You: if you could eat dinner with anyone in the world .. what would you eat?

Stranger: What? Rather than ''Who with?''

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

:( I really did mean "what?"

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Guest lee.jjiang.rin

Stranger: hey[

You: hey

Stranger: asl?

You: 19,female, somewhere

Stranger: somewhere

Stranger: haha

You: u?

Stranger: 14 m brazil,not somewhere

You: lol

You: school sucks

Stranger: yep

Stranger: haha

You: study to get slapped n pinkberryed at

Stranger: at?

Stranger: haha

You: yup teachers like to be right when u know thy are wrong

Stranger: yep...

Stranger: but i always am wrong

Stranger: haha

You: but inside we are right lol

Stranger: haha

Stranger: im not too smart to be right

Stranger: haha

You: im not either but i love my spongebob square pants=)

Stranger: haha ;)

Stranger: and i dont have anything to love :/

You: u got delicious food

Stranger: just my dog

You: aww cute

You: overfeed him ur love=p and kick him. animal cruelty<3

Stranger: haha

You: wen is school starting for u?

Stranger: im alredy at

Stranger: alredy started

Stranger: ;/

You: totally sucks Richard

You: lol

Stranger: are u talkin...

You: mine is in another 3 weeks?

Stranger: about,holly days? yah?

Stranger: haha

You: im in my summer break because its sexy

You: Skip school and be stupid. Do drugs but only vitamins. Peace<3

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Guest tifachan

It was odd. But here's mine.

You: Hi

Stranger: Hi I'm 17 male from India.....do u wanna do friendship with me on facebook ?

You: I'm a 19 female from the US I don't wanna be your friend on Facebook

Stranger: ok

Then again, I always get friend requests from people half way across the globe...

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Guest GooGo

Stranger:  Hey

Stranger: Asl?

You: I'm sorry huston,  but this alien creature appears to be the rather dangerous type...

Your conversational partner has  disconnected.


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