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Chat With A Stranger


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Guest missyblue

damn. i love messing with people on there... but i think i went too far with this one. =__=

Stranger: hi i am GIO... 18 male from germany you?

You: oh hai gio

You: whats your full name?

Stranger: giovanni

Stranger: :)

Stranger: yours

Stranger: ?

You: oo thats cool

You: giovanni

Stranger: yours?

You: mabel

You: :]

Stranger: do you have msn?

You: no sorry

Stranger: skype or yahoo messenger

Stranger: ?

You: none of those lol

You: this is my main choice of messaging

You: this omegle thing

Stranger: do you have your naked pictures?

You: oh yeah plenty

You: :D

You: thousands

You: you?

You: wanna trade?

Stranger: give me a link

Stranger: of

Stranger: your

Stranger: naked

Stranger: image


Stranger: :)

You: you can google them

You: since i made them public

Stranger: name?

You: Cara Jiggler

You: i go by that name sometimes

You: go look!

Stranger: !

cara jiggler was a name generated from mabel, FYI. lmao. :lol:


Stranger: badfsldfsjdaljadfskjdkfjdasklfkl

You: asldfjaweurAHke JKWKDFGASDFJ joiuerfndf s298u39jfd sdfljsadfsdf ljIOUEN fdfad jplayt?

Stranger: :)

You: :)


Stranger: haha. yeah!!!! where have ya been cous?

Stranger: lol

You: sakljdfaioefa!!!!!!

Stranger: fdhlfhds! grrr. :)

You: oas adjaheoe asljdljsaf ejej :<

Stranger: later couz :)

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: What have you done with my wife?!

You: hey man chill out

You: she came onto me

Stranger: Don't play games with me. I saw your thugs kidnap her in front of the Museum of Antiquities.

You: no man

You: that was part of the plan

You: she had an ad in the newspaper

You: talked about some kinda play thing

You: it was her idea

Stranger: I don't believe you!

Stranger: I won't believe you.

You: well you have to

You: its the truth

You: what?

You: you cant handle the truth?

Stranger: I can handle the truth.

You: then handle it!

LAME! i know. XD


Stranger: were u from?

You: florida

You: you?

Stranger: NJ

You: nice

You: so why are you on omegle?

Stranger: i have nothing to do

You: lol

Stranger: u asked

You: yeah

You: talked to anyone strange yet


Stranger: just myself..

You: oh

You: thats interesting

You: what do you talk about?

Stranger: lol

Stranger: u m or f?

You: m

You: why?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



You: asl?

Stranger: hi

Stranger: say hi

You: no

You: asl?

Stranger: say hi


Stranger: SAY HI

You: NO

Stranger: want to know my asl ?

You: NO


Stranger: ok, say hi


Stranger: hi

You: hi

You: good

Stranger: oh wow

You: were on the same page

Stranger: good job

You: i know right

You: i deserve a star

Stranger: sure

You: and an award

Stranger: *gives starnger a star

You: some cookies

Stranger: *and an award

You: and your head

Stranger: *cookies with chocolate

Stranger: *and your head

You: *is dead

Stranger: why are boys always mini cooper talking ?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

but i'm a girl...

okay i think i'm done for now....

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Guest LotusWing

I wanted to give it a try :P


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: HEY

You: hi

Stranger: FOOL

Stranger: i love fools

You: lol

Stranger: there so tastey,

You: what they taste like?

Stranger: its a type of bean

You: what kind of bean?

You: red beans?

You: green beans?

Stranger: noo like search "fool beans" into google

Stranger: they have another name

Stranger: i just cant remember

You: hmmmmmm...

Stranger: did u know kool-aidgot is a type of dish?

Stranger: sooo good, had some yetserday

Stranger: my friend made them

You: how do you prepar them?

Stranger: i dunno, i should get the recipe

You: good

You: when you get it, please share

Stranger: k i will

Your conversational partner has disconnected. (that person left)


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: U black?

You: no.....

Your conversational partner has disconnected. (that person left)


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hello

Stranger: 19/f/lesbian/horny

Stranger: hi

You: ok......

Stranger: you?

You: none of that above

Your conversational partner has disconnected. (that person left)


No more... so many wierd people...

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Stranger: i am a male i wanna see some richard simmons if ur a guy then john tesh off

You: look at your own richard simmons

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

gosh, my first time trying this & I got connected with a perv. XD


this is my second chat...weird people XD

Stranger: m or f

You: m or f

Stranger: u 1st'

You: why

Stranger: im m

You: f

Stranger: =P

Stranger: u send pics?

You: why do u care?

Stranger: cuz i want some

You: then take pictures of yourself.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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no matter how many times i do it, pretending to be a twilight fanatic never gets old.

Stranger: hello

You: hi...

You: edward?

Stranger: sorry, this is jacob

You: ugh

You: jake

Stranger: i don't like sparkly anyways

You: why do you always do this?

You: stop dressing up in edward's clothes!

You: geez

Stranger: because edward's a sparkly douchebag

Stranger: in a tree

Stranger: and a stalker

You: is not

Stranger: yes he is.

You: if he was then what are you doing wearing his clothes all the time?

You: admit it

You: he's your idol

Stranger: nope, i just like making his clothes smell like dog

You: i know you tried to hit it with him last night

You: he told me everything

You: i'm very disappointed in you

Stranger: well, i'm sorry bella, but i was trying to prove he's gay. i mean, he was a 108-year-old virgin. he obviously has some serious issues

You: *sigh*

You: how many times do we need to go over this?

You: he was waiting for me!

You: unlike you, humping every leg you see!

You: it's called being faithful

Stranger: I CAN'T HELP IT! I'M PART DOG!!!

You: do you even remember the first person's leg you humped!

You: what's his name!

Stranger: ..........IT WAS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Stranger: Yes it was!


Stranger: no i didn't! and since you let me, that means you weren't faithful!

Stranger: lol i'm sorry, but i can't keep this up. i wasn't expecting a /b/ raid tonight lol

Stranger: gotta admit, this is the best one so far

Stranger: later

that was a pretty good one but my favorite of all time has to be when the stranger said hi and i asked, 'edward?'

and the stranger disconnected. haha

had a chat with a registered sex offender o.o

omegle kept spamming me with warnings, especially when the guy asked for my address. the entire screen was flooded with huge blocks of warnings.

edit: lol

Stranger: hi

Stranger: male or female ?

You: edward?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest MiiCKYO0CHUNx3

^Clix I Lol'd so hard. XD

I tried out what you did as well HAHA. This is what I got

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey asl

You: Hi

You: Would you be interested in a 16/f/LA?

Stranger: r u a 16 f from la

You: Yes

Stranger: idk if i should believe you lol cause that sounded so funy how u said it

You: What's not to believe

You: >_>

Stranger: that ur not a 16 year old girls from la

Stranger: *girl

You: If you don't believe me, you can disconnect. No biggie

You: lol

Stranger: nah

Stranger: i hope u r im 16 m from new york

You: Haha

You: So you interested?

Stranger: sure

You: Hi im Chris Hansen, from Dateline NBC. Please take a seat. This message is being recorded for the Police Investigators.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi stranger

Stranger: im f aged 13 from australia

You: o_o

Stranger: hi

You: I didn't ask

You: for your ASL

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: horny/m/looking for horny mother preferably with web cam


Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hello!

Stranger: hi........M 21........India

You: Im Chewbacca

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: Hi stranger

Stranger: asl?

You: 88/f/ny

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi stranger

Stranger: All your base are belong to us

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest A.lee


one guy was like "asl" and i told him i was 87 LOL! and then i was like "IM HAVING A HEART ATTACK"

and the dudes like "john tesh" HAHAHA the actual thing was pretty funny i should have copied the convo =(

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I'm still finding this very amusing.

Stranger: are you..

1 horny girl

2normal girl

3horny guy

4normal guy

You: Hello random stranger.

You: I would consider myself 4.

You: But sometimes, 1.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: f/m

You: f

Stranger: age?

You: 18

Stranger: cool.my wife and I f*cked a 18 year old once.

You: well good for you

Stranger: lol good for you too.


once I chatted with someone claiming to be an alien.It was a hliarious conversation wish I saved it

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Guest MiiCKYO0CHUNx3

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Are you a) a guy thats just gonna dc when you learn im a guy, B) a super underage girl, c) a normal girl that wants to talk, d) a dude that wants to do me in the butt

You: O__O

You: E. None of the above

You: does that count

Stranger: hmmmm

Stranger: maybe

You: Come on man

You: I'm a pokemon master

You: Cut me some slack

Stranger: so you do wanna do me in the butt

You: Hell no

Stranger: liar

You: I dont want to even be near your smelly richard simmons

You: o_O

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^^^^^^^ LMAO the twilight one was uber fun XDDD

Ok mine was pretty creepy -__-

Stranger: hi

You: hi, you

Stranger: my name is sara and i just turned 18 and I am about to do my first webcam. I want as many people to see me get completely naked for my first time

You: uh-oh

Stranger: my webcam is http://videochat4singles.com/hotnwild521 Do you think I'm hot?

You: oh my

Stranger: oh mini cooper the webcam just started

Stranger: srry, i have to get off Omegle... i'm gonna start now. see if you can join asap

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Reason #123454674874613232663456 why I shouldn’t chat with strangers T__T No More!

Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: i need a spatula

Stranger: got 1 i can borrow?

You: via airmail?

Stranger: u can throw it out the window. ill catch it

Stranger: im pretty good at catching stuff?

You: oh

Stranger: im a professional spatula catcher

You: ok

Stranger: unless ure mini cooper at throwing of course

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

??? LOL? ahh, I'm the boring one, yea. lol

I'm scared though but some are funny i think. LOL

LOL @ a professional spatula catcher xDD

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Guest maritadott

I meet my boyfriend there a year ago, LOL. Feel so stupid when people ask "Where did you meet each other??" "Eeeh, Omegle D="

So, I love omgle forever haha.

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Guest Jindragon

This was embarrasing. Hahaha

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

You: wat are u doing

Stranger: hello

Stranger: well just visiting people

You: ah how nice

Stranger: yes this is cool but weird

You: yea

You: I'm not sure if your a bot

Stranger: no but I have bumped in to bots in my travels

You: what is the derivative of 5x

Stranger: ha you really expect me to know that?

You: Yes

Stranger: hmmmm

You: simple calculus

You: im just bot checking

Stranger: there is not such thing as simple calculus

Stranger: is there?

You: Precalclus

You: Odd. Are u american?

Stranger: you know I just answered your question if you look up one line - there is a clue there to answer all your questions

You: cheater

Stranger: yes

Stranger: cheater?

You: nah jk jk jk

Stranger: oh you have met my husband

You: lol

Stranger: muah

You: I have

You: He's a nice guy

Stranger: he likes you to even if you a bit pretentious

You: Of course

You: Im eDuCaTed

Stranger: hee hee

Stranger: yes you are and that is a good thing

Stranger: but....

Stranger: not everyone know calc

You: Instead how bout you and me go out for dinner tonite

Stranger: i would but I cant

You: Aww why not? I won't tell your husband

Stranger: he's gone and thankful he is still alive

Stranger: hee hee

You: Ok....

You: ;)

Stranger: simple Calc ha ha ha ha

Stranger: { :8 )

You: wth???

You: What is that potato chips??!

Stranger: awww you no likeie

You: yur a weird one

Stranger: yes but

You: Im not quite sure yur even a girl

You: or a little kid

Stranger: well i am pretty sure but not a girl and not a kid girls dont have ex husbands they have ex boyfriends

You: (*3^)

Stranger: right

You: oic

You: good point

Stranger: i not that strange

Stranger: but your young right

You: of course

You: young and hot blooded

You: nah jk

Stranger: ha ha ha

Stranger: what is nah jk

Stranger: I am not that young

You: just kidding

Stranger: ohhhh cool

Stranger: tks

You: np

Stranger: that i know

You: good

Stranger: so were are you a young person?

Stranger: what state

You: of course we youthful kids love to help the elderly

Stranger: I am in NJ

You: california

Stranger: fu

Stranger: ha ha

You: haha

You: NJ?!!

Stranger: yes

You: isn't that where the white ppl live

Stranger: we have all kindsa people here in NJ

Stranger: just like you

You: sure...

You: just like cali

You: are u joking?!

You: we are the most diverse state here

Stranger: i am sorry i dont understand

Stranger: oh ok

Stranger: if you say so

Stranger: np

You: we got the blacks, whites, mexicanos, latinos, asians, chinese japanese, vietnamese, philipinos, pinoys...etc

You: and the Irish

Stranger: ha ha ha ha

Stranger: no jews?

You: except jews

You: we dont like em

Stranger: nobody does it seems like these days

You: yea

You: its a shame

You: I for one love them more than anyone

Stranger: well they are a religion not a race

Stranger: do you feel short changed by that

You: indeed and blessed by God

Stranger: you are blessed by God?

You: I am not a filthy Jew

Stranger: ohhhhhhh

Stranger: you might be

You: you?

Stranger: and not know it

You: sure....

You: how do u not know calculus???????????????????????!!!!!!!

You: aren't u elderly

Stranger: well it wasn't in my school

You: what there wasnt calculus?

You: were u in WW2?

Stranger: correct

Stranger: no

Stranger: i was to old to enlist

You: hahahaha

Stranger: ha ha ha

You: dang u are old

You: I like you

Stranger: i like you too you are a lot of fun to chat with

You: Not that like

You: u know the romantic kind

You: with flowers and candlelights

Stranger: like is not romantic love is

You: fine...

You: I have a confession to make...

Stranger: please

You: ...saranghae

Stranger: your a bot

You: lol

Stranger: saranghae????

You: I am...?

Stranger: jk

You: see

You: u thought I was gonna say something else

You: too bad :(

You: keekekkeekkekeekek

Stranger: are you in college or high school or......work

You: college of course

You: u better not still my info

You: steal

You: what is 10+10

Stranger: 20

You: good

You: ok this proves it

Stranger: oh no the smoking gun

You: huh?

Stranger: you never heard that term

You: what is that the 80s?

You: the 70s?

You: hippie movement?

You: elvis?

You: beatles?

You: eisenhoweer?

Stranger: ha ha you been suck in to much calculus and not enough life

You: what?!

You: how dare u say that

Stranger: you heard me

You: go back to Canada

Stranger: now go to your room

Stranger: ha ha

You: go back to hippie

Stranger: NOW

You: what>>>

You: what the heck

Stranger: go to your room....

You: do u have a kid or something

Stranger: wait till your father gets home

Stranger: no kids

You: jeezus

Stranger: you ?

You: already so old

You: me

You: im still young and ready to go

Stranger: dried like a juicy fruit

Stranger: ewwwwwwwwww

You: then yur as dry as a prune

Stranger: pretty much

You: then who are u to insult me so

Stranger: pray tell who indeed are you sir

You: my lady, I fear no harm but the night is long and my mask is still on...

You: I have no idea what I just typed

Stranger: ohhhh look at you and shakespere mmmmmmm

Stranger: good try for sure

You: hemingway

You: what did that mean>?

Stranger: ohhhhh look at you and hemingway......

Stranger: ha ha ha

You: o wow

Stranger: you are so nice

You: be quiet old hag

Stranger: you say that now....

You: if i saw u in public i wouldnt even bother helping u cross the street

Stranger: oh i doubt that

You: i wouldnt even open the door for u

You: i would close the door on u and yur wheelchair

Stranger: hmmmmm you are weak for the flesh

Stranger: ha

You: what?

You: i dont eat people

Stranger: you would drool to be my consort

You: haahah u kidding me

Stranger: oh thats no good

You: wrinkled up skin

You: baggy eyelids

Stranger: at 34 fu

You: uh huh?

Stranger: ouch

You: whats with the fu

You: why u lie to me

Stranger: your cruel to me

You: no wait...

You: i was kidding

Stranger: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

You: i was kidding

You: forgive me my queen

Stranger: crushed and forlorn

You: I was not sober

You: fate played a cruel joke...

You: we were meant to be

Stranger: blame you trouble not on the mead but on thy tongue

You: shall i slit thy tongue for your love

You: O fearful tongue thou shall not escape

You: !

Stranger: fate!? there is but only on fate worthy of the weak

You: ok what are we doing??

Stranger: oh no perhaps you may new your tongue

You: u know Imma post this on a forum

You: this is embarrasing.... :(

Stranger: ha ha self realization have you had and eppiphany

You: yes

You: i finally realized that I..I...I

You: love you

Stranger: as such a young and ignorant age

Stranger: you know not love but only the passion of thy loin

You: Ouch...

Stranger: good one right?

Stranger: hee hee

You: lemme make a comeback...

Stranger: you may try dog

You: O Juliet, my heart beats for you so

You: I cant do it

You: too good

Stranger: yourdoing well

Stranger: not good but well

You: If you so desire, I would cut my loin and present it to you on a platter of gold

Stranger: ouch

Stranger: no no that wont be neccesaryl

Stranger: cut out high sugar drinks or ciggs

You: I can't because you are my high and low

Stranger: hmmmm interesting I have no comeback for that, wish i knew calculus now.

You: haaha

You: Ill teach u calculus at my place! :)

Stranger: ha ha wouldn't that be something

Stranger: where in america are you

You: California

You: so really far...

You: sadly

Stranger: ahhhh

Stranger: are you at school at this momment in Cali

You: Yup

Stranger: can I ask where

Stranger: I never went to college

You: berkeley

Stranger: wow

Stranger: nice

Stranger: I have been there so nice

Stranger: you are very fortunate

You: u know berkeley?

Stranger: yes

You: funny

You: i should be studying tho...

Stranger: well i have been to the campus some trips to SF

You: ah

Stranger: what do you study

You: thats cool

Stranger: it was very huip

You: majoring in biotech

Stranger: hip

Stranger: wow god bless you

Stranger: that is something

You: god bless you too

Stranger: i mean you must be very smart

You: Of course *lifts chin up and nods*

Stranger: i am impressed

You: you should be

You: am I great or what?!

Stranger: of course if you presently in the process of flunking out then now so impressed

You: huh huh

Stranger: you are

Stranger: you are great

You: awww no more insults

Stranger: i couldn't get in a school of fish

You: awww

You: u must have a job though

Stranger: yes i do

You: cool

Stranger: if you say so

You: U should get married again

Stranger: nooooooooooooooo not for a while

You: have a a kid mebee 2 or 3

Stranger: you do that for me insted ok

You: hahaha

You: thats far off...

Stranger: i am to busy

You: ok

You: that sucks

You: u should relax some more

Stranger: well gotta make you life and dreams when ya can

Stranger: relax ha ha boy you dontknow me

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Guest anna_123

mine was pretty disgusting..

alright it went like:

you; Hi there~~

stranger ; i came 5 times today [O_o,<-- my reaction ]

then he disconnected

what a weird guy >_<

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I got a little 17 years old boy telling me about his girl problems lol & then there this person. . .

You: Hi

Stranger: do you liike horses?

You: yes

You: you?

Stranger: would you like one?

Stranger: i am looking to give mine away to a kind, loving home

You: I live in a city

Stranger: perfect!

Stranger: he is an indoor horse

Stranger: very compact, he prefers to live in drawers and cubbords

You: uh huh

Stranger: he enjoys the company of plants and glasses

Stranger: do you have them in your house?

You: I don't think so

Stranger: excellent, that was a trick question

Stranger: he hates them

Stranger: one final question: what is your credit card number?

Stranger: this is no scam sir, i want to give you my horse!

You: ;) good one buddy

Then the person was about to say something but I got disconnected so idk

You: hi

Stranger: hi

You: are you a normal person>

You: ?

Stranger: yes

You: good

Stranger: where u from?

You: cause I am an alien

You: coming to your planet to take over

You: so take this message

You: and send it out to your people

You: NOW!!!

You: count down

You: 1

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Guest ovaltinejenkins

dude, i always start by saying weird things or asking weird questions like...


that's an easy ice breaker lol

here's one i had just now. EXCUSE MY LANGUAGE!! but that's the lyric >__<'


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