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Chat With A Stranger


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Guest xpassionate

You: hi

Stranger: f or m

You: f

You: u

You: ?

Stranger: male

Stranger: are you sexy:)

You: r u kidding?

You: im effing

You: catwoman

You: LOL

Stranger: ohh nice

Stranger: age

You: asl ?

You: im not suree... i have 9 lives, but died 3 times.

Stranger: 21 male holland

You: i guess i'm 10 ? LOL

Stranger: hoho

Stranger: hoho

You: holland?

You: where dat

Stranger: near german

You: ooo

You: icic

You: i live

You: NY.

You: meoww~

Stranger: do you have pic

You: of my tail?

Stranger: oke

You: nope. no tail.

You: tailless catwoman

Stranger: i want only look

You: i look want only

Stranger: you send than i send

You: you send then you send again

(i was being reallly re*tarded LOOOOL!)

You have disconnected.

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Guest octoberbabyy

Stranger: So, I am sitting at work, playing on Reddit, and I feel the urge to fart. I tighten up my buttocks, and slowly let it loosen up so it will come out quietly. To my suprise, there was no fart, it was all liquid.

You: Same thing happened to me.

Stranger: Seriously?

You: No.

Short and stupid convo. Haha.

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Guest Mr. Chan

Stranger: hey I made a collection of windows xp / vista / 7, icons/cursors/and themes

Stranger: check it out

Stranger: http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/2380968_...sors_Themes.exe

You: honda-tech owns you!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hey

Stranger: asl

You: 14/f/ca

You: you?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: me too



Stranger: ....

Stranger: haha


You have disconnected.

that's all for today. I'm going to mess around later.

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Guest Ichigotchii

Tee Hee, the first one was fun!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: umm...hi

Stranger: from?

You: Australia

You: you?

Stranger: indonesia

You: cool

Stranger: what r u doing now?

You: absolutely nothing.

You: and u?

Stranger: listening music, sitting, chatting with u

You: cool.

You: what kind of music do u listen to?

Stranger: pop

Stranger: a korean song

You: really? let me guess, it's by Big Bang?

Stranger: no

Stranger: a song by SS501

You: Oh yeah! I think i might have heard of them....maybe. I'm not sure! lol

Stranger: i like it. well do u know boys before flowers?

You: Yes!

Stranger: i like its ost song

You: That's cool. I've heard it a few times before! I don't really listen to THAT much korean stuff tho. More Japanese stuff...weird huh?

Stranger: :)

You: lol. Can i ask, r u from soompi?

Stranger: no

You: oh, okay, just wondering......

Stranger: i dont know what soompi is.

Stranger: hahaha

You: Oh! It's a forum...alot of cool stuff on there. Thats how i found this website!

Stranger: ooh.

You: Yeah. Umm....have you heard of Epik High?

Stranger: no, sorry

You: Okay. Wow, i must seem really weird to u! Talking bout all this stuff you've never heard of! lol

Stranger: yeah haha, but its ok.

You: haha. Thanks. How old r u?

Stranger: 16

Stranger: you?

You: 15

Stranger: in fact im 13 haha

Stranger: sorry~

You: That's okay! Hahah, you added on 3 years to yourself! Why?

Stranger: because many people in omegle dont want to chat with me of i say im 13

Stranger: *if i say

You: What silly people! As long as you act mature, then it shouldn't matter what age you are!

Stranger: yeah :)

You: Haha, that's what made me dump my old boyfriend. He was acctually older than me, but he was so imature!

Stranger: im glad to chat with you

Stranger: bye

I think i scared the second one off...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Hello!~

Stranger: hi

You: Um...hi?

Stranger: um



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dang i think i have the shortest one

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hiiiiii

You: sup dog

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest ganbaa

Haha so funny.

Stranger: hi... m or f?

You: Hi

You: F

Stranger: I am m

Stranger: how old?

You: 21

You: and u?

Stranger: 26

Stranger: from?

You: usa

You: u?

Stranger: me too :)

Stranger: state?

You: co

Stranger: I am from MA

Stranger: where in co?

You: denver

Stranger: I have been there on june!

You: gotta go

You: talk u later byee

Stranger: why?

Stranger: wait!!!

You: im so tired lol

You: i need to sleep

Stranger: do u have msn

Stranger: ?

You: no i dont use

You: sorry

Stranger: because here everybody is below 18...

Stranger: u are 21!!!

Stranger: so dont leave!!!

Stranger: :)

You: im sorry i gotta go hehe talk u later byee

Stranger: bbye

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Guest simplicity90

i was with my friend when she did this...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Omegle is not a dating site. Please try to have interesting conversations here!

Stranger: hey

You: Hi

Stranger: asl?

You: 4000/Dragon/the Land Before Time

You: You?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Omegle is not a dating site. Please try to have interesting conversations here!

Stranger: hey

You: Hiya

Stranger: asl?

You: 4000/dragon/the Land Before Time

You: you?

Stranger: u again

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

poor guy, got him twice :)

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Guest J*aime

Stranger: your gay

You: no you're gay

Stranger: no you are

You: no you are

Stranger: You are now speaking with a registered sex offender. They can't see this message, but it is law that you do. Never give out personal information online.

Stranger: hey

You: lol

Stranger: i like to eat flowers

You: umm.. okay..

Stranger: do u like eating flowers

You: no..

Stranger: Hey you person on this omegle

Stranger: would you like

Stranger: to

Stranger: cuddle

Stranger: with my face

Stranger: or would you prefer

Stranger: a free puppy

You: i want a free puppy



LOL.. i just finished an hour long conversation with a 2pm girl fan from korea because i was from seattle.

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Hi

Stranger: where are you from?

You: Here

Stranger: ...i'm from korea and you?

You: CA

Stranger: umm..../

Stranger: what time is it?

You: I don`t know lol

Stranger: 너 한국인이지...?

You: nope LOL

Stranger: .... what is your name

Stranger: ?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I found this interesting since the person typed in korean like very randomly lol.

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haha I think I had fun with this one.

You: Hey

Stranger: hey

You: talk to me, tell me your name

Stranger: i'm kamila

Stranger: and you?

You: You blow me off like it's all the same

You lit a fuse, and now I'm ticking away

Like a bomb... yeah baby

Talk to me, tell me your sign

You're switchin' sides like a Gemini

You're playing games

And now you're hittin' my heart

Like a drum... yeah baby

Stranger: what re u talkin about?

You: She bangs, she bangs

Oh baby when she moves, she moves

I go crazy 'cause she

Looks like a flower

But she stings like a bee

Like every girl in history

You: She bangs, she bangs

I'm wasted by the way she moves

No one ever lokked so fine

She reminds me

That a woman's got one thing on her mind

You: ok sorry

You: i was only trying to start convo

You: :D

Stranger: it's okay...is that a song?

You: ok seriously tho

You: Talk to me, tell me the news

Stranger: hahaha LOL

Stranger: whats ur name?

You: You'll wear me out like a pair of shoes

We'll dance all night until the band goes home

Then you're gone... yeah baby

Well, if it looks like love

Should be a crime

They better lock me up for live

I'll do the time

With a smile on my face

Thinkin' of her in her

Leather and lace

You: I'm sorry again, didn't catch your name, what was it again?

Stranger: oh nooo what did you do?

You: She bangs, she bangs

Oh baby when she moves, she moves

I go crazy 'cause she

Looks like a flower

But she stings like a bee

Like every girl in history

Stranger: re you singing a song?

Stranger: bye

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest lilmzwhoa

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: alohaaaa!

Stranger: want a honry girl

You: let's play pretend!

You: :)

Stranger: ok

Stranger: msn

You: let's pretend that i'm a girl, ok?

Stranger: woshilusai2050@sina.com

Stranger: no

You: muuahahahahahaa!

You have disconnected.

fyi, i AM a girl.


talk about reverse psychology.


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I don't know if its just me but I feel like I'm talking to the same person over and over again, keep getting people claiming they're 15-16 yr old females from Korea, wtf??

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Guest angelbaby21

Stranger: heeyyy

You: heyyyy

You: where have you beenn all my life

You: =P

Stranger: haha waiting for you

Stranger: where are you from?

You: haha nicee

You: california

Stranger: me too

Stranger: so cal

You: thats cooll :]

Stranger: haha yea

hahah i thought the begining was pretty funny

ahha he or shee... played along loll x]

i met someone from korea too

he was teaching me lol

prettyy tightt :]

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Guest SiSyd Choi

I can't believe I had fun chatting with my partner, he seems very nice haha..

Some funny parts though

Stranger: whats the weather like in malaysia?

You: rainy and windy, hot sometimes..

You: it's autumn there?

Stranger: almost :)

Stranger: but i'm still hot xD

Stranger: even tho its 2° outside...

You: really?

You: how can you still be hot?

Stranger: well i'm inside xD

You: LOL that make sense..


You: what time is it there?

Stranger: 3 am :)

Stranger: you?

You: 9.10 am

You: friday or saturday?

Stranger: saturday :)

Stranger: so your like in the future xD

he's a fun guy...

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