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Chat With A Stranger


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Guest Humilious

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: I just got a new bike today.

You: that's awesome!

You: how much was it?

Stranger: do you like bikes?

You: yeah i want a bike. D:

Stranger: Probably gonna steal mine aren't you...

You: just don't tempt me >:]

Stranger: are you gay?

You: nope. i am as straight as a line.

Stranger: I like asking questions, would you like to ask me something?

You: how was your day? :)

Stranger: Good until a huge mudkip attacked me.

You: those darn pokemon u___u

Stranger: さよのら

You: whoa. what language is that?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

anyone wanna tell me what that says? haha.

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omg some ppl are so horny -_- Creeps.

Kinda don't know whether I should post my convo since it's kinda explicit.

I never realised chatrooms became like this, where only horndogs inhabit -_-

I went on one when I was like 13, and some ppl were alright, now everybody are creeps lol.

omg lol my third convo is going for quite awhile lol.

Stranger: are you cool

You: soo I was dreaming last night

Stranger: alright sweet

You: and like I flew SO high

You: up up up

You: into the sky

You: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Stranger: yes yes

Stranger: continue

Stranger: or is that it

Stranger: i was high last night talking to people on this

You: LOL

Stranger: yeah haha

You: I was told to go on this cos it's like hilariouss or sth.

You: I dunnoo

Stranger: yeah

You: so anyway I went up up up and then BAM

Stranger: it is pretty john teshing hilarious

Stranger: oh okay continue

Stranger: what happened?

Stranger: did you hit a plane?


You: I hit god

You: lol

Stranger: oh damn

Stranger: i met him once

Stranger: we had gay sex

Stranger: he wasnt very good

Stranger: i told him he had a lot to learn

You: aw too small

Stranger: yeah that too

Stranger: he cried like a little pinkberry

You: so you experienced in the art of gay

Stranger: and i left

You: well it takes practice =D

Stranger: haha

Stranger: im actually straight

You: well duhhh, gay ppl are scary creatures

You: like martians from mars

Stranger: i just figured itd be a good story to tell people so i decided

Stranger: eh why not

You: IF YOU HAD 1 HR to live

You: what would you do

Stranger: you

Stranger: thats what id do

Stranger: and i only like like 5 seconds and then i come

Stranger: so then id probably like

You: well of coursee, who wouldn't lol

Stranger: haha

Stranger: but then

Stranger: id uh

Stranger: probably try heroin

Stranger: or something crazy

You: what? you haven't?

You: lil pansyy

Stranger: nah

You: lol nah I havne't either

Stranger: i usually just suck Richard for cocaine

You: hahaha! me too


Stranger: exact twins!

You: yeahhh

You: what r u anyway

Stranger: uh

Stranger: human

Stranger: haha

Stranger: unless you meant gender

Stranger: im male

Stranger: and 16

Stranger: and not looking to cyber like half the people on this sitew



You: lol I know what you mean

Stranger: yeah very big sexy man

You: I haven't gone on chatroom for ages and like omg, everybody is so desperate for sex

You: and mini cooper


Stranger: eeeexactly

Stranger: ive only had sex once though

Stranger: and it was at a party so there wasnt much pasion or anything haha

Stranger: *passion

You: awww

You: drunk sex is THE BEST

Stranger: i KNOW

You: nah I kid, I don't do that mini cooper

Stranger: oh haha

You: you said no passion

You: you mean no love

Stranger: or yeah

You: cos I think drunk sex is angry and it'll be hella gooood

Stranger: yeah i was drunk

Stranger: she was high

Stranger: but we knew eachother for a while

Stranger: but were barely friends

Stranger: we were like


Stranger: SEX?!?!

You: that's good eh? cos it gets like super awkward if it was with a good frd

Stranger: verrrry awkward

You: hahaha BUT WHY NOT with a proper girl?

You: I mean lol a gf

Stranger: well

Stranger: i have a girlfriend

Stranger: but i dont think she wants to have sex yet

You: =O

You: DID YOU DO THE RANDOM while with her


Stranger: noo0o0o0o

Stranger: haha

You: GOOD boy! *pats head*

You: lol

Stranger: haha

You: it's good you're waiting cos like I think guys that push girls are pussies. <_<

Stranger: well i mean

Stranger: i would right now if she wanted

Stranger: but i wouldnt push her either

You: coss...you gotta be like GAY not to go ahead

You: if a girl was like hard out doing things to ya

Stranger: i wouldnt be like

Stranger: no! im saving it for someone special!

Stranger: haha

Stranger: id be like

Stranger: john teshkkk yeahhh

You: hahaha

You: but girls save it

You: and that's good! I did

You: but ya know, if you're real drunk and mini cooper, it's hard to like control youself


Stranger: yeah i know

You: where you from?

Stranger: virginia

Stranger: land of the hicks

You: AHAHA well BE A PROUD HICK haha

Stranger: oh never

Stranger: i like to think of myself as not a hick haha

You: I'm in AUSSIE.

Stranger: oh my god

You: surrounded by hicks lol

Stranger: i talked to an aussie last night

Stranger: on this

Stranger: he was pretty cool

You: really?

Stranger: yeah

You: not trying to uh



Stranger: hahaha no

You: pedos and crap are everywhere O_O

Stranger: i know

Stranger: how old are you if you dont mind me asking?

You: I'M 1253 HAHAH

You: nah I'm 16 too

Stranger: haha tight

Stranger: do you live on the coast of australia?

You: I live in sydney lolll

You: one day I'LL hop over to the states

You: and like visit hollywood

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: its great here

You: and marry uh somebody rich lolll

Stranger: hhaha

Stranger: you shallow richard simmons!

You: hahaha I kid

You: money means mini cooper

You: I don't really care of course =)

Stranger: me neither

You: bt a truckload of cash won't hurt haha.

Stranger: i just want to have enough for chilling around

Stranger: i feel like the more money i had the more responsible and boring id have to act

You: yah but at the end of the day, if I can find sb whom ISN'T A JERK AND IS A DECENT GUY (very very rare nowadays)

You: wtf cares about stupid money issues or anything lol

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: i'm decent

Stranger: lets marry

Stranger: ill move to hollywood

You: yah and girls will start throwing themselves at ya...lol wait that's a GOOD THING haha



Stranger: WOO

You: *faints*

Stranger: haha

Stranger: do you have an australian accent?

You: yeah I want an american accent


Stranger: thats hawt

You: cos that's HOT STUFF right there


Stranger: hahaha

Stranger: do people say americans have accents?

Stranger: like i havent heard of that

You: yeah the yankees do lol it's like ROUND

You: HAHA wait you'll have a diff accent eh

Stranger: people call us yankees? haha

You: hahahaha

You: oh poor american boys

You: so unaware of what the rest of the world calls you all

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: i am for sure

You: darn so I was on the bus today

You: and like

You: omgggg

Stranger: what happened

Stranger: ?!

You: there was this lovey dovey couple infronta me and man....that was awkward stuff

Stranger: oh yeah i can imagine

You: lol I couldn't even move seats =(. aw.

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: you should have moved up a seat

Stranger: and made it a 3 sum


You: LOL

You: BEEN LIKE up for some crazy sex hahaha

You: that would be hella random

Stranger: yeah definitely

Stranger: have you ever had sex?

Stranger: i wish the time i did was better

You: lolll can't you tell from the way I talk that I do?

You: but I exaggerate of course

You: I did it with sb I was in love with

You: and I don't ever do it casually and stuff

You: cos like...yah.

Stranger: what does sb stand for?

You: somebody

You: hehe

Stranger: ohh haha

Stranger: i want to have sex with my girlfriend

Stranger: like

Stranger: i want her to want to too

Stranger: but i dont want to rush her

You: aww, I think it's good she's waiting

Stranger: im anxious haha

You: bc you know how guys want easy girls

You: but they don't respect them

Stranger: well its not that

Stranger: its only because

You: I think you respect your gf more if she doesn't just randomly do it with you liek that random girl that was high

Stranger: she said she was almost sure it would be with me

Stranger: but not yet

You: aww

You: how long you been with her for

Stranger: hmm

Stranger: 5 months and something days

Stranger: she keeps track

You: oh that's alright

Stranger: i act like i do

Stranger: haha

You: hahaha ADVICE


You: cos you'll get pinkberry slapped if you forget haha

Stranger: well the thing is

Stranger: well

Stranger: its so hard

Stranger: because

Stranger: we just hung out more and more

Stranger: and then one day we were just kissing on her couch

Stranger: haha

You: yah I know what you mean.

Stranger: and it went from there

You: yah I knkow

You: when yo makeout and stuff

You: jeez...it's really hard

Stranger: gets longer too

Stranger: sticks up a little

Stranger: hahaha

You: esp if they kinda touch you in that area outside your pants and stuff


Stranger: yeah good

You: all tingly and mini cooper

Stranger: i know

Stranger: we've pretty done everything but sex

Stranger: *pretty much

You: but did it feel weird your first time and all? Cos it hurt the first three times when I did it

You: pretty much

Stranger: well i mean

Stranger: sex? or making out

Stranger: making out not at all

Stranger: i dont see how it would

Stranger: but sex

Stranger: not that either

Stranger: but i could see how it would for a girl

Stranger: because of the hymen breaking and all that

You: yahhh

You: haha it HURTS


You: but do you get urges

Stranger: like

Stranger: what do you mean

You: I mean like it would be pretty strong now that you've kinda experienced it

You: like horny and stuff

Stranger: oh yeah all the time

You: cos I htink everybody that loses it, afterwards for like a while, they get real horndoggy haha

You: hmmm....

Stranger: haha

Stranger: well

Stranger: yeah

You: well you should make sth for your half year!

You: and that will be soo sweet

Stranger: sth?

You: and she might decide it's time

You: something

Stranger: oh i feel stupid

Stranger: haha

You: cos making something beats buying something

Stranger: make something?

Stranger: like what?

Stranger: well

Stranger: i could write a song

You: are you good at that?

Stranger: i do make a lot of music

Stranger: yeah id say i am

You: really

You: OMG

You: yes if you write her a song and maybe sing it (even if you sound crappy)

You: that's actually real sweet

Stranger: guitar or piano though?

Stranger: and i think im okay at singing

You: well

You: which one are you better at?

You: cos like both are really awwww

Stranger: uh

Stranger: i mean either

Stranger: ive been playing guitar longer

Stranger: but i can do both

You: seriously, sing her a song, play the guitar

Stranger: but

Stranger: the thing is..

You: get her a rose, maybe make her a collage of photos of you guys

Stranger: i have before

You: that's gonna work lol

Stranger: really"?

Stranger: well

Stranger: now that you mention it

Stranger: the day i did

Stranger: wasnt for any reason

Stranger: but

Stranger: we did go farther sexually than normal

You: hahaha

You: if you show her

You: you remember dates

You: and appreciate her alot

You: she's going to be like aww and stuff

You: cos yes, really, spending time making something, means more than just buying sth from a shop.

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: i agree

Stranger: i mean

Stranger: im not shallow enough to do that purely for sex

Stranger: i would do it for her anyways

Stranger: but do you think that would work though

Stranger: hha

You: yah of course not, guys that do that are effn idiot jerks

You: well you obviously care about her enough

You: to randomly do that on a rnadom day

You: so yah of course

Stranger: wow

Stranger: but the only thing is

Stranger: i dont know when our anniversary even is

Stranger: like it wasnt one specific day

Stranger: we just kind of started gradually becoming good friends and then we were

Stranger: i guess you coudld say

Stranger: in like with eachother

You: well doesn't it count from when you guys get together officially

You: or is it from the first proper date?

Stranger: ive known her like

Stranger: a while

Stranger: but we were acquaintences

You: ohh I see

You: and at one point you guys started talking

You: and started getting closer

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: yeah

You: well since you said it's 5 months and sth days

You: just do the whole thing like uh 2 or so weeks from now

You: and like plan it out so it'll be romantic =)

Stranger: yesss

Stranger: damnit

Stranger: i actually dont know how we would have sex though

Stranger: i mean i know it sounds like this is the only thing i care about

Stranger: its not at all

You: lol

You: you're a guy

Stranger: but i do want it pretty badly haha

You: I think it's like normal

Stranger: i mean i could drive somewhere

You: if you didn't really think about it, that would be strange

Stranger: yeah

You: is there like a pretty hill top somehwere

You: where there's the city lights and stuff

Stranger: uh

Stranger: at a park haha

Stranger: but sometimes people are there

Stranger: and i doubt shes into porn

Stranger: hahaha

You: yah ahhaa awkard lol

Stranger: and i dont think she would enjoy sex in my car

You: well can't you like have it at your house or is it not possible cos of the family

You: nooo don't do it in the car

You: really cramped

Stranger: well

Stranger: i cant guarentee parents wont be there

Stranger: or siblings

Stranger: OH

You: yeah that would be like traumatic for parents to find out -_-. So there is not hilltop anywhere close to wher eyou life

Stranger: i know

You: live

Stranger: well

Stranger: i dont think so but

Stranger: i could drive downtown

Stranger: and theres a river

Stranger: with like

You: omg yah

Stranger: some fieldish places

You: hey you know what

You: have a picnic

You: make her some nice sandwiches

Stranger: really?

You: um bring some choc dipped in strawberries

You: wait strawberries dipped in choc lol

Stranger: hahaha

You: and sing and stuff

Stranger: a picnic though?

Stranger: that isnt too movieish?

You: yah a river, there's grass, pick a day with nice weather

You: hahaha


You: trust me

You: girls DIG

You: cheesy mini cooper

Stranger: wow

You: I would JUMP YOU if you were my bf and you did this

Stranger: i need to take notes haha

Stranger: jump me?

You: I mean attack you sexually hahaha

Stranger: in america that means fight and rob

Stranger: oh haha

You: haha seriously there's a reason why like romantic movies are popular

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: i never thought about that

You: girls wanna be like treated like that haha. Bring a flower, the picnic, your song and make a little speech and seriously

You: you'll be going home a happy boy

Stranger: haha

Stranger: what if she doesnt want to make the first move?

Stranger: usually she doesnt

You: well

Stranger: i mean i could get to the point of kissing

You: cheesy stuff makes girls gush and we will most def hug you

Stranger: and then just

You: and feel soo happy and lucky

Stranger: take it from there

You: so yes I htink she would do sth haha

Stranger: okay

You: yah slowly does it.

Stranger: wow what a day that would be

You: yah, seriously if you make it seem she's worth all that

You: she'll see you're serious about her. Cos girls are scared of guys when they uh hit and run

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: i would never

Stranger: wow this is like

Stranger: a legit plan already

You: yeah but lots of sweet guys turn out to be lie huge as jerks.

You: lol

You: yeah cos I think it's not like you're inviting her to watch some movie and forcing yourself on her

You: that would be when girls get pissed off and stop

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: well

Stranger: when i was over at her house

Stranger: a few months ago

Stranger: two and a half i guess

Stranger: we watched a movie

Stranger: or

Stranger: well you know

Stranger: but that was the first time i fingered her

Stranger: i dont know if that was what she wanted or not

Stranger: i mean she seemed to be fine with it

You: lol

You: well if she didn't say stop

You: or push you or hit you

You: it's all fine right?

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: and i was looking for signs to stop

Stranger: but she didnt do anything that made me think she didnt want me to

You: but yah, if she for some reason wants to stop for a second, it's best to stop of course. Cos being understanding is very important

You: yah well she wanted it then cos she would say something if she didn't

Stranger: oh good

Stranger: i was worried i pushed it

You: nooo

You: ooh you clueless boy haha

You: guess you ain't that experienced. That's good

You: darn players, -_-

Stranger: well

Stranger: ive only fingered three girls

Stranger: and the first two

Stranger: well

Stranger: the first was a richard simmons

Stranger: and wefewriheirhug3w4erihg

Stranger: and the second

Stranger: well she taught me a lot haha

Stranger: like i didnt know how to find the clitoris or g spot

You: hhahaha

You: guess the second was a richard simmons too

Stranger: sort of

You: cos she was teaching a guy the works

Stranger: well

Stranger: i dont think she had many relationships

Stranger: she seemed was legit in love with me but then she kind of just moved on

You: aww

You: well even when you love somebody you can move on

You: just takes time.

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: i didnt love her

Stranger: it seems like an bubble gum thing to sa

Stranger: y

Stranger: but i mean it takes a lot for me to say that

You: darn that's good

You: I hate it when people these days say I love you

You: after 1 week of dating

Stranger: i know

Stranger: i do too

You: I mean say it when you mean it -_- otherwise it just loses it's importance

Stranger: yeah

You: but you are in love with this current girl aye?

Stranger: we havent said it to eachother

Stranger: but i could see myself saying it in the future

You: awww.

You: I think the best way

You: is showing through actions

You: anyway, gtg now, needa do some school work, have things due tomorrow. bye and good luck!

Stranger: okay

Stranger: and thank you

Stranger: byebye

lol I lied. I ain't 16, and I ain't from aus though I lived there for two years hehe.Twas pretty much a normal convo ignoring the start of it when I acted high and shiit lol.

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Guest marriedtoharuma

Stranger: Hi there!

You: I like cheese.

Stranger: Cheese is delectable.

You: Yes, yes. Yes it is

Stranger: How often do you eat cheese?

You: Not much. I am actually too poor to.

You: And that is why I like it.

Stranger: Pickles?

You: No. I eat pickles alot. Because sadly, our family CAN afford it.

Stranger: I have never eaten a pickle.

Stranger: :(

You: Sad. I have never eaten an apple.

Stranger: Apples are beautiful fruits.

Stranger: I like golden delicious apples.

Stranger: You are missing out, in my opinion.

You: Okay...yes. Being poor is not such happiness.

Stranger: Why are you so poor?

You: Because my foster mother is a prostitute in a whorehouse and my father, dead.

Stranger: That sounds like a really magnificent life.

You: Uh huh.

You: By the way, this is not my computer because I found this laptop at the whorehouse.

Stranger: Right. And I am guessing you do not own a computer because you are poor, correct?

You: Of course.

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Guest soyabeangirl16

LMFAO some of these people are just hilarious.

here's something kind of interesting:

me: hii

stranger: hi

me: hows it going?

stranger: horny, u?

*stranger has disconnected*

i was like, "hey, i was just gonna do that!"

and there was this random person who was like "tag youre it!" so i started using that too LOL

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Stranger: Hi, my names Chuck Norris, and i'll like to personally welcome you to my bubble gum

You: arent you dead?

Stranger: CHUCKS DEAD?

You: i thought so, he got squished by a truck.

Stranger: Chuck never dies, you must be mistaken for bruce lee

You: bruce got poisoned by snakes

You: chucks dead.like MJ and Elvis

Stranger: No,

Stranger: NO.


Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: heyyy

Stranger: my name is bella cullen

You: oh.the emo one.

Stranger: what?

You: you went crazy when your bf left you,am I correct?

Stranger: who edward

You: and you wasted 3hours of life flipping through pages of you going emo.

You: and yes,edward.

Stranger: no thats NOT TRUN kool-aid!!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: hi

You: would you like to consider castration?

Stranger: yup'

You: its beneficial to your brain.

Stranger: okz

You: please get a pair of scissors.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: hi

Stranger: male or female

You: i have indentity issues.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



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Guest FirstTheWorst

Stranger: hey whats up

You: hello stranger

You: just eating cereal

You: you?

Stranger: looking for a hot girl

You: =O

You: How do you know if she's hot or not

Stranger: i dunno

Stranger: maybe she'd send me a pic

You: maybe it's a lie

Stranger: could be

You: Hahha what's youre name?

You: your

Stranger: Paul

Stranger: and you?

You: Nice to meet you paul

You: My name is Fork

Stranger: fork...

You: Fork.

You: My twin's name is Spoon

Stranger: must be a fraternal twin

You: Something like that.

You: Where you from, Paul?

Stranger: the dishwasher, fork

You: Mmm, you live closeby then.

You: Maybe we can hit it off sometime by the sink.

You: ;(

Stranger: nah

Stranger: silverware isn't my type

You: =O are you being racist now?

You: I thought I knew you, Paul...

Stranger: you thought wrong

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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Guest benchi101

LOL, I love myself! xD

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

You: looking for a boy

You: he's 3

Stranger: are you gay?

You: lost him today at the park

You: i'm his babysitter

Stranger: so the why are you on the internet?

You: he's blonde

You: and has blue eyes

You: because i wanna know if you saw him

Stranger: shouldnt you be umm.. what is that world LOOKING FOR HIM?!??!

You: i am!

You: on the net

Stranger: ........

You: when you need help finding a child...

You: shouldn't you be lookin' on the net?

Stranger: no

You: really?

You: how come they say it on the internet?

You: oh my god

Stranger: id go to last place i was with him and search like a mofo

You: his mother is gonna kill me

You: oh really?

You: i didnt do that

Stranger: ...

Stranger: lol

You: i just grabbed my laptop and went looking for him here

You: am i'm dumb?


You: just kidding

You: xD

You: didnt lose no kid

You: just wanted to make an impression!

You: lol

Stranger: lol

You have disconnected.

Hahaha, I love reading everybody's chat! They were funny! xD


Came back after this! Hahaha!

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: hey

You: HAVE YOU SEE THIS MISSING BOY? -----> (^___^)

Stranger: no

You: he's 4

Stranger: m or f?

You: f

Stranger: ok

Stranger: age?

You: 45

You: i'm his babysitter

Stranger: ok

Stranger: seriously are you really 45?

You: no

You: i lied

You: i'm actually 48

Stranger: diddn't think so

You: lol

Stranger: no your not

You: hahhaa

You: no

You: i'm 72

You: xD

Stranger: and i'm gone

You: byes!

Stranger: unless

You: =)

You: \unless?

Stranger: can you send me hot pics of yourself?

Stranger: please

You: wanna exchange pictures?

Stranger: ok you first

You: why do you need me pic?

You: are you gonna steal it?

You: o.O?

You: pretend you're a girl?


Stranger: omg

Stranger: no i'm not

Stranger: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_P2JXyaHKPQ8/SSVV...ki_Hot_Male.jpg

Stranger: here

You: yeah right

You: i'm not gonna look

You: and i bet that's not you

You: xP

Stranger: it is

You: chhh

You: stop lying boy

You: i know

Stranger: i'm not

You: if you want my pic....

Stranger: ok


You: duh-uh

Stranger: wow

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest lilaznanime

Stranger: hi

You: hewwwo

Stranger: from

You: a genie lamp

You: located over the rainbow

You: which taste like skittles

Stranger: ahha

You: want a wish?

You: too bad

Stranger: ok

You: my lamp broke down

Stranger: use your genie powers and fix

You: cant

You: i lost my powers

You: to a dog that jacked my magic necklace

Stranger: then u suk

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest Trinity <3

Stranger: are you a dude or a dudette/

You: dudette

Stranger: lol

Stranger: me neither.

You: cool

You: haha

You: ok well i gtg

Stranger: u looking for boys i bet.

You: bye! :) nice talking with you

Stranger: every girl issss.

You: haha no i have a boyfriend!

Stranger: oh ya right.

wtf :(

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Guest Chalk-Bandits

Haha...I tried this website several times.

So it's a real stranger typing and not a robot?

Ewww...mine is such a creeper. :mellow:

Stranger: hey dude

You: hey dude

You: what are you up to?

Stranger: are you dude ?

Stranger: i dont wanna talk with a dude

Stranger: i need meat

Stranger: get it ?

You: hot chick

You: yes, i know what you want

Stranger: yes

You: what are you doing tonight?

Stranger: nothing

Stranger: u?

You: fun stuff

Stranger: are u m or f

You: female

Stranger: oh nice

You: i know

Stranger: how old are u

You: 25

Stranger: nice

Stranger: where are u from

You: australia

Stranger: isnt it early time there?

You: yes, very early

Stranger: can i see u

You: how?

Stranger: msn

You: no msn

Stranger: u can upload ur photo

You: hhaha...no thanks

You: i'm not a creeper

Stranger: wanna cyber sex

You: hell no

Stranger: what do u want then :D

You have disconnected.

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Guest tigereyez

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

You: i hate my life RAWR

Stranger: lol

Stranger: that makes me horny

You: the guy that makes me horny is in new york

You: i'm sad :(

Stranger: awwww

Stranger: you should kill yourself

You: i know, i tried this morning

Stranger: well, just one more thing you suck at

You: i just got back from the hospital

You: truth

You: i got fired today too

Stranger: wow, before or after you tried to end your life?

You: i dunno, in that middle period i guess

Stranger: you moron

You: haha yeah

You: the guy in ny has no idea that i got fired

You: he's my co worker

Stranger: jump infront of a bus, its a real treat for everyone on the bus

Stranger: granted you might make them late for their jobs and they might get fired, but worth the excitement

You: i know i've always wanted to see someone die in front of a bus

You: it'd be grusome but really exciting

Stranger: well, you'd most likely die under the bus

You: too bad i can't see myself die

You: yeah, bummer

Stranger: u want to watch yourself die, thats twisted

Stranger: go skydiving, but never open the parachute

Stranger: thats how i'm gonna do it

You: yeah but you have to go tandem/attached to someone

Stranger: don't steal it, its my idea

You: dont want to bring someone else with me

You: they'd steal my thunder

Stranger: well, take lessons for a week so you don't have to go tandem anymore

You: truth

You: but i wont steal it

You: i think i want to die a naked girl kind of death

You: slit my wrists in the bathtub or something

Stranger: thats lion king

You: emo

Stranger: no wonder you fail at suidice

Stranger: suicide

You: i'd like to die with some class

Stranger: do it like a man, put a gun in your mouth

You: i'd like my body preserved

Stranger: thats lame

You: in its beautiful state

You: blue and cold

Stranger: but you aren't beautiful

You: hah

Stranger: your a hidious disgusting piece of work

Stranger: if you were beautiful, you wouldn't attempt suicide

You: tsk beautiful people have problems too

You: i'm not sure you'd know

You: but we do

You: heh

Stranger: i'm not refering to just external beauty

Stranger: beauty is a combination of external and internal

You: agreed

Stranger: girls attractive on the outside but have no substance on the inside are not beautiful, but john teshable

Stranger: and vise versa

You: john teshable girls , john teshable guys , yeah yeah

Stranger: you might be attractive, but you certainly aren't beautiful

You: the guy that i want is so john teshable

You: a major richard simmons bag

You: beautiful on the outside, but so john teshed up inside

Stranger: well, put that richard simmons bag where it belongs

You: literally?

You: hah

Stranger: yes

You: that was good

Stranger: thank you

Stranger: i'm beautiful

Stranger: outside and inside

You: i'm not sure i agree

You: hah im more beautiful

Stranger: well, i didn't ask for your opinion

You: heh that's true

Stranger: nope, you got fired and tried to kill yourself, nothign beautiful about a jobless emo

You: dude

You: i didn't really try to kill myself this morning

Stranger: and you are a liar

Stranger: the trifecta

You: i just talked about it since you were talking about random horny mini cooper

You: haha

You: i did get fired though

You: and i did cry

Stranger: awwww, i'll pretend like a care,

Stranger: NOT

You: haha

You: strangely, i like you

Stranger: you like Tom Cruise

Stranger: isn't it obvious

You: so true

You: girls love Tom Cruise

You: you must get so much richard simmons

Stranger: yep

You: hah

Stranger: i used to

Stranger: now i'm married

You: how'd that happen?

You: Tom Cruise are supposed to be roamers till death

Stranger: time makes fools of us all

Stranger: nah, we just cheat on our wives when given the opportunity

You: have you ever cheated?

Stranger: sure

Stranger: i'm an bubble gum, right?

You: with young twenty somethings?

You: haha

You: i slept with a married guy once

Stranger: how was that?

You: i didnt know he was married

You: cried for a week when i found out

Stranger: wow

You: and felt like a richard simmons when i met his wife and son

You: hah

Stranger: i knocked up a girl once when i cheated on my wife, that was scary

You: how'd that turn out?

Stranger: luckily she was a career girl who didn't want a kid and took care of it

Stranger: the sun shined on me that day

You: god shined on you that day

Stranger: don't believe in god

You: what would you have done if she didn't abort it?

Stranger: doesn't make sense to me

Stranger: throw her infront of a bus

Stranger: but make it look like she jumped of course

You: you love buses

Stranger: never liked riding them,

Stranger: still don't

You: yeah buses are kind of lame

You: creepy people ride them

You: homeless folk and alike

Stranger: i always thought the bus would be more interesting if i got to see a horrible accident while riding it

Stranger: the crazies ride the bus

Stranger: the schitzos

You: yeah

You: ha and you said i was unattractive

Stranger: you are

Stranger: but we are sadly compatible

You: maybe not on the inside

You: ha but guys i john tesh think i'm very attractive

You: john teshed up life

Stranger: and how often do they call you again for another go

You: hah it depends

Stranger: the average girls tend to be the best lays

You: hm i wouldn't know

Stranger: overly goodlooking girls think to ghighly of themselves and don't put as much effort in the sack

You: hah or have john teshed up self-esteem issues and think all they have are beauty

Stranger: too ugly i don't have any point of reference

Stranger: but your typical average chick is awesome in bed

You: i'll keep that in mind if i bang a girl

Stranger: guys are a little different

You: all guys are the same

Stranger: wrong

Stranger: big time wrong

You: hah some are better than others, but what they all do afterwards

You: its the john teshing same

Stranger: i'll tell ya the difference

You: what they all believe what they all think its all the john teshing same

You: i'm not sure if guys think they're using me

You: but i'm pretty sure i'm just using them

Stranger: your nerdy type who have jerked off on the internet way to much have also read a lot more about pleasing a woman and know what to do a lot more so than your jock who has had many different women for no more than a oen night stand

Stranger: average guys = average lay

Stranger: jock = fun, but no substance and lousy forplay

You: i disagree

Stranger: nerd/intelligent guy = awesome forplay, not the biggest richard simmons, but knows how to use it

You: the guy that i last slept with was a soccer player

Stranger: oh yeah

You: beautiful technique

Stranger: foreigner?

You: no

You: ivy-leaguer

Stranger: see, intelligent

Stranger: intelligence trumps jock anyday

You: intelligence does help the foreplay

Stranger: oh yeah

Stranger: thats my specialty

You: hah

Stranger: i had sex with two girls who were best friends, they agreed i had "magic fingers" i was flattered

You: haha magic fingers

You: classy

Stranger: i once gave a girl 8 orgasms in an hour,

You: or fake orgasms

You: you can never tell

Stranger: wrong again

Stranger: the contractions of the vaginal wall are tough to fake

Stranger: an idiot would fall for the fake orgasm

You: i guess men are just idiots then

Stranger: most are

You: i dont disagree

Stranger: i haven't had sex with hundreds of different women, but i've had a lot of sex with the women i've been with

Stranger: i've learned alot

You: i dont doubt it

You: but god its so easy to fake an orgasm

You: i laugh at men who think they know women so well

Stranger: i'd like to see you pull that fake orgasm sht on me, i'd totally call you out on it

You: hah i guess its too bad then

Stranger: yep, different sides of the US

You: or planet

Stranger: lol

Stranger: i figured you are from NY

You: no, he's on a business trip

Stranger: or around there

You: yeah around the area

Stranger: and i'm on the other side of the US, just like i said

You: california, since what else is toward that coast?

You: nothing

Stranger: more east than cali, but not very far, cali is my next door neighbor

You: alright

Stranger: lol

You: what do you do over there?

Stranger: i'm a student

Stranger: i'm not married either

You: already married?

You: i guess you can't trust anyone online

Stranger: just john teshing around, just like you were with the suicide

Stranger: you should never trust anyone you meet online

Stranger: 10 years ago, i tried meeting some girls from a chatroom in person, all of them were john teshing liars

You: haha

Stranger: 100 lbs means 200lbs

Stranger: nice complexion = pizza face

You: hahaha seirously right

You: i dont do that

Stranger: suuuuuure

You: meeting people online i mean

You: i think its sketchy

You: if you're attractive in real life

You: you dont need a damn chat room to meet people

Stranger: wrong again

Stranger: a lot of good looking people have a hard time initiating conversation

You: maybe a chat room would be nice to meet nice people

You: i just tend to attract and look for Tom Cruise

You: which the chat rooms aren't the best place

Stranger: well, chatrooms are the perfect place to an bubble gum

Stranger: but in person, they'll be shy as mini cooper

You: hah i know

You: and i dont dig that at all

Stranger: lol

You: whats up with girls going to for Tom Cruise, right?

You: and then lament the fact that guys are Tom Cruise

You: ugh

Stranger: girls are more insecure than they think

You: yeah

Stranger: if a guy told you to put a bag over your head during sex, you'd probabyl do it because your so insecure

You: hah it depends on how hot he is

Stranger: the better looking the girl, the more insecure

You: i have riduclous standards

Stranger: hahahaha, you'd put a bag over your head for a really hot guy

Stranger: wow

You: yeah tells you how insecure i am

Stranger: very

Stranger: but i already knew that

You: but if he's not that attractive, id john teshing walk away

You: yeah girls who usually sleep around are

You: theyu think they're the mini cooper around uglier people

You: but aound attractive people, cant say mini cooper

Stranger: which is why guys tend to look to the internet to pick up women, because if they aren't exactly what a girl is looking for, she'll immediately not show intereste

You: truth

You: we're picky like that

Stranger: well, its been fun, maybe we'll john tesh in the future, but not today

You: hah

Stranger: i've got to get to class

You: have fun

Stranger: thanks

You: you're the nicest bubble gum i've talked to all day

Stranger: your the most fun i've had today

You: hah hopefully your ashsoleness will maybe nag a girl almost as hot as me

Stranger: if thats possible, i hope so

Stranger: but hopefully one more secure with themselves

You: hah who wont let you put a bag over her head?

Stranger: lets not get ahead of ourselves here

You: who knows, maybe if we meet, i'll let you put a bag on me

Stranger: sweet

You: or john teshing walk away

Stranger: probably the latter

You: probably

Stranger: unless i'm in a suit, i look great dressed up

You: who doesn't?

Stranger: not everyone

You: actually i think guys look better shirtless

You: but wearing pants

Stranger: lol

Stranger: i'm outa here, peace

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Guest DongKae

Stranger: whats ur motto u live life by?

You: live it to the fullest

Stranger: oh mine is MOB

You: what's MOB

Stranger: Money Over pinkberryes , MOB

You: lmfao

You: that's a good motto

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: lol

You: so i take it you have a lot of money?

Stranger: yeah

You: be careful of robbers

Stranger: ok

Stranger: thnks

You: np

You: another word of advice, dun hide ur cash in ur mattress

You: it'll hurt ur back

Stranger: lol

Stranger: thnks again

Stranger: r uguy or girl?

You: imma monkey

Stranger: cooooooooooooooooooool\

You: yup

You: i hang out with a cockatoo and a snail all day

You: usually i'd hang with a polar bear and turtle, but they moved further away

Stranger: cool

You: yup

Stranger: ahh man tht sux

You: tell me bout it

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Guest last love.

^ We all go through that. Some French 14-year-old boy decided to show me his junk without telling me it was his junk. This site is awesome for boredom.

I didn't keep the exact conversation but it went along the lines of this:

Stranger: I'm Edward Cullen.

Stranger: Do I dazzle you?

You: Indeed, and I'm Bella Swan.

You: You can bite me any day.

Stranger: Yes! .. Wait, you haven't been with that Jacob #%&@^ ?

You: Of course not! He's a @(*&$ !

You: I'd die without you.

Stranger: Okay. Good. I shall now proceed to 'om nom nom' you with great ferocity.

Stranger: *omnomnomnomnomnomnomnom*

My hero. <3

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Guest ch0psticks

You: HI

Stranger: HELLO

You: you got a potato on you?

Stranger: I have one on my hands

You: oh, uh

You: can i just...borrow that for a minute

Stranger: NO! It's trying to breast feed!

You: yeah...this is why i dno't have a potato

Stranger: You have no breasts?

You: no

You: i have a uniboob

You: very inconvenient

You: i have to cut all those bras in half

Stranger: I see, potato raising requires two

You: that's why i potato-nap

You: see, my friend has three boobs

You: she won't share

Stranger: You should steal one

You: i've tried

You: she has bras made of electricuting cloth

Stranger: That is not good.

You: yeah

You: i only have one hand now

Stranger: You should use an oven mit

Stranger: insulated with baby powder

Stranger: and nitrogen

You: or kill her

You: but you know

You: i like your idea

Stranger: my potato is getting hungry again

Stranger: bye

You: bye

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