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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest tonycfc

Gosh, today is a very tiring day. So many homework to do and so many catching up with the syllabus because of the freaking flu. Oh well, I have to do research for my G.P. subject for debating purposes. Tired and tired!

There goes my day! :(

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Guest flyaway.

I usually don't get sick very easily.... but why am I sick when I am on vacation in HK?!

This is not fair. UGH.

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Guest ~.Linh.~

WTH?! We have two cars. When I first drove the newer car, I had an accident. Never again since then.

Today, I went to school with the other car. Everything went smooth. I drove a friend and me to the gym, I drover her home savely, I went to my dad's ship savely and was told to drive to the supermarket to buy something. I arrived there savely. Even met my teacher there, talking about how everything was fine and that I drive without problems. Then, on the way back to my dad's shop, approximately 250m away, my car broke down. I sat inside my car for 30min waiting for the towing service. I think I broke the clutch.


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Guest FairyTales

I dislike work very much!

Aaaaargh. I frickkin hate mcdonalds.

I can't wait to quit.

The only reason why i decided to work there was

to gain the experience that every other job out there

is look for -______-...


^____^. I feel better now.

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Guest miss.lilith

okay, not having a bad day today but a few days ago. i got fired in 15 minutes! I REPEAT FIFTEEN! FML. i only sliced one mango in the last minute out of the 15 minutes too! the other 14 minutes, the boss was explaining stuff to me.... I can't believe I got fired in 15 minutes!!!!!!!! when i was practically just watching her teach me the stuff the whole time! honestly, what can i do to ONE mango to get me fired? :fury:

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Guest jepho*

i am stressed because of finaid, college classes, everything.

who knew i could have so much right off the bat...didn't even start yet.

& this stress is not good because i need my bird to come so i won't have it next week..

roarrr i need my period.....N O W :[

and yeah. secretly going CRAZY here. i hate money. because i don't have any haha..

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Guest innocia

Today was really the worst day I had in a while.

I was expecting a low grade for Bio, but 23%?! I'm probably the lowest in class. I don't even want to get started on Chemistry. There goes my talent management program. BYE. Plus Wellness? I've been working out so WHY am I in

The weather sucked today. It rained for a while but it was still HOT. I hate the weather these days.

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Guest EHNerJI

oh WOW. i'll definitely be needing a nap later.

this better be worth it -.- i want to go back to sleep.


my eyelids T_______T -cries-

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Guest Nikopol

Not today... But the day before yesterday T_T

Was just the most horrible day in a while...

My bunny had been sick for about 1,5 week. Hadn't eaten, wouldn't drink, so my parents had her teeth cut a bit (the vet said that was why she wouldn't eat/drink), but a week after the treatment she STILL wouldn't eat! So we went back... And my bunny just flipped the john tesh out. Like, jumping and panicking and SCREAMING. I'm not sure if anyone has heard a bunny scream before, but it just totally broke my heart. I was almost crying at that moment, my bunny has been with me for ~8 years, so it really is part of the family. Well. It took the vet AND my mom to finally get her settled down a bit, but she wouldnt stop screaming. I was full on BAWWWW-ing by this point. So the vet is like, "Well, there's a lot of fluid around all of her organs, and I can't even hear her heartbeat, because she is having that much trouble with breathing. We can give her something to try and get the fluids away, or just give her... You know. The one shot." It broke my john teshing heart. Seriously. I love that bunny so damn much, but with the stuggling she had to do just to breathe... We decided to do the humane thing, yeah. So the vet let her go and she starting jumping and panicking and WAHHH. It was HORRIBLE to see. In the end she just fell down, and lay there, breathing heavily. Vet went to get injection for her, and me, my sis and my mom were all crying. She chocked to death before the vet could get back. Such a horrible experience.

And to make it worse... That same day someone stole my 350 euro phone. It was my 20th birthday gift from my parents/grandparents... Really suckish.

And of course, in the evening, after such a crappy day, my dad lectures my about how I shouldn't let people steal my stuff. I was pickpocketed! I can't help that?! Damn. That day sucked.

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

I am so frustrated at myself for being not grateful

but I'm also frustrated at myself because the way I am, makes me feel that I'm not capable of achieving in life

john tesh, WHAT THE john tesh DO I DO WITH MYSELF

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Guest mikk

i swear. one more time you are an bubble gum to me and treat me like mini cooper, im gonna just stop talking to you. know how to treat a girl.

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Guest prisonerzero

Don't give me crap you can't mean.

I was actually looking forward to going out tonight since I never do,

but then you have to go & cancel it.


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Guest krstarjr

im so frustrated and stressed! ugh i have a summer assignment due tomorrow and im not finished...

ugh stupid dentist office...had to wait 2 hours before i was called...

i think i will have to pull another all nighter' today

im so flipping tired......help.

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Guest EHNerJI

WOW. wtf. i can't believe it.

if you ask someone to hang out with you,

you don't go off with someone else. -.-

we'll see how you feel next time.

i'll leave you stranded. -.-

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Guest lizelle

Oh my gosh.


There is no way i'm going to make you one

because it's going to take forever!


I can't keep my anger down when i'm with you.

I love you and all, but seriously..



okay i regret what i said..we're cool now

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