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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest crackers&cheese

Neighbours are frickin' party addicts =___= I hate the noise.

Omg, it's getting louder..

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fcuking pissed.

my parents dont understand that i have to complete my research report which makes up 50% of the module.

i really dont understand why i should go...oh well..if i cant graduate in time then its not my fault.

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Guest lido0LmisSundersto0D

people like you deserve nothing but the truth, and you know what?

one day, i'll expose you for who you really are.

a selfish person who cares nothing but for your own richard simmons, a person who's so hypocritically and morally challenged that I believe you should become a politician.

you're mind-numbingly dull and i wish to have NEVER of met you.

she's your mother, not your servant.

he's your father, not your bloody punching bag.

the day you learn to appreciate the things they've done for you, will be the day when they're gone.

and that day, i'll be on the side-lines, pointing and laughing at you before i walk away so you can rot in the mess you created by yourself.

you sick selfish bastard.

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Guest disfunktional.

  • OKAY, serious bad day. Independence day fun my buttocks -.-
  • I slept at 3am & woke up at 8am because my sister was rushing since her friends were 'going early'
  • we drove around buying food till 11 when her friends decide to call and say, let's just meet up at the beach
  • traffic for half an hour when we were really close to Wildwood
  • parking was $15 and because the price went up, sis and her hubby decides to try and find another slot
  • all were $25+ so they came back, in which, some crazy guy was fighting with the parking guy about his gf and they closed the parking
  • since our car was half way in the entrance and there were like 4 cars behind us, no reverse
  • 30 minutes pass, the police comes and tells them to open the dang thing.
  • stop by the bathroom, crowded, and my sister makes me hold her stuff. so i had to use the bathroom with a bunch of bags in hand. then waited for her outside for 10 minutes.
  • no toilet paper so i had to use toilet seats as toilet papers.
  • go out and the water was cold but everything was okay, i had swimming.
  • her friend calls and since they couldn't find each other, they left to AC.
  • we changed and went on boardwalk at eight
  • sister had so much fun at the arcade but i didnt because obviously, no money -.-
  • ate really sweet over-priced ice cream & watch fireworks which no longer amused me
  • come in the car, hoping to listen to ipod when i realized it wasn't in my bag.
  • then i remembered when I was on the beach, i left it there. And it's probably buried in the sand or in someone's pockets right now. so i LOST MY IPOD.
  • i felt like crying, and i fell asleep.
  • 30 minutes away from Philly and some stupid accident happened, causing an HOUR traffic jam.
  • My stomach really hurted from the ice cream and i was dead tired from swimming.
  • gets home at 1:15am & have to double check all the disgusting dirty clothes for ipod, hoping it'd be laying there.
  • but nothing. so here i am sitting here, thinking about what a clutz i am or how stupid >__>
  • now what? no more ipod. bad day and all for a tan? I didn't even get a tan! Feeling stupid for not appreciating the ipod, it wore a nice plaid cover that everyone liked. i'm so stupid.

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Guest cinjin

:( I feel like my "friends" are talking about me and making fun of me just because I like this one guy that they think isn't good looking.

They're more into the 'bad boy' type and I like cute, down to earth guys...so obviously we have different taste. But I just don't like how they have to laugh about it ><

My friend knew the guy that I like and she keeps telling me that we're perfect for each other and what not because we have similar interest and stuff so she'll introduce us. Once I got to see him in real life...I actually think I like him now >< (well...more like crush...) I told her how I think he's cute and all and now she's like "What? Are you sure we're talking about the same guy?" (meaning she doesn't agree that he's cute) D: I don't care what they think but do they have to make fun of me and laugh at me? Everybody have different tastes so I don't understand why they would go far to do that. I never made fun of them over the guys they like, so I don't understand why they would do this to me. It just really ticks me off and bothers me. Some "friends" I have. They should be the one supporting me and saying to do my best. They HAD to make in obvious today that they were laughing and talking about it T_T This is why I should never have told them. I should have stuck with hanging out with guys. When I tell my guy friends stuff like this, they don't make fun of me like my friends that are girls do. My guy friends would actually be the one telling me "Go say hi to him! Introduce yourself properly! Start a conversation!" ARGH...they just made my self-esteem go down lower to than it already is...

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Guest Hongki.love

No Soompi for a week. :o

Going on vacation...another road trip to burning hot weather.

+ no Youtube

+ no Animal Crossing


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Guest lemoncake0910

very good. *sarcasm*

you didn't have to 'rub it in'. do you think it was necessary to do so?

i couldn't care less.

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Guest Jay z

Plans were canceled Friday and they better NOT be canceled today.

Seriously, I've been needing to go shopping for myself.

I'm gonna be PISSED if it's canceled because of my sister again.

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Guest elmo!


Brothers are so annoying.... omg ahhhh!

It was so much better when he was away, dammit

GOD! He is so frustrating... GRRRRR, p*ssing me off badly.

And damn it, stupid English, I DO NOT HAVE TIME to fillpin' do it...

I cannot concentrate... I want to punch something. :fury: :fury: :fury:

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Urghh, I asked you the question a day ago and you haven't replied.

I thought you would at least log in once a day *sighs* I want to buy it now!

Way to go for making the moments memorable...this is what I have to remember instead now =(

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Guest XDkiddonelsa

really tho .

i had a bad day when maii dad told me i couldnt go to maii fwends bdaii party..\

i cried nd yet yell but i got over iht

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Guest xAzumi

I really want to cry!

Next time, I will go and raid my brother clothes so I can dressed up and looked like a boy every time I go out to do errands. So this scene will never happen to my cousin and I again.

So, my aunt told us to get her some rockroad ice cream from CVS Pharmacy. I took my little cousin, who is taller than me, only ten years old, and its a girl. She was wearing my clothes I give, a pink pajamas pant w/ a pink shirt.

I was wearing some light white shirt, w/ alethic shorts shorts w/ some comfortable Nike's shoe. It was freakin hot, and I was too lazy to change from my workout.

CVS pharmancy was only like 20 minute walk from my house. After we walk out of the CVS pharmacy, this black guy rode his bike to us and said

"Hey girls"

We stop, and thought he needed help. How stupid we are.

"Come here"

I was like, "john tesh, what if he had a gun, and what to shoot us"

My cousin was like "Teeda, lets run"

We automically ran for our life. We kept looking bad.

My cousinwas saying as she was running "Mommmy, save me, I don't want to die"

We keep running until we saw a middle aged lady.

We saw a bike, and I told her to run. I john teshin run my freakin richard simmons off! She told me to stop, because the bike rider was not the same.

We arrive to my aunt and told her "This icecream better be worth the pain in our legs"

I didn't tell my aunt, I am afraid she will go balistic!

mini cooper!

I need to go undercover.

I felt bad, I took my little cousin with me, and she had to experience this mini cooper.

mini cooper, john tesh!

If he was coming closer, I will use my over muscular legs and kick his john teshin bike to the ground, so he can john teshin fall and hit his eyes to be trying to hit on young little girls.

I will not hit him, because I don't want to go to jail, I am already 18.

Then, take the chance and RUN!

That why I run! To get away from john teshin perverts.

My legs are faster than their stupid bike. They can only go so far, until their legs bail out from them.

I john teshin SPRINT, I almost left my cousin behind! I had to go back for her!

mini cooper!

I hate GUYS!

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Guest ovovoovo

Cityrail has the WORST service in the world.

They canceled almost all peak trains in the morning which left so many people stranded.


Thanks cityrail!

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Guest tusoo

stupid mum. just let me do what i want.

your supposed to be my mum. have faith in me. you never trust me. with anything. you control my life. i feel like im a cage. locked. cant escape. is this how you want your daughter to live? trapped? miserable?

am i being punished for something? i just want to live my life.

i wanna hang out with my friends.

your inability to trust in me affects me. you lower my confidence. i can never do anything right to you. i cant even sit in front of the computer and laugh at a joke without you making a comment.

just because you live a miserable life doesnt mean you have to force me to have one as well.

i wish you would just let me live

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

for john teshs sake I hate people who don't keep their word.

If you know you can't keep a promise, whats the john teshing point in making a promise in the first john teshing place

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