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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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ahhh, this is the only time when i feel like kicking you.


practice. practice. practice. i think we can't get away with all these

practices. and exam is coming soon! TT____TT i am torn between so many things at the same time danggit.

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Guest milkbottle.

stop being such an annoying brat -___- . it's not our fault your she broke up with you . so stop acting like the whole world is your enemy . and no one really gives a crap about you anymore so shuddup . your life really sucks right now and you reject our help by shouting at us . so go die . see if anyone cares . i really wanna cuss right now .

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oh, okay. why the hell do you people schedule me basically every day?

i really don't even give a mini cooper about helping or serving anymore.

because of YOU guys, i can't buy the mini cooper i need and i have to wait until john teshing tomorrow, thanks a LOT!

god, this is so annoying and it takes up so much of my time.

i really wanna quit.

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Guest oh tangerine x

someone told my friend that he "looks down on me", not in a good way.

i never did anything wrong to him and never said more than two words to him.

im not as smart as he is, but im not a freaken idiot either.

how the hell can you "look down" on me just cuz i get A-'s and he gets his A++++

shoot, what right do you have.

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Guest EHNerJI

what is wrong with him? honestly. that is uncalled for.

i'm good just ignoring, i don't know why he has to be like that.

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Guest honeydice

Farewells in life are common, we say goodbye to someone, leave that person, meet someone new and it goes over again.

I hate it like this. I don't want to cry over someone leaving anymore.

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Stop trying to be friends with me. I don't collect friends like you do. LEAVE ME ALONE. I'm going to go find friends who are real and worth keeping with no hidden agendas like you do. You only want to be friends with me because I am friends with your friends. I'm not GOD. Stop complementing me, I'm really sorry but I'm not buying it. ): I hate fake people. I'm going to stay away for a while..

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Guest blackwhiteblue

man i just love how you make me feel so damn good about myself every single mother effing day. did u know that?

putting me down doesn't help. haven't i told you enough that the more you insult me, the more i will rebel against you because your views are hypocritical? i hate you.

thank you for telling me how ugly i look, how fat i am. i just love it so much i can't wait till the day i get to move out and forget about you when i'm in my own world.

oh but wait. i can't. im stuck with you because i'm the next to earn money for the family. woopdeedoo.


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Guest mikk

maybe dad, you can stop looking at what i did wrong and realize that it's only one mistake. i worked hard and just.. calm DOWN!

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Guest Miss.Understood

I'm hungry as hell and I can't make simple kimchi tofu to save my life!! ARGH!! And all those dishes I had to wash...omg. Gross. And I still end up with nothing but plain ol' boiled TOFU. What an accomplishment. >.>

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Guest Jay z

I john teshing hate the company I work for.

Greedy motherjohn teshers try to pay me UNDER minimum wage($7),

while they pay these two lazy richard simmons girls $9.50 for having the SAME job as me.

WTF!! :angry: And they don't even work! EVERYONE complains about their lazy asses.

They aren't even LEGAL employees. They don't get taxed by the government and they work overtime(which is violating child labor laws since their underaged)

But since one of them is the granddaughter of the company owner, they both can get away with everything.

Shoot, even the other part-time workers who have the same job as me get paid more and I work my john teshing richard simmons off.

To top it all off, the company owners are violating OTHER laws too. Total B.S.

I should bring their asses to court. <_<

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