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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Really really frustrated at this flat, it has done thing but cause me problems after problems. I hate this damn flat and place. Internet problems, previous tenants didn't clean and left their dirty pants and towel behind, smells damp still, washing/dryer is leaking, toilet couldn't flush, problems opening the door, toilet leaking, large spider, cutting my finger on the mug, no hot water!

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Why is it that in every class, there's always gotta be one person who always has something to say or comment on every little thing someone says. Like this one guy in my computer class, he straight out called everyone in the room at the time " lame " because we haven't played a certain video game that my professor was talking about. I swear, if I wasn't the nice and quiet person that I am, I would have gotten out of my chair and punched the living soul out of that guy because of late, I've been unable to completely suppress my anger inside. Stupid annoying dude. tongue2.gif

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I'm so pissed off right now because my parents let my youngest sister get away with anything she wants to. Like for example, they let her leave with a dude she's only known for a month, she told my parents he was her friend, to go on a suppose job interview crap and didn't come back until 10 pm. Yea, like a freaking job interview is still around for you around 10 pm, come on. Then she gets home and guess what happens? Nothing. No yelling, no freaking lecture, no nothing but a " So how did the job interview go? ". Really? When I get home from school an hour late because I had to wait for the bus, I freaking get the " Why are you so late? Where did you go? ". Dude, I had to wait for the bus to come and it didn't come until an hour later. What was I suppose to do? Walk 4 and a half miles from school to home. I'm the one who's helping my parents out around and away from the house physically and verbally. What about my youngest sister? She does freaking nothing but chat online all day on facebook with people she sees at school everyday. She doesn't even try to cook for herself. She can't even cook rice correctly to save her own freaking life. She's so nosy too. Everytime I'm on my laptop doing homework or watching dramas, she freaking comes and stand behind me and just stares at what I'm doing. Uh, hello. Haven't you heard of personal space? Urgh.

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Guest o________O

Dumb john tesh on the bus today, stupid bastard took up about 80% of the seat with no intent on budging up even slightly, just about half my body was on the seat. What a john teshing ill mannered piece of mini cooper, do you really have to spread your legs out that much? Tom Cruise like you don't deserve life.

Another stupid pinkberry whilst I was trying to get on the bus, she was easily 200+lbs, yet she decides to try and squeeze past people to get on, I was like "whatever", then she has no pass so she has to pay, but then she wasn't sure which stop she had to get off at. Then, because she's so john teshing fat, she blocks the walkway so no one can even get on, bear in mind that it's john teshing raining heavily outside. I hate public transport and ignorant Tom Cruise.

Edit: I'd also like to mention this so called "friend" I make one sarcastic joke which you clearly didn't find funny and you come down on me like a ton of bricks, WTF?! Are you serious, do you know how much I've done for you? Lets see, hmm.. well I ordered a textbook off the internet (1/3 of the price in the store) for you because you don't have a debit or credit card (I received no interest), I took you into the city and showed you everything that I learned from going there by myself around 5 times, did I mention that I also payed for your bus fee both times? Why? Because you say you constantly have no change, here's a thought, how about you break a john teshing 20 once in a while and stop leeching off me. Lets see, oh yeah I walked around with you for about 4~5 hours that day so you could buy all your mini cooper including dumbells, which you told me to carry, you didn't even ask. Then we went to the phone store so you could buy a rather infelicitous phone because you're so reluctant to spend money on necessities even though you're going to be living here for the next 3 years. So after doing countless laps of the mall and me also paying for your bus fee for the return journey, you ask me to help you carry the dumbells back to your room, I agreed (I thought this would be a given). So after we get back to yours and I drop off all your mini cooper, sure we don't even take time to rest and before I know it, I have to take the bus back to my campus. So when leaving I thought I'd at least hear a "thank you" or something along those lines, but I was wrong, I just left. Honestly, you didn't even walk with me to the bus stop, you're a rude piece of mini cooper. Even today when I was late to the lecture because I had a class before and had to walk a few blocks. I ended up sitting by myself (front row) for 2 hours (not bothered) and after class, I see you just pack up and leave? WTF? Aren't you even gonna say "Hi" or something? And you basically just ran off by yourself. You're a douchebag who actually needs to learn some manners. Once I give you this textbook tomorrow, I'm not going to ever look at you or acknowledge your existence. One last thing, please don't try to have an argument with me about various topics.

I can't believe you said you don't judge girls based on their appearance. HAHAHA!! what a john teshing hypocrite, do you remember last friday? So what are the chances that you happened to sit beside clearly the most attractive girl in that class? Luck? Doubt it. Omg, I can't you actually said that, do you remember that conversation on the bus where you kept talking about pretty girls and mini cooper? Oh please.

Another edit: So I told him one of the textbooks arrived (we ordered the same one from 2 different sellers) and he finally replies asking whose it is. Then I asked him why does it matter? He responds with "Because I spent more" uhh.. bro are you retarded? The total was 30.xx you gave me 15. Think about it, that's not even half also I had to use MY CARD, it was delivered to MY ADDRESS, I have to carry it and basically deliver it to you and it's not like you're giving me interest even though it was MY IDEA and let me remind you that you got a textbook which is a newer edition and it's in a better condition for significantly cheaper. Sure, the difference in price of each textbook was something like 0.5x and you're gonna hold that against me? Ehh.. did you pay me back for the bus? No. Man some people are so john teshing selfish and ignorant it annoys the hell out of me. If this bubble gum brings up money as an issue again, I'm gonna rage so john teshing hard.

LOLOLOLOLOL "anyway thanks" via text hahahaha!!! omg, what a john teshing ill mannered piece of mini cooper. Don't talk to me anymore, I'm done.

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Guest gossipLight911

shut up,

u think you're the boss, just because you're older than me? >.<



coz if I can't control myself, I'll really.. I'll really break my courtesy restriction and slap the hell out of your mouth!

i hate you!

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Guest oscrawr

Why do I always have to apologize even when it's not my fault ?

I came out and apologized, so answer your god damn text .

If you hate me, tell me,

If I'm forgiven, tell me,

Don't just ignore me .

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Guest Lauvable

mums making me drink this ginseng stuff so i dont get sleepy and hey what happens i'm too tired to study and not tired enough to sleep hohoho stoned in bed for like 2-3hours. woke up, too cold to have a run, its nearly 12 now and still tired. hsc exams on monday, tues, wednes, and friday. kinell i dunno if i can get over 75 now SADFACE

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I'm back to rant, yet again. So I got my lil sis, the lil sis I was talking about from my last post, a job on campus when school started again in August. Now that she has a job and her first cellphone, she thinks she's the mini cooper around the house. She never shuts up about anything. She yaps all day and all night. Even when no one is listening to her, she doesn't stop talking. I sit down to watch a drama or an anime, with my headphones on so I can be in my zone, and she comes behind me and starts talking to me like I freaking want to hear about her day. Urgh.

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Guest o________O

john teshing bad mannered, ungrateful, ignorant piece of mini cooper.

You try to make amends with me so you ask if you can drop by, I agreed because I thought you deserved a second chance. Next thing I know, I'm cooking for you which means using up my own food whilst you sit on your richard simmons in my room on the pc. Then, when I ask you to accompany me to the kitchen so that I can do YOUR dishes you get in a pinkberry fit because apparently you're tired from all the walking when you could've taken the bus. Seriously, I've never met such an inconsiderate little john tesher like you. Don't ever contact me again.

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Im sick of you acting like youre god or something. Not everything has to go away you freaking dictator. And still you wonder why im always miserable when youre around

And talkiNg about the end of year report. If my older brother gets more than three b's, what happens to him? He only has to pull out of his extra curicular activities to get more time for studying. If i get even just one b out of twelve subjects, what happens? I cant go to the kpop concert, no matter how much money is wasted and i pull out of basketball AND orchestra. You KNOW how much they mean to me, but you still insist on putting more and more pressure on the younger kid. Screw being smart if there's going to be even more pressure when i get up to the school certificate and hsc.

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